show tooltip on disabled button inside multiple controls -

I would like to display the tooltip on a disabled button, I've tried the code below but it looks not to be working.
I think that's because the button is inside a group box and the group box inside a panel, the panel is inside the form.
the code reported would work only if the button is directly on the form..
Private toolTipShown As Boolean = False
Private Sub TimeWorks_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseMove
Dim parent = TryCast(sender, Control)
If parent Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim ctrl = parent.GetChildAtPoint(e.Location)
If ctrl IsNot Nothing Then
If ctrl.Visible AndAlso toolTip1.Tag Is Nothing Then
If Not toolTipShown Then
Dim tipstring = toolTip1.GetToolTip(ctrl)
toolTip1.Show(tipstring.Trim(), ctrl, ctrl.Width / 2, ctrl.Height / 2)
toolTip1.Tag = ctrl
toolTipShown = True
End If
End If
ctrl = TryCast(toolTip1.Tag, Control)
If ctrl IsNot Nothing Then
toolTip1.Tag = Nothing
toolTipShown = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Any suggestions to make the code working?


How do I code out with numeric keypads with multi textboxes?

I'm trying to code out a programme where the user sees a form and in that form, there are 2 text boxes and 10 buttons.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
I've tried this code
Private Sub Btn1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btn1.Click
If UsernameTextbox.Focused = True Then
UsernameTextbox.Text = UsernameTextbox.Text + "1"
End If
End Sub
I understand that clicking on Btn1 will steal the focus from the text box. So how can I write the programme?
One option would be to declare a variable of type Control and, in the Leave event handler for each control, assign the sender to that variable. You can then use that variable in the Click event handler of your Button to determine which control had focus and possibly reassign back to that control and then update it appropriately. You can do the lot with two event handlers, e.g.
Private previouslyActiveTextBox As TextBox
Private Sub TextBoxes_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.Leave,
previouslyActiveTextBox = DirectCast(sender, TextBox)
End Sub
Private Sub Buttons_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click,
previouslyActiveTextBox.SelectedText = CStr(DirectCast(sender, Button).Tag)
End Sub
That code handles multiple events with a single method in both cases. It also requires that you assign the number for each Button to the Tag property of that control. Note that it also sets the SelectedText, rather than appending to the Text property. That is more correct because it will add the new text where the caret is actually located and replace text if it is selected.
An even better option might be to use a custom button control that doesn't take focus. Here's one I prepared earlier:
Items within a ToolStrip do not grab focus when clicked. While the standard ToolStrip usage is as a menu bar, there is nothing that prevents you from using it as a container for buttons laid out in a grid. In fact, the class ToolStrip.LayoutStyle Property allows you select a table style.
The following is a proof-of-concept custom ToolStrip that is prepopulated with the buttons to create a number pad like control. The control has sufficient function to work as intended, but is not locked down to prevent misuse by manipulating the Items collection and other properties.
Public Class NumPadToolstrip : Inherits ToolStrip
Private _ButtonSize As Size = New Size(50, 50)
Private _ButtonMargin As Padding = New Padding(5)
Private _ButtonBackColor As Color = Color.Ivory
Public Sub New()
LayoutStyle = ToolStripLayoutStyle.Table
Dim settings As TableLayoutSettings = CType(LayoutSettings, TableLayoutSettings)
settings.ColumnCount = 3
settings.RowCount = 4
AddButtons(7, 9)
AddButtons(4, 6)
AddButtons(1, 3)
AddButtons(0, 0)
Dock = DockStyle.None
AutoSize = True
BackColor = Color.LightGray
End Sub
Public Property ButtonSize As Size
Return _ButtonSize
End Get
Set(value As Size)
If value <> _ButtonSize Then
_ButtonSize = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property ButtonMargin As Padding
Return _ButtonMargin
End Get
Set(value As Padding)
If value <> _ButtonMargin Then
_ButtonMargin = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property ButtonBackColor As Color
Return _ButtonBackColor
End Get
Set(value As Color)
If value <> _ButtonBackColor Then
_ButtonBackColor = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Sub AddButtons(start As Int32, [end] As Int32)
For num As Int32 = start To [end]
Dim b As New ToolStripButton With {.Text = num.ToString(),
.Size = ButtonSize,
.Margin = ButtonMargin,
.BackColor = ButtonBackColor,
.AutoSize = False}
AddHandler b.Paint, Sub(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs)
With e.Graphics
Dim r As Rectangle = e.ClipRectangle
r.Inflate(-1, -1)
r.Location = Point.Empty
.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, r)
End With
End Sub
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateButtonSizes()
For Each btn As ToolStripButton In Items.OfType(Of ToolStripButton)
btn.Size = _ButtonSize
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateMargins()
For Each btn As ToolStripButton In Items.OfType(Of ToolStripButton)
btn.Margin = _ButtonMargin
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateButtonBackColor()
For Each btn As ToolStripButton In Items.OfType(Of ToolStripButton)
btn.BackColor = _ButtonBackColor
End Sub
End Class
Add the above class to your project and perform a build operation. The NumPadToolstrip control should then be available in the ToolBox. Add the control to the form and then add a handler for its ItemClicked event to pass the proper text to the TextBox.
Private Sub NumPadToolstrip1_ItemClicked(sender As Object, e As ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs) Handles NumPadToolstrip1.ItemClicked
Dim tb As TextBoxBase = TryCast(ActiveControl, TextBoxBase)
If tb IsNot Nothing Then tb.SelectedText = e.ClickedItem.Text
End Sub

