Can timestamp be used in synchronization of processes having Race Condition? - process

I am wondering whether timestamp can be used to solve process synchronization problem, when race condition occurs? Below is an algorithm for entry as well as exit sections for every process who wants to enter in critical section. Entry section uses FCFS (First Come First Serve) technique to give access to critical section.
interested[N] is shared array of N integers where N is number of processes.
// This section executed when process enters critical section.
entry_section (int processNumber) {
interested [processNumber] = getCurrentTimeStamp (); // Gets the current timestamp.
index = findOldestProcessNumber (interested); // Find the process number with least timestamp.
while (index != processNumber);
// This section executed when process leaves critical section.
exit_section (int processNumber) {
interested [processNumber] = NULL;
According to me, this algorithm satisfies all conditions for synchronization, i.e., Mutual Exclusion, Progress, Bounded waiting and Portability. So, Am I correct?
Thanks for giving your time.

Short and sweet, here are the two issues with this approach.
All your processes are busy-waiting. This means that even though the process cannot enter the critical section, it still cannot rest. Which means that the os scheduler needs to constantly keep scheduling all interested processes even though they're not producing a meaningful output. This hurts performance and power consumption.
This is the big one. There is no guarantee that two processes will not have the same timestamp. It may be unlikely, but likelihood is not what you're looking for when you want to guarantee mutual exclusion to prevent a race condition.

Your code is just a sketch, but most likely it will not work in all the cases.
If there are no locks and all the functions are using non-atomic operations, there are no guarantees that the code will execute correctly. It is essentially the same as the first example here, except that you are using an array and assuming you don't need the atomicity since each process will only access its own element.
Let me try to come up with a counterexample.
Few minor clarifications.
As far as I understand the omitted portion of each process is running in a loop
// some non-critical code
// your critical section as in the question
entry_section (int processNumber) {
interested [processNumber] = getCurrentTimeStamp (); // Gets the current timestamp.
index = findOldestProcessNumber (interested); // Find the process number with least timestamp.
while (index != processNumber);
// This section executed when process leaves critical section.
exit_section (int processNumber) {
interested [processNumber] = NULL;
// more non-critical code
It seems to me that the scheduling portion should be busy-waiting, constantly getting the oldest process as such:
while (findOldestProcessNumber (interested) != processNumber);
as otherwise, all your threads can immediately hang in an infinite while loop, except for the first one which will execute once and hang right after that.
Now your scheduling function findOldestProcessNumber (interested); has some finite execution time and if my assumption about the presence of a process outer loop while(!processExitCondition) correct, this execution time might happen to be slower than the execution of code inside, before or after the critical section. As a result, the completed process can get back into the interested array before while findOldestProcessNumber (interested); iterates over it and if getCurrentTimeStamp (); is low fidelity (say seconds) you can get two processes entering critical section at once. Imagine adding a long sleep into findOldestProcessNumber (interested); and it will be easier to see how that might happen.
You can say it is an artificial example, but the point is that there are no guarantees of how the processes will interleave with each other, so your synchronization relies on the assumption that certain portions of the code execute certain time "large" or "small" enough. This is just an attempt to fake an atomic operation using those assumptions.
You can come up with the counter-ideas to make it work. Say you can implement getCurrentTimeStamp () to return a unique timestamp for each caller. Either a simple atomic counter with the hardware guarantee that only one process can increment it or by internally using an atomic lock (mutex), it's own critical section and busy waiting for this lock to provide each caller process a distinct system clock value if you wish to have it as a real-time. But with a separate findOldestProcessNumber (interested) call I find it hard to think of a way to make it guaranteed. I can't claim it is impossible, but the more complicated it gets the more likely you are just hiding absence of the Mutual Exclusion guarantee.
So the simplest solution with a lock (mutex) is the best. In your code snippet add a mutex around your critical section with your current entry and exit code used only for the scheduling on the first-come-first-serve basis and mutex with giving you mutual exclusion guarantee.
If you want a lockless solution you can use Boost lockfree queue or implement a lockless ring buffer to push the processes number the queue in entry_section and then wait for it to get its turn, although performance can be worse as contr-intuitive as it seems.


