Cannot renew Hashicorp Vault token generate by LDAP user login - authentication

I have a Vault server backed by a Consul cluster and integrated with my LDAP server, it works fine with my LDAP server and every thing goes well with it, but the only thing is I cannot renew the tokens generated by these logins.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
Run vault login -method=ldap username=myusername -renewable=true and get the token as following:
Password (will be hidden):
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.
Key Value
--- -----
token s.wCQedkMmX61EJszE64HqPzhC
token_accessor qcxkggK00WxgwmxOC9Ht9vpc
token_duration 24h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default"]
identity_policies []
policies ["default"]
token_meta_username myusername
Login as root user and Run vault token lookup s.wCQedkMmX61EJszE64HqPzhC to check token status and ttl:
Key Value
--- -----
accessor qcxkggK00WxgwmxOC9Ht9vpc
creation_time 1576051650
creation_ttl 24h
display_name ldap-myusername
entity_id 1fc1f68d-face-f9f1-468f-36b94e10fb3b
expire_time 2019-12-12T08:07:30.56805754Z
explicit_max_ttl 0s
id s.wCQedkMmX61EJszE64HqPzhC
issue_time 2019-12-11T08:07:30.568070919Z
meta map[username:myusername]
num_uses 0
orphan true
path auth/ldap/login/myusername
policies [default]
**renewable true**
ttl 23h55m5s
type service
As it is obvious the renewable property of the token is true and its type is service, so it can be renewed.
Run vault token renew s.wCQedkMmX61EJszE64HqPzhC to renew the token given above.
When I look up the token again nothing happened to its ttl. Run vault token lookup s.wCQedkMmX61EJszE64HqPzhC:
Key Value
--- -----
accessor qcxkggK00WxgwmxOC9Ht9vpc
creation_time 1576051650
creation_ttl 24h
display_name ldap-myusername
entity_id 1fc1f68d-face-f9f1-468f-36b94e10fb3b
expire_time 2019-12-12T08:07:30.56805754Z
explicit_max_ttl 0s
id s.wCQedkMmX61EJszE64HqPzhC
issue_time 2019-12-11T08:07:30.568070919Z
meta map[username:myusername]
num_uses 0
orphan true
path auth/ldap/login/myusername
policies [default]
renewable true
ttl 23h53m24s
type service
Note: I tried the steps above using API calls and self-renew but the result was same as above.
Expected behavior
My expected behaviour was after running vault token renew s.wCQedkMmX61EJszE64HqPzhC for a LDAP token as root the ttl of the token gets back to creation_ttl vaule.
Vault Server Version:
root#ubuntu:~# vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.3.0
Cluster Name vault-cluster-11d62d58
Cluster ID a9704841-7f1c-1986-a880-a2c252f23ed2
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster
HA Mode active
Vault CLI Version:
root#ubuntu:~# vault version
Vault v1.3.0
Server Operating System/Architecture:
My OS is Ubuntu 18.04 with this info:
root#ubuntu:~# uname -a
Linux ubuntu 4.15.0-45-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 29 16:28:13 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Vault server configuration file(s):
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
cluster_address = ""
tls_disable = "true"
storage "consul" {
address = ""
path = "vault/"
ui = true
api_addr = ""
cluster_addr = ""
You can use this sample free LDAP server config. to reproduce the situation:
#Test LDAP server
vault write auth/ldap/config \
url="ldap://" \
userdn="uid=tesla,dc=example,dc=com" \
userattr="uid" \
groupattr="cn" \
groupdn="dc=example,dc=com" \
binddn="uid=tesla,dc=example,dc=com" \
bindpass='password' \
login using: vault login -method=ldap username=tesla and password as password and then try to renew the generated token.

The LDAP auth backend's max TTL may be set at 24h. This means that tokens generated cannot live past 24h from its creation.
See the TTL by running
vault auth list --detailed
If the value is system the default value is 32 days or the value specified in the Vault configuration file.
Max TTL can be tuned by:
vault mount-tune -max-lease-ttl=<NEW TTL> auth/ldap
Additional info here

The problem was a bug on version 1.3.0 of Vault, I have created an issue for the bug, which leads to a PR for the next version, and the problem got fixed on 1.3.2.


