Minecraft ComputerCraft mod MiningTurtle starts wrong OS - minecraft

I found a similar question being asked here, but the answer has been moved to ether apparently.
My son loves Minecraft, and I want to get him more interested in programming, so I tried downloading the ComputerCraft Mod (I'm a complete Minecraft noob).
I installed ComputerCraft on Minecraft 1.8.9 Java Edition Mac OS X, and have gotten Turtles to show up in my inventory. I can place a mining turtle and use it, but when I do, I see that it is running "CraftOS" and not "TurtleOS". When I try to run turtle.turnLeft() - I get a true value returned, and the turtle indeed turns around, but I do not see the animation of it turning around - just at its final location when I exit the command prompt.
I'm at a loss. Can someone help?

Everything workd fine. In older versions, the os showed Turtle OS instaead of Craft OS when it was running on a turtle, but it was still the same os. In never versions CraftOS is showed on Computers and Turtles. There is no spefic TurtleOS.


Racket 8.5 does not close primary and secondary windows

I installed Racket 8.5 on my MacBook (MacOS Ventura Beta) and ran into a number of problems:
the application windows don't close on the cross, even the ones that are considered additional menus and shouldn't work that way anyway. Add video
In projects from my computer, the functions do not work correctly. And this error appears even if I move the author's code into my Racket in a clean project. For example, from a project downloaded from the Internet, where the author writes:
empty-scene 100 100 "blue"
In his project everything works fine, this function is in the Racket documentation.
If I write this function in my project, Racket gives me an error;
empty-scene: expects only 2 arguments, but found 3
I tried to find information about this on the Internet, I reinstalled Racket and downloaded different versions of the program, but the problem persists.
Has anyone encountered similar problems? Are there any tips on how to fix it?
I have no idea about the window thing: this doesn't happen on macOS 11 and I suspect is an artifact of running it on some beta version of macOS.
The arguments are because you're not in fact using 2htdp/image but htdp/image, which provides a different version of empty-scene. This is clear from looking at your video.
Also, please provide a description, in text of what is needed to reproduce problems like this: images and videos are just not a useful thing.
I'm coming back with results! Your messages are confirmed. It turns out that everything was affected by the beta version of MacOS. After rolling back to Big Sur, both problems resolved.
Thanks so much Shawn and ignis-volens for looking at the problem from the outside and helping me solve it 🔥

Migrating from CS50 Development Environment

I completed all the assignments on CS50 (with a great deal of help reading stackoverflow articles, thanks!) and I'd like to migrate to a "non CS50" environment to do the final project. I thought it would be relatively simple to move to Cloud9 since that's what the CS50 IDE is based on, but it's feeling like a pretty steep learning curve. I've got 3 hours into just trying to figure out how to install (or use if it's already installed) the sqlitebrowser (and still no luck).
npm install sqlitebrowser... nope
sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser... nope (you get the idea, on and on it goes)
Given that, this is feeling like a month-long program just to get started.
I'm assuming there must be an easier way for a beginner to get started developing web apps, but googling "migrating from CS50 IDE" and the like has a stunning dirth of information, I can't believe I'm alone in trying to figure out my next steps, so I'm a bit puzzled as to why no one else is asking. Hopefully this is just a dumb question where I'm missing something obvious. Or maybe this is just the way it is, you have to invest a lot of time to get your development environment going? Is there a development environment that has a community that's friendly to beginners?
In any case, I'm sure there are some on here having gone this path, so before I spend a month on this path, I figured I would at least ask!
They mentioned Visual Studio Code at one point and it has been okay so far, but not as convenient as the CS50 IDE and a bit tricky at times. debugger often falsely flags text. Sometimes I have to run terminal commands in a separate administrator cmd window. Still it works.

Ethiopic with dead keys unicode typing

this is a question I have posed already in two forums for different aspects (keyman and oxygen XML product forums), but I suspect there is a more general issue which I fail to see.
I have Keyman installed on Mac OS X and would like to use it with Word, libreoffice, oxygen or other software to type ethiopic script. However the behavior is quite strange in my understanding.
If I type a combination to obtain a character like 'h+a' I expect to obtain 'ሀ' but I get 'ሀh' or typing b+a to get 'በ' I get instead 'b በ'
In TextEdit for example this works fine and I do not understand why it does so in word and other editors.
Any suggestion on how to solve this?
Keyman for Mac OS X is a beta release product. This means that it has known issues and is being made available for testing. So, this is a known bug in the beta release of Keyman for Mac OS X. At the bottom of the Keyman for Mac OS X home page you can see a list of known issues, and the relevant issue is:
​Keyman does not detect context correctly in Open Office or LibreOffice or MS Word 2011 14.4.3.
There's not much you can do to solve the problem yourself, bar typing in TextEdit and pasting into other editors (which isn't practical). I am on the Keyman developer team and we are aware of the issue and are working on it.

