Best way of storing an array in an SQL database? - sql

For an Android Launcher (Home Screen) app project i want to implement a feature called "Sort by usage". This will sort by the launch count of an app within a user settable timeframe.
The current idea for the implementation is to store an array of unich epoch timestamps, one for each launch.
Additionaly it'll store a counter caching the current amount of launches within the selected timeframe, incremented with every launch. Of course, this would regularly have to be rebuild as time passes, but merely every few hours or at least x percent of the selected timeframe, so computations definitely wouldn't run as often as without the counter, since this information is required everytime when any app entries on screen need to get sorted - but i'm not quite sure if it matters in any way during actual use.
I am now unsure how to store the timestamp array inside the SQL database. As there is a table holding one record with information about each launcher entry i thought about the following options:
Store the array of unix epochs in serialized form (maybe JSON Array) to one field of the entries record
Create a seperate table for launch times with
a. each record starting with an id associated with an entry followed by all launch times, one for each field
b. each record a combination of entry id and one launch time
these options would obvously have the advatage of storing the timestamp using an appropriate type

I probably didn't quite understand why you need a second piece of data for your launch counter - the fact you saved a timestamp already means a launch - why not just count timestamps? Less updating, less record locking, more concurrency.
Now, let's say you've got a separate table with timestamps in a classic one to many setting.
Pros of this setup - you never need to update anything - just keep inserting. You can easily cluster your table by timestamp, run a filter on your timeframe and issue a group by and count rows. The client then will get the numbers and sort by count (I believe it's generally better to not sort in SQL). Cons - you need a join to parent table and probably need to get your indexes right.
Alternatively you store timestamps in a blob text (JSON, CSV, whatever) with your main records. This definitely means you'll have to update your records a lot, which potentially opens you up to locking issues. Then, I'm not entirely sure what you'll have to do to get your final launch counts - you read all entities, deserialise all timestamps, filter by timeframe and then count? It does feel a bit more convoluted in your case.
I don't think there's such thing as a "best" way. You have to consider pros and cons. From what I gather, you might be better off with classic SQL approach unless there's something I didn't catch that will outweigh my points above