HashiCorp Vault AppRole based authentication Unwrap secret_id got permission denied

I am using this code as an example to use AppRole based authentification to Vault. For the secret_id I wanna use an wrapped token to be more secure
import unittest
from hvac import Client
URL = ""
JENKINS_TOKEN = "mylovelytoken"
def test_ci_startup(self):
# Jenkins authentifies with token as secure instance
jenkins_client = Client(url=URL, token=JENKINS_TOKEN)
# fetch the role_id and stores this somewhere in the image of the app
resp = jenkins_client.auth.approle.read_role_id(role_name='workshop')
role_id = resp["data"]["role_id"]
# get a wrapped secret_id and passes this to the starting app
result = jenkins_client.write(path='auth/approle/role/workshop/secret-id',wrap_ttl="2s")
unwrap_token = result['wrap_info']['token']
# No the app comes in place
app_client = Client(url=URL) # , token=JENKINS_TOKEN)
# unwrap the secret_id
unwrap_response = app_client.sys.unwrap(unwrap_token) # !!! Here I get permission denied
secret_id = unwrap_response['data']['secret_id']
# use role_id and secret_id to login
login_result = app_client.auth.approle.login(role_id=role_id, secret_id=secret_id)
client_token = login_result['auth']['client_token']
# Read the database credential
read_response = app_client.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version(path='test/webapp')
self.assertEqual("users", read_response['data']['data']['db_name'])
Unfortunatly when try to unwrap the secret_id with app_client.sys.unwrap(unwrap_token) there is an 403 "permission denied" When I use the app_client-Connection with app_client = Client(url=URL), token=JENKINS_TOKEN) everything works fine. But this of course this not the way the AppRole based authentication should be used. All this is bases on the following Tutorials and Best Practices :
I think is somewhat related to policies. But I did not find the solution yet.
Bash window 1:
$ export VAULT_ADDR=""
$ export VAULT_TOKEN="my-fine-token"
$ # This creates a secret
$ vault kv put secret/mysql/webapp db_name="users" username="admin" password="passw0rd"
$ # this writes the policy to access the secret
$ vault policy write jenkins -<<EOF\n# Read-only permission on secrets stored at 'secret/data/mysql/webapp'\npath "secret/data/mysql/webapp" {\n capabilities = [ "read" ]\n}\nEOF\n
$ # This creates an approle jenkins
$ vault write auth/approle/role/jenkins token_policies="jenkins" \\n token_ttl=1h token_max_ttl=4h\n
$ # this reads the role-id
$ vault read auth/approle/role/jenkins/role-id
Key Value
--- -----
role_id fcff5e13-wonderfull-my-fine-role-id
$ This creates a wrapping token with TTL 120s
$ vault write -wrap-ttl=120s -force auth/approle/role/jenkins/secret-id
Key Value
--- -----
wrapping_token: hvs.wonderfull-msgiIp9nu91c1fLrcwGh4KHGh2cy5HMmw4bkh2-my-fine-wrapping-token
wrapping_accessor: ddXZLPFmy-fine-accessor
wrapping_token_ttl: 2m
wrapping_token_creation_time: 2022-11-23 12:19:46.958503493 +0000 UTC
wrapping_token_creation_path: auth/approle/role/jenkins/secret-id
wrapped_accessor: 5superp-6-my-fine-wrapped-accessor
role_id and wrapping_token is now used in bash window 2:
$ # unwrap token to obtain the secret-id
$ VAULT_TOKEN=hvs.wonderfull-msgiIp9nu91c1fLrcwGh4KHGh2cy5HMmw4bkh2-my-fine-wrapping-token vault unwrap
Key Value
--- -----
secret_id ac8b3594-my-wundervolles-secret-id
secret_id_accessor 485423my-wundervolles-secret-accessor
secret_id_ttl 0s
$ # login to vault and get a APP_TOKEN to be used to read secrets
$ vault write auth/approle/login role_id=fcff5e13-wonderfull-my-fine-role-id secret_id=ac8b3594-my-wundervolles-secret-id
Key Value
--- -----
token hvs.CAESIEW-so-a-nice-token-lEgXb9ZIf-my-wonderfull-token
token_accessor MehfK-my-wonderfull-accessor
token_duration 1h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default" "jenkins"]
identity_policies []
policies ["default" "jenkins"]
token_meta_role_name jenkins
$ export APP_TOKEN=hvs.CAESIEW-so-a-nice-token-lEgXb9ZIf-my-wonderfull-token
$ # Read a secret
$ VAULT_TOKEN=$APP_TOKEN vault kv get secret/mysql/webapp
====== Secret Path ======
======= Metadata =======
Key Value
--- -----
created_time 2022-11-23T09:44:24.429733013Z
custom_metadata <nil>
deletion_time n/a
destroyed false
version 1
====== Data ======
Key Value
--- -----
db_name users
password passw0rd
username admin
The advantage with this wrapped_token is that the CI Pipeline passes this short lived token to the app. The app uses this token to retrieve the secret-id (by unwrapping it) and performs the login together with the role-idto obtain the access token to read the database secret.
Solution :
The Problem is solved by providing the unwrap_token to app_client = Client(url=URL) token=unwrap_token as mentioned in a still open pull-request to hvac (as of 2022-11-30) :
import hvac
client = hvac.Client(url='')
client.token = "hvs.wonderfull-msgiIp9nu91c1fLrcwGh4KHGh2cy5HMmw4bkh2-my-fine-wrapping-token"
# When authenticating with just the wrapping token, should not pass token into unwrap call
unwrap_response = client.sys.unwrap()
print('Unwrapped approle role token secret id accessor: "%s"' % unwrap_response['data']['secret_id_accessor'])

