When component is inside in another component, methods inside, who calculate discount wont work.
productlist(v-slot="{ cellBox, cellType }", view-type="line")
productshort(title="lorem ipsum", instock="12", caption="EVR07.3405", price="6500", oldprice="7900", image="img/demo/1.jpg", :cellclass="cellBox", :cardtype="cellType")
The percentage() method calculates the percentage of discounts, but when the productshort component is inside productlist component, percentage() method does not execute.
<template lang="pug">
span.smart-badge(v-if="oldprice") – {{ finalsell }} ₽
b {{ price }} ₽
s(v-if="oldprice") {{ oldprice }} ₽
export default {
name: 'productshort',
props: {
sellpercent: {
type: Number
cellclass: {
type: String,
default: ''
cardtype: {
type: String,
default: 'row'
intclass: {
type: String
price: {
type: Number
oldprice: {
type: Number
finalsell: {
type: Number
methods: {
percentage() {
this.finalsell = parseInt(this.oldprice) - parseInt(this.price);
if(this.oldprice) {
this.sellpercent = parseInt(this.finalsell) / parseInt(this.oldprice) * 100;
this.oldprice = parseInt(this.oldprice).toLocaleString('ru-RU')
if(this.finalsell) this.finalsell = parseInt(this.finalsell).toLocaleString('ru-RU');
if(this.price) this.price = parseInt(this.price).toLocaleString('ru-RU');
mounted() {
I have a parent component that lists all the tasks:
<div class="tasks-wrapper">
<div class="tasks-header">
<h4>{{ $t('client.taskListingTitle') }}</h4>
<b-button variant="custom" #click="showAddTaskModal">{{ $t('client.addTask') }}</b-button>
<AddTaskModal />
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import AddTaskModal from '#/components/modals/AddTaskModal'
import moment from 'moment'
export default {
name: 'TaskListing',
components: {
data () {
return {
tasks: [],
fields: [
{ key: 'createdOn', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.date'), formatter: 'formatDate' },
{ key: 'domain', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.task') },
{ key: 'comment', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.comment') },
{ key: 'status', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.status') }
computed: {
...mapGetters('users', ['user'])
methods: {
...mapActions('tasks', ['fetchTasks']),
...mapActions('users', ['fetchUserById']),
formatDate: function (date) {
return moment.utc(date).local().format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm')
showAddTaskModal () {
async mounted () {
const currUserId = this.$router.history.current.params.id
if (this.user || this.user.userId !== currUserId) {
await this.fetchUserById(currUserId)
if (this.user.clientNumber !== null) {
const filters = { clientReferenceNumber: { value: this.user.clientNumber } }
this.tasks = await this.fetchTasks({ filters })
Inside this component there is a child which adds a task modal.
<form ref="form" #submit.stop.prevent="handleSubmit">
required />
<b-button-group class="float-right">
<b-button variant="danger" #click="$bvModal.hide('addTaskModal')">{{ $t('common.cancel') }}</b-button>
<b-button #click="addTask">{{ $t('modals.addTask.sendMail') }}</b-button>
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'AddTaskModal',
data () {
return {
comment: '',
commentState: null,
taskTypesOptions: [
{ value: null, text: this.$t('modals.addTask.taskType') },
{ value: 'OnBoarding', text: 'Onboarding' },
{ value: 'Accounts', text: 'Accounts' },
{ value: 'TopUp', text: 'Topup' },
{ value: 'Overdraft', text: 'Overdraft' },
{ value: 'Aml', text: 'Aml' },
{ value: 'Transfers', text: 'Transfers' },
{ value: 'Consultation', text: 'Consultation' },
{ value: 'TechnicalSupport', text: 'TechnicalSupport' },
{ value: 'UnblockPin', text: 'UnblockPin' },
{ value: 'Other', text: 'Other' }
taskType: null,
taskTypeState: null
computed: {
...mapGetters('users', ['user']),
...mapGetters('tasks', ['tasks'])
methods: {
...mapActions('tasks', ['addNewTask', 'fetchTasks']),
...mapActions('users', ['fetchUserById']),
async addTask (bvModalEvt) {
if (!this.checkFormValidity()) { return }
const currUserId = this.$router.history.current.params.id
if (this.user || this.user.userId !== currUserId) {
await this.fetchUserById(currUserId)
const data = {
clientPhone: this.user.phoneNumber,
comment: this.comment,
clientReferenceNumber: this.user.clientNumber,
domain: this.taskType
await this.addNewTask(data)
if (this.user.clientNumber !== null) {
const filters = { clientReferenceNumber: { value: this.user.clientNumber } }
this.tasks = await this.fetchTasks({ filters })
// this.tasks may be useless here
this.$nextTick(() => { this.$bvModal.hide('addTaskModal') })
checkFormValidity () {
const valid = this.$refs.form.checkValidity()
this.commentState = valid
this.taskTypeState = valid
return valid
resetModal () {
this.comment = ''
this.commentState = null
this.taskTypeState = null
When I add a task I call getalltasks to mutate the store so all the tasks are added. Then I want to render them. They are rendered but the property createdOn on the last task is InvalidDate and when I console log it is undefined.
