sql regexp string end with ".0" - sql

I want to judge if a positive number string is end with ".0", so I wrote the following sql:
select '12310' REGEXP '^[0-9]*\.0$'. The result is true however. I wonder why I got the result, since I use "\" before "." to escape.
So I write another one as select '1231.0' REGEXP '^[0-9]\d*\.0$', but this time the result is false.
Could anyone tell me the right pattern?

Dot (.) in regexp has special meaning (any character) and requires escaping if you want literally dot:
select '12310' REGEXP '^[0-9]*\\.0$';
Use double-slash to escape special characters in Hive. slash has special meaning and used for characters like \073 (semicolon), \n (newline), \t (tab), etc. This is why for escaping you need to use double-slash. Also for character class digit use \\d:
hive> select '12310.0' REGEXP '^\\d*?\\.0$';
Also characters inside square brackets do not need double-slash escaping: [.] can be used instead of \\.

If you know it is a number string, why not just use:
select ( val like '%.0' )
You need regular expression if you want to validate that the string has digits everywhere else. But if you only need to check the last two characters, like is sufficient.
As for your question . is a wildcard in regular expressions. It matches any character.


Remove special characters and alphabets from a string except number in sql query in db2

Hi I tried using Regex_replace and it is still not working.
select CASE WHEN sbbb <> ' ' THEN regexp_replace(sbbb,'[a-zA-Z _-#]','']
ELSE sbbb
from Table where sccc=1;
This is the query which I am using to remove alphabets and specials characters from string and have only numbers. but it doesnot work. Query returns me the complete string with numbers,characters and special characters .What is wrong in the above query
I am working on a sql query. There is a column in database which contains characters,special characters and numbers. I want to only keep the numbers and remove all the special characters and alphabets. How can I do it in query of DB2. If a use PATINDEX it is not working. please help here.
The allowed regular expression patterns are listed on this page
Regular expression control characters
Outside of a set, the following must be preceded with a backslash to be treated as a literal
* ? + [ ( ) { } ^ $ | \ . /
Inside a set, the follow must be preceded with a backslash to be treated as a literal
Characters that must be quoted to be treated as literals are [ ] \
Characters that might need to be quoted, depending on the context are - &
So for you, this should work
regexp_replace(sbbb,'[a-zA-Z _\-#]','')


I have two types of URL's which I would need to clean, they look like this:
The outcome I want is;
I want to remove the brackets and everything up to SE, the URLS differ so I want to remove:
First URL
Second URL:
I can't get my head around it,I've tried this .*\/ . But it will still keep strings I don't want such as:
(1 url) =
(2 url) car?p_color_car=White?
You can use
regexp_replace(FinalUrls, r'.*\?|"\]$', '')
See the regex demo
.*\? - any zero or more chars other than line breakchars, as many as possible and then ? char
| - or
"\]$ - a "] substring at the end of the string.
Mind the regexp_replace syntax, you can't omit the replacement argument, see reference:
REGEXP_REPLACE(value, regexp, replacement)
Returns a STRING where all substrings of value that match regular
expression regexp are replaced with replacement.
You can use backslashed-escaped digits (\1 to \9) within the
replacement argument to insert text matching the corresponding
parenthesized group in the regexp pattern. Use \0 to refer to the
entire matching text.