Raku parallel/functional methods

I am pretty new to Raku and I have a questions to functional methods, in particular with reduce.
I originally had the method:
sub standardab{
my $mittel = mittel(#_);
my $foo = 0;
for #_ {
$foo += ($_ - $mittel)**2;
$foo = sqrt($foo/(#_.elems));
and it worked fine. Then I started to use reduce:
sub standardab{
my $mittel = mittel(#_);
my $foo = 0;
$foo = #_.reduce({$^a + ($^b-$mittel)**2});
$foo = sqrt($foo/(#_.elems));
my execution time doubled (I am applying this to roughly 1000 elements) and the solution differed by 0.004 (i guess rounding error).
If I am using
my execution time is 4 times higher than with the original sequential code.
Can someone tell me the reason for this?
I thought about parallelism initialization time, but - as I said - i am applying this to 1000 elements and if i change other for loops in my code to reduce it gets even slower!
Thanks for your help
In general, reduce and for do different things, and they are doing different things in your code. For example, compared with your for code, your reduce code involves twice as many arguments being passed and is doing one less iteration. I think that's likely at the root of the 0.004 difference.
Even if your for and reduce code did the same thing, an optimized version of such reduce code would never be faster than an equally optimized version of equivalent for code.
I thought that race didn't automatically parallelize reduce due to reduce's nature. (Though I see per your and #user0721090601's comment I'm wrong.) But it will incur overhead -- currently a lot.
You could use race to parallelize your for loop instead, if it's slightly rewritten. That might speed it up.
On the difference between your for and reduce code
Here's the difference I meant:
say do for <a b c d> { $^a } # (a b c d) (4 iterations)
say do reduce <a b c d>: { $^a, $^b } # (((a b) c) d) (3 iterations)
For more details of their operation, see their respective doc (for, reduce).
You haven't shared your data, but I will presume that the for and/or reduce computations involve Nums (floats). Addition of floats isn't commutative, so you may well get (typically small) discrepancies if the additions end up happening in a different order.
I presume that explains the 0.004 difference.
On your sequential reduce being 2X slower than your for
my execution time doubled (I am applying this to roughly 1000 elements)
First, your reduce code is different, as explained above. There are general abstract differences (eg taking two arguments per call instead of your for block's one) and perhaps your specific data leads to fundamental numeric computation differences (perhaps your for loop computation is primarily integer or float math while your reduce is primarily rational?). That might explain the execution time difference, or some of it.
Another part of it may be the difference between, on the one hand, a reduce, which will by default compile into calls of a closure, with call overhead, and two arguments per call, and temporary memory storing intermediate results, and, on the other, a for which will by default compile into direct iteration, with the {...} being just inlined code rather than a call of a closure. (That said, it's possible a reduce will sometimes compile to inlined code; and it may even already be that way for your code.)
More generally, Rakudo optimization effort is still in its relatively early days. Most of it has been generic, speeding up all code. Where effort has been applied to particular constructs, the most widely used constructs have gotten the attention so far, and for is widely used and reduce less so. So some or all the difference may just be that reduce is poorly optimized.
On reduce with race
my execution time [for .race.reduce(...)] is 4 times higher than with the original sequential code
I didn't think reduce would be automatically parallelizable with race. Per its doc, reduce works by "iteratively applying a function which knows how to combine two values", and one argument in each iteration is the result of the previous iteration. So it seemed to me it must be done sequentially.
(I see in the comments that I'm misunderstanding what could be done by a compiler with a reduction. Perhaps this is if it's a commutative operation?)
In summary, your code is incurring raceing's overhead without gaining any benefit.
On race in general
Let's say you're using some operation that is parallelizable with race.
First, as you noted, race incurs overhead. There'll be an initialization and teardown cost, at least some of which is paid repeatedly for each evaluation of an overall statement/expression that's being raced.
Second, at least for now, race means use of threads running on CPU cores. For some payloads that can yield a useful benefit despite any initialization and teardown costs. But it will, at best, be a speed up equal to the number of cores.
(One day it should be possible for compiler implementors to spot that a raced for loop is simple enough to be run on a GPU rather than a CPU, and go ahead and send it to a GPU to achieve a spectacular speed up.)
Third, if you literally write you'll get default settings for some tunable aspects of the racing. The defaults are almost certainly not optimal and may be way off.
The currently tunable settings are :batch and :degree. See their doc for more details.
More generally, whether parallelization speeds up code depends on the details of a specific use case such as the data and hardware in use.
On using race with for
If you rewrite your code a bit you can race your for:
$foo = sum do race for #_ { ($_ - $mittel)**2 }
To apply tuning you must repeat the race as a method, for example:
$foo = sum do race for #_.race(:degree(8)) { ($_ - $mittel)**2 }

