RNN with multiple input sequences for each target - tensorflow

A standard RNN computational graph looks like follows (In my case, for regression to a single scalar value y)
I want to construct a network which accepts as input m sequences X_1...X_m (where both m and sequence lengths vary), runs the RNN on each sequence X_i to obtain a representation vector R_i, averages the representations and then runs a fully connected net to compute the output y_hat. Computational graph should look something like this:
Can this be implemented (preferably) in Keras? Otherwise in TensorFlow? I'd very much appreciate if someone can point me to a working implementation of this or something similar.

There isn't a straightforward Keras implementation, as Keras enforces the batch axis (sampels dimension, dimension 0) as fixed for the input & output layers (but not all layers in-between) - whereas you seek to collapse it by averaging. There is, however, a workaround - see below:
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense, GRU, Lambda
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Reshape, GlobalAveragePooling1D
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.utils import plot_model
import numpy as np
def make_model(batch_shape):
ipt = Input(batch_shape=batch_shape)
x = Lambda(lambda x: K.squeeze(x, 0))(ipt)
x, s = GRU(4, return_state=True)(x) # s == last returned state
x = Lambda(lambda x: K.expand_dims(x, 0))(s)
x = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(x) # averages along axis1 (original axis2)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x)
out = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)
model = Model(ipt, out)
model.compile('adam', 'binary_crossentropy')
return model
def make_data(batch_shape):
return (np.random.randn(*batch_shape),
np.random.randint(0, 2, (batch_shape[0], 1)))
m, timesteps = 16, 100
batch_shape = (1, m, timesteps, 1)
model = make_model(batch_shape)
model.summary() # see model structure
plot_model(model, show_shapes=True)
x, y = make_data(batch_shape)
model.train_on_batch(x, y)
Above assumes the task is binary classification, but you can easily adapt it to anything else - the main task's tricking Keras by feeding m samples as 1, and the rest of layers can freely take m instead as Keras doesn't enforce the 1 there.
Note, however, that I cannot guarantee this'll work as intended per the following:
Keras treats all entries along the batch axis as independent, whereas your samples are claimed as dependent
Per (1), the main concern is backpropagation: I'm not really sure how gradient will flow with all the dimensionality shuffling going on.
(1) is also consequential for stateful RNNs, as Keras constructs batch_size number of independent states, which'll still likely behave as intended as all they do is keep memory, but still worth understanding fully - see here
(2) is the "elephant in the room", but aside that, the model fits your exact description. Chances are, if you've planned out forward-prop and all dims agree w/ code's, it'll work as intended - else, and also for sanity-check, I'd suggest opening another question to verify gradients flow as you intend them to per above code.
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_1 (InputLayer) [(1, 32, 100, 1)] 0
lambda (Lambda) (32, 100, 1) 0
gru (GRU) [(32, 16), (32, 16)] 864
lambda_1 (Lambda) (1, 32, 16) 0
global_average_pooling1d (Gl (1, 16) 0
dense (Dense) (1, 8) 136
dense_1 (Dense) (1, 1) 9
On LSTMs: will return two last states, one for cell state, one for hidden state - see source code; you should understand what this exactly means if you are to use it. If you do, you'll need concatenate:
from tensorflow.keras.layers import concatenate
# ...
x, s1, s2 = LSTM(return_state=True)(x)
x = concatenate([s1, s2], axis=-1)
# ...


