netsh "The system cannot find the file specified." from the prompt - netsh

C:\Windows\system32>netsh interface show interface
Admin State = Disabled
State = Disconnected
Type = Dedicated
Interface Name = Ethernet 2
C:\Windows\system32>netsh interface set interface name="Ethernet 2" admin=Enabled
The system cannot find the file specified.


how to close connection after running cuteFTP .vbs script?

we are using the macro record facility available in cuteFTP to generate a vbs file which we use to upload a local copy of the database to Godaddy.
How do we go about closing the connection on upload completion as if we do not there is a risk that the file is locked and causes the website to fall over? Is there a better way to do this?
thanks for any pointers
' Create TEConnection object
Set MySite = CreateObject("CuteFTPPro.TEConnection")
' Initialize remote server host name, protocol, port, etc.
MySite.Host = ""
MySite.Protocol = "FTP"
MySite.Port = 21
MySite.Retries = 30
MySite.Delay = 30
MySite.MaxConnections = 4
MySite.TransferType = "AUTO"
MySite.DataChannel = "DEFAULT"
MySite.AutoRename = "OFF"
' WARNING!!! SENSITIVE DATA: user name and password.
MySite.Login = "username"
MySite.Password = "password"
MySite.SocksInfo = ""
MySite.ProxyInfo = ""
' Connect to remote server
MySite.UploadAsync "C:\Projects\access_db\propertyDB.mdb", "/access_db/propertyDB.mdb"
A quick look at the Official Documentation suggests you could use the Close() method and pass the "EXITNOPENDING" option as an argument.
From the Official Documentation:
Use the Close method to exit the Transfer Engine. You can include parameters to exit only on certain conditions.
Object.Close (BSTR bstrParameter)
""(default empty), "CLOSE", "EXIT"—Closes TE (all tasks will be stopped)
"EXITNOPENDING"—Closes TE if no pending tasks available
Set MySite = CreateObject("CuteFTPPro.TEConnection")
MySite.LocalFolder = "c:\temp"
MySite.TransferURLAsync ""

Why IBKR API keeps showing ___ object has no attribute ___?

enter image description here
enter image description here
extra information below:
I think the connection is established (I opened TWS and did the right settings for API)
I made the right virtual environment with anaconda
I move all the relevant TWS files to the folder and set up the terminal with the virtual environment there.
Your historicalData method accesses an instance variable named data that hasn't been created. Assuming data is a dictionary, you can create it by adding a line to __init__:
def __init__(self):
EClient.__init__(self, self)
data = {}

Dynamic messageSelector in Glassfish 2.1

It is possible to have a messageSelector value based on a System property?
I have an MDB:
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "messageSelector", propertyValue = "notification_channel_id = 'EMAIL' AND instance= 'domain1'")
What I would have is:
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "messageSelector", propertyValue = "notification_channel_id = 'EMAIL' AND instance= MY_INSTANCE")
where MY_INSTANCE is a system property with value "domain1" or "domain2" ... and so on (depends on domain name)
(System property is set via glassfish JVM-OPTION )
My goal is to let MDB manage only messages whose recipient is the instance MDB belongs to.
Glassfish version is 2.1
at the moment im'using method onMessage in wich i put if statement to decide whether manage message or not...
EDIT 15/12/14
i changed configuration using sun-ejb-jar.xml file instead of annotation in MDB definition. I can now edit config file but this is still inside .ear file and i have to rebuild/deploy in order to changes makes effect. Is there a way to change this file outside from .ear ?

Custom External Ports not showing on custom IP Core - Zedboard

I am trying to build a custom IP peripheral (my_perph). I have used the CIP tool to generate the basic perph and now want to add my custom external port (my_port).
Basically I followed this tutorial
I have added the external port definitions to the top source vhdl my_perph.vhdl .
---Add user defined ports here----
MY_PORT : out std_logic;
I then added the port to the MPD file with the syntax:
This didn't work so I tried losing the 0 to match the name of the VHDL declared port so:
The issue is that once I have re-scanned the IP library I get the error saying there is
It seems that my custom external port MY_PORT is not being recognised in the IP design although it exists in the HDL of the included IP entity.
And even when I go to add the perph I find that this port does not show up in the info. I am totally lost as I have followed all tutorials and tired every possible thing I can think of!
Read the Platform Specification Format guide. You need to understand all of the MPD file, before just copy and pasting lines within it. The line you have needs to have a matching IO_INTERFACE section (as the error message tells you)
If your IO is not part of a "standard" IO port (see the IO_INTERFACE section of the PSF) you should be able to use simply:

Unknown provider name 'OraOLEDB.Oracle.1' Parameter name error

What do I need to download to resolve this error?
I've got the following connection string on an application that requires a connection string o connect to the database
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=pass;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=username;Data Source=db;PLSQLRSet=1
when I try to retrieve colmns for a data table I get that error
Are you on windows? If so open the "ODBC Data Source Administrator" in win 7 or go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) and go to the "Drivers" tab, check that the name attribute of the list matches with the "Provider" in the connection string.
Ex. connection string: Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1
In the drivers list: Name=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 Version=xxx