Determining a program's execution time by its length in bits?

This is a question popped into my mind while reading the halting problem, collatz conjecture and Kolmogorov complexity. I have tried to search for something similar but I was unable to find a particular topic maybe because it is not of great value or it could just be a trivial question.
For the sake of simplicity I will give three examples of programs/functions.
function one(s):
return s
function two(s):
while (True):
print s
function three(s):
for i from 0 to 10^10:
So my questions is, if there is a way to formalize the length of a program (like the bits used to describe it) and also the internal memory used by the program, to determine the minimum/maximum number of time/steps needed to decide whether the program will terminate or run forever.
For example, in the first function the program doesn't alter its internal memory and halts after some time steps.
In the second example, the program runs forever but the program also doesn't alter its internal memory. For example, if we considered all the programs with the same length as with the program two that do not alter their state, couldn't we determine an upper bound of steps, which if surpassed we could conclude that this program will never terminate ? (If not why ?)
On the last example, the program alters its state (variable i). So, at each step the upper bound may change.
[In short]
Kolmogorov complexity suggests a way of finding the (descriptive) complexity of an object such as a piece of text. I would like to know, given a formal way of describing the memory-space used by a program (computed in runtime), if we could compute a maximum number of steps, which if surpassed would allow us to know whether this program will terminate or run forever.
Finally, I would like to suggest me any source that I might find useful and help me figure out what I am exactly looking for.
Thank you. (sorry for my English, not my native language. I hope I was clear)
If a deterministic Turing machine enters precisely the same configuration twice (which we can detect b keeping a trace of configurations seen so far), then we immediately know the TM will loop forever.
If it known in advance that a deterministic Turing machine cannot possibly use more than some fixed constant amount of its input tape, then the TM must explicitly halt or eventually enter some configuration it has already visited. Suppose the TM can use at most k tape cells, the tape alphabet is T and the set of states is Q. Then there are (|T|+1)^k * |Q| unique configurations (the number of strings over (T union blank) of length k times the number of states) and by the pigeonhole principle we know that a TM that takes that many steps must enter some configuration it has already been to before.
one: because we are given that this function does not use internal memory, we know that it either halts or loops forever.
two: because we are given that this function does not use internal memory, we know that it either halts or loops forever.
three: because we are given that this function only uses a fixed amount of internal memory (like 34 bits) we can tell in fewer than 2^34 iterations of the loop whether the TM will halt or not for any given input s, guaranteed.
Now, knowing how much tape a TM is going to use, or how much memory a program is going to use, is not a problem a TM can solve. But if you have an oracle (like a person who was able to do a proof) that tells you a correct fixed upper bound on memory, then the halting problem is solvable.