RKE2 Authorized endpoint configuration help required

I have a rancher 2.6.67 server and RKE2 downstream cluster. The cluster was created without authorized cluster endpoint. How to add an authorised cluster endpoint to a RKE2 cluster created by Rancher article describes how to add it in an existing cluster, however although the answer looks promising, I still must miss some detail, because it does not work for me.
Here is what I did:
Created /var/lib/rancher/rke2/kube-api-authn-webhook.yaml file with contents:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- name: Default
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
- name: Default
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
current-context: webhook
- name: webhook
user: Default
cluster: Default
and added
"kube-apiserver-arg": [
to the /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml.d/50-rancher.yaml file.
After restarting rke2-server I found the network configuration tab in Rancher and was able to enable authorized endpoint. Here is where my success ends.
I tried to create a serviceaccount and got the secret to have token authorization, but it failed when connecting directly to the api endpoint on the master.
kube-api-auth pod logs this:
time="2022-10-06T08:42:27Z" level=error msg="found 1 parts of token"
time="2022-10-06T08:42:27Z" level=info msg="Processing v1Authenticate request..."
Also the log is full of messages like this:
E1006 09:04:07.868108 1 reflector.go:139] pkg/mod/ Failed to watch *v3.ClusterAuthToken: failed to list *v3.ClusterAuthToken: the server could not find the requested resource (get
E1006 09:04:40.778350 1 reflector.go:139] pkg/mod/ Failed to watch *v3.ClusterAuthToken: failed to list *v3.ClusterAuthToken: the server could not find the requested resource (get
E1006 09:04:45.171554 1 reflector.go:139] pkg/mod/ Failed to watch *v3.ClusterUserAttribute: failed to list *v3.ClusterUserAttribute: the server could not find the requested resource (get
I found that SA tokens will not work this way so I tried to use a rancher user token, but that fails as well:
time="2022-10-06T08:37:34Z" level=info msg=" ...looking up token for kubeconfig-user-qq9nrc86vv"
time="2022-10-06T08:37:34Z" level=error msg=" \"cattle-system/kubeconfig-user-qq9nrc86vv\" not found"
Checking the cattle-system namespace, there are no SA and secret entries corresponding to the users created in rancher, however I found SA and secret entries related in cattle-impersonation-system.
I tried creating a new user, but that too, only resulted in new entries in cattle-impersonation-system namespace, so I presume kube-api-auth wrongly assumes the location of the secrets to be cattle-system namespace.
Now the questions:
Can I authenticate with downstream RKE2 cluster using normal SA tokens (not ones created through Rancher server)? If so, how?
What did I do wrong about adding the webhook authentication configuration? How to make it work?
I noticed, that since I made the modifications described above, I cannot download the kubeconfig file from the rancher UI for this cluster. What went wrong there?
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Why can I read ksqldb streams but not topics within ksql client?

