React Native Reanimated animatable properties list - react-native

Animated api as documented here can only animate natively non-layout properties.
Reanimated on the other hand does not document this kind of info (at least I could not find it). I can see from a github issue that there is a config file that has UI_THREAD_PROPS_WHITELIST and NATIVE_THREAD_PROPS_WHITELIST. Does anyone know why are they separate and potential performance implications?


Rendering Offscreen in React Native

Is there an API for offscreen rendering in React Native? I've not seen anything in the official documentation that seems to allow rendering an arbitrary view stack offscreen. I've come across stuff like react-native-view-shot, as well as a few internal pieces like Renderer in concert with UIManager.takeSnapshot, but it's not obvious how to make those pieces work. I've looked into creating a separate RCTSurface as well in a custom Native Module, but that seems to cause a deadlock when creating a RCTSurface for a RCTBridge that already has a RCTRootView defined.
Is there an easy way to simply render some arbitrary view stack in React Native offscreen? Is there some internal API that can be used for this?

Preferred React Native navigation library

I'm looking for a navigation library for a new React Native project. I've read information on this 3 main libraries:
"Standard" react native navigation system
I have read that the "standard" system is very buggy, is it true?
What is your favorite navigation library to date?
The most used navigation library for react is react-navigation as it is kind of simple to use, has a lot of features and can be customise at will.
react-native-router-flux is a wrapper over react-navigation, it is really simple to use and allows you to write a lot less code than with react-navigation, however if you want to implement complex features it might not be the best choice.
react-native-navigation aims to do the same things as react-navigation but... misses the point, as it clearly lakes some complex features that react-navigation has.
I suggest you to read if you can, although that article is from 2017 it is still relevant !
You should give the Navigation router a try. It provides 100% native navigation on iOS and Android. It isn’t like React Native Navigation because it doesn’t require any native setup and has a JavaScript array representation of the native stack of screens.

A more efficient way to render animated GIFs in React Native

I'm working on a react native app which works with a lot of animated GIFs.
I've tried using the react native documented library com.facebook.fresco:animated-gif:1.3.0 for animated gif support, yet, the performance of the default Image component is terrible, but using FastImage package I am able to get, at maximum, 10 gifs.
As there is the possibility of integrating the native libraries in React Native, I was wondering what could a solution to this problem?
I've tested a couple ways to increase the performance of loading multiple animated GIFs in React Native:
The better format for animated pictures is webp (Why?). Once compressed, it can be around 90% more lightweight to be loaded whether in your web app or your mobile app.
Facebook's Fresco library which is the documented recommended library for rendering gifs and webp files should be upgraded as it provides a better performance for multiple gif loading, and also the original fresco library should be added as a dependency - at the moment, to at least, 1.5.0 or higher, if possible w/ react-native:0.54 -.
FlatList can be optimized to remove anything that is not on the screen using removeClippedSubviews prop. Alternatively, there are third-party libraries such as recyclerlistview or lazy loading lists out there.
Using fast-image for caching can also be advantageous in some cases.

React Native Lists - RecyclerView & UITableView

I'm curious why React Native doesn't utilize the native platform list components such as RecyclerView for Android and UITableView (CollectionView) for iOS.
This could ideally provide a lot more feature support and improved performance then what is currently available.
Is there a reason the React Native lists are solely backed by ScrollViews instead?
I couldn't personally tell you but quoting the Author.
UITableView API is not well suited for the asynchronous nature of ReactNative, and the resulting code was pretty gross, especially when trying to do smooth animations to grow the heights of rows, which we do in the groups app.
Source: Early discussion on the very point.
For Recycler View in Android. Try this.
Works ! Some gradle setup required though.

Why Should I Adopt React Native in Old Projects?

I've been digging deep in React Native for the past week to decide if I and the team should adopt it. And I gotta say it seems promising. I've also learned about its ability to integrate with existing native projects and its incremental adoption to change existing native projects.
My question is what are the cases/reasons that would make me wanna convert my completed old native projects (iOS/Android) into React Native?
Edit: Just to clarify, our team is currently building native apps only.
It depends on what type of app you are building. But you can always use bits of code from native or react native. Since you all can code in native, anything you cannot find you could make a native component.
The advantages of React Native show up with code reuse between iOS and Android so that your team can iterate faster working together. Many big apps have achieved 80% or more code reuse.
You will find flexbox so easy to quickly create views to specs and to change quickly with styles. Plus they are all in code and that plays nice with git.
See edit below:
Now in saying this I have never used React Native inside a native project but to call actions and such you would need to expose functions to call from the JavaScript side. I don't know if a singleton is generally used or just an import of the controller functions or delegated you want to expose but it has to call back to the native application . It is easy to use a native component inside a React native application and I have done this so I am sure it can work the other way.
Edit: Out of curiosity I added some react native views to a test project and it works surprisingly well. No singleton needed Javascript maps the view tag and the exported functions. Crazy. The concerns below still exist but I think if you are changing to change that is wrong but if you have UI changes you want to make then it could definitely benefit as your reuse can grow across your platforms.
Drawbacks I have seen- sometimes transition animations can be laggy if you are not using the native navigation methods. Using both native and React Native adds size to your app so you would need to keep an eye on that. Also start up time can hurt and so monitor that as well.
With all that said I have built a fair bit with React Native lately and it is, at times, beautiful and frustrating for a native developer.
Here is a great article on Instagram and React Native.
Also AirBnb heavily uses RN. They may be completely RN now but I am not sure. They do drive a lot of the outside frameworks in RN for example the maps component in RN. They also just released Lottie and it is very cool. Here is an article about AirBnb.