How can I bind correctly my variables to my tokens? - pdo

I can't figure out what causes this error, I'm burned out already. I can't figure out how to solve this.
Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter
number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in C:\wamp64\www\myproject-dev\public\viajes\orden_mantenimiento\controller.php on line 77
This happens when I try to execute my create method so heres the whole method:
if ($type == 'create') {
$Records = $request->models;
foreach ($Records as $rec) {
if (isset($request->pky)) {
$fky = $request->fky;
$rec->$fky = $request->pky;
$aError = Validate($rec);
$statement = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO order (id, idVehiculo, idTipo, fecha, kilometraje, horaIn, horaSal, proyecto, jefeProy, aprobadoPor, descripcion)
VALUES (:id, :idVehiculo, idTipo, :fecha, :kilometraje, :horaIn, :horaSal, :proyecto, :jefeProy, :aprobadoPor, descripcion)');
$statement->bindValue(':id', $rec->id);
$statement->bindValue(':idVehiculo', $rec->idVehiculo);
$statement->bindValue(':idTipo', $rec->idTipo);
$statement->bindValue(':fecha', $rec->fecha);
$statement->bindValue(':kilometraje', $rec->kilometraje);
$statement->bindvalue(':horaIn', $rec->horaIn);
$statement->bindvalue(':horaSal', $rec->horaSal);
$statement->bindValue(':proyecto', $rec->proyecto);
$statement->bindValue(':jefeProy', $rec->jefeProy);
$statement->bindValue(':aprobadoPor', $rec->aprobadoPor);
$statement->bindValue(':descripcion', $rec->descripcion);
if (!$statement->execute()) { // **========================== THIS IS LINE 77 ===================**
$aErrInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
$aError = array();
$aError[] = array('success' => false);
$aError[] = array('msg' => $aErrInfo[1]);
$aError[] = array('error' => $aErrInfo[2]);
$respuesta["errors"] = $aError;
echo "statement error".$respuesta;
} else {
$rec->id = $conn->lastInsertId();
$respuesta["data"] = $rec;
echo "Data bound.";
} else {
$respuesta["errors"] = $aError;
echo "ERROR";
Thanks a lot in advance.