Disable textboxes with the corresponding checkboxes in

Public Class Form1
Dim controlNames() As String = {"Tea", "Cola", "Coffee", "Orange", "Water", "VanillaCone", "VanillaShake", "StrawberryShake", "ChocolateMilkshake", "Fries", "Salad", "Hamburger", "OnionRings", "ChickenSalad", "FishSandwich", "CheeseSandwich", "ChickenSandwich"}
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Panel2.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
ctrl.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
For i = 0 To 16
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Panel2.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is CheckBox Then
If ctrl.Name = "chk" & controlNames(i) Then
If DirectCast(ctrl, CheckBox).CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
If ctrl.Name = "txt" & controlNames(i) Then
ctrl.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
I have a VB.NET assignment and I am attempting to enable textboxes based on whether or not the checkbox with the same name was checked.
This is my code so far and it obviously doesn't work. What I want to do essentially:
All textboxes start as disabled. Then, textboxes only get enabled if the corresponding checkboxes are checked. For example, if chkTea is checked, then it enables txtTea.
I am aware I can copy paste something like "if chkTea = checked then txt.tea = enabled". I do not want to do this as this seems like a poor way to go about this. I want to know if I can do something like my barely readable code shows.
If you're renaming all your controls to something different to the default name with a number, this code should work just fine.
You dont need a timer, it just fires when any of the CheckBoxes have their state changed.
In the example code, I've created a CheckedChanged handler and set it to handle some of the CheckBoxes (You'll want to add all those you want to handle). If you click on any of these CheckBoxes, the handler will fire. The handler then passes which checkbox has been changed to the SyncTextBoxWithCheckBoxState method. This then finds the matching textbox using the FindMatchingCheckBox method and sets the .Enabled state of the Text box to the same as the .Checked state of the CheckBox
Private Sub chkTea_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles chkTea.CheckedChanged, chkCoffee.CheckedChanged, chkCola.CheckedChanged, chkOrange.CheckedChanged, chkTea.CheckedChanged, chkVanillaCone.CheckedChanged, chkVanillaCone.CheckedChanged, chkWater.CheckedChanged
SyncTextBoxWithCheckBoxState(CType(sender, CheckBox))
End Sub
Private Sub SyncTextBoxWithCheckBoxState(chkBox As CheckBox)
Dim txtBox As TextBox = FindMatchingTextBox(chkBox)
txtBox.Enabled = chkBox.Checked
End Sub
Private Function FindMatchingTextBox(chkbox As CheckBox) As TextBox
For Each ctrl As Control In Panel2.Controls
If ctrl.GetType Is GetType(TextBox) And ctrl.Name.Contains(chkbox.Name.Substring(3)) Then
Return CType(ctrl, TextBox)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
To have the code target more than one panel, add all the checkboxes you want to detect to the event handler like before, and in the FindMatchingTextBox method, just add another loop around the existing one to loop through each panel. Like so ..
Private Function FindMatchingTextBox(chkbox As CheckBox) As TextBox
'This is the new loop which loops through the two panels. It's
'a bit quick and dirty, but it works
For Each pnl As Panel In New Panel() {Panel2, Panel3}
'In this line note that the reference to Panel2 now refers to pnl
For Each ctrl As Control In pnl.Controls
If ctrl.GetType Is GetType(TextBox) And ctrl.Name.Contains(chkbox.Name.Substring(3)) Then
Return CType(ctrl, TextBox)
End If
'End point of the new loop
Return Nothing
End Function
After you've looped through each checkbox, you are only concerned with that checkbox, so when you find the correct checkbox, you need to then RELOOP back through all the controls on the form checking if they are the corresponding textbox.
Something like the below should work, or at the very least start you off down the right path:
Dim controlNames() As String = {"Tea", "Cola", "Coffee", "Orange", "Water", "VanillaCone", "VanillaShake", "StrawberryShake", "ChocolateMilkshake", "Fries", "Salad", "Hamburger", "OnionRings", "ChickenSalad", "FishSandwich", "CheeseSandwich", "ChickenSandwich"}
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Panel2.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
ctrl.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
For i = 0 To 16
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Panel2.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is CheckBox Then
If ctrl.Name = "chk" & controlNames(i) Then
If DirectCast(ctrl, CheckBox).CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Panel2.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
If ctrl.Name = "txt" & controlNames(i) Then
ctrl.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Enable other event while dragging an object