escape in a select statement

In the following sql, what the use of escape is ?
select * from dual where dummy like 'funny&_' escape '&';
SQL*Plus ask for the value of _ whether escape is specified or not.
The purpose of the escape clause is to stop the wildcard characters (eg. % or _) from being considered as wildcards, as per the documentation
The reason why you're being prompted for the value of _ is because you're using &, which is also usually the character used to prompt for a substitution variable.
To stop the latter from happening, you could:
change to a different escape character
prior to running your statement, run set define off if you're using SQL*Plus (or as a script in a GUI, eg. Toad) or turn off the substitution variable prompting if you're using a GUI.
change the define character to something different by running set define <character>
The escape character is used to indicate that the underscore should be matched as an actual character, rather than as a single-character wildcard. This is explained in the documentation.
You can include the actual characters % or _ in the pattern by using the ESCAPE clause, which identifies the escape character. If the escape character precedes the character % or _ in the pattern, then Oracle interprets this character literally in the pattern rather than as a special pattern-matching character.
If you didn't have the escape clause then the underscore would match any single character, so where dummy like 'funny_' would match 'funnyA', 'funnyB', etc. and not just an actual underscore.
The escape character you've chosen is & which is the default SQL*Plus client substitution variable marker. It has nothing to do with the escape clause, and using that is causing the &_ part of the pattern to be interpreted as a substitution variable called _, hence your being prompted. As it isn't related, the escape clause has no effect on that.
The simplest thing is probably to choose a different escape character. If you want to use that specific escape character and not be prompted, disable or change the substitution character:
set define off
select * from dual where dummy like 'funny&_' escape '&';
set define on
That will then match rows where dummy contains exactly the string 'funny_'. (It's therefore equivalent to where dummy = 'funny_', as there are no unescaped wildcards, making the like pattern matching redundant). It will not match any that start with that pattern (it's sort of like using regexp_like with start and end anchors, and you might be expecting it to work as if you hadn't supplied anchors, but it doesn't). You would need to add a % wildcard for that:
set define off
select * from dual where dummy like 'funny&_%' escape '&';
set define on
And if you want to match any that don't start with funny_ but have it somewhere in the middle of the value, you would need to add another wildcard before it too:
set define off
select * from dual where dummy like '%funny&_%' escape '&';
set define on
You haven't shown any sample data or expected results to it isn't clear which pattern you need.
SQL Fiddle doesn't have substitution variables but here's an example showing how those three patterns match various values.
The syntax for the SQL LIKE Condition is:
expression LIKE pattern [ ESCAPE 'escape_character' ]
Parameters or Arguments
expression : A character expression such as a column or field.
pattern : A character expression that contains pattern matching. The patterns that you can choose from are:
Wildcard | Explanation
% | Allows you to match any string of any length (including zero length)
_ | Allows you to match on a single character
escape_character: Optional. It allows you to test for literal instances of a wildcard character such as % or _.
Source : http://www.techonthenet.com/sql/like.php

Remove Special Characters from an Oracle String

From within an Oracle 11g database, using SQL, I need to remove the following sequence of special characters from a string, i.e.
If any of these characters exist within a string, except for these two characters, which I DO NOT want removed, i.e.: "|" and "-" then I would like them completely removed.
For example:
From: 'ABC(D E+FGH?/IJK LMN~OP' To: 'ABCD EFGHIJK LMNOP' after removal of special characters.
I have tried this small test which works for this sample, i.e:
select regexp_replace('abc+de)fg','\+|\)') from dual
but is there a better means of using my sequence of special characters above without doing this string pattern of '\+|\)' for every special character using Oracle SQL?
You can replace anything other than letters and space with empty string
[^a-zA-Z ]
here is online demo
As per below comments
I still need to keep the following two special characters within my string, i.e. "|" and "-".
Just exclude more
Note: hyphen - should be in the starting or ending or escaped like \- because it has special meaning in the Character class to define a range.
For more info read about Character Classes or Character Sets
Consider using this regex replacement instead:
REGEXP_REPLACE('abc+de)fg', '[~!##$%^&*()_+=\\{}[\]:”;’<,>.\/?]', '')
The replacement will match any character from your list.
Here is a regex demo!
The regex to match your sequence of special characters is:
I feel you still missed to escape all regex-special characters.
To achieve that, go iteratively:
build a test-tring and start to build up your regex-string character by character to see if it removes what you expect to be removed.
If the latest character does not work you have to escape it.
That should do the trick.
SELECT TRANSLATE('~!##$%sdv^&*()_+=\dsv{}[]:”;’<,>dsvsdd./?', '~!##$%^&*()_+=\{}[]:”;’<,>./?',' ')
FROM dual;
SQL> select translate('abc+de#fg-hq!m', 'a+-#!', etc.) from dual;

how to regex match string escaped with sql style?

"""Romeo and Juliet"""
'another string that is quoted with '' single quotes'
the problem is that the string can have characters used for db escaping even in it's beginning and end, so regex should look if given char is used in sequence of odd length that is 1,3,5... at the end of matched string
Try this regex: '(?:[^']|'')*' for single quotes. The same for double quotes, i.e. full regex:
In string hello 'my ''beautiful''' 'world'! """Romeo and Juliet""" it will find:
'my ''beautiful'''
"""Romeo and Juliet"""
Where your string includes (or might include) characters that cause problems in your sql, you should always escape.
If you're using PHP with a mysql database, use mysql_real_escape_string($text); (docs)
For other databases and languages, you'll have to check for your specific purposes, but there's likely to be an existing method.