Postgresql - pick up field from object array to text array - sql

how can I pick up all id field '{"se":[{"id":"123"}, {"id":"456"}]}' and get ["123", "456"]
I tried the SQL below, but it not work, the json path always need a index.
select '{"se":[{"id":"123"}, {"id":"456"}]}'::JSONB #> '{se, id}'
only could get the first one as text
select '{"se":[{"id":"123"}, {"id":"456"}]}'::JSONB #> '{se, 0, id}'

That should be done in few separate steps:
First take out the 'se' object
then expand the array items to separate json objects
finally find the value of the id key.
If you need those ids to be a list again then wrap the results with a jsonb_agg function.
jsonb_agg(id) id_list
(SELECT jsonb_array_elements('{"se":[{"id":"123"}, {"id":"456"}]}'::jsonb #> '{se}') -> 'id' AS id) ids


Transforming JSON data to relational data

I want to display data from SQL Server where the data is in JSON format. But when the select process, the data does not appear:
I've written a query like this, but nothing appears. Can anyone help?
Query :
SELECT id, JSON_Value(item_pieces_list, '$.satuan') AS Name
FROM [].dbo.medicine_alkes AS medicalkes
Your Path is wrong. Your JSON is an array, and you are trying to retrieve it as a flat object
SELECT id, JSON_Value(item_pieces_list,'$[0].satuan') AS Name
FROM [].dbo.medicine_alkes
Only in the case of data without the [] (array sign) you could use your original query '$.satuan', but since you are using an array I change it to retrieve only the first element in the array '$[0].satuan'

How to retrieve the list of dynamic nested keys of BigQuery nested records

My ELT tools imports my data in bigquery and generates/extends automatically the schema for dynamic nested keys (in the schema below, under properties)
It looks like this
How can I get the list of nested keys of a repeated record ? so for example I can group by properties when those items have said property non-null ?
I have tried
select column_name
table_name = 'my_table
But it will only list first level keys
From the picture above, I want, as a first step, a SQL query that returns
My real goal through, is to group/count my data based on a non-null value of a 2nd level nested properties properties.filters.[filter_type]
The schema may evolve when our application adds more filters, so this need to be dynamically generated, I can't just hard-code the list of nested keys.
Note: this is very similar to this question How to extract all the keys in a JSON object with BigQuery but in my case my data is already in a shcema and it's not a JSON object
Suppose I have a list of such records with nested properties, how do I write a SQL query that adds a field "enabled_filters" which aggregates, for each item, the list of properties for wihch said property is not null ?
Example input (properties.x are dynamic and not known by the programmer)
Example output
["school", "type"]
Have you looked at COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS? It should give you the paths for all columns.
select field_path from my_schema.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS where table_name = '<table>'
The field properties is not nested by array only by structures. Then a UDF in JavaScript to parse thise field should work fast enough.
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION jsonObjectKeys(input STRING, shownull BOOL,fullname Bool)
RETURNS Array<String>
function test(input,old){
var out=[]
for(let x in input){
let te=input[x];
out=out.concat(te==null ? (shownull?[x+'==null']:[]) : typeof te=='object' ? test(te,old+x+'.') : [fullname ? old+x : x] );
return out;
return test(JSON.parse(input),"");
with tbl as (select struct(1 as alpha,struct(2 as x, 3 as y,[1,2,3] as z ) as B) A from unnest(generate_array(1,10*1))
union all select struct(null,struct(null,1,[999])) )
select *,
TO_JSON_STRING (A ) as string_output,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),true,false) as output1,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),false,true) as output2,
concat('["', array_to_string(jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),false,true),'","' ) ,'"]') as output_sring,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A.B),false,true) as outpu
from tbl

