How to make first letter in search field Uppercase in Vue - vue.js

How do I make the first letter in search form an uppercase, Your help will be appreciated.
Below is the code snippet. It's giving an error "Expecting a string or number but array given".
export default {
name: 'SearchForm',
props: {
msg: String,
data() {
return {
searchString: ''
methods: {
parseSearchString() {
// Trim search string
const trimmedSearchString = this.searchString.trim()
if(trimmedSearchString !== '') {
// Split search string
const searchParams = trimmedSearchString.split(/\s+/)
//Uppercase search string
searchParams.split(' ')
.map(w => w.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + w.slice(1))
// Emit event
this.$emit('search', searchParams)
// Reset input field
this.searchString = []


convert vue ast back to template

I'm using vue-template-compiler to transform a text in the vue template to an expression
I have this vueJs file
I'm trying to change the text with expression like this
my code
const compiled = compiler.compile(
modules: [
transformNode(data) {
const children = => {
if (child.type === 3 && child.text.trim()) {
return ({
type: 2,
expression: "_s(fun('hi'))",
tokens: [
'#binding': "fun('hi')"
text: "{{fun('hi)}}"
return child;
return {, children };
whitespace: "condense",
it maps over the texts and replace it with the expression.
and it returns the final ast.
but I need to convert it back to string
like that:
I need to convert the final ast back to the template

Prevent Vue Multiple Select to Store an Empty Array

I want this select multiple to pre-select one option, and not be able to deselect all options.
Whenever the last selected option is deselected it should be reselected. In other words when the user tries to deselect the last selected option it should visually not be deselected.
if="Object.keys(doc).length !== 0 /* wait until firebase has loaded */"
//import Vue from 'vue'
import { fb } from "../fbconf";
export default {
name: "MyMultiSelect",
props: {
doc: Object, // firestore document
data() {
return {
options: []
firestore() {
var options = fb.db.collection("options");
return {
options: options
computed: {
computedOptions: function() {
return {
return {
// to make sure mySelectedOptions is an array, before this.doc is loaded
// I use the following custom model
// because not using 'get' below causes a warning:
// [Vue warn]: <select multiple v-model="localValue"> expects an Array value for its binding, but got Undefined
model: {
get: function() {
if (!this.doc.hasOwnProperty('mySelectedOptions')) return []; // empty array before this.doc is loaded
else return this.doc['mySelectedOptions'];
set: function(newValue) {
// here I can prevent the empty array from being stored
// but visually the user can deselect all options, which is bad UX
//if (Array.isArray(newValue) && newValue.length > 0) this.doc['mySelectedOptions'] = newValue;
methods: {
onChange: function(newValue){
// I can manually store the array as I want here
// but I cannot in any way prevent the user from deselecting all options
if (Array.isArray(newValue) && newValue.length > 0) this.doc['mySelectedOptions'] = newValue;
else {
// none of these reselects the last selected option
var oldValue = this.doc['mySelectedOptions'];
this.doc['mySelectedOptions'] = this.doc['mySelectedOptions'];
//this.$emit("change", newValue);
//Vue.set(this.doc, 'mySelectedOptions', this.doc['mySelectedOptions']);
You could add watcher and when length becomes 0 just add previous value.
watch: {
model(val, oldVal) {
if(val.length == 0 && oldVal.length > 0) {
// take only one item in case there's clear button or etc.
this.model = [oldval[0]];

