Online A/B test for recommendation system? - e-commerce

I was able to develop a couple of algorithms for my recommendation system, that I want to apply to an ecomm website.
My goal is to perform a live a/b test to check which system perform better. I would not rely only on offline metrics.
Does google optimize support this type of test? I have been investigating but I had no luck for now to find any documentation about it.
I would appreciate any additional insights or tips on how to apply the a/b test in this type of problem.
I have been doing all my development in Python.


OpenMDAO v/s modeFrontier comparisons for optimization capabilities and application scaling

I realize that this might not be the best platform to ask this, but I think this would be best unbiased one to put my question in.
How would you compare OpenMDAO v/s modeFrontier with regards to there optimization capabilities and application scaling and overall software development? Which one would you pick and why?
If you know of any resources or link do provide.
The most fundamental technical difference is OpenMDAO can pass data + derivative information between components. This means that if you want to use gradient based optimization and have access to at least some tools that provide derivative information, OpenMDAO will have far more effective overall capabilities. This is especially important when doing optimization with high-cost analysis tools (e.g. partial differential equation solvers --- CFD, FEA). In those situations making use of derivatives offers between a 100x and 10000x speedup.
One other difference is that OpenMDAO is designed to run natively on a distributed memory compute cluster. Industrial frameworks can submit jobs to remote clusters and query for the results, but OpenMDAO itself can run on the cluster and has a direct and internal MPI based distributed memory capability. This is critical to it being able to efficiently handle derivatives of those expensive PDE solvers. To the best of my knowledge, OpenMDAO is unique in this regard. This is a low level technical detail that most users never need to directly understand, but the consequence is that if you want to do any kind of high fidelity coupled optimziations (aero-structural, aero-propulsive, aero-thermal) with more than one PDE solver in the loop then OpenMDAO's architecture is going to be by far the most effective.
However, OpenMDAO does not offer a GUI. It does not have the same level of data tracking and visualization tools. Also, I know that mode-frontier offers the ability to split a single model up across multiple computers distributed across an organization. Mode Frontier, along with other tools like ModelCenter and Isight, all offer this kind of smooth user experience and code-free interaction that many find valuable.
Honestly, I'm not sure a direct comparison is really warranted. I think if you have an organization that invests in a commercial integration tool like Mode Fronteir, then you can still use OpenMDAO to create tightly coupled integrated optimizations which you can then include as boxes inside your overall integration framework.
You certainly can use OpenMDAO as a complete integration framework, and it has some advantages in that area related to derivatives and execution in distributed memory environments. But you don't have to, and it certainly does not have to be an exclusive decision.

Omnet++ with Reinforcement Learning Tools [ML]

I am currently failing into find an easy and modular framework to link openAI gym or tensorflow or keras with omnet++ in such a way I can produce communication between each tool and have online learning.
There are tools like omnetpy and veins-gym, however one is very strict and not trustworthy (and no certainty into bridge with openAI, for example) and the other is really poor documented in such a way one person can’t taper how it is supposed to be incorporated into a project.
Being omnet so big project, how is it possible that it is so disconnected to ML world like this?
On top of that, I still will need to use federated learning, so a custom scrappy solution would be even more difficult.
I found various articles that say “we have used omnet++ and keras or tensorflow”, etc, but none of them shared their code, so it is kinda misterious how they did it.
Alternatively, I could use NS3, but as far as I know, it is very steeped to learn it. Some ML tools are well documented, apparently, for NS3. But since I didn’t tried to implement something in NS3 with those tools, I can’t know for sure. Omnet++ was easy to learn for what I need, changing to NS3 still seems a burden with no clear guarantees.
I would like to ask help in both senses:
if u have links regarding good middleware between omnetpp and openai-gym or keras or such, and you have used them, please share with me.
if u have experience with NS3 and ML using ML middleware to link NS3 with openai-gym and keras and so on, please share with me.
I will only be able to finish my POC if I manage to use Reinforcement Learning tooling online a omnet++ simulation (i.e., agent is deciding on simulation runtime which actions to take).
My project is actually complex, but the POC may be simple. I am relying in these tools because I have no sufficient experience to build a complex system translating a domain to another. So a help will be nice.
Thank You.