Design question: Best approach to store and retrieve deltas in an SQL table

I have a historical table which contains many price columns and only few columns change at a time. Currently I am just inserting all the data as new records and this change could come 100+ times every second. So it is resulting in growing of table size pretty quick.
I am trying to find the better design for the table to keep the table size to minimum and the best query to retrieve the data when required. I am not much worried about the data retrieval performance, but it should be somewhere in the middle when used for reports. Priority is to keep the table size to its minimum.
Data from this historical table is not retrieved on a day to day basis. I have a transaction table like *1 Current Design for that purpose.
Here are the details of my implementation.
1) Current Design
2) Planned design - 1
1) If I use the above table structure what is the best query to get the results like shown in Current design #1
3) Planned design - 2
1) How much performance hit this would be compared to Planned design #1.
2) Also if I go in that route what is the best query to get the results like what shown in Current design #1?
End question:
I assume planned design #1 will take more table space VS planned design #2. But planned design 2 will take more time to retrieve the query. Is there any case I assumption can go wrong?
Edit: I have only inserts going to this table. No updates or deletion is ever made to this.
In fact, I think you have better plan. You can use Temporal Tables that come from SQL Server 2016.
This type managed by sql to track change of table in best way.
Visit this Link:
I have s similar situation where I'm loading a bunch of temperature sensors every 10 seconds. As I'm using the express version of MSSQL I'm looking a at max database size of 10GB so I went creative to make it last as long as possible.
My table-layout is pretty much identical to yours in that I've got 1 timestamp + 30 value columns + another 30 flag columns.
The value columns are numeric(9,2)
The value columns are marked SPARSE, if the value is identical (enough) to the value before it I store NULL instead of repeating the value.
The flag columns are bit and indicate whether the value is 'extrapolated' or from an actual source (later on that)
I've also got another table that holds the following information for each sensor:
last time the sensor was updated; that way if a new value comes in I can easily decide if this requires just a new insert at the end of the table or whether I need to go through all the logic of inserting/updating a value somewhere in-between existing numbers.
the value of that latest entry
the sensitivity for said sensor; this way I don't have to hardcode it and can set it on a per-sensor basis
Anyway, for now my stream of information is that I've got several programs each reading data from different sources (arduino, web, ...) and dumping this in .csv files and then a 'parser' program that reads these files into the database once in a while. As I'm loading the values 1 by 1 instead of row-based this isn't very efficient but I'm now doing about 3500 values / second so I'm not overly concerned. I'll agree that this is only true when loading the values in historical order and because I'm using the helper table.
Currently I've got almost 1 year of information in there which corresponds to
2.209.883 rows
5.799.511 values spread over 18 sensors (yes, I've still got room for 12 more without needing to change the table)
This means I've only got 15% of the fields filled in, or looking at it the other way around, when I'd fill in every record rather than putting NULL in case of repetition, I'd have almost 8 times that many numbers there.
As for space requirements: I decided to reload all numbers last night 'for fun' but noticed that even though most .csv files come in historically, they would do a range of columns from Jan to Dec, then another couple of columns from Jan to Dec etc.. This resulted in quite a bit of fragmentation: 70% in fact! At that time the table required 282Mb of disk-space.
I then rebuilt the table bringing the fragmentation down to 0% and the reserved space went down to 118Mb (!).
For me this is more than good enough
it's unlikely the table will outgrow the 10GB limit anytime soon, especially if I stick to (online) rebuilding it now and then.
loading data is sufficiently fast (although reloading the entire year took a couple of hours)
reporting is sufficiently fast (for now, haven't tried to connect any 'interactive' reporting tools to it yet; but for some simple graphs in excel it works just fine IMHO).
FYI: for reporting I've created a rater simple stored procedure that picks a from-to range for a given set of columns; dumps it in a temp-table and then fills in the blanks by figuring out the NULL-ranges and then filling these in with the value that preceded the range. This works quite well although fetching the 'first' value sometimes takes a while as I can't predict how far back in time the last value should be looked for (sometimes there is none).
To work around this I've added another process that extrapolates the values for every 'hour' timestamp. That way the report never needs to go back more than 1 hour. A flag-column in the readings table indicates whether the value on a record for a given field was extrapolated or not.
(note: this makes updating values in the past more problematic but not impossible)
Hope this helps you out a bit in your endeavors, good luck!

Is it viable to have a SQL table with only one row and one column?

I'm currently working on my first application that uses a database so I'm very new to this. The database has multiple tables that are what you would expect to normally see.
However, I created one table which only has one row and one column used to keep a count of the total items processed by the program so it's available to access elsewhere. I can't just use
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name
because these items that I am processing I do not want to actually keep in a table.
It seems like a waste to use a table to store one value so I am wondering if there a better way to keep track of this value.
What is your table storing? it's storing some kind of processing audit. So make it a little more useful - add a column storing the last datetime that the data was processed. Add a column for the time it took to process. Add another column which stores the username (or some identifier) of whoever ran the process. Now add a row for every table that is processed (there's only one now but there might be more in future). Try and envisage how your processing is going to grow in future

