Outputting multiple loss components to tensorboard from tensorflow estimators - tensorflow

I am pretty new to tensorflow and I am struggling to get tensorboard to display some of my custom metrics. The model I am working with is a tf.estimator.Estimator, with an associated EstimatorSpec. The first new metric I am trying to log is from my loss function, which is composed of two components: a loss for an age prediction (tf.float32) and a loss for a class prediction (one-hot/multiclass), which I add together to determine a total loss (my model is predicting both a class and an age). The total loss is output just fine during training and shows up on tensorboard, but I would like to track the individual age and the class prediction loss components as well.
I think a solution that is supposed to work is to add a eval_metric_ops argument to the EstimatorSpec as described here (Custom eval_metric_ops in Estimator in Tensorflow). I have not been able to make this approach work, however. I defined a custom metric function that looks like this:
def age_loss_function(labels, ages_pred, ages_true):
per_sample_age_loss = get_age_loss_per_sample(ages_pred, ages_true) ### works fine
#### The error happens on this line:
mean_abs_age_diff, age_loss_update_fn = tf.metrics.Mean(per_sample_age_loss)
return mean_abs_age_diff, age_loss_update_fn
eval_metric_ops = {"age_loss": age_loss_function} #### Want to use this in EstimatorSpec
The instructions seem to say that I need both the error metric and the update function which should both be returned from the tf.metrics command as in examples like the one I linked. But this command fails for me with the error message:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.OperatorNotAllowedInGraphError: using a `tf.Tensor` as a Python `bool` is not allowed in Graph execution. Use Eager execution or decorate this function with #tf.function.
I am probably just misusing the APIs. If someone can guide me on the proper usage I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

It looks like the problem was from a version change. I had updated to tensorflow 2.0 while the instructions I was following were from 1.X. Using tf.compat.v1.metrics.mean() instead gets past this problem.


Use Tensorflow2 saved model for object detection

im quite new to object detection but i managed to train my first Tensorflow custom model yesterday. I think it worked fine besides some warnings, at least i got my exported_model folder with checkpoint, saved model and pipeline.config. I built it with exporter_main_v2.py from Tensorflow. I just loaded some images of deers and want to try to detect some on different pictures.
That's what i would like to test now, but i dont know how. I already did an object detection tutorial with pre trained models and it worked fine. I tried to just replace config_file_path, saved_model_path and image_path with the paths linking to my exported model but it didnt work:
error: OpenCV(4.6.0) D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-python\opencv\modules\dnn\src\tensorflow\tf_io.cpp:42: error: (-2:Unspecified error) FAILED: ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(param_file, param). Failed to parse GraphDef file: D:\VSCode\Machine_Learning_Tests\Tensorflow\workspace\exported_models\first_model\saved_model\saved_model.pb in function 'cv::dnn::ReadTFNetParamsFromBinaryFileOrDie'
There are endless tutorials on how to train custom detection but i cant find a good explanation how to manually test my exported model.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I need to know how to build a script where i can import a model i saved with Tensorflow exporter_main_v2.py and an image i want to test this model on and get a result, either in text or with rectangels in picture. Seeing many tutorials but none works for me with a model i saved with Tensorflow exporter_main_v2.py
From the error it looks like you have a model saved as .pb. If you want to do inference you can write something like this:
# load the model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(my_model_dir)
prediction = model.predict(x=x_test, ...)
You'll have to set x which is the only mandatory argument. It is your test dataset (the images you want to obtain predictions from). Also, predict is useful when you have a great amount of images to predict. It handles the prediction in a batched way, avoiding filling up the memory. If you have just a few you can use directly the __call__() method of your model, like this:
prediction = model(x_test, training=False)
More about prediction can be found at the Tensorflow documentation.

Loss tensor being pruned out of graph in PopART

I’ve written a very simple PopART program using the C++ interface, but every time I try to compile it to run on an IPU device I get the following error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘popart::error’
what(): Could not find loss tensor ‘L1:0’ in main graph tensors
I’m defining the loss in my program like so:
auto loss = builder->aiGraphcoreOpset1().l1loss({outputs[0]}, 0.1f, popart::ReductionType::Sum, “l1LossVal”);
Is there something wrong with my loss definition that’s resulting in it being pruned out of the graph? I’ve followed the same structure as one of the Graphcore examples here.
This error usually happens when the model protobuf you pass to the TrainingSession or InferenceSession objects doesn’t contain the loss tensor. A common reason for this is when you call builder->getModelProto() before you add the loss tensor to the graph. To ensure your loss tensor is part of the protobuf your calls should be in the following order:
auto loss = builder->aiGraphcoreOpset1().l1loss(...);
auto proto = builder->getModelProto();
auto session = popart::TrainingSession::createFromOnnxModel(...);
The key point is that the getModelProto() call should be the last call from the builder interface before setting up the PopART session.

create_training_graph() failed when converted MobileFacenet to quantize-aware model with TF-lite

