What should be used for multiple authentication in swagger (anyOf or oneOf)? - authentication

I'm developing validation against a swagger schema. I have a question regarding multiple authentications, imagine I have a security block
- header
- cookie
Logic is like this - parse a user request, and put header/cookie inside some hashmap/dict V.
If a user has provided no header/cookie - return an error
If a user has provided the only header, add header value to V, V["header"] = request.header.value
If a user has provided the only cookie, add cookie value to V, V["cookie"] = request.cookie.value
But what should I do if a user has provided both cookie and header? Should I return an error (oneOf) or put the only header to the V variable (depends on the order of security) or put both header and cookie in the V or it depends on the application logic?
I have read https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/, but it is still unclear to me.


How does a Servant client handle received cookies?

I want to use a Servant client to first call a login endpoint to obtain a session cookie and then make a request against an endpoint that requires cookie authentication.
The API is (simlified)
import qualified Servant as SV
import qualified Servant.Auth.Server as AS
import qualified Servant.Client as SC
-- Authentication and X-CSRF cookies
type CookieHeader = ( SV.Headers '[SV.Header "Set-Cookie" AS.SetCookie
, SV.Header "Set-Cookie" AS.SetCookie]
SV.NoContent )
type LoginEndpoint = "login" :> SV.ReqBody '[SV.JSON] Login :> SV.Verb 'SV.POST 204 '[SV.JSON] CookieHeader
type ProtectedEndpoint = "protected" :> SV.Get '[SV.JSON]
-- The overall API
type Api = LoginEndpoint :<|> (AS.Auth '[AS.Cookie, AS.JWT] User :> ProtectedEndpoint)
apiProxy :: Proxy Api
apiProxy = Proxy
I define the client as follows:
loginClient :: Api.Login -> SC.ClientM Api.CookieHeader
protectedClient :: AC.Token -> SC.ClientM Text :<|> SC.ClientM SV.NoContent
loginClient :<|> protectedClient = SC.client Api.apiProxy
How does the client handle the authentication cookie? I can think of two ways. When executing a request in the ClientM monad, like
result <- SC.runClientM (loginClient (Login "user" "password")) clientEnv
where Login is the login request body and clientEnv of type Servant.Client.ClientEnv, the cookie could part of the result, it could be updated in the cookieJar TVar inside clientEnv, or both. I would assume the TVar to be updated, so that a subsequent request with the same clientEnv would send the received cookies along. However, my attempt to read the TVar and inspect its contents using Network.HTTP.Client.destroyCookieJar revealed an empty array. Is this intended? I couldn't find anything in the documentation.
Thus, to make an authenticated call, I would need to extract the cookie from the header in the result (how?), update the TVar, create a new clientEnv that references this TVar, and make the authenticated call using this new environment. Is this indeed the suggested procedure? I'm asking because I suppose the use case is so standard that there should be a more streamlined solution. Is there? Am I missing something?
After some experimentation, I figured out that the Servant client indeed does maintain cookies in the cookieJar that is part of the clientEnv. To be more precise, clientEnv contains the field cookieJar, which is of type Maybe (TVar CookieJar). It is the TVar the client updates according to the Set-Cookie instructions of subsequent requests. It is up to the developer to create and initialize that TVar before making the first request; otherwise, the Servant client will discard cookies between requests.
In addition, it is possible to retrieve cookies in the same way as the request body. To this end, the cookies to be retrieved must be defined as part of the API type, like in the example of my original question:
type LoginEndpoint = "login" :> SV.ReqBody '[SV.JSON] Login :> SV.Verb 'SV.POST 204 '[SV.JSON] CookieHeader
Disassembling the returned was a little tricky at first, because I needed to figure out the final type that results from Servant's type-level machinery. Ultimately, I did the following:
SV.Headers resp h <- tryRequest clientEnv (loginClient (Api.Login "user" "pwd"))
let headers = SV.getHeaders h
where tryRequest is a helper to execute runClientM and extract the Right part. The pattern match resp contains the return value (here NoContent), while h is is an HList of the different headers. It can be converted into a regular list of Network.HTTP.Types.Header using Servant's getHeaders function.
It would then be possible to change or generate new headers and submit them with a new request by adding a new header to the cookieJar TVar (see the cookie-manipulating functions in Network.HTTP.Client).

How do I create header from other header values in Traefik

In Traefik, I want to take the values of headers that come from a forwarded auth, and add them to the ongoing request as a combined custom header.
I see that I can simply forward the headers using:
authResponseHeaders = ["X-Auth-Token", "X-Token-Type"]
What I really need to achieve is to combine these into another header (pseudo code):
Authorization = X-Token-Type + " " + X-Auth-Token
Our ongoing request needs to authenticate using the Authorixation header, but this would be incorrect unless (I think, I can't test this right now) I pass Authorization back from my forwarded auth, and use:
authResponseHeaders = ["Authorization"]
Caveat, I haven't tested the above as Traefik got deleted until I can prove it will work. Sad I know.
Is any of this rambling question possible?