I am testing ksqldb on AWS EC2 instances in the latest release (confluent 5.5.1) and have an access problem that I can't solve.
I have a secured Kafka sever (SASL_SSSL, SASL mode PLAIN), an unsecured Schema Registry (another issue with Avro Serializers, but ok for the moment), and a secured KSQL Server and Client.
Topics are filled properly with AVRO data (value only, no key) from a JDBC source connector.
I can access the KSQL Server with ksql without issues
I can access KSQL REST API without issues
When I list topics within ksql, I get the correct list.
When I select a push stream, I get messages when I push something into the topic (with Kafka Connect, in my case).
BUT: When I call "print topic" I get a ~60 sec block in the client, followed by a 'Timeout expired while fetching topic metadata'.
The ksql-kafka.log goes wild with repeated entries like
[2020-09-02 18:52:46,246] WARN [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=null] Bootstrap broker (id: -3 rack: null) disconnected (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient:1037)
The corresponding broker log shows
Sep 2 18:52:44 ip-10-1-6-11 kafka-server-start: [2020-09-02 18:52:44,704] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=1002] Failed authentication with (Unexpected Kafka request of type METADATA during SASL handshake.) (
This is my file: hf_kafka_ksql_001,,
# currently the keystore contains only the ksql server and the certificate chain to the CA
# Need to set this to empty, otherwise the REST API is not accessible with the client key.
# currently the truststore contains only the CA certificate
sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required \
username="ksql" \
# authentication for producers, needed for ksql commands like "Create Stream"
producer.sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required \
username="ksql" \
# authentication for consumers, needed for ksql commands like "Create Stream"
consumer.sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required \
username="ksql" \
I call ksql with
ksql --user cli --password test --config-file /var/kafka-ssl/'
This is my ksql client configuration
JAAS config, included as Parameter on service start
KsqlServerProps {
org.eclipse.jetty.jaas.spi.PropertyFileLoginModule required
with cli.password containing the authentication users and passwords for the ksql client.
I call ksql with
ksql --user cli --password test --config-file /var/kafka-ssl/'
I possibly have tried any permutation of keys, settings etc but to no avail. Obviously there is something wroing in key management. For me, it is surprising that usings streams is ok but the low-level topics is not.
Has someone found a solution for that issue? I am really running ou of ideas here. Thanks.
Found it! It was easy to overlook - the client's configuration needs of course. a SASL setting...

