Using Date to find the inequality for sales than 500 - sql

I'm curious as to find the daily average sales for the month of December 1998 not greater than 100 as a where clause. So what I imagine is that since the table consists of the date of sales (sth like 1 december 1998, consisting of different date, months and year), amount due....First I'm going to define a particular month.
DEFINE a = TO_DATE('1-Dec-1998', 'DD-Month-YYYY')
SELECT SUBSTR(Sales_Date, 4,6), (SUM(Amount_Due)/EXTRACT(DAY FROM LAST_DAY(Sales_Date))
FROM ......
I'm stuck as to extract the sum of amount due in the month of december 1998 for the where clause....
How can I achieve the objective?

To me, it looks like this:
select to_char(sales_date, 'mm.yyyy') month,
avg(amount_due) avg_value
from your_table
where sales_date >= trunc(date '1998-12-01', 'mm')
and sales_date < add_months(trunc(date '1998-12-01', 'mm'), 1)
group by to_char(sales_date, 'mm.yyyy')
having avg(amount_due) < 100;
WHERE clause can be simplified; it shows how to fetch certain period:
trunc to mm returns first day in that month
add_months to the above value (first day in that month) will return first day of the next month
the bottom line: give me all rows whose sales_date is >= first day of this month and < first day of the next month; basically, the whole this month
Finally, the where clause you used should actually be the having clause.

As long as the amount_due column only contains numbers, you can use the sum function.
Below SQL query should be able to satisfy your requirement.
Select SUM(Amount_Due) from table Sales where Sales_Date between '1-12-1998' and '31-12-1998'
Select SUM(Amount_Due) from table Sales where Sales_Date like '%-12-1998'


Remove Duplicates and show Total sales by year and month

i am trying to work with this query to produce a list of all 11 years and 12 months within the years with the sales data for each month. Any suggestions? this is my query so far.
distinct(extract(year from date)) as year
, sum(sale_dollars) as year_sales
from `project-1-349215.Dataset.sales`
group by date
it just creates a long list of over 2000 results when i am expecting 132 max one for each month in the years.
You should change your group by statement if you have more results than you expected.
You can try:
group by YEAR(date), MONTH(date)
A Grouping function is for takes a subsection of the date in your case year and moth and collect all rows that fit, and sum it up,
So a sĀ“GROUp BY date makes no sense, what so ever as you don't want the sum of every day
So make this
extract(year from date) as year
,extract(MONTH from date) as month
, sum(sale_dollars) as year_sales
from `project-1-349215.Dataset.sales`
group by 1,2
Or you can combine both year and month
extract(YEAR_MONTH from date) as year
, sum(sale_dollars) as year_sales
from `project-1-349215.Dataset.sales`
group by 1

Write a query to display the total month wise sales amount received in the past 1 year

Table StructureWrite a query to display the total month wise sales amount received in the past 1 year . Display details like sales month, total sales amount. Give an alias_name as MONTH for retrieved sales month, TURN_OVER for sales amount. Sort the result by amount in descending order.
(Hint: Use table Sales_info. Use to_char for retrieving the month. Net amount for sales amount calculation. Use sysdate for calculation of past 1 year sales. DATA IS CASE-SENSITIVE.)
The code I have written is fetching me all years sales data.
select to_char(Sales_Date,'Month')"MONTH"
Net_Amount as Turn_Over
from Sales_Info
where Sales_Date= add_months(Sysdate,-12)
select to_char(Sales_Date,'MON')"MONTH",
Net_Amount as TURN_OVER
from Sales_Info
where Sales_Date > add_months(Sysdate,-12)
order by Net_Amount desc;
I'm not going to do your homework for you, but here is a list of things currently missing from your query:
a comma in the SELECT list
you need greater than, not equals because you want all dates "more than the moment it was a year ago"
you need to break your data into groups where each group has the same month, and you need to sum up all the data in that month, so your query needs to have the words GROUP BY and SUM in it..
The code I have written is fetching me all years sales data
No, the query as it stands will be giving you only the sales that happened at exactly the current date-time, one year ago, which is probably 0 records
You are pretty close. What you are missing is the GROUP BY and summary functions:
select to_char(Sales_Date, 'Month') as "MONTH"
SUM(Net_Amount) as Turn_Over
from Sales_Info
where Sales_Date= add_months(Sysdate, -12)
group by to_char(Sales_Date, 'Month');
Note that there are still some significant issues with the query. For instance, I really am not a fan of using month names for what you are doing. It leaves out the year. In fact, the above query is going to combine data from the current month and the same month last year.
I would instead go for complete months. And use trunc() instead:
select trunc(Sales_Date, 'MON') as "MONTH"
SUM(Net_Amount) as Turn_Over
from Sales_Info
where Sales_Date = add_months(trunc(Sysdate, 'MON'), -12) and
Sales_Date < trunc(sysdate, 'MON')
group by to_char(Sales_Date, 'Month')
order by "MONTH".
In a real-world environment, this would typically provided cleaner, more useful results. In addition, because the first column is actually the date, it is easy to sort by.
The ans will be :
Select to_char(Sales_Date , 'MON' ) as "MONTH" , sum(Net_Amount) as TURN_OVER
from Sales_Info
where Sales_Date > add_months(Sysdate , -12)
group by to_char(Sales_Date , 'MON')
order by TURN_OVER desc;