how to calculate the confidence of a softmax layer

I am working on a multi-class computer vision classification task and using a CNN with FC layers stacked on top using softmax activation, the problem is that lets say im classifying animals categories, if i predicted what a rock image is it will return a high probability for the most similar category of animals due to using softmax activation that returns a probabilistic distribution compressed between 0 and 1. what can i use to determine the confidence of my models probability output to say whether i can rely on these probabilities or not.
PS:I dont want to add a no_label class
Is it possible using keras functional api to have 2 outputs of the model the pre_softmax and the softmax output without updating the weights according to a linear activation which is the pre_softmax layer since the training would be affected
Is it possible using keras functional api to have 2 outputs of the model the pre_softmax and the softmax output without updating the weights according to a linear activation which is the pre_softmax layer since the training would be affected
Yes. You can do it like this
input = tf.keras.layers.Input((128,128,3))
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32,3)(input)
x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(128)(x)
non_softmax_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(x)
softmax_output = tf.keras.layers.Softmax()(non_softmax_output)
model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=input,outputs=[non_softmax_output,softmax_output])
Model: "model_1"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_3 (InputLayer) [(None, 128, 128, 3)] 0
conv2d_1 (Conv2D) (None, 126, 126, 32) 896
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling (None, 63, 63, 32) 0
flatten_1 (Flatten) (None, 127008) 0
dense_23 (Dense) (None, 128) 16257152
dense_24 (Dense) (None, 10) 1290
softmax (Softmax) (None, 10) 0
Total params: 16,259,338
Trainable params: 16,259,338
Non-trainable params: 0
The easier alternative is to just work with the predictions from the softmax layer. You don't gather much from the linear layer without the activation. Those weights by themselves do not mean much. You could instead define a function outside the model that changes the predictions based on some threshold value
Assume you define only 1 output in the above model with a softmax layer. You can define a function like this to get predictions based on some threshold value you choose
def modify_predict(test_images,threshold):
predictions = model.predict(test_images)
max_values = np.max(predictions,axis=1)
labels = np.argmax(predictions,axis=1)
new_predictions = np.where(max_values > threshold, labels, 999) #You can use any indicator here instead of 999 for your no_label class
return new_predictions
On the first part of your question, the only way you can know how your
model will behave on non-animal pictures is by having non-animal pictures
in your data.
There are two options
The first is to include non-animal pictures in the training set (and dev and test sets), and to train the model to distinguish between animal / non-animal.
You could either build a separate binary classification model to distinguish animal/non-animal (as alrady suggesetd in comments), or you could integrate it into one model by having a
'non-animal' class. (Although I recognise you indicate this last option is
not something you want to do).
The second is to include non-animal pictures in the dev and test sets, but not in the training set. You can't then train the model to distinguish between animal and non-animal, but you can at least measure how it behaves on
non-animal pictures, and perhaps create some sort of heuristic for selecting only some of your model's predictions. This seems like a worse option to me, even though it's generally accepted that dev and test sets can come from a different distribution to the training set. It's something one might do if there were only a small number of non-animal pictures available, but that surely can't be the case here.
There is, for example, a large labelled image database
available at https://www.image-net.org/index.php

How to feed new vectors into recurrent and convolutional keras model for real-time/streaming/live inference?

I have successfully trained a Keras/TensorFlow model consisting of layers SimpleRNN→Conv1D→GRU→Dense. The model is meant to run on an Apple Watch for real time inference, which means I want to feed it with a new feature vector and predict a new output for each time step. My problem is that I don't know how to feed data into it such that the convolutional layer receives the latest k outputs from the RNN layer.
I can see three options:
Feed it with one feature vector at a time, i.e. (1,1,6). In this case I assume that the convolutional layer will receive only one time step and hence zero pad for all the previous samples.
Feed it with the last k feature vectors for each time step, i.e. (1,9,6), where k = 9 is the CNN kernel length. In this case I assume that the state flow in the recurrent layers will not work.
Feed it with the last k feature vectors every k:th time step, again where k = 9 is the CNN kernel length. I assume this would work, but introduces unnecessary latency that I wish to avoid.
What I want is a model that I can feed with a new single feature vector for each time step, and it will automatically feed the last k outputs of the SimpleRNN layer into the following Conv1D layer. Is this possible with my current model? If not, can I work with the layer arguments, or can I introduce some kind of FIFO buffer layer between the SimpleRNN and Conv1D layer?
Here is my current model:
feature_vector_size = 6
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
Input(shape=(None, feature_vector_size)),
SimpleRNN(16, return_sequences=True, name="rnn"),
Conv1D(16, 9, padding="causal", activation="relu"),
GRU(12, return_sequences=True, name="gru"),
Dense(1, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, name="dense")
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
rnn (SimpleRNN) (None, None, 16) 368
conv1d (Conv1D) (None, None, 16) 2320
gru (GRU) (None, None, 12) 1080
dropout (Dropout) (None, None, 12) 0
dense (Dense) (None, None, 1) 13
After having researched the problem a bit, I have realized:
The Conv1D layer will zero pad in all three cases that I described, so option 3 won't work either. Setting padding="valid" solves this particular problem.
The SimpleRNN and GRU layers must have stateful=True. I found this description of how to make a model stateful after it has been trained stateless: How to implement a forward pass in a Keras RNN in real-time?
Keras sequence models seem to be made for complete, finite sequences only. The infinite streaming use case with one time step at a time isn't really supported.
However, the original question remains open: How can I build and/or feed new feature vectors into the model such that the convolutional layer receives the latest k outputs from the RNN layer?
For anyone else with the same problem: I couldn't solve the SimpleRNN to Conv1D data flow easily, so I ended up replacing the SimpleRNN layer with another Conv1D layer and setting padding="valid" on both Conv1D layers. The resulting model outputs exactly one time step when fed with a sequence of c * k - 1 time steps, where c is the number of Conv1D layers and k is the convolutional kernel length (c = 2 and k = 9 in my case):
feature_vector_size = 6
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
Input(shape=(None, feature_vector_size)),
Conv1D(16, 9, padding="valid", name="conv1d1"),
Conv1D(16, 9, padding="valid", name="conv1d2"),
GRU(12, return_sequences=True, name="gru"),
Dense(1, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, name="dense")
After training, I make the GRU layer stateful according to How to implement a forward pass in a Keras RNN in real-time?. For real-time inference I keep a FIFO queue of the 17 latest feature vectors and feed all these 17 vectors into the model as an input sequence for each new time step.
I don't know if this is the best possible solution, but at least it works.

