Find text from folder/subfolder -

I had been searching all night for a example how to do this but without luck, only option I found was search in folders.
What I want to try:
I want to search for a word , inside a folder(that includes subfolders too).
1 textbox- where to write what i want to search.
1 textbox2 - where I select extension files what to search only (example I want to search files with *I200.txt that includes in names, so I write in textbox2 "I202.txt".
1 listbox - where to display the results, on what line it found the word (to preview show like notepad shows) and if I double click the results to open the file with notepad.exe.
1 textbox3 - Replace Text (if listview item is selected, the file I want to edit then replace the word with the textbox3 and save file)
I'm really sorry i couldn't find any solution on internet and I'm beginner so if someone wants to help me would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
Here is what i try now:
'Dim docPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
Dim files = From file In Directory.EnumerateFiles("\archives1\library\", "*.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
From line In file.ReadLines(file) Where line.Contains("Microsoft") Select New With {file, line}
For Each f In files
Console.WriteLine($"{f.File} {f.Line}")
Console.WriteLine($"{files.Count.ToString} files found.")
Catch uAEx As UnauthorizedAccessException
Catch pathEx As PathTooLongException
End Try
but i got underline for "file.ReadLines(file)" -Readlines is not a member of String
and the other is For Each f In files -> underline for "files"


Automaticaly open xls file on program start?

To provide our users to edit excel files without ms excel, we have made a simple app with visual studio 2012 and devexpress Spreadsheet module.
It is very simple to open excel file and use it.
But now only one excel file is being used (with multiple sheets), and I would like the file being used to be opened always on startup.
If I add the path and filename to command line arguments, noting happens...
Using devexpress components is very different then vanilla code for me, I am a complete beginner here, so I have no idea how to continue - can someone, please point me in the right direction?
I have made a procedure, to open the file dialog and load the file - I don't know how to "pass" it to devexpress, so the file actually loads to workbook.
Private Sub OpenXls()
Dim ofd As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog
ofd.DefaultExt = "xls"
ofd.FileName = "FILE"
ofd.InitialDirectory = "C:\ref_files"
ofd.Title = "Select file"
End Sub
As you have pointed out - using the dialog is not the right way.
After some googling I have find out that this should be a better way:
Dim workbook As New Workbook
workbook.LoadDocument("C:\ref_files\file.xls", DocumentFormat.xls)
I do not get any error, but the file is also not shown...
Do I have to display the document manually after loading?
If you're using openfiledialogue to open file then you must use command to load the specific file at Form.Load event.
The backslash char in ofd.InitialDirectory = "C:\ref_files"escapes the letter R to carrige return.
Change this line to ofd.InitialDirectory = "C:\\ref_files" (add another backslash).

How to Auto Copy text file from one folder to another folder in vb 2010 console or windows application

I want to create a program that auto copy text file from one folder to another folder . is it possible to make in windows form in ? if not what about in console apps ? i tried to search but i didn't find an answer for both. please help me i'm new to to this. I want to copy all the text file that is being save to c:folder1\test1.text copy to c:folder2\test1.text then test2.text,test3.text all the text file that are being put in folder1. i want to copy in folder2.
now i only have this code:
it will only copy 1 specific textfile with file name test.txt.
enter code here
Of course! First of all we need a function that search for files.
Public Sub SearchFiles(ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal Path As String, ByVal FilesFound As ArrayList)
FilesFound.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(Path, Pattern))
End Sub
But where we should save the list of files? We can use a Array for it. Also we should define our output and input folder
Dim files As New ArrayList
Dim inDir As String = "input path"
Dim outDir As String = "output path"
We can now call this function like this:
SearchFiles("*.txt", inDir, files)
All .txt files in the folder are now saved in our Array List. But how we can work with it? We can now work with it like this:
For Each file As String In files
Dim fName As String = Path.GetFileName(file)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(file , outDir & "\" & fName, overwrite:=False)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
This will copy every .txt file that where found in our inDir to our outDir. If something goes wrong then you will see this in the console. Try it out and understand how it works :)

How do you retrieve the file path from a checked list box that has multiple subfiles from different directories?

I've got a checked list box that populates files and subfiles from a selected location using a folder browser dialog. What I'm trying to accomplish is retrieve each location/directory of every checked item within that list. I'm using these locations as a spot to copy and paste new files into if that makes sense.
I should add that I'm new to coding, and I don't know how to do something as "complex" as this. This is also my first post and I apologize if this is an easier type question for you guys.
For Each file As IO.FileInfo In ListBox1.CheckedItems
Dim NewFileName As String = FindListBox2ItemThatContains(file.Name)
Dim lstfiles As String = Directory.GetFiles(FBD2.SelectedPath)
If NewFileName.Trim.Length > 0 Then
IO.File.Copy(file.FullName, IO.Path.Combine(FBD2.SelectedPath, "item parent folder", NewFileName.Trim), True)
End If

Use applescript to export files to pdf

I'm working on my first AppleScript (2.5) and can't seem to resolve my issue here.
I'm trying to open each markdown file in a folder and export to PDF. Opening the file with the specified application works, but I get 'The variable PDF is not defined' before the export happens.
I've tried four or five different sets of commands, from permutations on the save command to trying to use 'export' as some have suggested, but this form here appears to be the closest I've come to success. (Anytime I use export I get "Expected end of line, etc. but found identifier" and the word 'export' highlighted)
I appreciate any insight
tell application "Finder"
set sourceFolder to "Path:To:SourceFolder"
set MDFiles to files of folder sourceFolder whose name extension is "md"
end tell
repeat with f in MDFiles
set filePath to f as text
set newFilePath to (text 1 thru -2 of filePath) & "pdf"
tell application "MacDown"
open f
save f in file newFilePath as PDF
close f saving no
end tell
end repeat
After following #vadian's advice, it appears that the application does not have the ability to save to PDF.

Visual Basic FileSystem.GetFiles

I'm making a console application and I want to see what files is in a folder
For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("c:\users\zac\desktop\booked vehicle\requested\")
after using this code and find that the folder is empty I need an If statement that say's
If foundfile has no files then
tell user no files found
end if
but I don't know how to write this so Visual Basic understands.
Load the files into a variable then check the count.
Dim files = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("c:\users\zac\desktop\booked vehicle\requested\")
If files.Count = 0 Then
'tell user no files
For Each file In files
End If
FileSystem.GetFiles() returns a collection of file name strings. As OneFineDay showed, you can use the collection's Count property to know if any files were found.
The downside of using FileSystem.GetFile() is that it has to search the entire folder before then returning the entire list of filenames. If you are searching large folders and speed is an issue, consider using Directory.EnumerateFiles() instead. That way, you can output a message if no file was found, otherwise loop throuh the list of found files. For example:
Dim files = Directory.EnumerateFiles("c:\users\zac\desktop\booked vehicle\requested\").GetEnumerator()
If files.MoveNext Then
' files were found
Loop Until Not files.MoveNext
' no files were found
End If
I personally would use Linq to accomplish this. It's very quick and efficient to use in this case. I put the Console.ReadLine() at the end to show the files, you can remove this if need to be. Also you can change the Console.WriteLine to not include the string (s) if you don't want to. The s was declared if you want to show the files and also to see if there are any files. As I said, this was for my viewing to see the files. Straight to the point!
Dim s As String = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, New DirectoryInfo("YOUR DIRECTORY").GetFiles().[Select](Function(file) file.Name).ToArray)
Console.WriteLine(If(s.Length > 0, s, "No files found!"))