I'm developing a console where I want to drag a button to a grid:
To drag the button, I use the following procedure:
Public drag As Boolean = False
Public ptX As Integer = 0
Public ptY As Integer = 0
Public btn As Button
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseDown
drag = True
btn = CType(sender, Button)
ptX = e.X : ptY = e.Y
End Sub
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseMove
If drag Then
btn.Location = New Point(btn.Location.X + e.X - ptX, btn.Location.Y + e.Y - ptY)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseUp
drag = False
End Sub
So far, so good! This works fine for that matter.
However, I'm trying to highlight the cell while hoovering the button on it like this:
To do so, I tried to do the following:
Private Sub CellA1_MouseHover(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CellA1.MouseHover
If drag Then
CellA1.BackColor = Color.Red
End If
End Sub
Of course I can't do that, unless I, somehow, enable the CellA1.MouseHover event while dragging the MoveButton.
Can anyone help me with this?
If, however, you're having a struggling will to help me further, my last goal is to place the MoveButton on the red cell place:
But feel free to don't help me at all with this part of the procedure since I have no code to perform this yet.
Any help will be very appreciated. And, as always, thank you all in advance.
Since your mouse is not actually on the PictureBox when you drag the button it will never raise any mouse events. What you can do instead is to call the GetChildAtPoint() method of your form to get the control behind the button. Once you have that just verify that the name starts with "Cell" and change the back color.
To snap to the cell's location you'll need to indicate to MouseUp which cell we're currently at. Simply store the cell control in a variable and you can then just set yourButton.Location = currentCell.Location
Here are the changes I've made to your code, commented for clarity:
Public drag As Boolean = False
Public ptX As Integer = 0
Public ptY As Integer = 0
Public btn As Button
Public prevCtrl As Control = Nothing 'Store the previous Cell the button was dragged over.
' We need this to be able to reset the BackColor of the Cell,
' and also so that you can snap to its location once you drop the button.
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseDown
'No changes made here.
drag = True
btn = CType(sender, Button)
ptX = e.X : ptY = e.Y
End Sub
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseMove
If drag Then
btn.Location = New Point(btn.Location.X + e.X - ptX, btn.Location.Y + e.Y - ptY)
'Go 1 pixel up, or else GetChildAtPoint() will return the button instead of the control behind it.
Dim LookPoint As Point = Point.Subtract(btn.Location, New Size(0, 1))
'Get the control located below/behind the button.
Dim ControlBelow As Control = Me.GetChildAtPoint(LookPoint, GetChildAtPointSkip.Invisible Or GetChildAtPointSkip.Disabled) 'Ignore invisible or disabled controls.
'Check so that the previous cell is not also the current cell. If they're the same then we won't change anything.
If prevCtrl IsNot ControlBelow Then
'Ok, the current cell and the previous cell are not the same.
'Now check if there was any previous cell at all.
If prevCtrl IsNot Nothing Then
'There was a previous cell, but since the button
'is no longer hovering over it we reset its BackColor.
prevCtrl.BackColor = Color.White
prevCtrl = Nothing
End If
'Check that there infact is a control behind the button,
'and also check that its name starts with "Cell".
If ControlBelow IsNot Nothing AndAlso ControlBelow.Name.StartsWith("Cell", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
'The control behind the button is a valid Cell. Change its BackColor.
ControlBelow.BackColor = Color.Red
prevCtrl = ControlBelow 'The previous cell is now the current cell.
End If
End If
'Me.Refresh() - this is a very unnecessary call, it will just eat CPU. The form does not need to be redrawn at this point.
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseUp
'Check if we dragged the button. At this point prevCtrl is the current cell (if it's not Nothing).
If drag = True AndAlso prevCtrl IsNot Nothing Then
btn.Location = prevCtrl.Location 'Snap to the cell's location.
prevCtrl.BackColor = Color.White 'Reset the cell's BackColor.
prevCtrl = Nothing 'Reset this since we're no longer dragging the button.
End If
drag = False
End Sub
And it works like a charm!

