Append multiple CharW code in Ms word VBA - vba

I want to replace some characters into Unicode character in ms word.
So, I have this string: 2437,2478,2479. I would like to convert this into CharW(2437) & CharW(2478) & CharW(2479)
I tried to split it with an array and want to achieve my goal by the following code:
SplitChar = "2437,2478,2479"
Dim test
SplitChar2 = Split(SplitChar, ",")
For j = 0 To UBound(SplitChar2)
' What I Actually need to do here for appending in `test`
When I will call test it should be returned CharW(2437) & CharW(2478) & CharW(2479)
Is it possible by ms word VBA?


export SQL data to a csv file from

I have a view in the database, i would like to call that view and export the data to a Csv file. I have used the following link to come up with a solution however my view returns a few columns which has values with commas so while opening the csv i get the error the csv is unsafe, might by a sylk file etc. Once i open it there is no date in the CSV.
The link i used
I am using VS 2017
SQL and
Thanks in advance
That code is a bit dodgy actually, because it is explicitly replacing commas in data with semicolons and it is also adding an extra comma to the end of each line. Here's concise way to generate CSV data from a DataTable with quoted field values:
Dim csv = String.Join(Environment.NewLine,
Select(Function(row) """" &
row.ItemArray) &
If you're not au fait with LINQ, here's a more conventional way to do the same thing:
Dim csv As String
For rowIndex = 0 To myDataTable.Rows.Count - 1
'Add a line break before all but the first line.
If rowIndex > 0 Then
csv &= Environment.NewLine
End If
Dim row = myDataTable.Rows(rowIndex)
'Add a double-quote before the first field value.
csv &= """"
For columnIndex = 0 To myDataTable.Columns.Count - 1
'Add a closing double-quote, a delimiting comma and an opening
' Double-quote before all but the first field value.
If columnIndex > 0 Then
csv &= ""","""
End If
csv &= row(columnIndex).ToString()
'Add a double-quote after the last field value.
csv &= """"

Excel VBA - extract parts of string to form a list?

I'm trying to extract some details from some SQL code in order to make a list - specifically: I'm trying to extract nominal codes from a case statement to make a human readable list of nominal codes...I'm wondering if there's a way for VBA to extract the string parts and also output a list?
Here's the code that, for example, we'll say is in cell a1...
when ProfitAndLoss.acno in ('P01200','P01201','P01205','P01206','P01210','P01211','P01220','P01221','P01225','P01226','P01230','P01231','P01235')then 'DirSals'
What I need is...
You want to use the Split function.
Option Explicit
Sub makeList()
Dim parts As Variant
Dim nextLine As Long
Dim i As Long
nextLine = 2
parts = Split(Cells(1, 1).Value, "'")
For i = LBound(parts) + 1 To UBound(parts) - 2 Step 2
Cells(nextLine, 1).Value = parts(i)
nextLine = nextLine + 1
Next i
End Sub
This splits the string up into sections with ' as the delimiter. Then it loops through each part, skipping the first part - when ProfitAndLoss.acno in ('- and the last two parts - ')then' and 'DirSals'. I used step two because each second slice is '-'.
Each part is output onto a new line, incremented each time.

How to Reference Special Characters Using Excel vba

I have several special characters in an excel spreadsheet. How do I reference them in Excel VBA?
The characters I need are not in the standard 255 ASCII codes.
I was thinking perhaps Chr(code) would work, but I'm not able to find the codes for the characters I need to test this.
User ChrW() instead of Chr() function to reference Unicode characters:
ChrW(23383) will produce 字.
Chr(23383) will throw an exception.
Use this script to see ChrW characters in F column
Sub caracter()
Dim caract As String
Dim r As Range
Dim i As Integer
caract = ChrW(633)
For i = 1 To 20000
caract = ChrW(i)
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 6).Value = caract
Next i
End Sub

How do I delete all characters after the first space in a cell?

I have a list of city names followed by the state in which they are located all in one column in Excel. How can I delete everything after the first space so that the city name is the only thing that's left in the cell?
example: A1 = "johnson TX"
should be just A1= "johnson"
I assume you want a VBA solution since you tagged your question excel-vba.
This works:
Sub KeepCity()
Dim strCityAndState As String
Dim strCityOnly As String
strCityAndState = Range("A1").Value
strCityOnly = Left(strCityAndState, InStr(strCityAndState, " ") - 1)
Range("A2").Value = strCityOnly
End Sub
If you don't want VBA and want a cell formula instead, then #JToland's answer works fine, though this one is more concise and doesn't keep the trailing space character:
=LEFT(A1, FIND(" ",A1)-1)
Well doing something like this
=Mid(A1, 1, Find(" ",A1))
in another column should grab all text before the " ". So you could build another column with just all the city names and then you could use that column for your purposes.
If you are looking for a VBA function, you can use Left and InStr as shown below.
Dim Temp As String: Temp = "Hello_World! This is my first answer here. :D"
Temp = Left(Temp, InStr(Temp, " ")-1)
In which case, Temp will be "Hello_World!"
Use of Split function
An elegant approach is to use the first token of the Split function:
Code Example extracting from cell A1 to A2
Option Explicit
Sub KeepCity()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MySheet") ' << Change to your sheet name
ws.[A2] = Split(ws.[A1], " ")(0)
End Sub
Alternative Syntax
Instead of cell abbreviations [A2] or [A1] you can also use:
ws.Range("A2").Value = Split(ws.Range("A1").Value, " ")(0)
The resulting split 1-dimensional array is zero based, so you get the first part (or token) of the original string via index (0).
If you are looking for a second part, I recommend adding an additional delimiter value (" ") to the original string, e.g. s: MsgBox split(s & " "," ")(1). By that way you avoid error number 9 "Subscript out of range", if there is no delimiter in between at all, thus no second part at all.

