Set declared parameter value and CONCAT column name - sql

I have table with columns Char1, Char2, Char3..... Each of these columns contain some value. I declared variable #i and in while loop I'm trying to concat it to the Char table column name.
Also, I declared parameter #current in my query and then I'm trying to set its value in the query.
set #tmp = cast(#i as varchar(2))
select #current = 'Char' + #tmp
from SerialNumberFormat
where Example = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
When I execute the query #current has value Char1, Char2, Char3...etc, instead the value of the column.
How I can set column value instead column name in #current?

select #current = Concat(Char1, Char2, Char3)
from SerialNumberFormat
where Example = 'X59AA419010045'

Solution which I found and works for me is executing sp_executesql stored procedure
set #SQL = N'select #currentOUT = Char' + #tmp + ' from SerialNumberFormat
where Example = ''XXXXXXXXX'''
SET #ParmDefinition = N'#currentOUT nvarchar(10) OUTPUT'
exec sp_executesql #SQL, #ParmDefinition, #currentOUT = #current OUTPUT
select #current

Dynamic Sql like this may work for you
Declare #i int = 5
Declare #tmp varChar (10) = #i
Declare #Sql nVarChar(Max) = 'select Char' + #tmp + '
from SerialNumberFormat
where Example = ''X59AA419010045'''
exec sp_executesql #Sql


Sum of blank values

How to make sum of blank values in SQL Server?
I tried with following but returns null
Declare #val varchar
Declare #columns varchar(20)
declare #sql varchar(200)
set #columns= 'branch'
set #sql = 'select ' + #val +'= sum(case when #columns = '''' then 1 else 0 end)
from dbo.companies'
select #val
I need a dynamic SQL statement because values will be returned from stored procedure for each column.
Total stab in the dark, but I think what you're after is:
DECLARE #Count int, #Column sysname;
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(MAX);
SET #Column = N'SomeColumnName';
SET #SQL = N'SELECT #Count = COUNT(CASE ' + QUOTENAME(#Column) + N' WHEN '''' THEN 1 END) FROM dbo.companies;';
EXEC sp_excutesql #SQL, N'#Count int OUTPUT',#Count = #Count OUTPUT;
SELECT #Count;
Edit: Note that that '' and NULL are not the same value; something that you seem to be unaware of considering you where concatenating a variable (#Val of the datatype varchar(1)) with the value NULL to a literal string. NULL + {expr} = NULL. If you want to count rows with NULL, not a blank string is IS NULL (and you'll need to move the WHEN).

Conversion failed when converting the varchar(max) value 'TNK_99' to data type int

I am working with MS SQL. I wrote a simple code which goes through columns in my table and find the columns with more than 30% zero value. I will save name of column with more than 30% zero in #array.#count just has number of columns and #column has name of all columns.
DECLARE #array varchar(MAX)
DECLARE #sql varchar(MAX),
#column as varchar(MAX)
SELECT #count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id =
WHILE #counT>0
SET #column = (SELECT name FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('UVE305_TREND_2.dbo.LOGTNK') AND column_id = #count)
SELECT #column
#column = 0 )
select #array
SET #count= #count- 1
IF #r_count >= CAST(#array AS INT)
SET #list= #column+','+#list;
when I tried to run my query I got following error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar(max) value 'TNK_99' to
data type int.
'TNK_99' is my column name.
any help will be appreciated.
This expression:
WHERE #column = 0
Is being converted to:
WHERE 'TNK_99' = 0
That is, it is comparing a string (which happens to be a column name) to a number. By the rules of SQL the values are converted to numbers -- and you get a conversion error.
There is no simple way to solve this. The solution involves dynamic SQL, which is rather more complex than your code.
The code looks like:
WHILE #count > 0
SET #column = (SELECT name FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('UVE305_TREND_2.dbo.LOGTNK') AND column_id = #count);
SET #SQL = 'SELECT #array = COUNT(*) FROM UVE305_TREND_2.dbo.LOGTNK WHERE ' + QUOTENAME(#column) + ' = 0 )'
EXEC sp_executesql #SQL, N'#array int output', #array=#array output;
SELECT #column, #array
SET #count= #count- 1
As with the original code, this assumes that all columns are numeric. This code is a little vague on what "zero value" means. Perhaps you intend:
SET #SQL = 'SELECT #array = COUNT(*) FROM UVE305_TREND_2.dbo.LOGTNK WHERE ' + QUOTENAME(#column) + ' = ''0'' )'

T sql - How to store results from a dynamic query using EXEC or EXECUTE sp_executesql