Calculate average and standard deviation for pre defined number of values substituting missing rows with zeros

I have a simple table that contains a record of products and their total sales per day over a year (just 3 columns - Product, Date, Sales). So, for example, if product A is sold every single day, it'll have 365 records. Similarly, if product B is sold for only 50 days, the table will have just 50 rows for that product - one for each day of sale.
I need to calculate the daily average sales and standard deviation for the entire year, which means that, for product B, I need to have additional 365-50=315 entries with zero sales to be able to calculate the daily average and standard deviation for the year correctly.
Is there a way to do this efficiently and dynamically in SQL?
We can generate 366 rows and join the sales data to it:
WITH rg(rn) AS (
SELECT a.rn + 1 AS rn
FROM rg a
WHERE a.rn <= 366
SELECT YEAR(saledate) as yr, DATEPART(dayofyear, saledate) as doy, count(*) as numsales
FROM sales
GROUP BY YEAR(saledate), DATEPART(dayofyear, saledate)
) s ON rg.rn = s.doy
You can replace the nulls (where there is no sale data for that day) with e.g. AVG(COALESCE(numsales, 0)). You'll probably also need a WHERE clause to eliminate the 366th day on non leap years (such as MODULO the year by 4 and only do 366 rows if it's 0).
If you're only doing a single year, you can use a where clause in the sales subquery to give only the relevant records; most efficient is to use a range like WHERE salesdate >= DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(GetDate()), 1, 1) AND salesdate < DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(GetDate()) + 1, 1, 1) rather than calling a function on every sales date to extract the year from it to compare to a constant. You can also drop the YEAR(salesdate) from the select/group by if there is only a single year
If you're doing multiple years, you could make the rg generate more rows, or (perhaps simpler) cross join it to a list of years so you get 366 rows multiplied by e.g. VALUES (2015),(2016),(2017),(2018),(2019),(2020) (and make the year from the sales part of the join too)
find the first and last day of the year and then use datediff() to find number of days in that year.
After that don't use AVG on sales, but SUM(Sales) / days_in_year
select *,
days_in_year = datediff(day, first_of_year, last_of_year) + 1
from (values (2019), (2020)) v(year)
cross apply
select first_of_year = dateadd(year, year - 1900, 0),
last_of_year = dateadd(year, year - 1900 + 1, -1)
) d
There's a different way to look at it - don't try to add additional empty rows, just divide by the number of days in a year. While the number of days a year isn't constant (a leap year will have 366 days), it can be calculated easily since the first day of the year is always January 1st and the last is always December 31st:
SUM(sales) / DATEPART(dy, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(date)), 12, 31))
FROM sales_table
GROUP BY YEAR(date), product

I want find customers transacting for any consecutive 3 months from year 2017 to 2018

I want to know the trick to find the list of customers who are transacting for consecutive 3 months ,that could be any 3 consecutive months with any number of occurrence.
example: suppose there is customer who transact in January then keep transacting till march then he stopped transacting.I want the list of these customer from my database .
I am working on AWS Athena.
One method uses aggregation and window functions:
select customer_id, yyyymm_2
from (select date_trunc(month, transactdate) as yyyymm, customer_id,
lag(date_trunc(month, transactdate), 2) over (partition by customer_id order by date_trunc(month, transactdate)) as prev_yyyymm_2
from t
where transactdate >= '2017-01-01' and
transactadte < '2019-01-01'
where prev_dt_2 = yyyymm - interval '2' month;
This aggregates transactions by month and looks at the transaction date two rows earlier. The outer filter checks that that date is exactly 2 months earlier.

SQL Server / SSRS: Calculating monthly average based on grouping and historical values

I need to calculate an average based on historical data for a graph in SSRS:
Current Month
Previous Month
2 Months ago
6 Months ago
This query returns the average for each month:
avg_val1, month, year
(sum_val1 / count) as avg_val1, month, year
SUM(val1) AS sum_val1, SUM(count) AS count, month, year
COUNT(val1) AS count, SUM(val1) AS val1,
MONTH([SnapshotDate]) AS month,
YEAR([SnapshotDate]) AS year
[SnapshotKey] = 'Some text here'
AND No = '001'
AND Channel = '999'
[SnapshotDate]) AS sub3
month, year, count) AS sub2
GROUP BY sum_val1, count, month, year) AS sub1
year, month ASC
When I add the following WHERE clause I get the average for March (2 months ago):
Now the problem is when I want to retrieve data from 6 months ago; MONTH(GETDATE()) - 6 will output -1 instead of 12. I also have an issue with the fact that the year changes to 2016 and I am a bit unsure of how to implement the logic in my query.
I think I might be going about this wrong... Any suggestions?
Subtract the months from the date using the DATEADD function before you do your comparison. Ex:
MONTH(GETDATE()) returns an int so you can go to 0 or negative values. you need a user scalar function managing this, adding 12 when <= 0