Problems with recurrent neural net working with time steps on Keras

I am trying to design a recurrent classificatory network with Keras. I have analyzed key characteristics of the frames of a video, and from them I want to identify when certain events occur during the video.
Specifically, I have a matrix (30 x 2) for each frame, which represents the positions of various given objects. From these positions, I would like the network to detect 4 different events, as well as in which frames they occur.
As an example, suppose I have the position of 30 cars in each frame already detected, and I want the network to learn to detect the frames in which:
a car stops
a car starts
two cars collide
a car turns
In each frame, one or none of these events can occur (category 0), but not more than one.
Something remarkable is that to identify these 4 events it is necessary to know both the data of the previous frames and those of the later ones. For example, to know that two cars collide, it is necessary to know that beforehand both were in motion, as well as that after the collision neither moves.
Following this example, and just to clarify, suppose I have a sample of 100 frames, in which there is a crash at frames 4 and 75, a stop at 12, a start at 37, and turns at 3, 30, and 60. It would have an input of 100x30x2, and an output of 100x1.
After several hours, I get the feeling that I am not understanding something well in the way of indicating to Keras how he is the model.
So far I have been trying the following, with variations in the number of LSTM layers and the number of classification neurons:
model = keras.Sequential()
model.add(layers.LSTM(100, input_shape=(30, 2)))
model.add(layers.Dense(16, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(layers.Dense(5, activation = 'sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'Adam', metrics = ['SparseCategoricalAccuracy'])
I have also tried to introduce the variation
model3.add(layers.LSTM(100, input_shape=(30, 2), return_sequences=True))
so that you take into account that not only is the final output valid, but if I don't add a flatten it doesn't work, and I deduce that I don't understand the matter well.
Edit 1:
After your advice, I have now the following model:
I start with the dataset, stored in an input xp and an output yp. Here I print the sizes of both variables:
xp.shape, yp.shape
((203384, 25, 2), (203384, 1))
Then I'm encoding yp with keras.utils, and I change the shape of each input element from a (25x2) matrix to a (1x50) vector:
n = len(xp)
yp_encoded = keras.utils.to_categorical(yp)
xp_reshaped = xp[0:n,:].reshape(n,1,50)
print(n, xp_reshaped.shape, yp_encoded.shape)
203384, (203384, 1, 50), (203384, 5)
After, I define the model as we talked, with just LSTM layers
batch_size = 10
model = keras.Sequential()
model.add(layers.LSTM(100, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, 1, 50), activation = 'relu', return_sequences = True, stateful=True))
model.add(layers.LSTM(5, stateful=True, activation = 'softmax'))
Model: "sequential_140"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
lstm_184 (LSTM) (10, 1, 100) 58800
lstm_185 (LSTM) (10, 5) 2120
Total params: 60,920
Trainable params: 60,920
Non-trainable params: 0
So, as I understand, I have a LSTM model with an input of (batch_size, 1, 100) elements, that I should fit with an output of (batch_size, 5).
Then, I do the model compilation, and the fit:
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'Adam', metrics = ['SparseCategoricalAccuracy'])
model.fit(xp_reshaped, yp_encoded, epochs = 5, batch_size = batch_size, shuffle = False)
I get the following error:
ValueError: Can not squeeze dim[1], expected a dimension of 1, got 5 for '{{node Squeeze}} = Squeeze[T=DT_FLOAT, squeeze_dims=[-1]](IteratorGetNext:1)' with input shapes: [10,5].
You're trying to solve classification problem - classify frames as events with classes: start, stop, turn, collide and the 0 class (nothing happens). You've chosen the right approach - LSTMs, though your archtitecture is not good.
All your layers should be LSTMs with stateful=True and return_sequences=True, you should transform your target variable to one-hot encoding, set last layer's activation to softmax, it's output shape will be (n_frames, 4).

