Structured streaming multiple row to pandas udf - pandas

I'm writing a structured streaming job that receives data from eventhubs.
After some preparation, I apply a pandas_udf function on each row to create a new column with a prediction from a pickle model.
I'm experiencing a serious problem: sometimes the input for the pandas_udf is a group of row and not a single row (as expected). This leads me to an error:
RuntimeError: Result vector from pandas_udf was not the required length: expected 2, got 1
This happens because the pandas_udf receives more than one row (in this case 2).
How could this be possible? Shouldn't the .withColumn be executed row-wise on each row?
Here is my code:
dfInt = spark \
.readStream \
.load() \
.selectExpr("cast (body as string) as json") \
.select(from_json("json",schema).alias("data")) \
.withColumn("k", expr("uuid()")) \
.select("key", explode("data.features").alias("feat")) \
.select("feat.*", "key") \
.groupBy("k") \
.agg(*expressions) \
.drop("k") \
.na.drop() \
.withColumn("prediction", predict( (F.struct([col(x) for x in (features)]))))
The pandas_udf is the following:
def predict(x):
return pd.Series(pickle_model.predict_proba(x)[0][1])
Actually the problems seems to be before the withColumn call with the udf, because more row are coming from the previous step.
The groupBy aggregation returns a singular row, because the key on which I make the group by is unique.
Do you know which is the reason for that?

In this case you are using a SCALAR pandas_udf, which takes as input a pandas Series and returns a pandas.Series of the same size. I don't know the exact details on the internals but my understanding is that each executor will convert your column (F.struct([col(x) for x in (features)])) into a pandas.Series for the Dataframe partition the executor is currently processing and apply the function on the series. A partition consists of many rows, therefore you cannot assume that the series is only of length one. You need to make sure that you are keeping all your predicted proba for all your rows. You can probably do something like this (assuming you are indeed only interested in keeping the probability of class 1):
def predict(x):
return pd.Series(pickle_model.predict_proba(x)[:,1])


How to calculate and reshape more than 1 bn items of data into PySpark?

Our use case is to read data from BQ and caculate by using pandas and numpy.reshape to turn it into input for the model, sample code like:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Source Data
feature ='bigquery') \
.option('table', TABLE_NAME) \
test = feature.to_pandas_on_spark().sort_values(by = ['col1','col2'], ascending = True).drop(['col1','col3','col5'], axis = 1)
test = (test - test.mean())/(test.std())
row = int(len(test)/100)
row2 = 50
col3 = 100
feature_array = np.reshape(feature_nor.values, (row,row2,col3))
feature.to_pandas_on_spark() will collect all data into driver memory and for small amout of data it can work, but for more than 15 Billion data it can not handle this.
I try to convert to_pandas_on_spark() to spark dataframe so that it can compute in parallell:
sorted_df = feature.sort('sndr_id').sort('date_index').drop('sndr_id').drop('date_index').drop('cal_dt')
mean_df =*[f.mean(c).alias(c) for c in sorted_df.columns])
std_df =*[f.stddev(c).alias(c) for c in sorted_df.columns])
Since the function is different from the pandas api, so I cannot verify these code and for the last reshape operation(np.reshape(feature_nor.values, (row,row2,col3))) dataframe doesn't support this function, is there a good solution to replace it?
I want to know how to handle 1B data in a efficient way and without memory overflow, including how to use numpy's reshape and pandas's computation operations, any answers will be super helpful!
I would advise not to use pandas or numpy on a dataset of this size, there usually is some Spark function to solve your problem, even firing up a UDF or using pandas on spark comes with a significant performance loss.
What exactly are your reshape criteria?
Maybe pivot helps?

DataFrame to DataFrameRow conversion (Julia)

I'm using Pingouin.jl to test normality.
In their docs, we have
dataset = Pingouin.read_dataset("mediation")
Pingouin.normality(dataset, method="jarque_bera")
Which should return a DataFrame with normality true or false for each name in the dataset.
Currently, this broadcasting is deprecated, and I'm unable to concatenate the result in one DataFrame for each unique-column-output (which is working and outputs a DataFrame).
So, what I have so far.
function var_norm(df)
norm = DataFrame([])
for i in 1:1:length(names(df))
push!(norm, Pingouin.normality(df[!,names(df)[i]], method="jarque_bera"))
return norm
The error I get:
julia> push!(norm, Pingouin.normality(df[!,names(df)[1]], method="jarque_bera"))
ERROR: ArgumentError: `push!` does not allow passing collections of type DataFrame to be pushed into a DataFrame. Only `Tuple`, `AbstractArray`, `AbstractDict`, `DataFrameRow` and `NamedTuple` are allowed.
[1] push!(df::DataFrame, row::DataFrame; promote::Bool)
# DataFrames ~/.julia/packages/DataFrames/vuMM8/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:1603
[2] push!(df::DataFrame, row::DataFrame)
# DataFrames ~/.julia/packages/DataFrames/vuMM8/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:1601
[3] top-level scope
# REPL[163]:1
EDIT: push! function was not properly written at my first version of the post. But, the error persists after the change. How can I reformat the output of type DataFrame from Pingouin into DataFrameRow?
As Pengouin.normality returns a DataFrame, you will have to iterate over its results and push one-by-one:
df = Pengouin.normality(…)
for row in eachrow(df)
push!(norms, row)
If you are sure Pengouin.normality returns a DataFrame with exactly one row, you can simply write
push!(norms, only(Pengouin.normality(…)))

Is plotting with Koalas using TopN has any statistic meaning?

