Rewriting directory into a query parameter in htaccess - apache

I converted a website I'm building into a web view app in iOs.
I would like to track visitors that use the app instead of the website by adding a directory to my URL.
For instance, the "about" page URL would go from "" to ""
My question is how to write an htaccess rule that tells my server to go to the path "/about/" and skip the "/app-ios/" directory?
Also, I'd like to add ?app=app-ios in my query parameters.
The most promising thing I found was this :
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^search/node/(.+)$ /search/node/?app=$1 [QSA,NC,L]
But I'd need to specify what comes before "foo".. In my case, "app-ios" is at the beginning of the request uri, always.
Plus I don't want a redirection. I just want my server to read /app-ios/something/other-thing/ as /something/other-thing/?app=ios.

First one question for tracking I would recommend to make this over a Query Parameter (as you wrote) like ?client=ios, but this might be an own opinion.
For rewriting the URL you could do the following:
to remove from the IOS from the URL (not tested):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.*)ios/(.*) $1/$2?client_id=ios&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]


Redirect and Rewrite Rule for Apache

I am trying to install a CalDAV client on my apache webserver, and I am having trouble using a combination of redirects and rewrite rules to get a desired url.
The document root for my webserver is /var/www, and the calendar files are stored in /var/www/agendav/web/public. If I go in through my browser at <website>/agendav/web/public/index.php, I have no trouble getting to the interface and using it, so that is not a problem. However, my desired URL for the calendar is <website>/calendar/, instead of having to go down through the agendav folder tree. I have been trying to perform this with a redirect rule, and a rewrite rule, but to very little success. I have found a few other answers here that have gotten me close, such as this one and this one, with a working redirect, but I am still having issues with the rewrite rule. Here is the current solution I have:
# Rules for the Calendar
Redirect "/calendar" "/agendav/web/public"
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/agendav"
RewriteRule "^/agendav/web/public/(.*?)$" "/calendar/$1"
My current solution seems a little circular. First, I redirect the user to the agendav folder, then then try to hide the redirect behind a rewrite rule, when it seems that I could just get away with a single rewrite rule. Unfortunately the group I am working for is not big enough to have their own dedicated server manager, and I ended up with the job despite knowing very little about it. Any help to get this would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need the redirect, you can do it with just a rewrite rule, the problem was that you have the condition and the rule reversed, you were using the real path for the conditions instead of the "virtual" path:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/calendar" [NC]
RewriteRule "^calendar/(.*)" "/agendav/web/public/$1"
With this rules all requests for http://yourwebsite/calendar/* are internally served with http://yourwebsite/agendav/web/public/*.

Apache 2.4 .htaccess friendly URL rewrite

Having some issues understanding the .htaccess file and getting it to work properly. .htaccess is recognized....i entered plain test at the top and got the internal server error. And it appears mod-rewrite is working...because I downloaded a test php file and it works.
I am using Apache 2.4.23 with no php pages
However i cant seem to get this to work right.
I am trying to take this url
and rewrite it like this
I am also trying to do this generically across the site since ?dynContent=whatever will be a constant.....and trying to keep the same the below example
Change this
to this
I am not very good with the .htaccess files
UPDATE: Ok...I got this to work.....not really sure why it works....but when I type in the test-dev/ProjectTest/apples or test-dev/ProjectTest/oranges it calls up the appropriate content.
This is what I used
RewriteRule ^ProjectTest/([^/\.]+)/?$ ProjectTest/index.shtml?dynContent=$1 [L]
and then I rewrote it to be this and now it works for any directory
RewriteRule ^(.*)/([^/\.]+)/?$ $1/index.shtml?dynContent=$2 [L]
Try this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^dynContent=(.+)$
RewriteRule ^/(.+)+/index.shtml $1/%1 [PT]
This requires mod_rewrite to be activated. The value of the bracket in dynContent=(.+) is stored in %1 and the bracket's value in ^/(.+)+/index.shtml is stored in $1. Both together creates your target path

Apache 301 redirect with get parameters

I am trying to do a 301 redirect with lightspeed webserver htaccess with no luck.
I need to do a url to url redirect without any related parameters.
for example:
I have tried:
RewriteRule [R=301,L,NC]
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks for adding your code to your question. Once more we see how important that is:
your issue is that a RewriteRule does not operate on URLs, but on paths. So you need something like that instead:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?$ /some_url/ [R=301,L,NC,QSD]
From your question it is not clear if you want to ignore any GET parameters or if you only want to redirect if certain parameters are set. So here is a variant that will only get applied if some parameter is actually set in the request:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)cat=123(?:&|$)
RewriteRule ^/?$ /some_url/ [R=301,L,NC,QSD]
Another thing that does not really get clear is if you want all URLs below (so below the path /) to be rewritten, or only that exact URL. If you want to keep any potential further path component of a request and still rewrite (for example =>, then you need to add a capture in your regular expression and reuse the captured path components:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ /some_url/$1 [R=301,L,NC,QSD]
For either of this to work you need to have the interpretation of .htaccess style files enabled by means of the AllowOverride command. See the official documentation of the rewriting module for details. And you have to take care that that -htaccess style file is actually readable by the http server process and that it is located right inside the http hosts DOCUMENT_ROOT folder in the local file system.
And a general hint: you should always prefer to place such rules inside the http servers host configuration instead of using .htaccess style files. Those files are notoriously error prone, hard to debug and they really slow down the server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have control over the host configuration (read: really cheap hosting service providers) or if you have an application that relies on writing its own rewrite rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).