How to update youtube annalytics to all previously registered youtube channels

I have a web app in which the users can register and connect their youtube channels. Next in the registration process I collect all the information I can get from youtube data api and youtube analytics and reporting api (with scopes and access tokens) and store it in the database. I show that info on their dashboards. I also display that info in the admin panel for the administrators to see.
The problem is, how can I refresh that info, lets say, once a day? I've tried with the access token but i get error 403 Forbidden message. I want to update the info to all of the registered youtube accounts, this is the function I use to update all but its not working
(In the bellow script, i send $code as a variable and the function is called on the redirect URI)
$youtube_channels = YouTubeChannels::get();
$key = env('NEW_YOUTUBE_API_KEY');
foreach($youtube_channels as $youtube_channel) {
$yt_channel_statistics = Http::get('', [
'part' => 'statistics,snippet',
'id' => $youtube_channel->youtube_channel_id,
'key' => $key
$yt_channel_statistics_json = $yt_channel_statistics->json();
$update_yt = YouTubeChannels::where('youtube_channel_id', $youtube_channel->youtube_channel_id)->first();
if($update_yt != null) {
$update_yt->channel_name = $yt_channel_statistics_json['items'][0]['snippet']['title'];
$update_yt->channel_subscribers = $yt_channel_statistics_json['items'][0]['statistics']['subscriberCount'];
$update_yt->channel_total_views = $yt_channel_statistics_json['items'][0]['statistics']['viewCount'];
$update_yt->channel_videos_count = $yt_channel_statistics_json['items'][0]['statistics']['videoCount'];
$baseUrl = '';
$apiKey = env('NEW_YOUTUBE_API_KEY');
$channelId = $youtube_channel->youtube_channel_id;
$params = [
'id'=> $channelId,
'part'=> 'contentDetails',
'key'=> $apiKey
$url = $baseUrl . 'channels?' . http_build_query($params);
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
$playlist = $json['items'][0]['contentDetails']['relatedPlaylists']['uploads'];
$params = [
'part'=> 'snippet',
'playlistId' => $playlist,
'maxResults'=> '50',
'key'=> $apiKey
$url = $baseUrl . 'playlistItems?' . http_build_query($params);
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
$videos = [];
foreach($json['items'] as $video)
$videos[] = $video['snippet']['resourceId']['videoId'];
$nextUrl = $url . '&pageToken=' . $json['nextPageToken'];
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($nextUrl), true);
foreach($json['items'] as $video)
$videos[] = $video['snippet']['resourceId']['videoId'];
$video_ids_string = collect($videos)->implode(',');
//new test
$params = [
'part'=> 'snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status',
'id' => $video_ids_string,
'key'=> $apiKey
$url = $baseUrl . 'videos?' . http_build_query($params);
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
$videos_infos = $json;
YouTubeVideos::where('youtube_channel_id', $youtube_channel->id)->delete();
foreach ($videos as $video){
foreach($videos_infos['items'] as $info){
if ($info['id'] == $video) {
if($info['status']['privacyStatus'] == 'public') {
$youtube_video = new YouTubeVideos();
// if (!$live_error) {
// foreach ($live_videos as $live) {
// if ($live->youtube_id == $video) {
// $youtube_video->was_live = true;
// }
// }
// }
// dd($video);
$youtube_video->youtube_channel_id = $youtube_channel->id;
$youtube_video->yt_video_id = $video;
$youtube_video->yt_video_title = $info['snippet']['title'];
$youtube_video->yt_video_description = $info['snippet']['description'];
$youtube_video->yt_video_published_at = Carbon::parse($info['snippet']['publishedAt']);
if(isset($info['snippet']['defaultAudioLanguage'])) {
$youtube_video->yt_video_default_audio_language = $info['snippet']['defaultAudioLanguage'];
} else {
$youtube_video->yt_video_default_audio_language = '';
if (strcmp($info['contentDetails']['caption'], 'true') == 0) {
$youtube_video->is_video_captioned = true;
} else {
$youtube_video->is_video_captioned = false;
$youtube_video->yt_video_definition = $info['contentDetails']['definition'];
$youtube_video->yt_video_dislike_count = 0;
$youtube_video->yt_video_like_count = $info['statistics']['likeCount'];
$youtube_video->yt_video_views_count = $info['statistics']['viewCount'];
//proba type of views
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setAuthConfig(storage_path('app'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. 'json'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'client_secret.json'));
}catch (\Google\Exception $e){
// $client->addScope([GOOGLE_SERVICE_YOUTUBE::YOUTUBE_READONLY, '', '']);
$client->setRedirectUri(env('APP_URL') . '/get_access_token_yt_test');
// offline access will give you both an access and refresh token so that
// your app can refresh the access token without user interaction.
// Using "consent" ensures that your application always receives a refresh token.
// If you are not using offline access, you can omit this.
$client->setIncludeGrantedScopes(true); // incremental auth
if (!isset($code)){
$auth_url = $client->createAuthUrl();
return redirect()->away($auth_url)->send();
if($code != null) {
session()->push('refresh_token_youtube', $client->getRefreshToken());
$service = new Google_Service_YouTube($client);
$analytics = new Google_Service_YouTubeAnalytics($client);
$typeOfViews = $analytics->reports->query([
'ids' => 'channel==' . $youtube_channel->youtube_channel_id,
'startDate' => Carbon::parse($youtube_channel->channel_created_at)->format('Y-m-d'),
'endDate' => Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'),
'metrics' => 'views',
'dimensions' => 'liveOrOnDemand',
'filters' => 'video=='.$video
foreach ($typeOfViews as $viewType) {
if ($viewType[0] == 'ON_DEMAND') {
$youtube_video->yt_video_on_demand_views_count = $viewType[1];
} else if ($viewType[0] == 'LIVE') {
$youtube_video->yt_video_live_views_count = $viewType[1];
$watch_times = $analytics->reports->query([
'ids' => 'channel=='.$youtube_channel->youtube_channel_id,
'startDate' => Carbon::parse($youtube_channel->channel_created_at)->format('Y-m-d'),
'endDate' => Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'),
'metrics' => 'estimatedMinutesWatched',
'dimensions' => 'day',
'filters' => 'video=='.$video
// //update quotas
// // self::update_quotas(1);
$total = 0;
foreach ($watch_times as $watch_time){
$total += $watch_time[1];
$youtube_video->estimated_minutes_watch_time = $total;
//zacuvuva captions
$xmlString = file_get_contents("" . $video);
$xmlObject = simplexml_load_string($xmlString);
$json = json_encode($xmlObject);
$phpArray = json_decode($json, true);
if (isset($phpArray['track'])) {
foreach ($phpArray['track'] as $array) {
$yt_video_captions = new YouTubeVideosCaptions();
$yt_video_captions->youtube_video_id = $youtube_video->id;
$yt_video_captions->language = $array['lang_code'];
//zacuvuva tags
if(isset($info['snippet']['tags'])) {
if ($info['snippet']['tags'] != null) {
foreach ($info['snippet']['tags'] as $tag) {
$youtube_video_tags = new YouTubeVideosTags();
$youtube_video_tags->youtube_video_id = $youtube_video->id;
$youtube_video_tags->tag = $tag;
if ($youtube_video->is_video_captioned) {
$captions = YouTubeVideosCaptions::where('youtube_video_id', $youtube_video->id)->get();
foreach ($captions as $caption) {
$video_id = YouTubeVideos::where('id', $caption->youtube_video_id)->first();
$fp = fopen('../storage/app/captions/' . $caption->id . '.xml', 'w');
$xmlString = file_get_contents("" . $video_id['yt_video_id'] . "&id=0&lang=" . $caption['language']);
fwrite($fp, $xmlString);
echo 'done';
// Command::line('Youtube videos updated');
//end new test