Button Array - how to pass a parameter to shared handler

I have a bit of code where i have a dynamically created array or buttons with staff pictures on them, as well as the staff's name. I've added one handler to handle any button click from any of the buttons. where i am stuck is, if you look at the code below, it all works fine, and if you click any of the buttons you get the "aha" test message. but i want the name of the staff clicked on (so btnArray(i).Text) to be passed to the handler for further processing. I tried adding a ByVal parameter to the handler but that caused an error. what's the correct way to do this? As i said, the code below works for me, i just am at a loss as to how to add the extra functionality.
Dim btnArray(staffcount) As System.Windows.Forms.Button
For i As Integer = 1 To staffcount - 1
btnArray(i) = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
btnArray(i).Visible = True
btnArray(i).Width = 80
btnArray(i).Height = 101
btnArray(i).BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(picloc(i))
btnArray(i).BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
btnArray(i).Text = staffname(i)
Dim who As String
who = btnArray(i).Text
AddHandler btnArray(i).Click, AddressOf Me.theButton_Click
btnArray(i).ForeColor = Color.White
btnArray(i).TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
Dim fnt As Font
fnt = btnArray(i).Font
btnArray(i).Font = New Font(fnt.Name, 10, FontStyle.Bold)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub theButton_Click()
End Sub
First, correct the signature of your shared handler.
Private Sub theButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Once that is done getting the text of the button clicked is a simple matter.
Private Sub theButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim textOfButtonClicked As String = DirectCast(sender, Button).Text
End Sub
The sender is the button that was clicked. Since signatures use objects for the sender the DirectCast 'changes' it to button and you then can access the .Text property of the button.
If there are more manipulations you want to perform on the clicked button you could do it this way
Private Sub theButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim whBtn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button) ' get reference to button clicked
Dim textOfButtonClicked As String = whBtn.Text
'e.g. change the color
whBtn.BackColor = Color.LightYellow
End Sub

TextBox Enter Key - Sub Panels within a main Panel

I am having a problem with this scenario (See Title). I have 6 Sub Panels within one big Panel. I have made a TextBox class that inherits from the main Textbox. I am trying to use the KeyPressed Event Handler for handling the Enter key. When a User presses the Enter Key, it moves from one TextBox inside a sub panel into the next sub panel. So far, I have gotten the Enter Key Event handler to work for the panel where the focus is without jumping to the next panel.
Below is subroutine that I am using to control the movements.
The problem is that I am unable to jump from one sub panel to another. Any help would be appreciated!
Protected Shared Sub NextControl(ByVal tControl As Control, ByVal Direction As Boolean)
Dim pControl As Control = tControl.TopLevelControl
tControl = pControl.GetNextControl(tControl, Direction)
If Direction = False Then
Dim tParent As Control
While TypeOf tControl Is UserControl
tParent = tControl.Parent
tControl = pControl.GetNextControl(tControl, Direction)
If tControl.Parent Is tParent Then
Exit While
End If
End While
End If
If tBox_P00.ControlNesting > 0 Then
'Dim i As Integer
pControl = tControl.Parent
For i As Integer = 0 To tBox_P00.ControlNesting - 2
pControl = pControl.Parent
End If
If Not tControl Is Nothing Then
Do Until (tControl.TabStop = True) AndAlso (tControl.Enabled = True) AndAlso (tControl.Visible = True) AndAlso (TypeOf tControl Is Tbx00)
tControl = pControl.GetNextControl(tControl, Direction)
'Last in the Panel
If tControl Is Nothing Then
tBox_P00.Select(0, tBox_P00.TextLength)
Exit Sub
End If
tBox_P00.Select(0, tBox_P00.TextLength)
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
It sounds as though you are complicating things. As HansPassant mentioned you can use GetNextControl to do the work for you:
This code will move the focus to the next textbox on the form (based on tab index order) when enter is pressed:
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
Dim ctl As Control = CType(sender, Control)
ctl = Me.GetNextControl(ctl, True)
Loop Until TypeOf ctl Is TextBox
End If
End Sub
You could then expand this to handle all textbox KeyDown events.