I am trying to write a dynamic query. Let's say i have a table like below, which represents the hierarchy level of a sales agent:
AgentNumber Level1Agent Level2Agent Level3Agent Level4Agent Level5Agent
1122334455 1122334499 1122334488 1122334477 1122334466 1122334455
I want to be able to dynamically select a level based on a specified agent. My EXECUTE statement seems to work correctly, but how do I get the result stored in a variable I can use later? Every answer I have found seems to only get me a success return variable, not the actual query result.
Below is my code:
DECLARE #level INT = 1;
DECLARE #agent CHAR(10) = 1122334455;
DECLARE #colname NVARCHAR(11) = CONCAT('Level',#level,'Agent');
DECLARE #whereclause NVARCHAR(35) = CONCAT('WHERE AgentNumber = ',#agent);
DECLARE #qry NVARCHAR(300) = 'SELECT ' + #colname + ' FROM dbo.TABLE ' + #whereclause;
EXECUTE sp_executesql #qry, #up OUT
The output of #up is NULL. If I change the last two lines to:
EXECUTE #up = sp_executesql #qry
Now the output of #up is 0.
I want the output of 1122334499 and I need it stored in a variable that can later be used and inserted into a table.
Here is a fully functional example of how you can do this. Notice this is using a parameterized where clause and quotename around the column name in the dynamic sql to prevent sql injection.
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Agents') is not null
drop table #Agents
create table #Agents
AgentNumber char(10)
, Level1Agent char(10)
, Level2Agent char(10)
, Level3Agent char(10)
, Level4Agent char(10)
, Level5Agent char(10)
insert #Agents
select '1122334455', '1122334499', '1122334488', '1122334477', '1122334466', '1122334455'
DECLARE #level INT = 3;
DECLARE #agent CHAR(10) = 1122334455;
DECLARE #colname NVARCHAR(11) = CONCAT('Level',#level,'Agent');
declare #agentout char(10)
DECLARE #qry NVARCHAR(300) = 'SELECT #agent_out = ' + quotename(#colname) + ' FROM #Agents WHERE AgentNumber = #agentin';
EXECUTE sp_executesql #qry, N'#agentin char(10), #agent_out char(10) output', #agentin = #agent, #agent_out = #agentout output
select #agentout
You can try this :
DECLARE #level INT = 1;
DECLARE #agent CHAR(10) = 1122334455;
DECLARE #colname NVARCHAR(11) = CONCAT('Level',#level,'Agent');
DECLARE #whereclause NVARCHAR(35) = CONCAT('WHERE AgentNumber = ',#agent);
DECLARE #qry NVARCHAR(300) = 'SELECT #agentout=' + #colname + ' FROM dbo.TABLE ' + #whereclause;
EXECUTE sp_executesql #qry, N'#agentout NVARCHAR(10) OUTPUT', #agentout=#up OUTPUT
Create a variable table and makes your query insert the results you want there. Something like this:
declare #results table(field1 varchar(max), field2 varchar(max));
declare #sqlStatement varchar(max);
set #sqlStatement = 'insert into #results(field1, field2) select field1, field2 from table';
EXECUTE #sqlStatement;
select * from #results; --It will print the results from your sql statement!

Can I use variable in condition statement as value with where condition that test that value

I have the following stored procedure:
ALTER proc [dbo].[insertperoll] #name nvarchar(50) , #snum int , #gnum int
DECLARE #value nvarchar(10)
SET #value = 's'+CONVERT(nvarchar(50),#snum)
DECLARE #sqlText nvarchar(1000);
DECLARE #sqlText2 nvarchar(1000);
DECLARE #sqlText3 nvarchar(1000);
declare #g nvarchar(50) = '''g1'''
SET #sqlText = N'SELECT ' + #value + N' FROM dbo.GrideBtable'
SET #sqlText2 = ' where Gnumber = '+#g --here is the problem it error invalid column name -- the #g is value from the table condition
set #sqlText3 = #sqlText+#sqlText2
Exec (#sqlText3) -- here how can i save the result of the exec into varibale
declare #sal nvarchar(50) = #sqlText3
insert employ (name,Snumber,Gnumber,Salary) values(#name,#snum,#gnum,#sal)
QUESTION: How to put in condition variable gets value from the table when i exec it it think that the #g is column but its not its a value from the table to test it so i display one value after the exec the other QUESTION is how to save the result from the exec in variable and then use that value
I'm using SQL Server 2008 (9.0 RTM)
This will be a stored procedure
Thanks in advance
Not sure why you would go through all the loops to insert into the table where you can have a simple insert query like ..
ALTER PROC dbo.[insertperoll] #name nvarchar(50) , #snum int , #gnum int
insert employ (name, Snumber, Gnumber, Salary)
select #name
, #sum
, #gnum
, case when #snum = 1 then s1
when #snum = 2 then s2
when #snum = 3 then s3
when #snum = 4 then s4
end as Salary
from dbo.GrideBtable
where Gnumber = #gnum
If your intent is to have the proc retrieve a salary value from a column determined from the parameter snum and then make an insert into employ using the values passed as parameters and the salary retrieved I think you could refactor your procedure to this:
CREATE proc [dbo].[insertperoll] #name nvarchar(50) , #snum int , #gnum int AS
DECLARE #g NVARCHAR(50) = 'g1'
SET #sql = N'INSERT employ (name,Snumber,Gnumber,Salary) '
SET #sql += N'SELECT ' + QUOTENAME(#name, '''')
SET #sql += N', ' + CAST(#snum AS NVARCHAR(50))
SET #sql += N', ' + CAST(#gnum AS NVARCHAR(50))
SET #sql += N', s' + CAST(#snum AS NVARCHAR(50))
SET #sql += N' FROM dbo.GrideBtable'
SET #sql += N' WHERE Gnumber = ' + QUOTENAME(#g, '''')
EXEC (#sql)
Of course you could add the #g variable to the procedure parameters instead of having it hard coded in the procedure and call it as:
EXEC insertperoll #name='john', #snum=10, #gnum=100, #g='g1'
Sample SQL Fiddle (with some assumptions made about table structure)
You could do this using sp_executesql instead of exec() since this will allow you to use parameters, you can use an output parameter to get the value from the query:
N' FROM dbo.GrideBtable WHERE Gnumber = #G1';
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQL, N'#G1 VARCHAR(20), #val INT OUT', 'G1', #val OUT;

