Directus field type settings - directus

I'm trying to change a field type from Directus: the Dropdown.
Now it is set to a string and have this interface, it is clear but not adapted if you want to enter more than 50 things in this field.
I saw that checkboxes' field type have this interface, but i don't know how to swap dropdown interface to array interface that checkboxes have.

Yes, the "Repeater" interface is useful for short lists of items, but the UI isn't ideal for longer lists. There is an "accepted" Feature Request on GitHub to implement a raw JSON toggle option so that longer sets of data can be entered more quickly:


How to reference to a Sitefinity Form in a Custom Field

I am working on a custom sitefinity module in which I need to add a custom field where I can select a Sitefinity Form from a list of existing defined forms on the backend. What is the best approach to do this? Precisely how should I approach in defining the field and making its UI?
Unfortunately when I select "Related Data" as field type, Sitefinity Form is not available in the list of built-in data types. The other option (advanced option) I see is a GUID (or array of GUIDs) field type among field types which suggest making a custom code.
CMS version is Sitefinity 8.2 and we are using MVC-based feather components as well as our custom MVC components to develop the website.
Anybody had similar requirement and experience on this?
I would probably create a custom field control. This can be streamlined by using Sitefinity Thunder (because there's a lot of boilerplate C# and JavaScript needed). Once that's in place, you can create a custom field of either type Short Text or GUID, and for the interface, you use your custom field.
In your custom field's code, you can do something like creating a drop down list, where the text for each option is the form name, and the value is either the "name for developers" field or the ID of the form. That way the input is always constrained to IDs pointing to Sitefinity forms. Then when you interact with your custom content items later, you can use this ID/name to look up the referenced form.
As an aside about Related Data: Indeed, that only refers to either built-in content types (blogs, news, etc.) or custom-build dynamic content types. You won't find things like Forms in there.

selenium Page factory handle different elements for same page for different users

I have a simple question. I 'm sure many of us might have got into the same situation. I am using page object pattern. Below are the steps i do along the navigation.
Login to my application as one type of user.
Click some link to go form page.
On form page , fills the fields and submit
On 3) the form object page shows some different input fields depending on the type of the user, which i need to interact with. So how do i deal it within the same page object. Has anybody got into the same situation and have found some decent way of doing this ?
I know it a simple automation script not a Java project where we should be using all oops concepts but still I would go with the following:
Create a parent page class containing the common WebElements and methods.
Create child classes with elements and methods specific to that customer.
In the test, pass a parameter which specifies the type of customer and call the appropriate child class.
If you don't want any of this inheritance stuff, you can also try the following.
Create a page class with elements for all types of customers.
Create generic methods which can take a parameter customerType and perform operations like if customerType==1 do these operations else do these.
Another solution which popped up in my mind, assuming that all fields for a particular customer are mandatory, is as follows.
Create a common class for all elements.
Create a generic method in the page class which follows the condition, if this element is present then enter value.
If you understand the concept of Page object model then this questions will be more clear to you. Yes, inheritance is a big factor here. I suggest you read through this to see how a real page object model should work. And, solution of #3 question is as simple as UI mapping. Something like
#FindBy(how = How.NAME, using = "q")
private WebElement searchBox;
for each elements or similar implementation.
For a complete page object you should map all the elements not depending on the users. The reason being, every time you call that class it will be instantiated and all the mapped elements as well. There is no need of dynamically load the elements If any elements are not used or hidden on the page those will be available and you will not be using them anyway