I was going through the source code of Koalas, trying to get a handle on how they actually achieve plotting large datasets. It turns our that they use either sampling or TopN - selecting a given number of records.
I understand the meaning of sampling and internally it uses spark.DataFrame.sample to do it. For TopN, however, they simply take the first max_rows number of records from Koalas' DataFrame using data = data.head(max_rows + 1).to_pandas().
This seems strange and I wonder whether it's correctly reflecting the statistical properties of the dataset doing the data selection in this way.
Koalas DataFrame's plot accessor:
class KoalasPlotAccessor(PandasObject):
pandas_plot_data_map = {
"pie": TopNPlotBase().get_top_n,
"bar": TopNPlotBase().get_top_n,
"barh": TopNPlotBase().get_top_n,
"scatter": SampledPlotBase().get_sampled,
"area": SampledPlotBase().get_sampled,
"line": SampledPlotBase().get_sampled,
_backends = {} # type: ignore
class TopNPlotBase:
def get_top_n(self, data):
from databricks.koalas import DataFrame, Series
max_rows = get_option("plotting.max_rows")
# Simply use the first 1k elements and make it into a pandas dataframe
# For categorical variables, it is likely called from df.x.value_counts()
if isinstance(data, (Series, DataFrame)):
data = data.head(max_rows + 1).to_pandas()

Using Dask Delayed on Small/Partitioned Dataframes

I am working with time series data that is formatted as each row is a single instance of a ID/time/data. This means that the rows don't correspond 1 to 1 for each ID. Each ID has many rows across time.
I am trying to use dask delayed to have a function run on an entire ID sequence (it makes sense that the operation should be able to run on each individual ID at the same time since they don't affect each other). To do this I am first looping through each of the ID tags, pulling/locating all the data from that ID (with .loc in pandas, so it is a separate "mini" df), then delaying the function call on the mini df, adding a column with the delayed values and adding it to a list of all mini dfs. At the end of the for loop I want to call dask.compute() on all the mini-dfs at once but for some reason the mini df's values are still delayed. Below I will post some pseudocode about what I just tried to explain.
I have a feeling that this may not be the best way to go about this but it's what made sense at the time and I can't understand whats wrong so any help would be very much appreciated.
Here is what I am trying to do:
list_of_mini_dfs = []
for id in big_df:
curr_df = big_df.loc[big_df['id'] == id]
curr_df['new value 1'] = dask.delayed(myfunc)(args1)
curr_df['new value 2'] = dask.delayed(myfunc)(args2) #same func as previous line
list_of_mini_dfs = dask.delayed(list_of_mini_dfs).compute()
Concat all mini dfs into new big df.
As you can see by the code I have to reach into my big/overall dataframe to pull out each ID's sequence of data since it is interspersed throughout the rows. I want to be able to call a delayed function on that single ID's data and then return the values from the function call into the big/overall dataframe.
Currently this method is not working, when I concat all the mini dataframes back together the two values I have delayed are still delayed, which leads me to think that it is due to the way I am delaying a function within a df and trying to compute the list of dataframes. I just can't see how to fix it.
Hopefully this was relatively clear and thank you for the help.
IIUC you are trying to do a sort of transform using dask.
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
# generate big_df
dates = pd.date_range(start='2019-01-01',
l = len(dates)
out = []
for i in range(1000):
df = pd.DataFrame({"ID":[i]*l,
"date": dates,
"data0": np.random.randn(l),
"data1": np.random.randn(l)})
big_df = pd.concat(out, ignore_index=True)\
Now you want to apply your function fun on columns data0 and data1
out = big_df.groupby("ID")[["data0","data1"]]\
df_pd = pd.merge(big_df, out, how="left", on="ID" )
df = dd.from_pandas(big_df, npartitions=4)
out = df.groupby("ID")[["data0","data1"]]\
.apply(fun, meta={'data0':'f8',
.rename(columns={'data0': 'new_values0',
'data1': 'new_values1'})\
.compute() # Here you need to compute otherwise you'll get NaNs
df_dask = dd.merge(df, out,
The dask version is not necessarily faster than the pandas one. In particular if your df fits in RAM.

Obtaining total number of records from .tfrecords file in Tensorflow

Is it possible for obtain the total number of records from a .tfrecords file ? Related to this, how does one generally keep track of the number of epochs that have elapsed while training models? While it is possible for us to specify the batch_size and num_of_epochs, I am not sure if it is straightforward to obtain values such as current epoch, number of batches per epoch etc - just so that I could have more control of how the training is progressing. Currently, I'm just using a dirty hack to compute this as I know before hand how many records there are in my .tfrecords file and the size of my minibatches. Appreciate any help..
To count the number of records, you should be able to use tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator.
c = 0
for fn in tf_records_filenames:
for record in tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(fn):
c += 1
To just keep track of the model training, tensorboard comes in handy.
No it is not possible. TFRecord does not store any metadata about the data being stored inside. This file
represents a sequence of (binary) strings. The format is not random
access, so it is suitable for streaming large amounts of data but not
suitable if fast sharding or other non-sequential access is desired.
If you want, you can store this metadata manually or use a record_iterator to get the number (you will need to iterate through all the records that you have:
sum(1 for _ in tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(file_name))
If you want to know the current epoch, you can do this either from tensorboard or by printing the number from the loop.
As is being deprecated, the great answer of Salvador Dali should now read
sum(1 for _ in
As per the deprecation warning on tf_record_iterator, we can also use eager execution to count records.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
import sys
assert len(sys.argv) == 2, \
"USAGE: {} <file_glob>".format(sys.argv[0])
input_pattern = sys.argv[1]
# Expand glob if there is one
input_files =
# Create the dataset
data_set =
# Count the records
records_n = sum(1 for record in data_set)
print("records_n = {}".format(records_n))
As tf.enable_eager_execution() is no longer valid, use:
sum(1 for _ in