Sentry Docker Error opening GeoIP database - geo

I added GeoLite2-Country.mmdb and GeoIP.dat to sentry project root, but it keep showing this error message
08:41:04 [WARNING] sentry.utils.geo: Error opening GeoIP database: ../GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
08:41:04 [WARNING] sentry.utils.geo: Error opening GeoIP database in Rust: ../GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
I also added mmdb path to
GEOIP_PATH_MMDB = '../GeoLite2-Country.mmdb'


jboss server not deploying webapp artifact

I have started the jboss server by copying the war to deploy folder in jboss. But it was throwing the error as the artifact not deployed. Is there any particular configuration to be followed to make the artifact deployed.
09:25:00,894 ERROR [ProfileServiceBootstrap] Failed to load profile:
Summary of incomplete deployments (SEE PREVIOUS ERRORS FOR DETAILS)
Deployment "vfszip:
<>../webapp-war-1.14.0-SNAPSHOT.war/" is in error due to the following reason(s): org.jboss.xb.binding.JBossXBRuntimeException: Failed to resolve schema nsURI= location=

Internal server error when trying to build and deploy to AEM

My local AEM instance suddenly stopped working when I switched branches in git and installed the package with
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage.
The build failed with [ERROR] Request to http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp failed, response=Internal Server Error
My error log shows the following errors:
25.10.2018 11:52:33.607 *ERROR* [ [1540504353564] POST /crx/packmgr/service.jsp HTTP/1.1] No IDP found with name 0654f74c177ec80b60f7922a9a6195cf. Will not be used for login.
25.10.2018 11:52:33.607 *ERROR* [ [1540504353564] POST /crx/packmgr/service.jsp HTTP/1.1] No IDP found with name a9dea3b044e912071cbffd4839016d2e. Will not be used for login.
25.10.2018 12:00:30.005 *INFO* [sling-default-2-Registered Service.1079] com.adobe.granite.taskmanagement.impl.jcr.TaskArchiveService archiving tasks at: 'Thu Oct 25 12:00:30 HST 2018'
25.10.2018 12:00:58.610 *ERROR* [ [1540504858546] POST /crx/packmgr/service.jsp HTTP/1.1] service: Uncaught SlingException Unable to get component of class 'interface' with type 'htmlparser'.
I've tried adding <useProxy>false</useProxy> to my parent POM file as suggested on a similar thread posted here but that also did not work. I've tried recloning the repo and starting over but since it's a server error that did nothing.
Additional Info:
Running on Windows 10
AEM 6.4
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help. The issue actually happened when I switched branches and installed and deployed the package over the existing package in AEM. By removing the quickstart folder and restarting the JAR file, thus creating a new AEM directory, I was able to install and deploy the correct branch without error.

Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5

I am new to Maven,
I want to install all the artifacts to my local maven, when i tried to run my script.Got bellow error.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...Downloading:
[WARNING] Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or on
e of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptorfor org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:jar:2.5
Please help in resolving this issue. What do i need to do in my setting.xml, which proxy ip i need to give as my poxy is been disabled on my system.

Maven repository error

This error started coming up few days back when codehaus repository got terminated. I am not sure if this is coming due to that or some other issue. Please help. While this jar and pom exists in my internal repository.
Caused by: org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException: Unable to get dependency information: Unable to read the metadata file for artifact 'org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-stax-
api_1.0_spec:jar': Cannot find parent: org.apache.geronimo.genesis.config:config for project: null:project-config:pom:1.1 for project null:project-config:pom:1.1

Invalid artifact repository: URL missing for repository

I am trying to access my local repository but i am receiving below error:
[ERROR] Invalid artifact repository: URL missing for repository internal #
[WARNING] 'dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar refers to a non-existing file D:\apache-maven-3.0.3-bin\apache-maven-3.0.3\MavenJars # line 23, column 16
for project com.amruta.sample.spring:SpringMVCSample:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT at D:\Workspace\SpringMVCSample\pom.xml
Can anyone help me? I have done changes also in settings.xml for local repository