How to concatenate a dictionary of pandas DataFrames into a signle DataFrame? - pandas

I have three DataFrames containing each a single row
dfA = pd.DataFrame( {'A':[3], 'B':[2], 'C':[1], 'D':[0]} )
dfB = pd.DataFrame( {'A':[9], 'B':[3], 'C':[5], 'D':[1]} )
dfC = pd.DataFrame( {'A':[3], 'B':[4], 'C':[7], 'D':[8]} )
for instance dfA is
0 3 2 1 0
I organize them in a dictionary:
data = {'row_1': dfA, 'row_2': dfB, 'row_3': dfC}
I want to concatenate them into a single DataFrame
ans = pd.concat(data)
which returns
row_1 0 3 2 1 0
row_2 0 9 3 5 1
row_3 0 3 4 7 8
whereas I want to obtain this
row_1 3 2 1 0
row_2 9 3 5 1
row_3 3 4 7 8
That is to say I want to "drop" an index column.
How do I do this?

Use DataFrame.reset_index with second level and parameter drop=True:
df = ans.reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
print (df)
row_1 3 2 1 0
row_2 9 3 5 1
row_3 3 4 7 8

You can reset index:
row_1 3 2 1 0
row_2 9 3 5 1
row_3 3 4 7 8


Keep the DataFrame index name after appending, a list of Series?

I want to keep the name of the index of this DataFrame after appending a list of Series, as it is kept after appending them one at a time, but:
df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[3,4]],index = pd.Index(['a','b'],name='keepthisname'))
0 1
a 1 2
b 3 4
serc = pd.Series([5,6],name='c')
0 5
1 6
Name: c, dtype: int64
dfc = df.append(serc) # one at a time works
0 1
a 1 2
b 3 4
c 5 6
serd = pd.Series([7,8],name='d') # as further evidenced with this...
0 1
a 1 2
b 3 4
c 5 6
d 7 8
df.append([serc,serd]) # but this wipes out the name of the index
0 1
a 1 2
b 3 4
c 5 6
d 7 8

Pandas dataframe rename column

I splited a dataframe into two parts and changed their column names seperately. Here's what I got:
df1 = df[df['colname'==0]]
df2 = df[df['colname'==1]]
df1.columns = [ 'a'+ x for x in df1.columns]
df2.columns = [ 'b'+ x for x in df2.columns]
And it turned out df2 has the columns start with 'ba' rather than 'b'. What happened?
I cannot simulate your problem, for me working nice.
Alternative solution should be add_prefix instead list comprehension:
df = pd.DataFrame({'colname':[0,1,0,0,0,1],
print (df)
C D E F colname
0 7 1 5 a 0
1 8 3 3 a 1
2 9 5 6 a 0
3 4 7 9 b 0
4 2 1 2 b 0
5 3 0 4 b 1
df1 = df[df['colname']==0].add_prefix('a')
df2 = df[df['colname']==1].add_prefix('b')
print (df1)
aC aD aE aF acolname
0 7 1 5 a 0
2 9 5 6 a 0
3 4 7 9 b 0
4 2 1 2 b 0
print (df2)
bC bD bE bF bcolname
1 8 3 3 a 1
5 3 0 4 b 1

Renaming column of one dataframe by extracting from combination of series and dataframe column names

In the line below, I am renaming the columns of pnlsummary dataframe from the column names of three series (totalheldmw, totalcost and totalsellprofit) and one dataframe (totalheldprofit).
The difficulty I have is to iterate over the column names of the dataframe. I have manually assigned the names as you can see below. I would suppose there is an efficient way of iterating over the column names of the dataframe. Please advice.
pnlsummary.columns =
I think you need create list by constants and then add columns names converted to list:
pnlsummary.columns = [[0],[0],[0]] +
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':list('abcdef'),
print (df)
0 a 4 7 1 5 a
1 b 5 8 3 3 a
2 c 4 9 5 6 a
3 d 5 4 7 9 b
4 e 5 2 1 2 b
5 f 4 3 0 4 b
df.columns = ['a','s','d'] + df.columns[0:3].tolist()
print (df)
a s d A B C
0 a 4 7 1 5 a
1 b 5 8 3 3 a
2 c 4 9 5 6 a
3 d 5 4 7 9 b
4 e 5 2 1 2 b
5 f 4 3 0 4 b

Need to loop over pandas series to find indices of variable

I have a dataframe and a list. I would like to iterate over elements in the list and find their location in dataframe then store this to a new dataframe
my_list = ['1','2','3','4','5']
df1 = pd.DataFrame(my_list, columns=['Num'])
dataframe : df1
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
dataframe : df2
0 1 2 3 4
0 9 12 8 6 7
1 11 1 4 10 13
2 5 14 2 0 3
I've tried something similar to this but doesn't work
for x in my_list:
i,j= np.array(np.where(df==x)).tolist()
df2['X'] = df.append(i)
df2['Y'] = df.append(j)
so looking for a result like this
dataframe : df1 updated
Num X Y
0 1 1 1
1 2 2 2
2 3 2 4
3 4 1 2
4 5 2 0
any hints or ideas would be appreciated
Instead of trying to find the value in df2, why not just make df2 a flat dataframe.
df2 = pd.melt(df2)
df2.columns = ['X', 'Y', 'Num']
so now your df2 just looks like this:
Index X Y Num
0 0 0 9
1 1 0 11
2 2 0 5
3 3 1 12
4 4 1 1
5 5 1 14
You can of course sort by Num and if you just want the values from your list you can further filter df2:
df2 = df2[df2.Num.isin(my_list)]

Group by with a pandas dataframe using different aggregation for different columns

I have a pandas dataframe df with columns [a, b, c, d, e, f]. I want to perform a group by on df. I can best describe what it's supposed to do in SQL:
SELECT a, b, min(c), min(d), max(e), sum(f)
How do I do this group by using pandas on my dataframe df?
consider df:
a b c d e f
1 1 2 5 9 3
1 1 3 3 4 5
2 2 4 7 4 4
2 2 5 3 8 8
I expect the result to be:
a b c d e f
1 1 2 3 9 8
2 2 4 3 8 12
use agg
df = pd.DataFrame(
funcs = dict(c='min', d='min', e='max', f='sum')
df.groupby(['a', 'b']).agg(funcs).reset_index()
a b c e f d
0 a c 0 1 1 0
1 a d 2 3 5 2
2 b c 4 5 9 4
3 b d 6 7 13 6
with your data
a b c e f d
0 1 1 2 9 8 3
1 2 2 4 8 12 3