Algolia Import Statements aren't working (Kotlin/Algolia) - kotlin

Some of the import statements and code specified by the tutorial is highlighted as incorrect. Algolia instantsearch Android documentation can be found here. I dont understand why I keep receiving the following errors. Any guidance would help.
[Issue #1][2]


Vue 3 okta-vue auth

I'm migrating Vue2 to Vue3 and fix a lot of errors.
This error made me to stuck at the progress of migrating and I'm actually need help.
The Error:
enter image description here
While searching in google I have found that lines of code did the error:
enter image description here
And after understand why actually this happened, I recognized that plugin cannot compiled with Vue 3, but I really don't know how to solve this
enter image description here
Someone know how to migrate this part to Vue 3 syntax? or maybe someone know this error and can tell me what to do next?

Nooby question for a splash screen in React Native

Trying to make a splash screen for my react native app using this guide:
Trying to type this code in: Code image
and I'm getting errors. Could someone please explain what the "create:" and "inputs:" mean and why they're grayed out?
They are the explanation of the code parts. You put the inputs where it says inputs. Create is the block that you put your code that you want effect to trigger. You can read the documentation about the react hooks so you will have a better grasp before you try to jump into using them; React hooks

Navigator issue in App.js file -- React Native

When i am trying to configure components with AppNavigator getting parsing error semicolon missing.
React Native Navigation-V3.11.1
But i have checked, i did everything correct as per my vision.
Please give me the solution for this.
Thanks in advance..!
Create a . jshintrc in the root and write the code below in it:
"asi" : true

React Native syntax highlighting

I want to use syntax highlighting of code for my React Native app, but i can not find it. I have found syntax highlighting of code only for react, but not for React Native.
I want to find smt like this:
Let's say that i have html code that i want to highlight, how i can do this, without using render-html.
If you did not understand, this is syntax highlighting:
And i need to have it for React Native. Is there any npm or yarn packages for this?
Help me please
Maybe react-native-syntax-highlighter?
GitHub link:

Missing components in the CameraRoll API

I am trying to access the gallery using the official CameraRoll API guide. I am unable to render the component because the following modules are not provided in the official doc:
const CameraRollView = require('./CameraRollView');
const AssetScaledImageExampleView = require('./AssetScaledImageExample');
I tried to google for examples regarding CameraRollView and AssetScaledImageExampleView but found nothing. My question is where can I find the boilerplate code for these two modules? I am still learning React-Native so I am not sure how I am suppose to go about coding these two modules.
Above the example code, next to the headline "Examples", you should see a link "Edit on GitHub" which leads to the source code for that example on GitHub. From there, you can navigate to the location of the file you desire.
For the particular files you desire, they are located at the following links: