Maintain Slide.Name when copying slide - vba

At this link, the official documentation says of the Slide.Name property says:
If you copy a slide from one presentation to another, the slide loses the name it had in the first presentation and is automatically assigned a new name in the second presentation.
I can see the rationale for this. However, I am now trying to implement a procedure which guarantees unique names. Specifically, in the first presentation, I run this code:
Dim last As Long: last = GetLastSlideNumber("LastSection")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To last
With ActivePresentation.Slides(i)
Dim newName As String: newName = "new" & i
.Name = newName
End With
which names all the slides in this presentation as new1, new2, etc. Then, I run similar code in the other one to name the slides as old1, old2, etc.
Now, I have guaranteed that the names are unique. Is there any way I can leverage off this to copy slides over without losing the slide name?

Try maybe do it trough the event class
' AppEvents class module
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents App As Application
Private Sub App_PresentationNewSlide(ByVal Sld As Slide)
Sld.Parent.Slides(Sld.SlideIndex).Name = "MyuniqueSlideName#Number"
End Sub
Then you call from Module1
' Module 1
Option Explicit
Public pApp As AppEvents
Sub GetAppClass()
Set pApp = New AppEvents
Set pApp.App = Application
End Sub
After that, every time you add new slide the App_PresentationNewSlide will occur.


Call Userform based on Userform Value in cell

I have a table with the following values:
Now, I would like to call the Userform in column H based on the value in column G, but I can't work out how to call the Userform based on the cell value. The error occurs in line
form.Name = wsControls.Cells(loop2, 8).Value
Here is my code:
Sub Check_Scenarios()
Dim wsAbsatz As Worksheet
Dim wsControls As Worksheet
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim loop1 As Long
Dim loop2 As Long
Dim lngKW As Long
Dim form As UserForm
Set wsAbsatz = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Production")
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
Set wsControls = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Controls")
lngKW = wsControls.Cells(1, 2).Value + 2
If lngKW = 3 Then
Exit Sub
End If
For loop1 = wsControls.Cells(10, 2).Value To wsControls.Cells(19, 2).Value Step 10
If wsData.Cells(loop1 + 3, lngKW).Value <> "" Then
MsgBox (wsData.Cells(loop1 + 3, lngKW).Value)
For loop2 = 2 To 16
If wsData.Cells(loop1 + 3, lngKW).Value = wsControls.Cells(loop2, 7).Value Then
form.Name = wsControls.Cells(loop2, 8).Value 'error occurs here
End If
Next loop2
End If
Next loop1
End Sub
Many thanks for your help!
You are trying to assign a Name to a blueprint. These are two errors.
You have to initialize your blueprint as something. Like this:
Dim form As New UserForm
Then, most probably your UserForm does not have a property called Name. It is called Caption. Thus it is like this:
Sub TestMe()
Dim uf As New UserForm1 'judging from your screenshot
uf.Caption = "Testing"
End Sub
There is a better way to work with UserForms, not abusing the blueprint, although almost every VBA book shows this UserForm.Show method (in fact every single one I have read so far).
If you have the time and the OOP knowledge implement the ideas from here - or from my interpretation of the ideas. There was also a documentation article about it in StackOverflow, but it was deleted with the whole documentation idea.
You don't "call" a userform. You instantiate it, and then you Show it.
UserForm is the "base class" from which all userforms are derived. See there is inheritance in VBA, only not with custom classes.
So you have a UserForm2 class, a UserForm3 class, a UserForm4 class, and so on.
These classes need to be instantiated before they can be used.
Dim theForm As UserForm
Set theForm = New UserForm2
Set theForm = New UserForm3
So what you need is a way to parameterize this Set theForm = New ????? part.
And you can't. Because whatever you're going to do, the contents of a cell is going to be a string, and there's no way you can get an instance of a UserForm3 out of a String that says "UserForm3".
Make a factory function that does the translation:
Public Function CreateForm(ByVal formName As String) As UserForm
Select Case formName
Case "UserForm1"
Set CreateForm = New UserForm1
Case "UserForm2"
Set CreateForm = New UserForm2
Case "UserForm3"
Set CreateForm = New UserForm3
End Select
End Function
And then call that function to get your form object:
Set form = CreateForm(wsControls.Cells(loop2, 8).Value)
If Not form Is Nothing Then form.Show

VBA Copy image from worksheet to Userform

Is there a way to runtime copy image from worksheet to userform image control?
I got a shape on a worksheet containing image. And when I select --> copy (ctrl + C) this shape, go to the UserForm1 design --> image1 properties I can do ctrl + v in the picture property of image1 and the image is pasted from clipboard to image1 control.
How can I achieve this using VBA in runtime?
I tried UserForm1.Image1.Picture = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Picture
And many similar bot none of them work
I usually get "Object doesn't support this property or method" or "Type mismatch"
Some time ago I was looking for a solution of the same problem. Did not find a solution, but I found a great workaround:
Make a separate form with plenty of pictures in it. Name it user_form_pics.
Then call the following on your form:
Me.Image1.Picture = user_form_pics.img_name11.Picture
This is how to use it in the constructor:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.Image1.Picture = user_form_pics.img_name11.Picture
End Sub
It works! Now your form has the picture of the user_form_pics.img_name11
In case that you need to save Chart to picture, the procedure is the following:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim chtChart As Chart
Dim strPath As String
Set chtChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
strPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\myChart.bmp"
chtChart.Export (strPath)
UserForm1.Show vbModeless
UserForm1.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath)
End Sub

VBA Visio - how to run macro when shape is changed

I have a VBA code in Visio that will change the color of the shape if said shape is hyperlinked. Right now, I run it by using a simple command button. I want the macro to run when a change occurs in the worksheet. I know in excel if I wanted to do that I would simply place my code in the Workbook_Change sub, but in Visio I am lost.
Here is my current code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Sh As Visio.shape
Dim Link As Hyperlink
For Each Sh In Visio.ActivePage.Shapes '<~ loop through the shapes collection
For Each Link In Sh.Hyperlinks '<~ loop through the links collection
If Not Link.Address = "" Then '<~ check for a blank address
Sh.Cells("Fillbkgnd").Formula = "RGB(255,102,0)"
Sh.Cells("Fillforegnd").Formula = "RGB(255, 102, 0)" '<~ apply a color to the shape
End If
Next Link
Next Sh
End Sub
Any ideas?
#JonFournier I have revisted this and here is my code that lives in ThisDocument:
Public WithEvents Pg As Visio.Page
Private Sub Pg_CellChanged(ByVal Cell As IVCell)
Set Pg = Pages("Page-1")
If Cell.Section = visSectionHyperlink Then
Dim Sh As Visio.shape
Dim Link As Hyperlink
For Each Sh In Visio.ActivePage.Shapes '<~ loop through the shapes collection
For Each Link In Sh.Hyperlinks '<~ loop through the links collection
If Not Link.Address = "" Then '<~ check for a blank address
Sh.Cells("Fillbkgnd").Formula = "RGB(255,102,0)"
Sh.Cells("Fillforegnd").Formula = "RGB(255, 102, 0)" '<~ apply a color to the shape
End If
Next Link
Next Sh
End If
End Sub
The code that I put inside works perfectly fine when paired with a command button, but I would like it to work when the shape is changed. What else should I add to the code to "instantiate the object" or to get it to run the way I need it to. I can't seem to get anything to work. Appreciate the help.
Again, I am sorry this is appearing as an answer, my work firewalls will not allow me to comment for some reason.
You can catch the CellChanged event on the Page object, and check if the changed cell is in the hyperlink shapesheet section.
In a class module:
Public Withevents Pg as Visio.Page
Private Sub Pg_CellChanged(ByVal Cell as IVCell)
If Cell.Section = visSectionHyperlink Then
' call your code here
End If
End Sub
You would need to instantiate the object and keep it alive to monitor your active page, but this is the general gist of something that would work for you, I think.
This would also live happily in ThisDocument, if you'd prefer that.