Strapi graphql mutation Syntax Error: Unterminated string

I always get Syntax Error: Unterminated string when I try to update my database using javascript strapi sdk. this.chapter.content is a html string generated by ckeditor. How can I escape this string to update my database using graphql?
async updateChapter() {
const q = `
mutation {
updateChapter(input: {
where: {
id: "${this.$route.params.chapterId}"
data: {
content: "${this.chapter.content.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&').replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\n')}"
title: "${this.chapter.title}"
}) {
const res = await strapi.request("post", "/graphql", {
data: {
query: q
this.chapter =;
Technically you could use block string notation to get around this issue. However, you really should supply dynamic input values using variables instead of string interpolation. This way you can easily provide any of sort of values (strings, numbers, objects, etc.) and GraphQL will parse them accordingly -- including strings with line breaks.
const query = `
mutation MyMutation ($chapterId: ID!, $content: String!, $title: String!) {
updateChapter(input: {
where: {
id: $chapterId
data: {
content: $content
title: $title
}) {
const variables = {
chapterId: '...',
content: '...',
title: '...',
const res = await strapi.request("post", "/graphql", {
data: {
Note that $chapterId may need to be of the type String! instead if that's what's called for in the schema. Since variables can also be input object types, instead of providing 3 different variables, you could also provide a single variable to be passed to the input argument instead:
const query = `
mutation MyMutation ($input: SomeInputObjectTypeHere!) {
updateChapter(input: $input) {
const variables = {
input: {
where: {
id: '...',
data: {
content: '...',
title: '...',
Again, just replace SomeInputObjectTypeHere with the appropriate type in your schema.
Another solution maybe help
Code with issue: For example mainReason and actionTaken fields are text inputs and data contains some white spaces. This action give error: Unterminated string
mutation { updateApplicationForm(input:{ where:{id:"${}"}
mainReason: "${ticketData.mainReason}"
actionTaken: "${ticketData.actionTaken}"
appStatus: ${ticketData.appStatus}
action: "${ticketData.action}"
Fix this problem with JSON.stringify method
mutation { updateApplicationForm(input:{ where:{id:"${}"}
appStatus: ${ticketData.appStatus}
action: "${ticketData.action}"

How to pass parameter for dynamic route?

I need on click go to the next page which is created with a dynamic route. It gets the id for the route from a vuex store. When I'm clicking it gives this url
here is my code:
switchPage() {
`{name:'worklistDynamic', params:{ id:this.sideSwiperItems[this.indx+1].id}}`,
computed: {
sideSwiperItems() {
return this.$store.state.buildingData.sideSwiperItems
indx() {
if (this.$store.state.buildingData.index === null) {
return 0
return this.$store.state.buildingData.index
Try to remove the backticks:
switchPage() {
let path = { name: 'worklistDynamic', params: { id: this.sideSwiperItems[this.indx + 1].id } }
// or you can write the full path with backticks and interpolation
let path = `/worklistDynamic/${this.sideSwiperItems[this.indx + 1].id}`

How to pass an array values from one function to another function in vuejs?

I am trying to get the array values from
"validateBeforeSubmit" function to "saveForm" function. But I am
getting values of "undefined" in "arrlength". Please help me to solve.
This my code in vue.js
export default {
name: '',
data() {
return {}
ready: function() {
methods: {
validateBeforeSubmit() {
var fieldsVal = new Array();
var firstName = document.getElementById('firstName').value
var lastName = document.getElementById('lastName').value
var designation = document.getElementById('designation').value
if (firstName != "" && lastName != "" && designation != "") {
return fieldsVal;
} else {
fieldsVal.length = 0;
return fieldsVal;
return fieldsVal;
saveForm() {
var fieldsValArray = this.validateBeforeSubmit();
var arrLength = fieldsValArray.length;
I can see multiple issues in your code:
1) Don't apply jQuery-like approach for getting input values. Use v-model instead. This will simplify your code
<input v-model="form.firstName" type="text"/>
export default {
data: {
form: {
firstName: '',
methods: {
validateBeforeSubmit() {
// take `firstName` directly from `data` not need for `getElementById`
const firstName = this.form.firstName;
2) Remove validateBeforeSubmit and saveForm from ready. Ready hook is obsolete in vue#2. And also it makes no sense. It's better to call it on form #submit.
3) It's better to create array using [] syntax instead of new Array()
Why never use new Array in Javascript
4) Always provide name for your component for easier debug
export default {
name: 'ValidationForm',
5) I don't know where was an issue but it works. Check this link below. I have updated your code. Try to submit form and check the console: