I can see live app on secured port 443 red5pro - red5

I prepared server ubuntu like from docs. I created SSL cert to my domin and i have open required ports. I installed red5pro in to /usr/local/red5pro/ and server fine. When i will go to http://example.com:5080/ i can see home page red5pro and is ok. But when i click on broadcast i have a info: No suitable Publisher found. WebRTC & Flash not supported. Ok, maybe because is http not https. I decided create test index page in to /var/www/test/index.html and i have basic configuration like:
var config = {
protocol: 'wss',
host: 'example.com',
port: 443,
app: 'live',
streamName: 'abccaccaa',
rtcConfiguration: {
iceServers: [{urls: 'stun:stun2.l.google.com:19302'}],
iceCandidatePoolSize: 2,
bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle'
} // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/RTCPeerConnection#RTCConfiguration_dictionary
And now when i try broadcast have an info: WebSocket connection to 'wss://example.com/live/?id=abccaccaa' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
Looks like have no example.com/live and cant figure out what is wrong :( since 2 days. Maybe someone could give me an advice ? Or alternative on other application than red5pro


Socket Io and Kubernetes

I am trying to migrate a socket io service from GCP (App Engine) to a kubernetes cluster.
Everything works fine on the GCP side (we have one instance of the server without replicas).
The migration to k8s is going very well, except that when connecting the client socket to the server, it does not receive some information:
In transport 'polling': Of course, as there are two pods, this doesn't work properly anymore and the client socket keeps deconnecting / reconnecting in loop.
In 'websocket' transport: The connection is correctly established, the client can receive data from the server in 'broadcast to all client' mode => socket.emit('getDeviceList', os.hostname()) but, as soon as the server tries to send data only to the concerned client io.of(namespace).to(socket.id).emit('getDeviceList', JSON.stringify(obj)), this one doesn't receive anything...
Moreover, I modified my service to have only one pod for a test, the polling mode works correctly, but, I find myself in the same case as the websocket mode => I can't send an information to a precise client...
Of course, the same code on the App Engine side works correctly and the client receives everything correctly.
I'm working with:
"socket.io": "^3.1.0",
"socket.io-redis": "^5.2.0",
"vue": "^2.5.18",
"vue-socket.io": "3.0.7",
My server side configuration:
var io = require('socket.io')(server, {
pingTimeout: 5000,
pingInterval : 2000,
cors: {
origin: true,
methods: ["GET", "POST"],
transports: ['websocket', 'polling'],
credentials: true
allowEIO3: true
io.adapter(redis({ host: redis_host, port: redis_port }))
My front side configuration:
Vue.use(new VueSocketIO({
debug: true,
connection: 'path_to_the_socket_io/namespace,
options: {
query: `id=..._timestamp`,
transports: ['polling']
My ingress side annotation:
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: ip-loadbalancer
meta.helm.sh/release-name: xxx
meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: xxx -release nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: cookie nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity-mode: persistent nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: true nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-connect-timeout: 10800
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-read-timeout: 10800
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-send-timeout: 10800
nginx.org/websocket-services: app-sockets-cluster-ip-service
My question is : why i can get broadcast to all user message and not specific message to my socket ?
Can someone try to help me ? :)
Thanks a lot !
I found the solution in the day.and share it.
In fact, the problem is not due to the kubernetes Cluster but due to the socket io and socket io redis adapter version.
I was using socket.io: 3.x.x and using socket.io-redis: 5.x.x
In fact, i need to use the socket.io-redis: 6.x.x with this version of socket io :)
You can find the compatible version of socket io and redis adapter here:
Thanks a lot.

Let's Encrypt SSL ( sailsjs framework )

Is there any node modules for sailsjs framework to make ssl certificate using let's encrypt?
There is a middleware that enables http->https redirect and also handles the ACME-validation requests from Let's Encrypt. As far as I can tell, it does not actually trigger the renewal, nor writes anything, but I believe that the ACME-scripts handle that as cron-jobs every 3 months or so, allowing you app to just validate automatically when they run. I haven't implemented this myself yet though.
I would also ask you to really consider using CloudFlare or some other SSL-termination service, as that also gives you a lot of other benefits like DDoS protection, some CDN-features etc.
As has been mentioned, you should consider the best overall solution in terms of CloudFlare or SSL-offload via nginx etc.
However, you can use greenlock-express.js for this to achieve SSL with LetsEncrypt directly within the Sails node environment.
The example below:
Configures an HTTP express app using greenlock on port 80 that handles the
redirects to HTTPS and the LetsEncrypt business logic.
Uses the greenlock SSL configuration to configure the primary Sails app as HTTPS on port 443.
Sample configuration for config/local.js:
// returns an instance of greenlock.js with additional helper methods
var glx = require('greenlock-express').create({
server: 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory'
, version: 'draft-11' // Let's Encrypt v2 (ACME v2)
, telemetry: true
, servername: 'domainname.com'
, configDir: '/tmp/acme/'
, email: 'myemail#somewhere.com'
, agreeTos: true
, communityMember: true
, approveDomains: [ 'domainname.com', 'www.domainname.com' ]
, debug: true
// handles acme-challenge and redirects to https
require('http').createServer(glx.middleware(require('redirect-https')())).listen(80, function () {
console.log("Listening for ACME http-01 challenges on", this.address());
module.exports = {
port: 443,
ssl: true,
http: {
serverOptions: glx.httpsOptions,
Refer to the greenlock documentation for fine-tuning configuration detail, but the above gets an out-of-the-box LetsEncrypt working with Sails.
Note also, that you may wish to place this configuration in somewhere like config/env/production.js as appropriate.

Meteor/Apollo: SSL Access for HTTPS and WS?

I’m trying to get SSL working in Meteor for https and websockets. I’m getting this error:
(STDERR) Error: listen EACCES
Here's my setup.
For SSL access I have installed nourharidy/meteor-ssl. I can use any comparable package or approach that people have found useful!
As required by nourharidy/meteor-ssl, in server/main.js I have:
SSL('/path/to/private/server.key','/path/to/private/server.crt', 443);
Here's the rest of my setup:
My ROOT_URL environment variable is: //I’m using my Mac’s ip address so that another Mac can access it
In imports/startup/server/index.js I have:
const USING_HTTPS = true;
const httpProtocol =  USING_HTTPS ? "https" : "http";
const localHostString = '' //I’m using my Mac’s ip address so that another Mac can access it
const METEOR_PORT = 443;
const subscriptionsEndpoint = `wss://${localHostString}:${GRAPHQL_SUBSCRIPTION_PORT}/subscriptions`;
const server = express();
server.use('*', cors({ origin: `${httpProtocol}://${localHostString}:${GRAPHQL_SUBSCRIPTION_PORT}` }));
server.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({
server.use('/graphiql', graphiqlExpress({
    endpointURL: '/graphql',
    subscriptionsEndpoint: subscriptionsEndpoint
// We wrap the express server so that we can attach the WebSocket for subscriptions
const ws = createServer(server);
    console.log(`GraphQL Server is now running on ${httpProtocol}://${localHostString}:${GRAPHQL_SUBSCRIPTION_PORT}`);
    // Set up the WebSocket for handling GraphQL subscriptions
    new SubscriptionServer({
    }, {
        server: ws,
        path: '/subscriptions',
What am I missing?
Thanks very much in advance to all for any info!
The way Stack Overflow works is that you put some effort in, and get close to the problem, and we'll help you get through that last bit. Asking for help on how to use Google is what we call off-topic.
If you have done a Google search for Error: listen EACCES would have yielded a bunch of results, the first of which is this:
Node.js EACCES error when listening on most ports
So I am willing to be helpful, but you need to help yourself too
Solved it! It turns out my server setup was fine.
Server-side I was building the WSS url like so:
var websocketUri = Meteor.absoluteUrl('subscriptions').replace(/http/, 'ws').replace('3100', '3200');
The Meteor docs for absoluteUrl say:
The server reads from the ROOT_URL environment variable to determine where it is running.
In Webstorm I have ROOT_URL set to https://10.0.nn.nn:3100. But for some reason absoluteUrl was returning http://10.0.nn.nn:3000. I.e. it had the wrong port.
After correcting the port-- it’s working!
UPDATE: I thought I had it solved when I posted a few days ago, but I was still missing something.
I'm now using ngrok to provide SSL to my dev system for use with HTTPS and WSS.
Here are a few details.
I run Meteor on localhost:3000.
I assign the value of "http://localhost:3000" to the ROOT_URL environment variable.
I run two simultaneous ngrok connections, one for HTTPS and one for WSS:
./ngrok http 3000
./ngrok http 3200
This gives me two ngrok urls, for example:
Forwarding https://9b785bd3.ngrok.io -> localhost:3000
Forwarding https://ec3d8027.ngrok.io -> localhost:3200
I access my app via the ngrok url, for example:
I build my HTTPS links and WSS links based on the ngrok addresses. For example:
const wssEndpoint = 'wss://ec3d8027.ngrok.io/subscriptions';
I hope this is helpful to others looking into this.