What is needed for a recommendation engine based on word/text input

I'm new to the Machine-Learning (AI) technology. I'm developing a messenger app for Android/IOs where I would like to recommend the users based on the texts/word/conversation a product from a relative small product portfolio.
Example 1:
In case the user of the messenger writes a sentence including the words "vine", "dinner", "date" the AI should recommend a bottle of vine to the user.
Example 2:
In case the user of the app writes that he has drunk a good coffee this morning, the AI should recommend a mug to the user.
Example 3:
In case the user writes something about a cute boy she met last day, the AI should recommend a "teddy bear" to the user.
I'm a Software Developer since almost 20 year with experience in the development of C/C++/Java based application (Android and IOs apps) as well as some experience in Google Cloud Platform. The ML/AI technology is completely new to me. Okay, I know the basics (input data is needed to train the ML/AI system etc.), but I wonder If there is already a framework which could help me to develop such a system which solves the above described uses-case.
I would appreciate it, if you could give me some hints where and how to start.
Thank you and regards
It is definitely possible to implement such an application, in case you want to do it in Google Cloud you will need some understanding of Tensorflow.
First of all, I recommend to you to do the Machine Learning Crash Course, for a good introduction to Machine Learning and to start to familiarize yourself with TensorFlow. Afterwards I recommend to take a look into Tensorflow tutorials which will give you a more practical introduction to Tensorflow, and include various examples on building/training/testing models.
Once you are famirialized with Tensorflow, you can jump into learning how to run jobs in the Machine Learning engine, you can start by following the quickstart. The documentation includes detailed guides on how to use the ml-engine, plus multiple samples and tutorials.
Since I believe that your application would fall into the Recommender System type, here you can see an example model, in Google Cloud ML Engine, on how to recommend items to users based on his previous searches. In your case, you would have to build a model in order to recommend items to users based on his previous words in the sentence.
The second option, in case you don't want to go through the hassle of building a new model from scratch, would be to use the Google Cloud Natural Language API, which you can understand as pre-trained models using Google (incredibly big) data. In your case, I believe that the Content Classifying API would help you achieve what your application intends to do, however, the outputs (which you can see here) are limited to what the model was trained to do, and might not be specific enough for your application, however it is an easy solution and you can still profit of this API in order to extract labels/information and send it as input to another model.
I hope that these links provide you with some foundations on what is possible to do with Tensorflow in the ML Engine, and are useful to you.

Building GIS apps from scratch?

I am a very beginner in software and I am asking or a direction to proceed for research technologies to build my app. I am having just an idea for the app. I am trying to build something like zomato but different services. The idea of location based system is similar. I searched online and came to know about GIS systems. But while researching further, it seems I've to create a map all together. This feels redundant to build as we have api of google maps.
But can i use this api to build a system "ON" it????
Any tutorials or some direction in this direction would be helpful.
Also what is difference between GIS and gps based apps.
As you see, I am not very clear in the fundamentals of the GIS and GPS based apps
Thanks for the help
Regarding Android, you have almost all you need by combining the platform API and the comprehensive Google Maps Android API. Regarding the later, it's actually a matter of opting by convenience and possibly paying a licence fee to Google, versus developing your own solutions of aggregating free or cheaper services from elsewhere.
Most problems solved by apps are not the same problems solved by classical GIS software, since the former are more consumer-oriented (using public transportation, navigating a route, planning a trip, finding a nearby restaurant), and the later are more specialist-oriented, typically solving larger-scale and more technical issues (detecting regions with flood risk, monitoring deforestation, calculating volumes of terrain to be bulldozed, etc.)
You should not, IMO, be discouraged by the seemingly hard technical concepts of geography and map making. Your best bet is to have a clear vision of what actual problems you app should be solving, and study the geography topics gradually, as the need arises.
A bit of consideration on your question about GIS:
If it were created today, the GIS acronym would mean any software dealing with geographic data, be it a mobile app or a workstation software suite destined to specialized professional use.
But when it was created, the term meant almost exclusively the later sense, and so it has a lot of tradition and cultural legacy to it - which is of couse not always a good thing. Specifically (at least in my experience), it seems to me the jargon and concepts used by the classic GIS community are a bit impenetrable to the newcomer, specially if she comes from the software-development field instead of the geo-sciences field.
But geographic information availability has gone from scarcity to overwhelming abundance, and so have its enabling technologies: GPS satellites, mobile computing and mobile connectivity.

Ideas for a distributed processing project?

I am looking for a project idea in distributed processing on Unix based systems. I wish to use only the C programming language. I have to finish the project in 4 months and it's a part of my course work. Can someone help me with an idea?
Cryptography problems
Distributed Ray Tracer
Chess AI (really, AI for any game)
Large Prime Number Search
Web crawler or other search mechanism
Generic Problem Solver (push out problem definition on the fly, followed by problem data).
Note on the last one:
An example would be if you have a gaming website with lots of board games that you were coming out with all the time. You don't want to have to install new clients on all your servers every time you write a new AI for a board game, so you have a program which you can send new AIs to and then after that you can just send the game data and the pushed AI will be used to solve the problem. This is best used for problems which can be broken into smaller chunks.
It is hard to answer without knowing anything about performance, the scale of the project, what you are trying to accomplish, etc. For example, is it one task or multiple tasks? Is the project just totally open?
4 months is pretty short, but maybe some kind of physics problem or math problem. Sorting or some kind of database work might be dull but beneficial.
Check out mapreduce for ideas! I was really motivated by this work, personally.
We used distributed processing here at work, but it's such a broad field..
Why not write a distributed compiler. You may then present an interface for people to compile things on the fly, and it will be passed to your distribute compilenet. Java is probably well-suited, and you'll get to do fun things, like be very mindful of security and so on.
The BOINC project is always looking for help and is very interesting:
If you want to leave your mark and change the way we search the web,
look into B-Trees.
B-Trees and offspring/variants are the working horse of the internet.
Google uses them extensively to index the web.
Database indexes/indices are B-Tree offspring/variants.
Every LAMP system uses a database and indexes/indices.
Also, they are used extensively in distributed VLDB (Very Large DataBases)
Perhaps you can improve existing distributed databases (Cassandra and HBase)
These are lofty goals, but for me, this would leave a lasting mark
in the way Web data is processed, indexed and stored.
Write a distributed, fault tolerant, redundant network B+Tree or B*Tree.
Read Drozdek's book Data Structures and Algorithms in C++.
It's a good survey of B-Trees.
Read about skip trees
Read about Efficient B-tree Based Indexing for Cloud Data Processing
Google search "Network B+Tree"