How to discard / ignore one of a stored procedure's many return values

I have a stored procedure that returns 2 values.
In another procedure, I call this (edit: NOT selectable) procedure but only need one of the two returned values.
Is there a way to discard the other value? I'm wondering what is a good practice, and hoping for a small performance gain.
Here is how I call the procedure without error:
CREATE or ALTER procedure my_proc1
declare variable v_out1 integer default null;
declare variable v_out2 varchar(10) default null;
execute procedure my_proc2('my_param')
returning_values :v_out1, :v_out2;
That is the only way I found to call this procedure without getting a -607 error 'unsuccessful metadata update request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)' whenever I use only one variable v_out1.
So my actual question is: can I avoid creating a v_out2 variable for nothing, as I will never use it (that value is only used in other procedures which also call my_proc2)?
Edit: the stored procedure my_proc2 is actually not selectable. But I made it selectable after all.
Because your stored procedure is selectable, you should call it by SELECT statement, ie
select out1, out2 from my_proc2('my_param')
and in that case you can indeed omit some of the return value(s). However, I wouldn't expect noticeable performance gain as the logic inside the SP which calculates the omitted field is still executed.
If your procedure is not selectable, then creating a wrapper SP is the only way, but again, it woulnd't give any performance gain as the code which does the hard work inside the original SP is still executed.
The answer is made to use text formatting while demonstrating "race conditions" in the multithreading programming (which SQL is) when [ab]using out-of-transaction objects (SQL sequences aka Firebird Generators).
So, the "use case".
Initial condition: table is empty, generator=0.
You start two concurrent transactions, A and B. For ease of imagining you may think those transactions were started from concurrent connections made by two persons working with your program on two networked computers. Though actually it does not matter much, if you open them transactions from one same connection - the scenario would not change a bit. Just for the ease of imagining.
The Tx.A issues UPDATE-OR-INSERT which inserts new row into the table. Doing so it up-ticks the generator. The transaction is not committed yet. Database condition: the table has one invisible (non-committed) row with auto_id=1, the generator = 1.
The Tx.B issues UPDATE-OR-INSERT too which inserts yet another row into the table. Doing so it also up-ticks the generator. The transaction maybe commits now, or maybe later, irrelevant. Database condition: the table has two rows (one or both are invisible (non-committed)) with auto_id=1 and auto_id=2, the generator = 2.
The Tx.A meets some error, throws the exception, DOWNTICKS the generator and rolls back. Database condition: the table has one row with auto_id=2 the generator = 1.
If Tx.B was not committed before, it is committed now. (this "if" just to demonstrate that it does not matter when other transactions would be committed, earlier or later, it only matters that Tx.A downticks the generator after any other transaction upticked it)
So, the final database condition: the table has one committed=visible row with auto_id=2 and the generator = 1.
Any next attempt to add yet one more row would try to up the generator 1+1=2 and then fail to insert new row with PK violation, then it would down the generator to 1 to recreate the faulty condition outlined above.
Your database stuck and without direct intervention by DB Administrator can not have data added further.
The very idea of rolling back the generator is defeating all intentions generators were created for and all expectations about generators behavior that the database and connection libraries and other programmers have.
You just placed a trap on the highway. It is only a matter of time until someone will be caught into it.
Even if you would continue guarding this hack by other hacks for now - wasting a lot of time and attention to do that scrupulously and pervasively - still one unlucky day in the future there would be another programmer, or even you would forget this gory details - and you would start using the generator in standard intended way - and would run into the trap.
Generators were not made to be backtracked during normal work.
existence of primary key is checked in the procedure before doing anything
Yep, that is the first reaction when multithreading programmer meets his first race condition. Let's just add more prior checks.
First few checks indeed can decrease probability of a clash, but it never can alleviate it completely. And the more use your program would see, the more transactions would get opened by more and more concurrent and active users - it is only a matter of time until this somewhat lowered probability would turn out still too much.
Think about it, SQL is about transactions, yet they had to invent and introduce explicitly out-of-transactions device Generator/Sequence is. If there was reliable solution without them - it would be just used instead of creating that so non-SQLish transaction boundary breaking tool.