Dynamically Create Update SQL In Stored Procedure

I try to create a stored procedure to update a table record whose sql statement is dynamically created. I wrote some codes but am stoped in to run this query dynamically, How can i run this query or is there a better solution for this problem.
How this SP work?=> I send the columns names,values and datatype of the record that need update to SP like below
<e columnName=''PaymentStatus'' value=''99'' type=''nvarchar''/>
<e columnName=''HotelProvider'' value=''GAT2'' type=''nvarchar''/>
Then travel the nodes and create an Update statement, but can't execute it :))
I am giving a part of SP to understand the question better.
DECLARE #UpdateXml xml = '
<e columnName=''PaymentStatus'' value=''99'' type=''nvarchar''/>
<e columnName=''HotelProvider'' value=''GAT2'' type=''nvarchar''/>
DROP TABLE ##UpdateFields
t.c.value('#columnName', 'varchar(max)') AS ColumnName,
t.c.value('#value', 'varchar(max)') AS Value,
t.c.value('#property', 'varchar(max)') AS PropertyOf,
t.c.value('#type', 'varchar(max)') AS ColumnType
INTO ##UpdateFields
from #UpdateXml.nodes('/xml/e') as t(c)
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(MAX) = 'UPDATE HotelBooking ';
DECLARE #SQLUpdatePart nvarchar(MAX);
SET #SQLUpdatePart = 'SET ';
SELECT #SQLUpdatePart= #SQLUpdatePart+ColumnName +'='+'#QP_'+ColumnName+',' FROM ##UpdateFields WHERE PropertyOf IS NULL;
DECLARE #SQLWherePart nvarchar(MAX);
SET #SQLWherePart = ' WHERE Id=2';
DECLARE #ParmDefinition nvarchar(MAX)='';
SELECT #ParmDefinition = #ParmDefinition+'#QP_'+ColumnName+' '+ColumnType+',' FROM ##UpdateFields;
SELECT #ParmDefinition
SELECT #SQL + #SQLUpdatePart + #SQLWHerePart;
Last two select statements results are:
#QP_PaymentStatus nvarchar,#QP_HotelProvider nvarchar,#QP_TransactionId uniqueidentifier,#QP_UpdatedDate datetime
UPDATE HotelBooking SET PaymentStatus=#QP_PaymentStatus,HotelProvider=#QP_HotelProvider,UpdatedDate=#QP_UpdatedDate,TransactionId=#QP_TransactionId WHERE Id=2
Now How can I give the #QP parameters to sp_executesql() method dynamically?
You can do it by wrapping sp_executesql call in another exec:
declare #updateStr nvarchar(1000)
-- #updateStr = N'select * from ATable where ID = #p1'
set #updateStr = N'N''select * from ATable where ID = #p1'''
declare #paramStr nvarchar(100)
-- #paramStr = N'#p1 int'
set #paramStr = N'N''#p1 int'''
declare #actualParameters nvarchar(100)
set #actualParameters = N'#p1 = 10'
-- Concatenate parts of query into a variable
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
set #sql = N'sp_executesql ' + #updateStr + ',' + #paramStr + ', ' + #actualParameters
-- And voila!
exec (#sql)