Cookie Authentication: How to access a returning user

I have studied a couple examples of ASP.Net Core 2.0 Cookie Authentication.
However, I still don't see the code that checks for a returning user via a cookie.
Please note that I'm not a web developer. As a result, I realize that my question may appear foolish.
As I understand, the browser sends the cookie to the server per client request. However, I just don't see the server logic for this in the examples that I've studied. Hence, I only see logic for logging in the user the very first time based a username and password that's explicitly passed in.
I expected the server to explicitly check if a cookie exists when requesting the index page of the website. If a cookie does exist, I would expect to see some logic to address a user that's already logged in.
Giraffe example
Tutorial example
Here's my code:
let loginHandler =
fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
Tasks.Task.Run(fun _ -> StackOverflow.CachedTags.Instance() |> ignore) |> ignore
task {
let! data = ctx.BindJsonAsync<LogInRequest>()
let email = data.Email.ToLower()
if authenticate email data.Password
then match login email with
| Some provider ->
let claims = [ Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, email) ]
let identity = ClaimsIdentity(claims, authScheme)
let user = ClaimsPrincipal(identity)
do! ctx.SignInAsync(authScheme, user)
return! json provider next ctx
| None -> return! (setStatusCode 400 >=> json "Invalid login") next ctx
else return! (setStatusCode 400 >=> json "Invalid login") next ctx
I'm looking at the giraffe example.
The statements services.AddAuthentication(authScheme) and services.AddCookie(cookieAuth) will add various services to the services collection, making them available for injection.
The statement app.UseAuthentication() adds services to the middleware pipeline. A middleware service is something that runs on every request.
The service that gets added by UseAuthentication is called AuthenticationMiddleware. As you can see this middleware relies on an injected IAuthenticationSchemeProvider (provided by your call to AddAuthentication) which in turn (skipping a few steps here) relies on a service called CookieAuthenticationhandler (provided by your call to AddCookie) which actually does the work of authenticating via cookie. When it is done it sets the logged in user onto the HttpContext which you can reference from your controllers if you need to.

How do you use Snap's authentication mechanisms during a single POST request?

I'm working on a Haskell Snap-based web app, and I want to expose an API endpoint that will be invoked by a remote service without establishing an authenticated session a-priori; however, I do want that request to be authenticated, so the credentials should be provided at the time of the request.
You could imagine the request containing four fields:
payload id
payload file
The payload id and file might be irrelevant for this question, but I include them because I (a) need to support file uploads in this request (which, as I understand it, restricts the encoding used to send fields) and (b) need to retrieve at least one non-file field. The combination of those things posed some difficulty when I set this up without authentication, so perhaps it is relevant.
In Snap parlance, let's call this handler uploadHandler.
As indicated above, I have this working fine without authentication, with a setup like this:
uploadHandler :: Handler App App ()
uploadHandler = do
-- collect files / form fields and process as needed.
-- and using the routes:
routes :: [(ByteString, Handler App App ())]
routes = [ ("/login", with auth handleLoginSubmit)
, ("/logout", with auth handleLogout)
, ("/new_user", with auth handleNewUser)
-- handle the upload:
, ("/upload", handleUpload)
The naive solution is to simply add 'with auth' and change the type of handleUpload:
uploadHandler :: Handler App (AuthManager App) ()
uploadHandler = do
-- collect files / form fields and process as needed.
-- and using the routes:
routes :: [(ByteString, Handler App App ())]
routes = [ ("/login", with auth handleLoginSubmit)
, ("/logout", with auth handleLogout)
, ("/new_user", with auth handleNewUser)
-- handle the upload, with auth:
, ("/upload", with auth handleUpload)
However, this seems to require two requests: (i) authenticate and establish a session, (ii) send the POST request containing the actual payload.
I found a way to do this in one request, but it seems like there should be a more elegant means. Here's the example restricted POST handler I've hacked together:
restrictedPOST :: Handler App (AuthManager App) ()
restrictedPOST = do
mName <- getPostParam "username"
mPass <- getPostParam "password"
let uName = C8.unpack $ fromMaybe "" mName
pass = ClearText $ fromMaybe "" mPass
authResult <- loginByUsername (T.pack uName) pass False
case authResult of
Left authFail -> writeText "Could not log in"
Right user -> writeText (T.append "Hello " (userLogin user))
Is there something like 'with auth' that I can use instead of turning this example (restrictedPOST) into a combinator? I realize it may need to know which fields to get credentials out of, but I also know very little about web services (maybe there is another means? Maybe this is a total non-issue, and I just don't know how to check auth for POST requests. I'm open to any suggestions!)
I don't think you understand what with auth is doing. It has nothing to do with whether authentication is required. All it does is convert a Handler b (AuthManager b) into a Handler b v. No permissions checks are performed. Your restrictedPOST function has the right idea.

ADFS - Issuance Authorization Ruleset error

In our system, we have users registered from different domain (lets say their mail address are #gmail.com,#outlook.com,#yahoo.com). I have a requirement to restrict the user's access to RP based on the domain he comes from. For this setup, I tried to configure Issuance Authorization rule in ADFS (to allow users only from a particular domain) with the below rule
c:[Type == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress", Value =~ "gmail.com$"]
=> issue(Type = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/authorization/claims/permit", Value = "true");
I was passing email address claim through issuance authorization rule tab so I didn't initialized the input in the authorization ruleset as mentioned in the technet link (under Sending the execution output to the claims pipeline Section)
After the entire process has run for a give rule set (steps 1, 2, and 3), the newly issued outgoing claims (content of the output claim set) will be used as input to the next rule set in the claims pipeline. This allows for claims to flow from the output of one rule set to the input for another rule set, as shown in the following illustration.
But the authorization doesn't seem to work.
The claims configured in the first tab ( Issuance transform rules ) are not passed to the second tab (Issuance Authorization rules).
So we need to repeat the process again in the second tab (map emailaddresses -> emailaddress) as shown below.
Now the custom rule works perfectly.
If you need to add few more email domains to the acceptance criteria just use the "|" symbol:
c:[Type == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress", Value =~ "yahoo.com$|gmail.com$"]
=> issue(Type = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/authorization/claims/permit", Value = "true");