How to create connection on informatica for hive? - hive

My hive database version is 1.1.0. I am using informatica devoleper. I am opening "New Developer Connection" choosing type for JDBC.
is like that. When I try to test connection The answer is Method not supported. How can I connect to database on informatica devoleper?

You can use odbc for hive. This can be done from Apache/Cloudera whatever is your provider.
Download the driver from
Then Install/configure data using your details.


Accessing BigQuery via SQL Developer

I am new to Google's BigQuery (BQ). I am looking for a way to use SQL Developer (SD) as my primary GUI.
I have tried setting up a third party JDBC, but it does not seem to work. I downloaded Google's JDBC drivers for BQ and tried setting it up as a third party connection in SD. It registers, but does not show on the create new connection.
It is supposed to show up as a new Connection Type tab, but nothing is shown.
Is it possible to access BigQuery with SQL Developer? If so, can anyone provide me with the correct steps to duplicate?
Have you tried the Simba Driver? It provides not only JDBC, but ODBC (3.8 is supported) as well.
Alternatively you can check this documentation on how to Access BigQuery Data as a Remote Oracle Database.

Generic ODBC remote source in SAP HANA SDI/SDA

Has anyone been able to create in SAP HANA a Generic ODBC remote source for a database other than MSSQL/Oracle/Netezza/ASE -- in other words, where you'd have to select a datasource "Generic ODBC" and then likely implement your own property/configuration file.
I'm trying to configure this on top of an Apache Drill ODNBC driver. I am able to successfully test System DSN using iSQL utility, but Remote Source creation fails with an error message citing problems loading the driver file -- a rather cryptic one.
I'm in the middle of an exchange with OSS, but so far they seem to be reluctant to accept it as a product fault. I'd like to see if there are successful cases for Generic ODBC in HANA at all.
I don't think it's supported.
Every ODBC source type must have all its capabilities described.
This is required to map datatypes, functions and features.
What you can do is replace an existing odbc source.
For instance you can change the file config/property_ntz.ini to create a valid description of the capabilities of apache drill. From the HANA side, just declare it as a netezza.
If it makes sense to support Apache drill, as an SAP employee myself I could trigger a discussion internally.

Connect to Vertica from Datagrip

I'm using DataGrip and I'm kind of new in it. There is a case for me to connect to Vertica DB. As far as I know, there is no native provided driver for connection to that type of databases. What steps should I take to connect to it? Is there some driver to deal with?
You should be able to add the Vertica jdbc jar as a driver. Download it from the Vertica site, then:
Go to File / Data Sources
Right click somewhere and click Add / Driver
Give it a name
Select the jdbc jar file you downloaded
Set the class to com.vertica.jdbc.Driver
Dialect: PostgreSQL
As for how well this works, I'm not sure. It really depends on how DataGrip uses jdbc. But this is how you would add it.
In addition to #woot answer
I would add that when you setup the datasource connection to Vertica. Set the URL with below format.
URL: jdbc:vertica://{HOST}:{PORT}/{DB}

How do I use the DBISAM database in

I am trying to connect to a DBISAM database. This database system is used mostly on Delphi. The table files are stored in a folder.
My question is: Is there a way to connect to these databases from How should I go about doing that?
I would recommend purchasing the ODBC driver from Elevatesoft for the version of DBISAM that you are using, and connect via ODBC.

How to connect oracle 11g db and sql power architect?

I have made a ER diagram of a database in sql power arch. I wanted to create the whole table- schemas in oracle db, so 1st I have to connect oracle11g db and sql power architect.
The error line is, - jdbc DRIVER " oracle.jdbc.oracleDriver " not found
SQL Power Architect doesn`t have Oracle JDBC drivers out-of-the-box. You should download it manually and load into the SQL Architect.
You should follow the next steps:
Choose the version of Oracle DB (11g in your case),
Download the appropriate JDBC driver from Oracle site to the desired location on your PC (for example, I use jdbc folder inside architect folder),
Open SQL Power Architect,
In SQL Power Architect go to File->User Preferences, then choose 'JDBC Drivers' tab,
Choose the desired database type and version from the tree on the left,
Press button 'Add JAR...' on the right and choose the downloaded on step 3 JDBC Driver file,
That`s all. Go to Connections and create new connection using choosen database.
Sources: SQL Power Architect FAQ.
Download Oracle JDBC driver for your version of DB, install it and register it inside your client application (usually somewhere in connection preferences or settings).