How to configure electron with vuejs and tailwindcss - vue.js

I have not been able to configure a project from scratch with these technologies.
Or if I can use nuxtjs with electronjs

Its best to use a template starter such as this one:
and then configure tailwindcss following the guide here:
I hope that helps


How to use vue 3 with nuxt?

I'm using Nuxt3 for a project and when installing it with the cli in the docs it generated a vue 2.7 project.
How can I get to use vue 3?
If you want to use Vue3, you'll need to follow CLI's instructions for Nuxt3 located here:
If you want to use some Vue-specific packages, here you are:

Nuxt content alternative for vue 3 + vite?

I want to create simple blog with netlify cms and i have no idea is there any plugin with same purpose as nuxt content and with complete api in vue 3.
I look to Vite Plugin MD, while it's a great plugin but i have not found same function in nuxt content like fetch.
Is there any plugin with same functionality as nuxt content for vue 3 + vite?
Vitesse is still the best alternative to use Vue3 + Vite.
It's made by a guy who is both in the Vue and Nuxt core team btw.
It has some markdown support, not 100% equivalent to Nuxt content but it's a start. Otherwise, you can always complete it with some homemade solution like remark.

Use Electron in Vue project

I want put my Vue project in the Electron, so I find the method in the Internet. According to the given method on the Intenet, I make a demo to test it.
At frist, I create Vue project using vue create myProject, then I use vue add electron-builder to add Electron, then I choose the Electron version, then it prepare to install the additional dependencies. But the error is thereļ¼š
Someone could help me? Thanks!
electron-vue: An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding.
maybe you can try it.

Do I need the #vitejs/plugin-vue dependency?

I'm trying to migrate a Vue2 project from Vue-CLI/Webpack to Vite. This migration guide says #vitejs/plugin-vue should be added as a dev dependency, but I'm not sure if I really need it, or if I do, which version I should use?
The documentation on GitHub doesn't say much about what this plugin is for, or when it should be installed.
#vitejs/plugin-vue is for Vue 3. You can use vite-plugin-vue2 for Vue 2.
I made a sample project with Vite, Vue2 and TailwindCSS that you can test / fork on stackblitz.

I've Electron Project and I'd like to use vueJS into it

I've Electron Project, but I can't use vuejs inside how to use vuejs inside it? or I should install vue cli and install electron?
The easiest way that I have seen currently is to create your Vue site first, with vue-cli 3, and then a vue-cli-plugin- but not electron-vue, which is stale. Use vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder. Starting with this, you can then add all the Vue you want.