Using Laravel config file data inside vue component - laravel-vue

I am developing a web app using laravel and vue . Now i want to use laravel config file data like app name inside vue component . How do i suppose to do that ?

We can pass config data as props to vue component.


I want to change file loading process, I'm using vue.js in laravel 8 i want to load app.js from vue component first then whole project

Im using vue.js with laravel and I want to load app.js from vue component first then whole project. Where i can find the auto-load setup where i can change the priority of file loading.

Ionic Vue and AR.js

So i have initiated a project with Ionic Vue and I would like to know how can i implement AR.js into it. I have tried creating a simple html file containing the code of importing and then put an iframe into the ion-content of the Home.vue file but nothing

Hide Vue data from user Vue Devtool

Just a quick question
Any user can see and access the data we use in the Vue model via Vue Devtool.
Imagine you have an employee list saved in Vue Obj and the user can see all other employees' emails etc..
Is there a way to hide data from the user browser devtool? Make sure devtool only shows development mode.
Thanks for the help.
When you are building a SPA project using vue CLI, the vue dev tools is disabled in production through webpack build by default but when you use vue in a HTML page like a MVC project which vue is added to some of its .cshtml files it isn't disabled, and you might need to configure it manually to make it disable.
you can do this by adding the line below before making your vue instance, I mean before new Vue({ ... }), add:
Vue.config.devtools = false
(worked in a MVC project)
and here is an article for this:
disable vue devtools in production

How to import external Vue components from .js file via web URL?

I want to be able to use Vue components distributed over CDN without the need to npm install them - in my single-file Vue components.
I do not understand how to import them by URL to compiled component.
Example of components I want to import is (from
As I understand there is a way to load JS file in mounted() hook or something, but I don't understand how to import exports from it after.
Answers I tried include
How to add external JS scripts to VueJS Components
and many others.
I am building a web app using Quasar Framowrk on Vue.js v2

Global Components in Nuxt JS

I have built some components such as modals and reviews that I want to use and reuse just about everywhere in my site.
I have made a single global.js file in the plugins folder, So iv'e just registered this in my nuxt.config.js file once.
In my global.js file i've imported vue and called the components
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.component('component-modal', () => import('#/components/modal'));
Vue.component('component-modal-other', () => import('#/components/modalOther'));
Vue.component('component-reviews', () => import('#/components/reviews'));
The reason for this is that now I don't have to do component import on every instance that I want to use it for I just call the component <my-component>.
However I've just switched to Universal mode and i'm now getting hydration warnings that are all coming from my global.js components file that I made in my plugins folder.
Should I not have a global.js file and each component that I want to use globally have it's own file in the plugins folder? Or do I just need to import the component when I need it locally in the file that is requiring it?
What is the best way to re-use and register global mini components that I have created?
Vue Warning
The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content. This is likely caused by incorrect HTML markup, for example nesting block-level elements inside <p>, or missing <tbody>. Bailing hydration and performing full client-side render
The only way I can avoid this warning is not to put my components into a global.js component file and register it with Nuxt plugins. Only use the component import into each instance which kind of defeats the purpose of global components
try this
import Modal from '#/components/modal'
Vue.component('Modal', Modal)
in your view