Segmentation fault in the below program

The below code is being called from a simple script like this.
method line-validation is rw {
my $file-data = slurp($!FileName, enc => "iso-8859-1");
my #lines = $file-data.lines;
my $start = now;
for #lines -> $line {
state $i = 1;
my #splitLine = split('|', $line);
if ($line.starts-with("H|") || $line.starts-with("T|")) {
my $lnObject = line => $line, FileType => $.FileType );
$lnObject.ColumnIds = %.ColumnIds;
my #promises;
my #validationIds;
for %.ValidationRules.keys -> $validationId {
if (%.ValidationRules{$validationId}<ValidationType> eq 'COLUMN') {
push #promises, start {$lnObject.ColumnValidationFunction(%.ValidationRules{$validationId}<ValidationFunction>, %.ValidationRules{$validationId}<Arguments>, $.ValidationRules{$validationId}<Description>); 1};
push #validationIds, $validationId;
my #promise-output = await #promises;
for #validationIds -> $valId {
state $j = 0;
my $result = #promise-output[$j];
if ($result.Bool == True) {
if (%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> :!exists) {
%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> = 1;
} else {
%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> = %.ResultSet{$valId}<count> + 1;
my #prCol = (%.ValidationRules{$valId}<Arguments><column>, #.printColumns);
if (%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> <= 10) {
%.ResultSet{$valId}.push: (sample => join('|', #splitLine[#prCol[*;*]].map: { if ($_.Bool == False ) { $_ = ''} else {$_ = $_;} }));
%.ResultSet{$valId}<ColumnList> = #prCol[*;*];
say "Line validation completed in {now - $start } time for $.lineCount lines";
The code was working fine earlier but when run using larger files, it just arbitrarily throws the error Segmentation fault and exists. I cannot determine where it is failing either.

How to use KnpPaginatorBundle to paginate results for a search form?

I'm working on a Symfony 2 project and I used KnpPaginatorBundle the first page works correctly but the second one shows me this Error : " The controller must return a response (null given). Did you forget to add a return statement somewhere in your controller? " i didn't understand this please help me
this is my controller:
public function searchAction(Request $request) {
$search_form = $this->createForm(new SearchInterventionBatimentType());
if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
if ($search_form->isValid()) {
$data = $search_form->getData();
$from = $data['from'];
$to = $data['to'];
$intervenant= $data['intervenant'];
$type= $data['type'];
$batiment = $data['batiment'];
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$intervention = new InterventionBatiment();
if(is_null($intervenant) && is_null($type) && is_null($batiment)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDate($from,$to);
} elseif(is_null($type) && is_null($batiment)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDateAndIntervenant($from,$to,$intervenant);
} elseif (is_null($intervenant) && is_null($batiment)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDateAndType($from,$to,$type);
} elseif (is_null($intervenant) && is_null($type)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDateAndBatiment($from,$to,$batiment);
} elseif (is_null($batiment)) {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByDateAndIntervenantAndType($from,$to,$type,$intervenant);
} else {
$intervention = $em->getRepository('SecteurBundle:InterventionBatiment')->findByAll($from,$to,$type,$intervenant,$batiment);
$paginator= $this->get('knp_paginator');
$result= $paginator->paginate(
$intervention, /* query NOT result */
$request->query->getInt('page', 1)/*page number*/,
$request->query->getInt('limit', 8)/*limit per page*/
return $this->render(
array('interventions' => $result,'form' => $search_form->createView())
the controller should always need to send a response.
In your case you need to send a response if the form is not valid
if ($search_form->isValid()) {
return your response here too (if the form is not valid)