SIPML 5 Client and SipServlets not works Using WSS

I Have Tomcat run on HTTPS.
I have tried to deploy SIPML5 WebSocket Application To into my tomcat.
When I tried to connect Sip Servlets using ws :
And Sip Servlets Config looks like :
<Connector port="5082"
ipAddress = "192.168.X.Y"
I got an error :
SIPml-api.js:4 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://192.168.X1.X2:8443/CallCenterBK/CallCenterBK.jsp?sip=1' was loaded over HTTPS, but attempted to connect to the insecure WebSocket endpoint 'ws://192.168.X.Y:5082/'. This request has been blocked; this endpoint must be available over WSS.
When I have changes my SIPML 5 Client to wss :
And my sip servlets config looks like :
<Connector port="5082"
ipAddress = "192.168.X.Y"
I got another error :
WebSocket connection to 'wss://192.168.X.Y:5082/' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
And when I have set to sipml 5 client : wss://192.168.X.Y:5082
and config changed to :
<Connector port="5082"
ipAddress = "192.168.X.Y"
I got an error :
WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT
What I did incorrectly ?
Any idea will be appreciated.
You configured the HTTPs connector with the certificate information, you need to do the same thing for the WSS connector. Unfortunately the configuration for that is located at the SIP Stack level, so you need to edit your standalone/configuration/mss-sip-stack.properties and add
SIPML5 works fine with wss for sure. The problem is on your server side.
Make sure that 5082 port is listening (telnet)
Make sure that you have installed a valid SSL certificate to your
Make sure that 5082 is the secure (wss) port (On most servers the ws
unsecured and wss secured are listening on different ports)

Does Rikulo Stream support server-side SSL?

In my search to find SSL support, I have looked at the Rikulo Security package, which unfortunately does not support SSL.
If it does not support SSL, it would be nice if the url mapping could define this somehow (similar to how security plugin does it in Grails), and with config parameter for the path of the SSL certificate.
An example of the way it could be configured:
var urlMap = {
"/": home,
"/login": SECURE_CHANNEL(login), // I made this part up
new StreamServer(uriMapping: urlMap)
..start(port: 8080);
Has anyone got SSL working with Rikulo Stream?
First, you shall use startSecure():
new StreamServer()
..start(port: 80)
..startSecure(address: "", port: 443);
Second, the routing map shall be the same, i.e., no special handling.
If you'd like to have different routing map for HTTP and HTTPS, you can start two servers:
new StreamServer(mapping1).start(port: 80);
new StreamServer(mapping2).startSecure(address: "", port: 443);