The reason I need to call gettasks again in the modal is that the response on adding a task does not return the property createdOn. I do not want to set it on the front-end, I want to get it from the database.
I logged the store and all the tasks are added to the store.
Why is my parent component not rendering this particular createdOn property?
If I refresh the page everything is rendering fine.
If you add anything into a list of items that are displayed by v-for, you have to set a unique key. Based on your explanation, I assume that your key is the index and when you add a new item, you mess with the current indexes. Keys must be unique and unmutateable. What you need to do is to create a unique id for each element.
id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000)
When you create a new task, use the same code to generate a new id, and use id as key. If this doesn't help, share your d-table and related vuex code too.
I have a selectbox component. I want to reused it in other components.I'm able to reused the selectbox component in other components by adding v-model directive on custom input component but unable to validate selectbox component from other components by using vuetify validation rules.
<v-form ref="form" class="mx-4" v-model="valid">
<Selectbox :name="ward_no" :validationRule="required()" v-model="test.ward_no"/>
<v-btn primary v-on:click="save" class="primary">Submit</v-btn>
export default {
data() {
return {
test: {
ward_no: ''
valid: false,
required(propertyType) {
return v => (v && v.length > 0) || `${propertyType} is required`;
<select #change="$emit('input', $event.target.value)" >
v-for="opt in options"
:selected="value === opt.value"
{{ opt.label || "No label" }}
export default {
props: {
label: {
type: String,
required: true
validationRule: {
type: String,
default: 'text',
validate: (val) => {
// we only cover these types in our input components.
return['requred'].indexOf(val) !== -1;
name: {
type: String
value: {
type: String,
required: true
data() {
return {
errorMessage: '',
option: "lorem",
options: [
{ label: "lorem", value: "lorem" },
{ label: "ipsum", value: "ipsum" }
return this.validationRule.split('|').filter(function(item) {
return item();
// this.errorMessage!= ""?this.errorMessage + " | ":"";
required() {
this.errorMessage!= ""?this.errorMessage + " | ":"";
this.errorMessage += name+" is required";
My svg shape elements and they attributes was query from server side then
how to render that dynamically in vue to use v-for without static html tag?
Sounds like a job for a Render Function. For example:
Create SvgElement.vue:
render: function (createElement) {
return createElement(
attrs: this.attrObj
props: {
shapeType: {
type: String,
required: true
attrString: {
type: string
computed: {
attrObj() {
// Convert this.attrString into an object
// eg return { cx: 50, cy: 50, r: 10, fill: 'red' }
Then use in MyComponent.vue
<svg width="400" height="400">
v-for="svg in svgArray"
import SvgElement from './SvgElement'
export default {
components: {
data () {
return {
svgArray: [
{ type: 'rect', attr: 'attrString', key: 'shape1' },
{ type: 'circle', attr: 'attrString', key: 'shape2' }
I have created a vue subcomponent to select an element from a list:
Vue.component('select-value-from-list', {
template: `
<select v-model="currentValue">
<option v-for='op in options' :value='op.value'>
props: {
initialValue: {
type: String
options: {
type: Array,
required: true
data: function() {
return {
currentValue: "Indefinido"
watch: {
currentValue: function () {
this.$emit('value-change', this.currentValue);
created: function() {
this.currentValue = this.initialValue;
And I want the menu with options to appear with the option corresponding to the initialValue selected. How should I do this?
I'm a new learner of Vue.js and trying to implement the example (example of currency filter) on the official guideline.
However, when implementing, I rename the property of the component (value) to (priceValue). After the change, the input box cannot format the value - it always shows '0' instead of the formatted value.
It is the only change I made. What is the problem?
Vue.component('currency-input', {
template: '\
<label v-if="label">{{ label }}</label>\
props: {
priceValue: {
type: Number,
default: 0
label: {
type: String,
default: ''
mounted: function () {
methods: {
updateValue: function (value) {
var result = currencyValidator.parse(value, this.priceValue)
if (result.warning) {
this.$refs.input.value = result.value
this.$emit('input', result.value)
formatValue: function () {
// console log here always get 0
this.$refs.input.value = currencyValidator.format(this.priceValue)
selectAll: function (event) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
price: 0,
shipping: 0,
handling: 0,
discount: 0
computed: {
total: function () {
return ((
this.price * 100 +
this.shipping * 100 +
this.handling * 100 -
this.discount * 100
) / 100).toFixed(2)
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/chrisvfritz/5f0a639590d6e648933416f90ba7ae4e/raw/98739fb8ac6779cb2da11aaa9ab6032e52f3be00/currency-validator.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<p>Total: ${{ total }}</p>
According to DOCS:
For a component to work with v-model, it should (these can be
configured in 2.2.0+):
accept a value prop
emit an input event with the new value
This can be configured sinse 2.2.x with a model options block:
Vue.component('currency-input', {
model: {
prop: 'propValue',
// event: 'input' - you can also customize event name, not needed in your case
With this in place, your code will work again: https://jsfiddle.net/wostex/j3a616a5/