How to clear the VBA code of a worksheet via a macro?

I have a file where there's a template sheet that needs to run some code when it's activated. This sheet is being duplicated to create sheets that don't need to run this code. Currently, I have the code to check for worksheet's codename when run so that it does nothing on extra sheets, but it still slows usage down when you switch between sheets.
Is there any way to make the macro that makes duplicates also clear their VBA code contents?
(Edit) Please note that the code I need to clear is not in a module. After some research, it seems I found a way to remove modules (by accessing VBProject.VBComponents), but I'm not sure how to access the VBA code of a worksheet.
To remove complete code in all Sheet modules you could try something like this:
Sub Remove_some_vba_code()
Dim activeIDE As Object 'VBProject
Set activeIDE = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Dim Element As VBComponent
Dim LineCount As Integer
For Each Element In activeIDE.VBComponents
If Left(Element.Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then 'change name if necessary
LineCount = Element.CodeModule.CountOfLines
Element.CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, LineCount
End If
End Sub
Another way you could approach this is to keep all of your code out of the worksheet. Then you don't have to delete anything. The worksheet's code module is a handy place to code events, but you can create your own class module to handle events too. Put this in a standard module:
Public gclsEvent As CEvent
Sub Auto_Open()
Set gclsEvent = New CEvent
Set gclsEvent.This = Sheet1
End Sub
This will create an instance of CEvent that's global, so it won't lose scope as long as your workbook is open. It assigns the worksheet codenamed Sheet1 to the This property of the class. Create a class module named CEvent with this code
Private WithEvents mwsThis As Worksheet
Public Property Set This(ByVal wsThis As Worksheet): Set mwsThis = wsThis: End Property
Public Property Get This() As Worksheet: Set This = mwsThis: End Property
Private Sub mwsThis_Activate()
Me.This.Copy , Me.This.Parent.Sheets(Me.This.Parent.Sheets.Count)
End Sub
The WithEvents keyword exposes events for that object. Since we're only hooking up the events for Sheet1, activating another sheet won't trigger the code.

How do I capture a PowerPoint VSTO Text Changed Event?

I'm developing a PowerPoint C# VSTO add-in. I want to be able to capture a text changed event whenever the Title text of a slide is changed.
How can I attach a custom event handler that will fire whenever the Title text is changed?
Two things: 1) this is in VBA, but should be easily portable to C# and VSTO, 2) The "text changed" thing is a bit tricky. I can get you as far as "are you in a Title box" - the rest is more trival. It has to do with finding original state versus any changes. Probably doable, I just haven't done it.
To hook a selection change in PPT VBA, you'll need one class and one module. In the class, put this:
Public WithEvents PPTEvent As Application
Private Sub PPTEvent_WindowSelectionChange(ByVal Sel As Selection)
With Sel
If .Type = ppSelectionText Then
Dim sh As Shape: Set sh = .ShapeRange(1)
If sh.Type = msoPlaceholder Then
originalText = sh.TextFrame.Text
Dim placeHolderType As Integer
placeHolderType = sh.PlaceholderFormat.Type
If placeHolderType = ppPlaceholderTitle Then
MsgBox "this is a title placeholder"
End If
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Name the class "clsPPTEvents". Then in any module, put the following:
Public newPPTEvents As New clsPPTEvents
Sub StartEvents()
Set newPPTEvents.PPTEvent = Application
End Sub
Sub EndEvents()
Set newPPTEvents.PPTEvent = Nothing
Set newPPTEvents = Nothing
End Sub
Press F5 on the StartEvents and that will enable the hook. Press F5 on the EndEvents to disable it.