Core Data and bindings - binding checkbox to result of many-to-many relationship

Core Data model
I have a many-to-many relationship between two of the principal entities; call them Item and Tag. There will be a large number of Documents. Each may have 0 to an arbitrary number of tags.
Each Item entity relevantly has an attribute called name, and a to-many relationship to Tag called tags. Each Tag entity relevantly has an attribute called name, and a to-many relationship to Item called items.
To display them, within the same window, I have: (i) an NSTableView (itemTableView), fed by an NSArrayController (itemArrayController), showing all Items; and (ii) an NSTableView (tagTableView), fed by a different NSArrayController (tagArrayController) showing all Lists.
In the tagTableView, the Table View is bound to tagArrayController, with controllerKey arrangedObjects.
There is only a single table column. The textfield in it is bound to Table Cell View, to model key path That works so far; it displays all of the lists as expected, and sorts properly when I add a sort descriptor.
Everything has been set up using interface builder in Xcode.
The problem
I have added a checkbox into the tagTableView, in the same table column as the textfield. I am trying to implement two things:
The checkbox should be checked if the user has previously associated the Item with the relevant Tag. If not, the checkbox should be unchecked.
If the user checks an unchecked checkbox, I want to establish a relationship between the two; if the user unchecked a checked checkbox, I want to break that relationship.
The underlying behavior pattern is that the user will not necessarily have control over the tags and may not be able to create them. They are to choose from existing tags, and therefore should be able to see which ones exist, and be able to check/uncheck those that apply.
However, I can't see how to implement this.
Part solutions so far
I can see a possible way to do at least the first task programmatically, roughly along these lines:
Monitor tableViewSelectionDidChange for itemTableView
For a change, update the data source for tagTableView manually, and work out checkbox state by checking them for those Tags which relate to the Item entity that has just been selected, and otherwise unchecking them
However, this looks likely to add complexity, and ideally I would like to do this with bindings if possible.
I have reviewed the Apple Core Data and Bindings references, all the Cocoa books I have, stack overflow and I've also done extensive googling. I have found lots of similar questions (e.g. but no answers.
I've also found a way that might work programmatically, but which seems to be like my idea above, at the expense of being able to use bindings (e.g.
The only relevant question on this site -- Core-Data Check Box Cell with many-to-many data -- is not answered to a level that I can make use of.
It would seem to me that this should be a prime candidate for bindings. I should be able to ask the itemArrayController what Tags (if any) have a relation to its selected item, and then set the checkbox to ticked if it matches the relevant Tag, and unset it if it doesn't. I would expect I should be able to do this within the bindings for the checkbox itself, in interface builder. But I can't work out what model key path or binding to use, or what to set the cocoa bindings for the checkbox to. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks

Extend Page Property with custom controls in Sharepoint

Sharepoint is quite limited when it comes to multi-Lookups because it saves that information in strings. So I changed the Page-Property
"Elements (MultiLookup-> elementIds" on the propertyPage
to an inserted List "PageElements":
(SingleLookup)pageId , (singleLookup) elementId"
Because this is quite hard to maintain for my content admins I want that they can enter that information in the page properties like before instead of adding lines into "PageElements"
Therefore I want to add a control that handles that.
I do not need a solution for the task how to achieve that specific function, but a general hint how to add any custom control into a Page property.
I starting point link would be very nice. I just doen't seem to find the right words to feed google with my topic.
Solved this by using a custom field type with that logic. Basicly Described here:

yii-user extension - how to add a checkbox profile field?

Yii framework, yii-user extension (using latest version of both, to date): how do I add a simple "checkbox" field for the profile of all users?
I am logged in as admin, and went to user/profileField/admin. I can add new field but the closest I get to is adding a "BOOL" field which is rendered as a dropdown, while I need a checkbox... . When "BOOL" is used I cannot specify the widget and even if I could, there's no documentation on those yii-user widgets.
Any help is welcome!
Open up modules/yii-user/views/user/registration.php. Around line 40, add something like this:
else if ($field->field_type=='BINARY') echo $form->checkBox($profile,$field->varname,array());
Now when you want to create a checkbox field, choose the BINARY field type. If you want to require that it's checked, add this to the 'Other Validator' field: {"compare":{"compareValue":"1"}}
I've had a look around the docs for that extension and I don't actually see a single checkbox anywhere in the screen shots or mentioned anywhere in the wiki either.
You might be able to dive in and add support for one in the places you need it, Yii nicely handles all the HTML elements so it shouldn't be too hard to add the feature in a primitive form. CHtml::checkBox() or CHtml::checkBoxList().
Then again if your already running into problems with it, it's probably going to be easier in the long run for you to write what you need yourself.