How can I use an external library in a react native module - react-native

I am creating a react native library using this library, but my issue is how to add an external library (e.g library.framework) into it.
When I drag the library to a normal application project I see the library added to Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded content under the "General tab" and I am able to use it perfectly.
Image - using the library in a normal application project
But when I create an react native module and try to use the library I created it the created-react-library > ios. The is no general tab, hence the library cannot be accessed.
Image - using the library in a react native create module > ios project
what is the proper way of using an external library in a react-native-create-library module?

You need to select a target under your project, to see the general tab.


Add external C++ libraries to react native Turbo app

I am trying out the new react-native Turbo feature.
The calls to the cpp code works as the documentation mentions.
Is there a way to add external C++ libraries like cryptopp.
I have my github repo here RNTurbo.
Try to build your library with - with interactive CLI you can generate a proper project structure with c++ libraries support for both platforms ios and android

How to create an UI toolkit react native library

I have created a react native project and I want to save my UI components on a separate library for reusability. I have created an library mentioned here on the docs but found no proper guidance about package.json, example folder and how does a react-native library works.

What are the steps to publish a react native library with native codes (Java and Objective C)

I want to publish a react native library to npm with native codes (Java and Objective C). I have created a react native app and the native modules and native UI components are working fine in the app but I don't know how to publish my code as a react native library.
If you have completed all the tests, you can do this with a simple library.
that is create-react-native-library
This is shown in the official document of react-native.
You can also use create-react-native-module, a library with multiple added functions based on react-native-create-library

How include aar whitch has JNI so file in React Native project

I have wrote a project by React Native,now I need to reference a android SDK to implement some functions.
the android sdk is a aar file,and it contains JNI,now it reports couldn't find "", the "" is in the aar.
If you want to reference an Android SDK, you must add the files to your android project in your react native project. That means, you must add the dependencies to your build.gradle, and copy the files to you libs folder etc.. This is not any different than adding .aar files to an Android project. After this, you will need to implement a native module to call its functions from react-native. This is the general procedure, what exact step is causing error?

Linking a your own library with native code on React Native

I build my own library for react-native and I want to make it available to the public. However, my library have some native implementation.
I want to use make the linking through react-native link avaialable, but I don't know how to start.
I have been looking on the RPNM project but I can't figure how to add it.
Today I basically have to do everything manually. Adding the compile dependencies on the build.gradle files.
How to automate my library linking using react-native link?