extract values inside an array column in amazon athena

I have a table in athena aws where the column 'metadata_stopinfo' has the structure that you can see in the image.
I am trying to extract values that are inside that array, however when I try
"json_extract_scalar"(metadata_stopinfo, '$.city')
FROM "table"
I have the following problem
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 2:5: Unexpected parameters (array(row("address" row("addressline" varchar,"city" varchar,"countrycode" varchar,"countrycodeoriginal" varchar,"state" varchar,"zipcode" varchar),"carrierreference" varchar,"contacts" array(row("contacttype" varchar,"email" varchar,"fax" varchar,"mobilephone" varchar,"name" varchar,"officephone" varchar,"userid" varchar)),"containerinfo" array(row("containerid" varchar,"containeridtype" varchar,"equipmentcode" varchar,"equipmenttype" varchar)),"conveyancelinenumber" varchar,"conveyancetype" varchar,"conveyancetypeoriginal" varchar,"dateinfo" row("arrivalestimateddate" varchar,"arrivalestimateddateend" varchar,"arrivalestimatedendoffset" varchar,"arrivalestimatedoffset" varchar,"arrivalrequesteddate" varchar,"deliveryestimateddate" varchar,"deliveryestimateddateend" varchar,"deliveryestimatedendoffset" varchar,"deliveryestimatedoffset" varchar,"deliveryrequesteddate" varchar,"deliveryrequesteddateend" varchar,"deliveryrequestedendoffset" varchar,"deliveryrequestedoffset" varchar,"departureestimateddate" varchar,"departureestimateddateend" varchar,"departureestimatedendoffset" varchar,"departureestimatedoffset" varchar,"departurerequesteddate" varchar,"pickuprequesteddate" varchar,"pickuprequesteddateend" varchar,"pickuprequestedendoffset" varchar,"pickuprequestedoffset" varchar,"pickupestimateddate" varchar,"pickupestimateddateend" varchar,"pickupestimatedendoffset" varchar,"pickupestimatedoffset" varchar),"deliverynotenumber" varchar,"instructions" array(row("customerspecificsubtype" varchar,"header" boolean,"instructionsubtype" varchar,"instructiontype" varchar,"text" varchar)),"locationid" varchar,"partnercarrieraddress" row("addressline" varchar,"city" varchar,"countrycode" varchar,"countrycodeoriginal" varchar,"state" varchar,"zipcode" varchar),"partnercarriercontacts" array(row("contacttype" varchar,"email" varchar,"fax" varchar,"name" varchar,"officephone" varchar)),"partnercarrierid" varchar,"partnercarriername" varchar,"partnerid" varchar,"partnername" varchar,"partnertimezone" varchar,"partnertype" varchar,"productquantity" row("number" double,"originalunitofmeasure" varchar,"quantitytype" varchar,"unitofmeasure" varchar),"sequencenumber" bigint,"shipmentidentifier" varchar,"stoptype" varchar,"transportinfo" row("description" varchar,"transportcode" varchar,"transportoriginalcode" varchar),"vesselinfo" row("lloydsnumber" varchar,"shipsradiocallnumber" varchar,"vesselname" varchar,"vesselnumber" varchar,"voyagetripnumber" varchar))), varchar(6)) for function json_extract_scalar. Expected: json_extract_scalar(varchar(x), JsonPath) , json_extract_scalar(json, JsonPath)
My question is, how can i extract values inside de column ?
json_extract_scalar unsurprisingly works with json (note that even if yur data was in json format, json_extract_scalar(metadata_stopinfo, '$.city') still would not have worked cause your data is an array), while your column contains array's of row's, so you need to work with it correspondingly. For example you can use indexes to access elements in array (in presto array indexes start from 1):
metadata_stopinfo[1] r
FROM "table"
And then access the fields:
The fields may be of any SQL type, and are accessed with field reference operator .
metadata_stopinfo[1].city city
FROM "table"
Also you can flatten the array with unnest:
FROM "table",
unnest(metadata_stopinfo) as t(r)

How can I get the last element of an array? SQL Bigquery

I'm working on building a follow-network form Github's available data on Google BigQuery, e.g.:
The key data is contained in the "payload" field, STRING type. I managed to unnest the data contained in that field and convert it to an array, but how can I get the last element?
Here is what I have so far...
select type,
array(select trim(val) from unnest(split(trim(payload, '[]'))) val) payload
from ``
where type = 'MemberEvent'
Which outputs:
How can I get only the last element, "Action":"added"} ?
I know that
select array_reverse(your_array)[offset(0)]
should do the trick, however I'm unsure how to combine that in my code. I've been trying different options without success, for example:
with payload as ( select array(select trim(val) from unnest(split(trim(payload, '[]'))) val) payload from ``)
select type, ARRAY_REVERSE(payload)[ORDINAL(1)]
from `` where type = 'MemberEvent'
The desired output should look like:
To get last element in array you can use below approach
select array_reverse(your_array)[offset(0)]
I'm unsure how to combine that in my code
select type, array_reverse(array(
select trim(val)
from unnest(split(trim(payload, '[]'))) val
from ``
where type = 'MemberEvent'
There is a solution without reversing the array.

Get a list of all objects with the same key inside a jsonb array

I have a table mytable and a JSONB column employees that contains data like this:
[ {
I would like to extract only the names and save them in a list format, so the resulting cell would look like this:
I have tried
select l1.obj ->> 'name' names
from mytable t
cross join jsonb_array_elements(t.employees) as l1(obj)
but this only returns the name of the first array element.
How do I get the name of all array elements?
PostgreSQL 11.8
In Postgres 12, you can use jsonb_path_query_array():
select jsonb_path_query_array(employees, '$[*].name') as names
from mytable
In earlier versions you need to unnest then aggregate back:
select (select jsonb_agg(e -> 'name')
from jsonb_array_elements(employees) as t(e)) as names
from mytable