The input dimension of the LSTM layer in Keras

I'm trying keras.layers.LSTM.
The following code works.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
data = np.array([1, 2, 3]).reshape((1, 3, 1))
x = keras.layers.Input(shape=(3, 1))
y = keras.layers.LSTM(10)(x)
model = keras.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y)
print (model.predict(data))
As shown above, the input data shape is (1, 3, 1), and the actual input shape in the Input layer is (3, 1). I'm a little bit confused about this inconsistency of the dimension.
If I use the following shape in the Input layer, it doesn't work:
x = keras.layers.Input(shape=(1, 3, 1))
The error message is as follows:
ValueError: Input 0 of layer lstm is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4. Full shape received: [None, 1, 3, 1]
It seems that the rank of the input must be 3, but why should we use a rank-2 shape in the Input layer?
Keras works with "batches" of "samples". Since most models use variable batch sizes that you define only when fitting, for convenience you don't need to care about the batch dimension, but only with the sample dimension.
That said, when you use shape = (3,1), this is the same as defining batch_shape = (None, 3, 1) or batch_input_shape = (None, 3, 1).
The three options mean:
A variable batch size: None
With samples of shape (3, 1).
It's important to know this distinction especially when you are going to create custom layers, losses or metrics. The actual tensors all have the batch dimension and you should take that into account when making operations with tensors.
Check out the documentation for tf.keras.Input. The syntax is as-
shape: defines the shape of a single sample, with variable batch size.
Notice, that it expects the first value as batch_size otherwise pass batch_size as a parameter explicitly

Simple ML Algo not working: ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_4_input to have shape (None, 5) but got array with shape (5, 1)

I have an incredible simple algorithm that is erroring with, "ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_4_input to have shape (None, 5) but got array with shape (5, 1)"....
Here is the code I am running.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
x = np.array([[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]])
y = np.array([[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]])
x_val = np.array([[6],[7]])
x_val = np.array([[6],[7]])
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1, input_dim=5))
model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='mse')
model.fit(x, y, epochs=2, validation_data=(x_val, y_val))
There are two problems:
First: As the output already says: "ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_4_input to have shape (None, 5) but got array with shape (5, 1)" This means, that the Neural Network expects an array of shape (*, 5). With the asterisk I want to indicate that the dimensions is free to choose by the user. Say if you have tons of data and every example is a vector of shape (1, 5) you can stack them all underneath and pass one big chunk of data to the neural net, it will know how to handle it. Therefore you have to make x a row vector as follows:
x = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5]])
See also in the Keras docs- Specifying the input shape.
Second: You specify the output of the first Layer to be one. This means, the 5 dimensional input will be connected to only one neuron. Your output vector y however has 5 values. So your output vector dimension and your neural net output don't fit together.
So you have to go with a scalar y:
y = np.array([1])
Furthermore, your validation data and training data should have the same dimensions. Additionaly there is a typo in your code: y_val is never defined.