How to configure IBM MQ v9 to use Microsoft AD for user authentication

I'm trying to set up Microsoft AD like user repository for IBM MQ v9 Queue Manager , but without success. I read the document, but it's very unclear with all those diagrams, dashes and arrows. My final goal is to have ability to grant or rewoke authorizations based od AD groups. Can someone give me complete commands example how to configure queue manager to use AD for user repository?
IBM MQ is v9.0.0.0 and runs on CentOS v7. Active Directory is on Windows Server 2019 machine.
I tried to set AUTHINFO with MQSC commands. All commands are executed without problems. After that I refreshed security and tried to grant authorizations with setmqaut command, but unsuccessful.
I tried with this below MQSC commands:
setmqaut -m MY.QUEUE.MANAGER -t qmgr -g myadgroup +all
After I execute command:
setmqaut -m MY.QUEUE.MANAGER -t qmgr -g myadgroup +all
This error is displyed i console: AMQ7026: A principal or group name was invalid.
And these below lines are recorded in queue manager log:
AMQ5531: Error locating user or group in LDAP
The LDAP authentication and authorization service has failed in the ldap_search
call while trying to find user or group 'myadgroup '. Returned count is 0.
Additional context is 'rc = 87 (Bad search filter)
[(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(=myadgroup ))]'.
Specify the correct name, or fix the directory configuration. There may be
additional information in the LDAP server error logs.
----- amqzfula.c : 2489 -------------------------------------------------------
On Active Directory side these lines are recorded in log:
An account failed to log on.
Security ID: SYSTEM
Account Name: MYADSERVER$
Account Domain: MYDOMAINNAME
Logon ID: 0x3E7
Logon Type: 3
Account For Which Logon Failed:
Security ID: NULL SID
Account Name: mybinduser
Account Domain: MYDOMAINNAME
Failure Information:
Failure Reason: Unknown user name or bad password.
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC000006A
Process Information:
Caller Process ID: 0x280
Caller Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe
Network Information:
Workstation Name: MYADSERVER
Source Network Address:
Source Port: 55592
Detailed Authentication Information:
Logon Process: Advapi
Transited Services: -
Package Name (NTLM only): -
Key Length: 0
Here beleow is output of the command DIS AUTHINFO(MY.AD.CONFIGURATION) ALL
AMQ8566: Display authentication information details.
FINDGRP(MEMBER) BASEDNG(OU=Groups,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us)
Here below is output from LdapAuthentication.jar tool:
java -jar LdapAuthentication.jar ldap:// CN=mybinduser,OU=System,OU=Users,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us mybinduserpassword OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us sAMAccountName adminusername adminpassword
#WMBL3: successful bind
#WMBL3: successfull search Starting Authentication Found the user, DN is CN=adminusername,OU=MyCompany,OU=Users,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us
#WMBL3 : check if the password is correct
#WMBL3: successful authentication
#WMBL3 : Commands for WebUI ldap authentication :
1. mqsisetdbparms <INodeName> -n ldap::LDAP -u "CN=mybinduser,OU=System,OU=Users,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us" -p mybinduserpassword
mqsisetdbparms <INodeName> -n ldap:: -u "CN=mybinduser,OU=System,OU=Users,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us" -p mybinduserpassword
2. mqsichangeproperties <INodeName> -b webadmin -o server -n ldapAuthenticationUri -v \"ldap://,DC=mycompany,DC=us?sAMAccountName\"
3. mqsiwebuseradmin <INodeName> -c -u adminusername -x -r <sysrole for eg: local userid >
Here below is qmanager log after I applied changes in my AUTHINFO what you suggested Jul 25.
AMQ5531: Error locating user or group in LDAP
The LDAP authentication and authorization service has failed in the ldap_search
call while trying to find user or group 'wasadmin'. Returned count is 0.
Additional context is 'rc = 1 (Operations error)
ACTION: Specify the correct name, or fix the directory configuration. There may be
additional information in the LDAP server error logs.
This is myadgroup full DN:
This is output of the setmqaut command with full group DN:
setmqaut -m MY.QUEUE.MANAGER -t qmgr -g 'CN=myadgroup,OU=System,OU=Groups,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us' +all
AMQ7047: An unexpected error was encountered by a command. Reason code is 2063.
And this is qmanager log after that command was executed:
AMQ5531: Error locating user or group in LDAP
EXPLANATION: The LDAP authentication and authorization service has failed in the ldap_search call while trying to find user or group 'CN=myadgroup,OU=System,OU=Groups,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us'.
Returned count is 0.
Additional context is 'rc = 1 (Operations error) [(objectClass=groupOfNames)]'.
Specify the correct name, or fix the directory configuration. There may be
additional information in the LDAP server error logs.
If I try with CLASSGRP(GROUP) output of the setmqaut is:
AMQ7047: An unexpected error was encountered by a command. Reason code is 2063.
And qmqnager log is:
AMQ5531: Error locating user or group in LDAP
EXPLANATION: The LDAP authentication and authorization service has failed in the
ldap_search call while trying to find user or group
Returned count is 0.
Additional context is 'rc = 1 (Operations error) [(objectClass=GROUP)]'.
Specify the correct name, or fix the directory configuration. There may be
additional information in the LDAP server error logs.
Below is my last configured authinfo object:
AMQ8566: Display authentication information details.
GRPFIELD(sAMAccountName) USRFIELD(sAMAccountName)
Based on the your output I noted that you did not set LDAPPWD which is used by MQ to authenticate the LDAPUSER that you specified.
This is supported by the windows error you provided:
Account For Which Logon Failed:
Security ID: NULL SID
Account Name: mybinduser
Account Domain: MYDOMAINNAME
Failure Information:
Failure Reason: Unknown user name or bad password.
In the output of LdapAuthentication.jar it appears that you have the correct password available:
CN=mybinduser,OU=System,OU=Users,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us mybinduserpassword
You can either specify the LDAPPWD or you can blank out your LDAPUSER and see if your AD allows anonymous bind (this is rare).
I noted that you have some other fields left blank that probably need to be filled in. I also suggest you always use ADOPTCTX(YES).
Below is my suggested updates to your AUTHINFO object:
FINDGRP('member') +
BASEDNG('OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us') +
BASEDNU('OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us') +
LDAPUSER('CN=mybinduser,OU=System,OU=Users,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=us') +
LDAPPWD(mybinduserpassword) +
SHORTUSR(sAMAccountName) +
GRPFIELD(sAMAccountName) +
USRFIELD(sAMAccountName) +
*Note I have not tested this against AD, but I have setup IIB to authenticate the WebUI/REST calls against AD and also took inspiration from two presentations/write ups from Mark Taylor from IBM:
MQ Integration with Directory Services - Presented at MQTC v2.0.1.6
MQdev Blog: IBM MQ - Using Active Directory for authorisation in Unix queue managers