When you say your SP "checks for PK violation" it is exactly the same as if you would drop the generator altogether and instead just issue "good old"
:new_id = ( select max(auto_id)+1 from MyTable );
By your description you actually do something like that, but in some indirect way. Something like
while exists( select * from MyTable where auto_id = gen_id(MyGen, +1))
do ;
:new_id = gen_id(MyGen, 0);
You may feel, that because you mentioned generators, you somehow overcame the cross-transaction invisibility problem. But you did not, because the very check "if PK was already taken" is done against in-transaction table.
That changes nothing, your two transactions Tx.A and Tx.B would not see each other's records, because they both did not committed yet. Now it only takes some unlucky Tx.C that would fail and downtick the generator to them collide on the same ID.
Or not, you do not even need Tx.C and downticking at all!
Here we bump into the multithreading idea about "atomic operations".
Let's look at it again.
while exists( select * from MyTable where auto_id = gen_id(MyGen, +1))
do ;
:new_id = gen_id(MyGen, 0);
In a single-threaded application that code is okay: you just keep running the generator up until the free slot, then you just query the value without changing it. "What could possibly go wrong?" But in multithreaded environment it is rooks waiting to be stepped over. Example:
Initial condition, table has 100 rows (auto_id goes from 1 to 100), the generator = 100.
Tx.A starts adding the row, upticks the generator in the while loop and exits the loop. It does not yet pass to the second line where local variable gets assigned. Not yet. The generator = 101, rows not added yet.
Tx.B starts adding the row, upticks the generator in the while loop and exits the loop. The generator = 102, rows not added yet.
Tx.A goes to the second line and reads gen_id(MyGen,0) into a variable for new row. While it was 101 out of the loop, it is 102 now!
Tx.B goes to the second line and reads gen_id(MyGen,0) and gets 102 too.
Tx.A and Tx.B both try to insert new row with auto_id=102
RACE CONDITIONS - both Tx.A and Tx.B try to commit their work. One of them succeeds, another fails. Which one? It is not predictable. A lucky one commits, an unlucky one fails.
The failed transaction downticks the generator.
Final condition: the table has 101 rows, the auto_id consistently goes from 1 to 100 and then skips to 102. The generator = 101, which his less than MAX(auto_id)
Now you might want to add more hacks, I mean more prior checks before actually inserting rows and committing. It will make mistakes yet less probable, right? Wrong. The more checks you do - the slower gets the code. The slower gets the code - the greater gets probability, that while one thread runs throw all them checks there happens another thread that interferes and alters the situation that was checked a moment ago.
The fundamental issue with multithreading is that any check is SEPARATE action. And between those actions the situation MAY change. Your procedure may check whatever it wants BEFORE actually inserting the row. It would not warrant much. Because when you finally gets at the row inserting statement, all the checks you did in the PAST are a matter of past. And the situation is potentially already altered. And warrants your checks were giving in the PAST only belong to that past, not to the moment at hands.
And even if you no more look for warranting sure thing, still adding every new check you can not even be sure if doing so you just decreased or increased probability of failure. Because multithreading is a bitch, it is flowing chaotically out of your control.
So, remember the KISS principle. Until proven otherwise - you most probably do not need SP2 at all, you only need one single UPDATE-OR-INSERT statement.
PS. There was a pretty fun game in my school days, it was called Pascal Robots. There are also C Robots I heard and probably implementation for other many languages. With Pascal Robots though came a number of already coded robots, demonstrating different strategies and approaches. Some of them were really thought out in very intrinsic details. And there was one robot which program was PRIMITIVE. It only had two loops: if you do not see an enemy - keep turning your radar around, if you do see an enemy - keep running to it and shooting at it. That was all. What could this idiot do against sophisticated robots having creative attack and defense strategies, flanking maneuvers, optimal distance to maintain by back and forth movements, escape tricks and more? Those sophisticated robots employed very extensive checks and very thought through hacks to be triggered by those checks. So... that primitive idiot was second or maybe third best robot in the shipped set. there was only one or two smarties who could outwit it. With ALL the other robots this lean-and-fast idiot finished them before they could run through all their checks and hacks thrice. That is what multithreading does to programming. It was astonishing to watch those battles, which went so against out single-threaded intuition.