SEO URLs with ColdFusion controller?

quick ref: area = portal type page.
I would like old urls
to redirect to should display the content.
I have worked out so far to do this I could use apache to write all URLs to
The index.cfm will either server the content or apply a permanent redirect, but it will need to get the title and area information from the database first.
There are 50,000 pages on this website. I also have other ideas for subdomain redirects, and permanent subdomains and controlling how they act through the index.cfm.
Infrastructure are keen to do as much through Apache rewrite as possible, we suspect it would be faster. However I'm not sure we have that choice if we need to get the area and title information for each page.
Has anyone got some experience with this that can provide input?
Something to note, I'm assuming we'll have to keep all the internal URLs used on the website in the old format. It would be a mega job to change them all.
This means all internal URLs will have to use a permanent redirect every time.
Rather than redirecting both groups of URLs to the same script, why not simply send them to two distinct scripts?
Simply like this:
RewriteCond ${REQUEST_URI} !-f
RewriteRule ^\w+/\d+-[\w-]+$ /content.cfm/$0 [L]
RewriteCond ${REQUEST_URI} !-f
RewriteRule ^.* /redirect.cfm/$0 [L,QSA]
Then, the redirect.cfm can lookup the replacement URL and do the 301 redirect, whilst content.cfm simply serves the content.
(You haven't specified how your CF is setup; you may need to update the Jrun/Tomcat/other config to support /content.cfm/* and /redirect.cfm/* - it'll be done the same as it's done for index.cfm)
For performance reasons, you still want to avoid the database hits for redirecting if you can, and you can do that by generating rewrite rules for each page that performs the 301 redirect on the Apache side. This can be as simple as appending a line to the .htaccess file, like so:
<cfset NewLine = 'RewriteRule #ReEscape(OldUrl)# #NewUrl# [L,QSA,R=301]' />
<cffile action="append" file="./.htaccess" output=#NewLine# />
(Where OldUrl and NewUrl have been looked-up from the database.)
You might also want to investigate using mod_alias redirect instead of mod_rewrite RewriteRule, where the syntax would be Redirect permanent #OldUrl# #NewUrl# - since the OldUrl is an exact path match it would likely be faster.
Note that these rules will need to be checked before the above redirect.cfm redirect is done - if they are in the same .htaccess you can't simply do an append, but if they are in the site's general Apache config files then the .htaccess rules will be checked first.
Also, as per Sharon's comment, you should verify if your Apache will handle 50k rules - whilst I've seen it reported that "thousands" of regex-based Apache rewrites are perfectly fine, there may well be some limit (or at least the need to split across multiple files).
Using apache rewrites would only be faster if they were static rewrites, or if they all followed some rule that you could write in regex within the .htaccess file. If you're having to touch the database for these redirects, then it may not make sense to do it in .htaccess.
Another approach is the one used by most CMSs for handling virtual directories and redirects. An index.cfm file at the root of the site handles all incoming requests and returns the correct pages and pathing. MURA CMS uses this approach (as well as Joomla and most of the others.)
Basically you're using the CGI.path_info variable on an incoming request, searching for it in your DB, and doing a redirect to the new path. As usual, Ben Nadel has a good write-up of how to use this approach: Ben Nadel: Using IIS URL Rewriting And CGI.PATH_INFO With IIS MOD-Rewrite
You can, however, use the .htaccess to remove the "index.cfm" from the url string entirely if you want by redirecting all incoming requests to the root URL with something that looks like this in your .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,})/([a-zA-Z0-9/-]+)$ /$1/index.cfm/$2 [PT]
Basically this would redirect something like to where it could be processed as described by the blog post above. The user would never see the index.cfm.

How manage several folders in my domain?

I want create subdomains like this:
An examples:
I have thousand of cities in a mysql database.
I thinked in some options:
Thousand of folders with an index.php for redirect (I think wrong way).
Create an sitemap with all links ( and manage they by code with the database.
Please, which will be the best way for this? Thanks in advance!
You can solve this with a combination of PHP and Apache configuration. That is the most common solution and seen in popular PHP website software such as Drupal and Wordpress.
The idea is to let Apache send all traffic to one index.php file and pass the rest of the path as a parameter for PHP to handle with it.
You will need to be carefull with a few edgecases though; if file such as ./public/styles.css is requested, you don't want to serve that trough your PHP application but want apache to serve the file directly. Existing files will need to be handled by apache, all else by you application.
In your .htaccess:
# Rewrite URLs of the form 'x' to the form 'index.php?q=x'.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]
The first line tells Apache to send normal files by itlself. Second line does the same for existing directories. Third line avoids that browsers (most notably version IE6) who request the don't hammer your PHP application.
Then it passes everything along to index.php and adds the rest of the path into the q param.
Inside index.php you can then read that, and take action with that:
$path = $_GET['q'];
$params = explode('/', $path);
print $path;
Thousands of folders would be the wrong way that is for sure.
If you start creating the sitemap with links of the type you get a nice structure that you can manage programatically.
First get this started and working, then look up .htaccess and mod_rewrite which you can then use to map from to your links already functioning.
This seems both to be a good strategy for getting something working fast, and for ending up with the prettiest solution.