EDIFACT How to group, spilt, sort and sum up values from a EDI string into variables in VB.NET

I am new to VB.Net 2008. I have a tricky task to resolve, it is regarding extracting characters (values) from a long string, the extracted values from the text shall be summed up and sorted by keywords, reformatted and saved into a CSV file.
It looks something like this but much longer :
The values are seperated by ' .
As first step I splitted the string to make it readable, I used the function like:
Dim LineOfText As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim aryTextFile() As String
LineOfText = p_EDI
aryTextFile = LineOfText.Split("'")
For i = 0 To UBound(aryTextFile)
Next i
Now the result looks like:
So far so good:
Now I have to extract the date and time from the header:
The line looks like:
**DTM+137**:201009011000:203 should look like
DTM+137:2010.09.01-10:00:203 and store it into a 'incomming_DTM' variable for example
Now the message period would be interresting to know:
The line looke like:
**DTM+Z01**:201009090400201009100400:719 the output should look like:
DTM+Z01 2010.09.09-04:00, 2010.09.10-04:00 and store it into 'period_DTM' variable
As next step I need to parse the next lines until it reaches the KEYWORD LIN
NAD+ZSH+COMPANY1RPH N001::ZEW (P Character in word -> SELL QTY:0 KW/h)
NAD+ZSH+COMPANY1RRH N001::ZEW (R Character in word -> BUY QTY:0 KW/h)
and store the KEYWORDS "QTY" "DTM" "NAD+ZSH" and its following Characters
into variables.
THEN I need to parse until it reaches the next LIN Keyword and store the
keywords there into vaiables again. The goal of this complicated exercise is,
to sum up values of QTY and NAD+ZSH+COMPANY1RVH and NAD+ZSH+COMPANY1RPH
If we have a closer look at the last zwo charaters in COMPANY1RRH and COMPANY1RPH
we see RH and PH, RH means buy and PH means sell.
Maybe it is possible to store BUY or SELL into a Contract vaiable for each LIN?
I need to sum up all sells and buys which where found in the string.
Every LIN marks a time period of one hour, so we have probably 24 series per
string which contains 24 LIN every LIN have a Time period, BUY or SELL keywords
and a Quantity.
Can someone please help me with this task?
As first step, storing the keywords and its follwoing characters into variables would
be a very good start. It might be very good to do that probably until the parser reaches the LIN, then store the found values into a CSV file or Array?, then parse until the next LIN and so on...
I would like to create a CSV file out of the results like: So the CSV should contain
24 records one per every hour per every LIN..
Dim csvData = Now & "," & "TRADED_QTY" & "," & DTM+Z01 & "," & "N" & "," & QTY & "," & "KWH/h" & "," & Contract
Creating the CSV File with True Flag -> Append data to CSV.
Dim csvFile As String = "C:\Test.csv"
Dim outFile As IO.StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(csvFile, True)
Any ideas are highly welcome, I consider this as very complex task
espacial as I am really new to VB.NET.
Thank you in advance!
I see "EDI" in your code. If this is an EDI format, then you should have, or be able to get, some kind of EDI specification. Likely, it will be a fixed-length specification, meaning that "Value X is characters 1 to 9", "Value Y is characters 10 to 11", "Value Z is character 12", etc.
Here is one possible approach to parse out the KEYWORDS as first step:
Dim EDI As Object
EDI = dataReader(0)
'Convert EDI Object into a string and write it to the console.
Dim p_EDI As String = Convert.ToString(EDI)
'Create LineBreaks after every " ' "
Dim LineOfText As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim aryTextFile() As String
LineOfText = p_EDI
aryTextFile = LineOfText.Split("'")
'Starting with IF clause to find keywords
For Each line As String In aryTextFile
If line.StartsWith("UNB") Then
Dim foundUNB_Data = p_EDI.IndexOf("UNB")
'Start at that position and extract UNB + 27 characters
Dim UNBData = EDI.Substring(foundUNB_Data, 30)
ElseIf line.StartsWith("LIN") Then
ElseIf line.StartsWith("QTY") Then
End If
Any further ideas are highly welcome..
Thank you.