Creating a variable on database to hold global stats

Let's pretend I've got a social network.
I'm always showing to the user how many users are registered and have activated their profile.
So, everytime a single user logs in, it goes to DB and make a:
select count(*) from users where status = 'activated'
so if 5.000 users logs in, or simply refreshes the page, it will make 5.000 requests to SQL above.
I was wondering if is better to have a variable some place(that I still have no idea where to put) that everytime a user activates his profile will add 1 and then, when I want to show how many users are registered to that social network, I'll only get the value of this variable.
How can I make this? Is it really a better solution to what I've got?
You could use an indexed view, that SQL Server will automatically maintain:
create table dbo.users (
ID int not null,
Activated bit not null
create view dbo.user_status_stats (Activated,user_count)
with schemabinding
select Activated,COUNT_BIG(*) from dbo.users group by Activated
create unique clustered index IX_user_status_stats on dbo.user_status_stats (Activated)
This just has two possible statuses, but could expand to more using a different data type. As I say, in this case, SQL Server will maintain the counts behind the scenes, so you can just query the view:
SELECT user_count from user_status_stats with (NOEXPAND) where Activated = 1
and it won't have to query the underlying table. You need to use the WITH (NOEXPAND) hint on editions below (Enterprise/Developer).
Although as #Jim suggested, doing a COUNT(*) against an index when the index column(s) can satisfy the query criteria using equality comparisons should be pretty quick also.
As you've already guessed - it's not a great idea to calculate this value every time someone hits the site.
You could do as you suggest, and update a central value as users are added, although you'll have to ensure that you don't end up with two processes updating the number simultaneously.
Alternatively you could have a job which runs your SQL routinely and updates the central 'user count' value.
Alternatively #2, you could use something like MemCache to hold the calculated value for a period of time, and then when the cache expires, recalculate it again.
There's a few options you could consider:
1) like you say, maintain a global count each time a profile is activated to save the hit on the users table each time. You could just store that count in a "Stats" table and then query that value from there.
2) don't show the actual "live" count, show a count that's "pretty much up to date" - e.g. cache the count in your application and have the value expire periodically so you then requery the count less frequently. Or if you store the count in a "Stats" table per above, you could have a scheduled job that updates the count every hour, instead of every time a profile is activated.
Depends whether you want to show the exact figure in real-time or whether you can live with a delay. Obviously, data volumes matter too - if you have a large database, then having a slightly out of date cached value could be worth while.
From a purely SQL Server standpoint, no, you are not going to find a better way of doing this. Unless, perhaps, your social network is Facebook sized. Denormalizing your data design (such as keeping a count in a separate table) will lead to possible sources of the data getting out of sync. It doesn't have to get out of sync if it is coded properly, but it can...
Just make sure that you have an index on Status. At which point SQL will not scan the table for the count, but it will scan the index instead. The index will be much smaller (that is, more data will fit in a disk page). If you were to convert your status to an int, smallint, or tinyint you would get even more index leaves in a disk page and thus much less IO. To get your description ('activated', etc.), use a reference table. The reference table would be so small, SQL would just keep the whole thing in RAM after the first access.
Now, if you still think this is too much overhead (and it should't be) you could come up with hybrid method. You could store your count in a separate table (which SQL would keep in RAM if it is just the one record) or assuming your site is in you could create an Application variable to keep track of the count. You could increment it in Session_Start and decrement it in Session_End. But, you will have to come up with a way of making the the increment and decrement thread safe so two sessions don't try and update the value at the same time.
You can also use the Global Temporary table. You will always get fast retrieval. Even
if you are setting 30 seconds ping. The Example Trigger Link1, Example Trigger Link2 will maintain such activities in this table.

Way to create a frozen table-view in SQLite?

I've got an SQLite table with potentially hundreds of thousands of entries, which is being added to (and occasionally removed from) in the background at irregular intervals. The UI needs to display this table in an arbitrary user-selected sorted order, within a wxWidgets wxListCtrl item.
I'm planning to use a wxLC_VIRTUAL list control, and query the table for small groups of items as needed using LIMIT and OFFSET, but I foresee trouble. When the background process makes changes to items that are "above" the currently-viewed ones, I can't see any way to know how the offsets of the currently-viewed items will change.
Is there some SQLite trick to handle this? Maybe a way to identify what offset a particular record is at in a specific sorted order, without iterating through all of the records returned by a SELECT statement?
Alternatively, is there some way to create an unchanging view of the database at a particular time, without a time-consuming duplication of it?
If all else fails, I can store the changed items and add them later, but I'm hoping I won't have to.
Solved it by creating a query to find the index of an item, by counting the number of items that are "less than" (in the user-defined order) the one I'm looking for. A little complex to write, because of the user-defined ordering, but it works, and runs surprisingly fast even on a huge table.