is there a way to get pressure sensitivity of tablet thorugh javascript

I want to make a little painting program. So i am going over if it's even possible. As with all good painting programs it needs to have pressure sensitivity. And i don't think i have ever come across anyway to get pressure sensitivity of mouse/tablet. Is there a workaround.
The thing i have come closest to is touch event that is supposed to have pressure property.
This question has been asked before but that was like in 2009. I am hoping that there would be something available this time.
Chrome apps are also an option.
As far as I know only Firefox support this through a proprietary property on the event object:
var pressure = event.mozPressure;
which keeps a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
Wacom has a plugin that can be installed to give browsers an API to read these sort of values from but I guess it only works with their own tablets.
Hello from the future world of 2022!
There is a PointerEvent API that appears to be supported by major browsers, and pressure can be read out from the PointerEvent.pressure property.
tldraw is an example of a project using this API.
Notes on operating system support for this:
I can confirm pressure-sensitivity with tldraw's drawing tool works for me on macOS, with either Chrome or Firefox, and a cheap Wacom tablet. Safari did not.
Chrome on Linux works out of the box; I used the Flatpak version. Your mileage may vary with the .deb or Snap package.
For Firefox, you may need to do this or this to get pressure-sensitivity working. There seems to be a regression with Xinput 2 support being tracked by bug #1207700, so maybe this will be fixed some day.
I don't imagine you'll have any problems on Windows, but I'm unable to test.
If you were interested in creating a web-based paint program in 2022, you might have a look at Pressure.js, which claims to support both pressure input and "3D Touch" present on some Apple devices in a single library. I have no first-hand experience with this library, though, so I can't back up those claims.
It's true this comes 9 years too late for your project. Sorry about that. But this question ranks high in search results for "pressure sensitivity javascript api," so perhaps it can still be useful to someone.

Developing for iPhone on a PC? [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iPhone development on Windows
Is it possible to create iPhone apps using a PC? I'm running windows vista and I want to learn objective-c, what better way can you be motivated then the potential to create something that someone, somewhere might use.
Are there any hacks that allow would allow me to make the apps?
Unfortunately this is not supported. Developing for the iPhone requires Xcode and Apple's gcc tool chain, and it is only supported on Intel Mac OS X (although some have gotten it to work on PPC Mac OS X).
NilObject is right that you can only develop for the iPhone officially on a recent (last few years) Mac with OS X.
That said, Objective-C isn't tied to the iPhone. You can write programs for your PC in Objective-C, which would give you experience without needing the iPhone and Mac. Objective-C is a standard part of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). It's rather easy to install with Cygwin.
If you really want to make iPhone applications, you should consider a Mac. You'll get all sorts of experience and can also program for OS X then. Since laptops were just released, many people are selling their previous models because they have upgraded. If you can find an old Intel chip based Mac Mini, it won't cost you much at all (a few hundred), but it won't be fast. The recent Minis haven't been updated in a very long time and are not a very good value anymore for their new price (in my opinion), but they may be available cheap too.
actually, there's an unofficial toolchain that works in windows and linux. you'll need cygwin installed on your pc to be able to work with it in windows.
here's a link to the basic setup: link
though this will not allow you to publish to the AppStore, it's just a good way to mess around with the SDK. Also, whenever Apple updates the iPhone firmware, you'll need to find/wait for the updated toolchain or do some hacking of your own to get the updates headers, etc...
Don't bother. I had a hackintosh and while it worked, Apple can (and does) regularly update the SDK's minimum platform requirement, which means your hackintosh won't be able to keep pace with the new cool features in the SDK, since Kalyway and whoever else need time to reverse engineer kexts or whatever to figure out the new OS.
If you're serious about iPhone, get a Mac. You could probably find a first gen Mac mini (intel) for a couple hundred bucks. Or spring for a macbook and be psyched. The new ones are awfully nice.
Lucas Aardvark wrote:
I am going to get a mac. Just gotta save up a little money ;-)
Although I thoroughly agree with the consensus: get a Mac, I just wanted to add a little based on this comment you left:
If you are planning to enter the iPhone arena to do one of those Cinderella ten-million downloads at a buck a pop stories you hear about, you'll need a killer app, something new and exciting. Good luck with that; I'm not gonna share my ideas with you, 'cause I'm trying to do the same. :)
That said, I'm in the same boat as you -- I don't have the extra green to buy a Mac -- so I will share some general advice that might help.
Rather than enter the iPhone arena, I've been looking into leveraging my Java skills on the Android phone first. Once I make a few bucks doing that, I'll buy a Mac and learn Objective-C and port my program(s) over. Since Android uses Java and is free/open source, I'm only out the twenty-five bucks to create a publisher account; I can do the rest with Eclipse on any platform I have.
I don't know if it will help you much, but it might be a more cost-effective way to write your Cinderella story. :)