How run test cafe studo tests from command line - testing

Good day.
I want to run the test cafe studio tests from the command line because our CI(TFS) is not supported.
All the examples that I found are intended for the Old version of the test cafe or for the free version.

The open-source TestCafe version can run tests created via the TestCafe Studio in the same way as regular TestCafe test files, so you can use the following command to run tests:
testcafe chrome ./tests/fixture-created-in-tc-studio.testcafe


How does the elixir community recommend setting up integration tests with chromedriver?

I am using Hound ( for integration testing a Phoenix application. I have chrome and chrome headless working. To get it working I have another terminal window running chromedriver (installed via brew). This feels odd to me. Is there a library or test setup that would feel more "integrated" into the application? What's the Elixir way of doing this?
In the Ruby world there's the webdrivers gem ( As far as I know it downloads a specified driver (lets say chromedriver) to $HOME. Then with every test run, the test uses the driver downloaded to that destination to execute the tests.
Before the webdrivers gem there was chromedriver-helper gem. Before that it was phantomjs. These implementations made it so running integration tests required 1: downloading the driver 2: running the test
In Elixir (with Hound) I have my tests working by first running chromedriver --verbose in a terminal split, and in the other screen I run mix test. This works fine but feels disjointed. This adds extra steps, 1: download the driver 2: start the driver 3: run the test 4: stop driver
I could write a script manually to run chromedriver in the background, and stop it after the tests are run.
I am new to the Elixir community and so I've researched a lot. It's still not clear to me if there is a "traveled path" I should go down vs just hooking everything up manually.
Have I missed a recommended abstraction? Is this intentional? Is this "just not created, yet"?
Thank you
Have you checked out wallaby? See

How to run existing Selenium scripts in TOSCA

How to run existing Selenium scripts in TOSCA?
As per my knowledge, TOSCA uses C# as a scripting language. If your selenium scripts are developed in C#, then you'll able to run those in TOSCA.
You need to use the Selenium module from TBox automation tools under Tosca.
The folder Selenium contains the following Modules:
Start Selenium Server
Run Selenium Scripts
These Modules can be used to start Selenium test cases directly from Tosca Commander. NUnit or JUnit 4 test cases are supported. You can run DLL and JAR files which contain Selenium 1 (RemoteControl) and Selenium 2 (WebDriver) test cases. For more info see here

Running webdriver IEDriver on Jenkins fails

I have a small C# webdriver test suite dll which I recently created...
Runs fine in Visual Studio
Runs from the command line perfectly using the NUnit 3 console runner.
I have Jenkins installed on my laptop (for testing before I put it into my live Jenkins), running with my Windows credentials. When I execute the test suite using the same NUnit3 console runner command I used before, all the tests fail, can't even log in as it can't find any elements. I took screenshots with Selenium & it's just a black rectangle!
Anyone have any ideas on how to get IE behaving - I bet it's a Windows permissions thing from Jenkins. Thanks!
I'll answer my own question.
Turns out you can't do what I'm attempting - it's a known issue with the way IE is built. What I had to do is install a new Jenkins node on another machine and get that to run the IE tests. That way it did work.

Cloud9 Watir/Selenium Testing

I have set up Cloud9 and Codeship for a simple Continuous Integration and Delivery system. It works well for developing my website/app. Has anyone been able to develop and run browser based Cucumber tests from within the Cloud9 IDE? If so, what kind of set-up did it require?
PS. I have been trying to get the Watir/Selenium chromedriver installed and working with the 'headless' gem.
First an explanation. I found it very easy to set up github,, and codeship for CI and CD using Cucumber for acceptance testing on Codeship. Unfortunately, developing the Cucumber tests was difficult, because I had to commit, push, and examin the failing Integration tests on codeship. I wanted to be able to quickly run and debug Cucumber scenarios in the IDE. But, there is no browser for watir/selenium to open. Thus the question.
After a day of searching and hint from on twitter, I have consensed the solution down to two steps ...
Install firefox and xvfb: sudo apt-get install firefox xvfb
Run cucumber in an xvfb context: xvfb-run cucumber

Running a Selenium2 IDE test case on the command line

I need to use the Selenium IDE to create tests for projects we are working on, but to then take these tests and run them from the command line.
The situation is that we want our developers to be able to use the IDE to test websites using a central repository of test suites using the Selenium IDE. We also need the same tests (i.e. in the IDE HTML format) to be run by a CI server (Jenkins) on Sauce Labs.
I have found that the export from the IDE isn't great (test cases that worked on the IDE don't work from the command line). I also need to use WebDriver, e.g Selenium2.
This must be possible but I just cannot see how to do it.
Try out Selunit it combines Selenium tests in Selenese HTML format with Continuous Integration. Here is a tutorial how to execute Selenium tests directly from Selenium IDE in Hudson builds and to benefit from its reporting capabilities provided for JUnit, where Selunit transforms Selenium reports to.
Selenium provides a command-line test script runner, but it's well hidden. Check out the -htmlsuite option of selenium-server.jar.
In windows system you have to download selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar and Browser(IE, chrome) driverserver after downlaod you have to open CMD and run command
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.0b3.jar\IEDriverServer32.exe