Design Question - Put hundreds of Yes/No switches in columns, rows, or other?

We are porting an old application that used a hierarchical database to a relational web app, and are trying to figure out the best way to port configuration switches (Y/N values).
Our old system had 256 distinct switches (per client) that were each stored as a bit in one of 8 32-bit data fields. Each client would typically have ~100 switches set. To read or set a switch, we'd use bitwise arithmetic using a #define value. For example:
if (a_switchbank4 & E_SHOW_SALARY_ON_CHECKS) //If true, print salary on check
We were debating what approach to store switches in our new relational (MS-SQL) database:
Put each switch in its own field
Pros: fast and easy read/write/access - 1 row per client
Cons: seems kludgey, need to change schema every time we add a switch
Create a row per switch per client
Pros: unlimited switches, no schema changes necessary w/ new switches
Cons: slightly more arduous to pull data, lose intellisense w/o extra work
Maintain bit fields
Pros: same code can be leveraged, smaller XML data transmissions between machines
Cons: doesn't make any sense to our developers, hard to debug, too easy to use wrong 'switch bank' field for comparison
I'm leaning towards #1 ... any thoughts?
It depends on a few factors such as:
How many switches are set for each client
How many switches are actually used
How often switches are added
If I had to guess (and I would be guessing) I'd say what you really want are tags. One table has clients, with a unique ID for each, another has tags (the tag name and a unique ID) and a third has client ID / tag ID pairs, to indicate which clients have which tags.
This differs from your solution #2 in that tags are only present for the clients where that switch is true. In other words, rather than storing a client ID, a switch ID, and a boolean you store just a client ID and a switch ID, but only for the clients with that switch set.
This takes up about one third the space over solution number two, but the real advantage is over solutions one and three: indexing. If you want to find out things like which clients have switches 7, 45, and 130 set but not 86 or 14, you can do them efficiently with a single index on a tag table, but there's no practical way to do them with the other solutions.
You could think about using database views to give you the best of each solution.
For example store the data as one row per switch, but use a view that pivots the switches (rows) into columns where this is more convenient.
I would go with option #2, one row per flag.
However, I'd also consider a mix of #1 and #2. I don't know your app, but if some switches are related, you could group those into tables where you have multiple columns of switches. You could group them based on use or type. You could, and would probably still have a generic table with one switch per row, for ones that don't fit into the groups.
Remember too if you change the method, you may have a lot of application code to change that relys on the existing method of storing the data. Whether you should change the method may depend on exactly how hard it will be and how many hours it will take to change everything associated. I agree with Markus' solution, but you do need to consider exactly how hard refactoring is going to be and whether your project can afford the time. The refactoring book I've been reading would suggest that you maintain both for a set time period with triggers to keep them in synch while you then start fixing all the references. Then on a set date you drop the original (and the triggers) from the database. This allows you to usue the new method going forth, but gives the flexibility that nothing will break before you get it fixed, so you can roll out the change before all references are fixed. It requires discipline however as it is easy to not get rid of the legacy code and columns because everything is working and you are afraid not to. If you are in the midst of total redesign where everything will be tested thougroughly and you have the time built into the project, then go ahead and change everything all at once.
I'd also lean toward option 1, but would also consider an option 4 in some scenarios.
4- Store in dictionary of name value pairs. Serialize to database.
I would recommend option 2. It's relatively straightforward to turn a list of tags/rows into a hash in the code, which makes it fairly easy to check variables. Having a table with 256+ columns seems like a nightmare.
One problem with option #2 is that having a crosstab query is a pain:
Client S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 ...
But there are usually methods for doing that in a database-specific way.