WolframAlpha, PlotRange function is not working - wolframalpha

I'm trying to set the range of the y-axis of a plot in WolframAlpha with PlotRange, but it's not working.
Following the examples, if I run (in the input bar in WolframAlpha):
Plot[Tan[x], {x, 0, 10}, PlotRange -> Automatic]
The result is:
Wolfram|Alpha doesn't understand your query
Why is that? Does this work for you?
Do you know how to solve it, or eventually how can I set the range of the y-axis?

Wolfram|Alpha doesn't quite use strict Mathematica / Wolfram Language syntax.
Try this,
plot tan(x), x=-0..10, y=-2..2


How to solve systems with TI-nspire automatically

is there any solution to solve a large system of equations in a program with the TI-nspire without typing all the variable names by hand?
For example, the function solve([1 2; 3 4]* [x; y] = 2,{x,y}) requires typing x,y manually. How is this done if the dimensions of the matrix can change?
I tried to use the function constructMat(x[i], i, j, 5, 1) which partly works but solve doesn't accept this function as variable as second argument.
Thanks for the help!!
I had this problem a while ago, i couldnt find any solution but to manually type the list of variables. Ive found the way to construct the list of unkowns (B_n):
i:=3:j:=4:B_n:=newlist(j+1) For i1,i,i+j:B_n[i1-i+1]:=expr("b"&string(i1)):endfor
with result: {b3,b4,b5,b6,b7}.
I dont remember exactly why this didnt work, i guess its the same reason (solve or zeros function will not accept this list as an argument)

Using Pure Functions as Coordinates in Wolfram Mathematica

Does anybody know how to use pure functions in Locator in Wolfram Mathematica? For example, if I had a simple piece of code like this:
Dynamic[fill, (fill = #) &]
There is an error because # is a stand in for a single number, not a pair of coordinates like is needed for Locator. I also tried this:
Dynamic[fill, (fill = {#1, #2}) &]
Which yielded the same issue.
This works fine for me
fill = {1, 1};
{Graphics[Locator[Dynamic[fill, (fill = #) &]]], Dynamic[fill]}
You do not need to specify tracking functions as Wolfram Language will automatically update the variable for you. However, for this particular case you do need to initialise your fill variable.
fill = {0, 0};
{Graphics[Locator[Dynamic[fill]]], Dynamic[fill]}
Hope this helps.

Cloudinary stuck on Displacement

I am trying to generate a mockup for t-shirts.
The result I am trying to achieve is the following: https://prnt.sc/kzhjk7
Using cloudinary, this is the closest result I have been able to produce:
However, it still looks different from the image that I would like to achieve.
I read that I could apply displacement. For this reason, I do have a displacement map stored at Mockups:Kids_WhiteOver
Do you know how can I apply it? Also the colors of the layers TemplateSquare appear weak in comparison to the target result ( https://prnt.sc/kzhjk7 ).
Any suggestion is very much appreciated since I am literally stuck to achieve that result. Many thanks in advance!
You can try removing the opacity from the transformation and use the multiplying effect.
How about this one: https://res.cloudinary.com/shirly/image/upload/o_0/l_TemplateSquare,w_380,y_300,x_-450/l_TemplateSquare,w_380,y_100,x_650/l_Kids_Whiteover,e_displace,x_10,y_10/u_kids_white,e_multiply/TemplateSquare.png
Let me know if that result can work for you.

make a Variable with Subscript in Mathematica

im very new to Mathematica and i need Mathematica to treat the Pmax in Subscript[P, max] = 12 "kW" as a single variable. That is beacause i have a lot more of these like Pmotor and P1, P2 and so on, i want to keep it clear and Simple.
i tried Symbolize[ParsedBoxWrapper[SubscriptBox["P", "max"]]] but i dont get it to work properly... When i define Pmax the "P" is black but the "max" is still blue wich i think means its a undefinden Variable?
can i tell Mathematica to treat Subscripted Variables as single variables?
Here is a demo using Notation. Once your notebook is set up as below it can be rerun in a fresh session quickly, all in one go (although the first line is then superfluous).

Semantic mediawiki - Set propery to range of values

I'm trying to set a specific property to a non exact value, for example say that I want to define the height of a pine tree to usually between 3-80 m (according to wikipedia). Then I would like to set something like [[Has height::3-80]] (of course this doesn't work) and defining the unit to meters with "custom units". Then I would like to be able to query for example "trees that can reach the height of 70 meters" and the pine tree would be included. I've been searching and trying different angles for hours now and I can't figure it out. Tried with #set_recurring_event but that seems to be only for dates/time. Also understood how to set multiple values for a property with #arraymap but this doesn't seem to help me here. Really would appreciate help with this (it's probably very easy and right in front of me) Thx! COG
There's no such things. But you able to create template, with parameters you want. The you just use code kinda {{range|min|max|units}}. For example your range of heights looks like {{range|3|80|m}}.