using clock() (or similar) function to find time of execution when there are multiple processes

I want to use a function, like clock(), to find the execution time of a particular piece of code. But if there are multiple threads/processes, then would those getting scheduled in between affect the output of the clock() function?
Example code:
process 1
int main()
clock_t t1,t2;
//Long code
float diff ((float)t2-(float)t1);
system ("pause");
return 0;
My question is, if another process gets scheduled while the long code is running, does the clock function count the cycles used for the other program also? If yes, what is an alternative to get the exact time of execution of a piece of code
This is not possible. There are many other processes running alongside your code that will affect the execution speed (due to scheduling as you point out). In addition, you code itself may use the disk, network, etc so the CPU usage time for your process may not make sense. What you may want to do this run the timing analysis for the program a large number of times on the same system and same load and take an average from that.

Memory efficiency in If statements

I'm thinking more about how much system memory my programs will use nowadays. I'm currently doing A level Computing at college and I know that in most programs the difference will be negligible but I'm wondering if the following actually makes any difference, in any language.
Say I wanted to output "True" or "False" depending on whether a condition is true. Personally, I prefer to do something like this:
Dim result As String
If condition Then
Result = "True"
Result = "False"
However, I'm wondering if the following would consume less memory, etc.:
If condition Then
Obviously this is a very much simplified example and in most of my cases there is much more to be outputted, and I realise that in most commercial programs these kind of statements are rare, but hopefully you get the principle.
I'm focusing on VB.NET here because that is the language used for the course, but really I would be interested to know how this differs in different programming languages.
The main issue making if's fast or slow is predictability.
Modern CPU's (anything after 2000) use a mechanism called branch prediction.
Read the above link first, then read on below...
Which is faster?
The if statement constitutes a branch, because the CPU needs to decide whether to follow or skip the if part.
If it guesses the branch correctly the jump will execute in 0 or 1 cycle (1 nanosecond on a 1Ghz computer).
If it does not guess the branch correctly the jump will take 50 cycles (give or take) (1/200th of a microsecord).
Therefore to even feel these differences as a human, you'd need to execute the if statement many millions of times.
The two statements above are likely to execute in exactly the same amount of time, because:
assigning a value to a variable takes negligible time; on average less than a single cpu cycle on a multiscalar CPU*.
calling a function with a constant parameter requires the use of an invisible temporary variable; so in all likelihood code A compiles to almost the exact same object code as code B.
*) All current CPU's are multiscalar.
Which consumes less memory
As stated above, both versions need to put the boolean into a variable.
Version A uses an explicit one, declared by you; version B uses an implicit one declared by the compiler.
However version A is guaranteed to only have one call to the function WriteLine.
Whilst version B may (or may not) have two calls to the function WriteLine.
If the optimizer in the compiler is good, code B will be transformed into code A, if it's not it will remain with the redundant calls.
How bad is the waste
The call takes about 10 bytes for the assignment of the string (Unicode 2 bytes per char).
But so does the other version, so that's the same.
That leaves 5 bytes for a call. Plus maybe a few extra bytes to set up a stackframe.
So lets say due to your totally horrible coding you have now wasted 10 bytes.
Not much to worry about.
From a maintainability point of view
Computer code is written for humans, not machines.
So from that point of view code A is clearly superior.
Imagine not choosing between 2 options -true or false- but 20.
You only call the function once.
If you decide to change the WriteLine for another function you only have to change it in one place, not two or 20.
How to speed this up?
With 2 values it's pretty much impossible, but if you had 20 values you could use a lookup table.
Obviously that optimization is not worth it unless code gets executed many times.
If you need to know the precise amount of memory the instructions are going to take, you can use ildasm on your code, and see for yourself. However, the amount of memory consumed by your code is much less relevant today, when the memory is so cheap and abundant, and compilers are smart enough to see common patterns and reduce the amount of code that they generate.
A much greater concern is readability of your code: if a complex chain of conditions always leads to printing a conditionally set result, your first code block expresses this idea in a cleaner way than the second one does. Everything else being equal, you should prefer whatever form of code that you find the most readable, and let the compiler worry about optimization.
P.S. It goes without saying that Console.WriteLine(condition) would produce the same result, but that is of course not the point of your question.