i' m in a project (has been coded by someone else) , it has router.js file that include all app's routs , and created in a function , code below
export function createRouter() {
return new Router({
mode: 'history',
base: decodeURI('/'),
linkActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-active',
linkExactActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-exact-active',
routes: [{
path: "/login",
component: _32e99e0f,
name: "login"
}, {
path: "/orders",
component: _5838bb72,
name: "orders"
}, {
path: "/profile",
component: _1a272ccf,
name: "profile"
}, {
path: "/orders/new",
component: _2c62ddc3,
name: "orders-new"
}, {
path: "/orders/new/:step",
component: _91e13fc8,
name: "orders-new-step"
}, {
path: "/orders/:order",
component: _14e0655f,
name: "orders-order"
}, {
path: "/",
component: _6941faf8,
name: "index"
fallback: false
this function has been import and called in a function named createApp in index.js file, code below
async function createApp(ssrContext) {
const router = await createRouter(ssrContext)
const store = createStore(ssrContext)
// Add this.$router into store actions/mutations
store.$router = router
it seems stores in an array , and used globally that seems ok ,
the issue comes when i change one of routes and make a new one , like
export function createRouter() {
return new Router({
mode: 'history',
base: decodeURI('/'),
linkActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-active',
linkExactActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-exact-active',
routes: [{
path: "/new-route",
component: _newname,
name: "newRoute"
when i use npm run dev or npm run generate, the function and its data has been overwrited and came back to the original code .
can anyone please make me a sense of what is happening hear , i'm so new in vue.js ;) and need some kindness .
On a specific UI action I'm calling:
router.push({ name: router.history.current.name, params: { league: league } })
I just want to add "/:league" param at the end of the route. I have a separate route for it:
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
routes: [
{ path: '/', component: Home, name: 'home' },
{ path: '/:league', component: Home, props: true, name: 'home/league' },
For example if the user is at / and he selects a "league" from a menu, I want the url to change to /leagueName.
It works, but it appends # at the end of the url and it ends up being /leagueName#. Is there a way to remove the hash? I'm already in "history" mode.
I found several bugs:
Check how your router is connected and configured:
const routes = [
{ path: '/', name: 'Home', component: Home },
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
export default router
You need to write $router, when you call a push.
You can't write a name like router.history.current.name, because you will go to the same page. So state explicitly: home/league.
Better not use one component to output different routes, this is not very good. But you can use child routes.
Instead of creating a separate route that points to the same component, use an optional parameter on one route:
export default new VueRouter({
mode: "history",
routes: [
path: "/:league?", // `?` makes `league` OPTIONAL
component: Home,
props: true,
name: "home"
And if you need to use $router.push() to change only the parameter value, you could omit the name or path:
<button #click="$router.push({ params: { league: 'myLeague' } })">
Go to My League
Note if the UI is intended to be a link, it might be best to use router-link, which avoids the Avoided redundant navigation to current location console warning:
<router-link :to="{ params: { league: 'myLeague' } }">Go to My League</router-link>
My Vue project works correctly when I build it using dev. However, once I run npm run build and move the files in dist to my webserver, Vue Router doesn't seem to work anymore.
I've tried removing history mode, but this didn't work.
Vue Router
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import Home from './views/Home.vue'
import axios from 'axios'
const router = new Router({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: Home
path: '/donate',
name: 'donate',
component: () => import('./views/Donate.vue')
path: '/guildselector',
name: 'guildselector',
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
component: () => import('./views/Guildselector.vue')
path: '/guild/:id',
name: 'guild',
meta: {
requiresAuth: true,
requiresAdmin: true
component: () => import('./views/Guildpanel.vue')
export default router
MyWebsite.com/guildselector should show the Guildselector component for example, however I get a
Not Found The requested URL /guildselector was not found on this server.
Only the donate page and landing page work.
This is a very common problem; please read HTML5 History Mode in detail about how to configure your web server to host the files correctly.
Here comes a problem, though: Since our app is a single page client side app, without a proper server configuration, the users will get a 404 error if they access http://oursite.com/user/id directly in their browser.
Simple solution is just comment this line:
mode: 'history',
I have two separate routing files where I am importing the component and defining their routing in each of its file and using it in index.js file. Here are my files code:
import Layout1 from 'Layouts/Panel.vue';
const Users = () => import('Views/Users.vue');
const Reports = () => import('Views/Reports.vue');
export default {
path: '/layout1',
component: Layout1,
path: 'reports',
component: Reports,
path: 'users',
component: Users,
import Layout2 from 'Layout/Panel2';
const Demo1 = () => import('Views/Demo1');
const Demo2 = () => import('Views/Demo2');
export default {
path: '/',
component: Layout2,
path: '/demo1',
component: Demo1
path: '/demo2',
component: Demo2
// index.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import router1 from './router1';
import router2 from './router2';
const NotFound = () => import('Views/NotFound.vue');
export default new Router({
mode: 'history',
routes: [
path: '*',
component: NotFound,
Now, I want to redirect to specific url i.e "not-found" in case of wrong URL. In "NotFound" component I am adding below line of code in mounted lifecycle hook which redirects to URL "not-found".
this.$router.replace({ path: 'not-found' });
But if URL is having parameters or query string it will append to it. For e.g- http://localhost:8080/home/not-found
What I want is that it only shows http://localhost:8080/not-found How should I achieve this. Please help. Thanks!
try this in your mounted function. worked on my side.
this.$router.push({path: '/not-found'})
I have a one page app in vueJS:
let router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
{ path: '/', component: Dis13HomeComponent },
{ path: '**', component: Dis13HomeComponent }
In main component in mounted() im getting the url param like this:
But if I open http://www.myapp.com/app.html?token=s56ds6d5d56f6ef6e it does not read the token parameter, becouse vue is adding #/ to the end of url so it looks like http://www.myapp.com/app.html?token=s56ds6d5d56f6ef6e#/
If I open this format of url: http://www.myapp.com/app.html#/?token=s56ds6d5d56f6ef6e then it works, but this path is forbidden on server.
How could I read the token parameter?
Make your router to work with history mode and you will not have the '#' anymore.
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history', // <------------- HERE
routes: [
{ path: '/', component: Dis13HomeComponent },
{ path: '**', component: Dis13HomeComponent }
i'm trying to use VueRouter 2.2.1 in my Laravel application and for some reason my URL's (although working) show the # symbol in a weird way
Instead of
As i would normally expect...
This is my VueRouter configuration
const Router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
path: '/',
component: App,
children: [
path: 'dashboard',
name: 'dashboard',
component: Dashboard
And on the PHP side of things i'm just defining a catch all route for the /admin section of the Application
// Catch-all Route, sends GET requests to VueRouter //
Route::get('{all?}', function() {
return view('index');
})->where(['all' => '(.*)'])->name('catchall');
Like this, is there anything i'm doing wrong? It is working but it just kinda bugs me that the # just floats there.
You have to enable history mode, as stated here, I dont see that in your vue-router config.
const Router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
routes: [
path: '/',
component: App,
children: [
path: 'dashboard',
name: 'dashboard',
component: Dashboard
You have to do it on server side, just redirect the route to one ended with '/'
As in laravel:
Route::get('{all?}', function() {
return view('index');
})->where(['all' => '^/admin\/$'])->name('catchall');
now just visit /admin/#/