Kerberos aes-256 encryption not working

Server is a RHEL7, Kerberos is AD (Windows). I'm only client of KDC.
Arcfour-hmac works fine but when I change encryption type to aes-256 and set up a new keytab, kinit still works, but not kvno. And even if the user seems to have a valid ticket (in klist) he is not able to start services anymore.
I don't have access to the Kerberos AD, but it seems properly configured to use aes-256, because end users (on Windows computers) already request tickets in this encryption type.
My krb5.conf :
default_realm = TOTO.NET
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = false
ticket_lifetime = 24h
renew_lifetime = 7d
forwardable = true
default_tkt_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
default_tgs_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
permitted_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
kdc =
kdc =
admin_server =
[domain_realm] = TOTO.NET = TOTO.NET
And here the errors I got when I try to acquire a ticket with kvno :
[2477332] 1493147723.961912: Getting credentials myuser#TOTO.NET -> nn/myserver#TOTO.NET using ccache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
[2477332] 1493147723.962055: Retrieving myuser#TOTO.NET -> nn/myserver#TOTO.NET from FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with result: -1765328243/Matching credential not found (filename: /tmp/krb5cc_0)
[2477332] 1493147723.962257: Retrieving myuser#TOTO.NET -> krbtgt/TOTO.NET#TOTO.NET from FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with result: 0/Success
[2477332] 1493147723.962267: Starting with TGT for client realm: myuser#TOTO.NET -> krbtgt/TOTO.NET#TOTO.NET
[2477332] 1493147723.962274: Requesting tickets for nn/myserver#TOTO.NET, referrals on
[2477332] 1493147723.962309: Generated subkey for TGS request: aes256-cts/17DF
[2477332] 1493147723.962363: etypes requested in TGS request: aes256-cts, aes128-cts
[2477332] 1493147723.962504: Encoding request body and padata into FAST request
[2477332] 1493147723.962575: Sending request (1716 bytes) to TOTO.NET
[2477332] 1493147723.962725: Resolving hostname kdc1.TOTO.NET
[2477332] 1493147723.963054: Initiating TCP connection to stream ip_of_kdc1:88
[2477332] 1493147723.964205: Sending TCP request to stream ip_of_kdc1:88
[2477332] 1493147724.3751: Received answer (329 bytes) from stream ip_of_kdc1:88
[2477332] 1493147724.3765: Terminating TCP connection to stream ip_of_kdc1:88
[2477332] 1493147724.3846: Response was not from master KDC
[2477332] 1493147724.3879: Decoding FAST response
[2477332] 1493147724.3965: TGS request result: -1765328370/KDC has no support for encryption type
klist -ket mykeytab
Keytab name: FILE:nn.service.keytab
KVNO Timestamp Principal
---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
1 01/01/1970 01:00:00 nn/myserver01#TOTO.NET (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
1 03/22/2017 16:34:55 nn/myserver02#TOTO.NET (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
Thanks for your help
Ask your AD administrator to enable support for AES-256 encryption types on the AD account associated with the keytab. To find that account, run this command:
setspn -Q nn/myserver01#TOTO.NET
the output will tell you the name of the account. It will start with CN=xxx, where "xxx" is the name of the AD account. To enable support for AES-256 encryption types on the AD account, tell your AD admin that the checkbox "This account supports Kerberos AES 256 bit encryption" must be checked, and that is found under Account tab, all the way at the bottom.
I just recently encountered this problem and was able to solve it.
for us, it was that AD was using a different salt than what the Kerberos client used by default.
That is, when using ktutil:
addent -password -p servicepuppetnp#AMER.EXAMPLE.COM -k 4 -e arcfour-hmac
Password for admspike_white#AMER.EXAMPLE.COM:
produces a keytab file that I could use to kinit as that principal. Whereas:
ktutil: addent -password -p admspike_white#AMER.EXAMPLE.COM -k 1 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
Password for admspike_white#AMER.EXAMPLE.COM:
did not produce a keytab file that would allow successful kinit. (pre-auth failure).
I had to do this:
ktutil: addent -password -p admspike_white#AMER.EXAMPLE.COM -k 1 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 -f
Password for admspike_white#AMER.EXAMPLE.COM:
which tells ktutil to get the salt info from the AD DC. then it uses the correct salt. That produces a keytab file that allows successful kinit.