how to add an image to product in prestashop

i have a pragmatically added product in my code , the product is added to presta correctly but not about its image .
here is some part of my code that i used :
$url= "localhost\prestashop\admin7988\Hydrangeas.jpg" ;
$id_productt = $object->id;
$shops = Shop::getShops(true, null, true);
$image = new Image();
$image->id_product = $id_productt ;
$image->position = Image::getHighestPosition($id_productt) + 1 ;
$image->cover = true; // or false;echo($godyes[$dt][0]['image']);
if (($image->validateFields(false, true)) === true &&
($image->validateFieldsLang(false, true)) === true && $image->add())
if (! self::copyImg($id_productt, $image->id, $url, 'products', false))
but my product have not any image yet
the problem is in copyImg method ...
here is my copyImg function :
function copyImg($id_entity, $id_image = null, $url, $entity = 'products')
$tmpfile = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'ps_import');
$watermark_types = explode(',', Configuration::get('WATERMARK_TYPES'));
switch ($entity)
case 'products':
$image_obj = new Image($id_image);
$path = $image_obj->getPathForCreation();
case 'categories':
$path = _PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.(int)$id_entity;
$url = str_replace(' ' , '%20', trim($url));
// Evaluate the memory required to resize the image: if it's too much, you can't resize it.
if (!ImageManager::checkImageMemoryLimit($url))
return false;
// 'file_exists' doesn't work on distant file, and getimagesize make the import slower.
// Just hide the warning, the traitment will be the same.
if (#copy($url, $tmpfile))
ImageManager::resize($tmpfile, $path.'.jpg');
$images_types = ImageType::getImagesTypes($entity);
foreach ($images_types as $image_type)
ImageManager::resize($tmpfile, $path.'-'.stripslashes($image_type['name']).'.jpg', $image_type['width'],
if (in_array($image_type['id_image_type'], $watermark_types))
Hook::exec('actionWatermark', array('id_image' => $id_image, 'id_product' => $id_entity));
return false;
return true;
can anybody help me ?
You have 2 issues:
You are passing 5th parameter (with value) to copyImg, while the function does not have such.
Your foreach ($images_types as $image_type) loop must include the Hook as well (add open/close curly braces).
foreach ($images_types as $image_type)
ImageManager::resize($tmpfile, $path.'-'.stripslashes($image_type['name']).'.jpg', $image_type['width'], $image_type['height']);
if (in_array($image_type['id_image_type'], $watermark_types))
Hook::exec('actionWatermark', array('id_image' => $id_image, 'id_product' => $id_entity));
You should also check if the product is imported correctly, expecially the "link_rewrite" and if the image is phisically uploaded in the /img/ folder.

Laravel4: WhereHas Eloquent Issue (nested). callback function error

I tried doing a search function where the only field would be an <input type='text' /> it'll be stripped into an array() then passed to a whereLoop.
static function generateSearch($fields, $queryString)
return function($query) use($queryString, $fields)
foreach($fields as $field) {
$query = $query->orWhere($field, 'like', $queryString);
$query = $query->whereHas('category', function($_query) use ($queryString)
public static function search($query)
$searchBits = explode(' ', $query);
$query = Lead::with(array('user', 'category'));
$ctr = 0;
if(Category::whereIn('name', $searchBits)->count() != 0) {
$query = $query->whereHas('category', function($query) use ($searchBits)
$ctr = 0;
foreach($searchBits as $bit) {
$bit = "%".$bit."%";
$callback = "orWhere";
$queryFunc = Lead::generateSearch(array('name'), $bit);
if($ctr == 0) {
$callback = "where";
$query = $query->$callback($queryFunc);
}else {
foreach($searchBits as $bit) {
$bit = "%".$bit."%";
$callback = "orWhere";
$queryFunction = Lead::generateSearch(array('name', 'website', 'name', 'email'), $bit);
if($ctr == 0) {
$callback = "where";
$query = $query->$callback($queryFunction);
$query = $query->orderBy('id','desc');
return $query;
Category only has ONE row as of the moment: its - "hot"
if i type in any keyword, it'll directly go to generateSearch()
but if i type in "hot", it'll send an error
Call to undefined method
does anybody know what's up?
found the error. after looking deep within the callstack. i should not have added the
$query = $query->whereHas('category', function($_query) use ($queryString)
inside the generateSearch() or i should create another function for it. its being called by category callback as well.