How to generate a random double value in a specific range using Kotlin? - kotlin

How do I generate a random number in a specific float range (From 51.3257 to 52.4557 for example) using Kotlin?
var xCoord = randomValue()
var yCoord = randomValue()
Do I need to make a method or do I just import something?

Here is the documentation for that:
I believe that it would be something like
import kotlin.random.Random
var xCoord = Random.nextDouble(51.3257, 52.4557)
var xCoord = Random.nextDouble(51.3257, 52.4557)

try this
double random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(51.3257, 52.4557);

If you are using kotlin do this :
var max=51.3257
var min=52.4557
var outpot= (min + Random.nextDouble() * (max - min))

Random r = new Random();
double randomValue = rangeMin + (rangeMax - rangeMin) * r.nextDouble();
Please try this. Thanks


Kotlin cannot cast to Integer

var num = pref?.getInt("something", 1)
This gives me "java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer, null"
However I don’t see a long here. Am I missing something?
"pref" contains Long class may be
you should try
var num = pref?.getLong(“something”,1L)

Convert Long to String in Kotlin

What am I missing here?
var timestamp = (System.currentTimeMillis() - SystemClock.elapsedRealtime())
String time = Long.toString(time) // Error: Expecting an element
value.setText("" + time)
You could use Kotlin String templates:
val time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()) / 1000*60*60
Otherwise you'd use the time.toString() directly.

How to print double value in DecimalFormat

I have a code.
Double value = 6.589715E7;
DecimalFormatSymbols symbol = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.GERMANY);
final DecimalFormat doris = new DecimalFormat("#,###000",symbol );
which displays the value like this rite now.
is there any way out this can be displayed as.
65,9 (also rounding off to one decimal place)
This example rounds up 2 but you get the point, try this
inputValue = Math.Round(inputValue, 2);
Here I put answer in string format. you can also convert into double format.
Double value = 6.589715E7;
DecimalFormatSymbols symbol = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.GERMANY);
final DecimalFormat doris = new DecimalFormat("##,###000",symbol );
String str = String.valueOf(doris.format(value));
String formated=str.replace(".", ",").substring(0,str.indexOf(",")+2);
Log.e("Log","d result="+formated);

Kotlin: how to swap character in String

I would like to swap a string from "abcde" to "bcdea". So I wrote my code as below in Kotlin
var prevResult = "abcde"
var tmp = prevResult[0]
for (i in 0..prevResult.length - 2) {
prevResult[i] = prevResult[i+1] // Error on preveResult[i]
prevResult[prevResult.length-1] = tmp // Error on preveResult[prevResult.lengt-1]
It errors out as stated above comment line. What did I do wrong? How could I fix this and get what I want?
Strings in Kotlin just like in Java are immutable, so there is no string.set(index, value) (which is what string[index] = value is equivalent to).
To build a string from pieces you could use a StringBuilder, construct a CharSequence and use joinToString, operate on a plain array (char[]) or do result = result + nextCharacter (creates a new String each time -- this is the most expensive way).
Here's how you could do this with StringBuilder:
var prevResult = "abcde"
var tmp = prevResult[0]
var builder = StringBuilder()
for (i in 0..prevResult.length - 2) {
builder.append(tmp) // Don't really need tmp, use prevResult[0] instead.
var result = builder.toString()
However, a much simpler way to achieve your goal ("bcdea" from "abcde") is to just "move" one character:
var result = prevResult.substring(1) + prevResult[0]
or using the Sequence methods:
var result = prevResult.drop(1) + prevResult.take(1)
You can use drop(1) and first() (or take(1)) to do it in one line:
val str = "abcde"
val r1 = str.drop(1) + str.first()
val r2 = str.drop(1) + str.take(1)
As to your code, Kotlin String is immutable and you cannot modify its characters. To achieve what you want, you can convert a String to CharArray, modify it and then make a new String of it:
val r1 = str.toCharArray().let {
for (i in - 1)
it[i] = it[i+1]
it[it.lastIndex] = str[0] // str is unchanged
(let is used for conciseness to avoid creating more variables)
Also, you can write a more general version of this operation as an extension function for String:
fun String.rotate(n: Int) = drop(n % length) + take(n % length)
val str = "abcde"
val r1 = str.rotate(1)
Simpler solution: Just use toMutableList() to create a MutableList of Char and then join it all together with joinToString.
Given a String input, we want to exchange characters at positions posA and posB:
val chars = input.toMutableList()
val temp = chars[posA]
chars[posA] = chars[posB]
chars[posB] = temp
return chars.joinToString(separator = "")
Since Strings are immutable, you will have to copy the source string into an array, make changes to the array, then create a new string from the modified array. Look into:
getChars() to copy the string chars into an array.
Perform your algorithm on that array, making changes to it as needed.
Convert the modified array back into a String with String(char[]).

split function to change order

i used a methode to get treepath i get it like this
[dc=example,dc=com,ou=Usres] and i need to make it look like this
so i tried this methode to change the order
public static String changeString(String old)
old = old.replace('[', ' ');
old = old.replace(']', ' ');
String array[] = old.split(",");
String result = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= array.length; i++) {
if(i != 1)
result +=","+ array[array.length-i];
result += array[array.length-i];
but i get the like this ou=Usres,dc=com,dc=example
how can i do to change only the position of ou=users
If you are using Java, I would suggest you use the UnboundID SDK. Using the DN class, you can break down the items with public RDN[] getRDNs(), which returns a RDN[]
Then you could simply reorder the RDN[] and then create the new DN with DN(RDN... rdns).