I am trying to quantize MobileFacenet (code from sirius-ai) according to the suggestion
and I think I met the same issue as this one
When I add tf.contrib.quantize.create_training_graph() into training graph
(train_nets.py ln.187: before train_op = train(...) or in train() utils/common.py ln.38 before gradients)
It did not add quantize-aware ops into the graph to collect dynamic range max\min.
I assume that I should see some additional nodes in tensorboard, but I did not, thus I think I did not successfully add quantize-aware ops in training graph.
And I try to trace tensorflow, found that I got nothing with _FindLayersToQuantize().
However when I add tf.contrib.quantize.create_eval_graph() to refine the training graph. I can see some quantize-aware ops as act_quant...
Since I did not add ops in training graph successfully, I have no weights to load in eval graph.
Thus I got some error message as
Key MobileFaceNet/Logits/LinearConv1x1/act_quant/max not found in checkpoint
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.FailedPreconditionError: Attempting to use uninitialized value MobileFaceNet/Logits/LinearConv1x1/act_quant/max
Does anyone know how to fix this error? or how to get quantized MobileFacenet with good accuracy?
Unfortunately, the contrib/quantize tool is now deprecated. It won't be able to support newer models, and we are not working on it anymore.
If you are interested in QAT, I would recommend trying the new TF/Keras QAT API. We are actively developing that and providing support for it.

"Unkown (custom) loss function" when using tflite_convert on a {TF 2.0.0-beta1 ; Keras} model

My question is composed by:
A context in which I present my project, my working environment and my workflow
The detailed problem
The concerned parts of my code
The solutions I tried to solve my problem
The question reminder
I've written a Python Keras implementation of a downgraded version of the original Super-Resolution GAN. Now I want to test it using Google Firebase Machine Learning Kit, by hosting it in the Google servers. That's why I have to convert my Keras program to a TensorFlow Lite one.
Environment and workflow (with the problem)
I'm training my program on Google Colab working environment: there, I've installed TF 2.0.0-beta1 (this choice is motivated by this uncorrect answer: https://datascience.stackexchange.com/a/57408/78409).
Workflow (and problem):
I write locally my Python Keras program, keeping in mind that it will run on TF 2. So I use TF 2 imports, for example: from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam and also from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, BatchNormalization
I send my code to my Drive
I run without any problem my Google Colab Notebook: TF 2 is used.
I get the output model in my Drive, and I download it.
I try to convert this model to the TFLite format by executing the following CLI: tflite_convert --output_file=srgan.tflite --keras_model_file=srgan.h5: here the problem appears.
The problem
Instead of outputing the TF Lite converted model from the TF (Keras) model, the previous CLI outputs this error:
ValueError: Unknown loss function:build_vgg19_loss_network
The function build_vgg19_loss_network is a custom loss function that I've implemented and that must be used by the GAN.
Parts of code that rise this problem
Presenting the custom loss function
The custom loss function is implemented like that:
def build_vgg19_loss_network(ground_truth_image, predicted_image):
loss_model = Vgg19Loss.define_loss_model(high_resolution_shape)
return mean(square(loss_model(ground_truth_image) - loss_model(predicted_image)))
Compiling the generator network with my custom loss function
generator_model.compile(optimizer=the_optimizer, loss=build_vgg19_loss_network)
What I've tried to do in order to solve the problem
As I read it on StackOverflow (link at the beginning of this question), TF 2 was thought to be sufficient to output a Keras model which would be correctly processed by my tflite_convert CLI. But it's not, obviously.
As I read it on GitHub, I tried to manually set my custom loss function among Keras' loss functions, by adding these lines: import tensorflow.keras.losses
tensorflow.keras.losses.build_vgg19_loss_network = build_vgg19_loss_network. It didn't work.
I read on GitHub I could use custom objects with load_model Keras function: but I only want to use compile Keras function. Not load_model.
My final question
I want to do only minor changes to my code, since it works fine. So I don't want, for example, to replace compile with load_model. With this constraint, could you help me, please, to make my CLI tflite_convert works with my custom loss function?
Since you are claiming that TFLite conversion is failing due to a custom loss function, you can save the model file without keep the optimizer details. To do that, set include_optimizer parameter to False as shown below:
model.save('model.h5', include_optimizer=False)
Now, if all the layers inside your model are convertible, they should get converted into TFLite file.
You can then convert the h5 file like this:
import tensorflow as tf
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('model.h5') # srgan.h5 for you
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
tflite_model = converter.convert()
open("converted_model.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)
Usual practice to overcome the unsupported operators in TFLite conversion is documented here.
I had the same error. I recommend changing the loss to "mse" since you already have a well-trained model and you don't need to train with the .tflite file.

Keras + Tensorflow model convert to coreml exits NameError: global name ... is not defined

I've adapted the VAE example from the keras site to train on my data, and everything runs fine. But I'm unable to convert to coreml. The error is:
NameError: global name `batch_size' is not defined
Since batch_size clearly is defined in the python source, I'm guessing it has to do with how the conversion tool captures variable names. Does anyone know how I can fix it (or whether it is, indeed, possible to fix)?
Many thanks,
I ran into a similar message when using parameters to construct the neural net. This should work:
from keras import models
batch_size = 50
model = models.load_model(filename, custom_objects={'batch_size': batch_size})
See also documentation: https://keras.io/getting-started/faq/#how-can-i-save-a-keras-model