Search Wordnik API by topic? - wordnik

When I use the relatedWords API endpoint, I see the word "flower" has_topic "Home & Garden". But I can't quite figure out how to use the API query just this topic. How can I find out what else is listed under the topic "Home & Garden"?

Thanks for asking about the Wordnik API!
We have some of this data right now but don't yet have an API endpoint to get words by topic. If you'd like to be notified when that endpoint is in beta, please join our beta-announcements list:
Because we're a tiny nonprofit with limited engineering resources, I don't have a release date yet, but this is high on our roadmap.


Google Books API Branding Compliance issue--infoLink returns "Not found" page

I'm working with the Google Books API and the Branding Guidelines state that I have to have a prominent link to the Google Books page for each search result. Cool, I'm fine with that.
saleInfo.buyLink isn't always there in the API response
volumeInfo.infoLink and volumeInfo.canonicalVolumeLink sometimes often go to a "Not Found" page (for example this page, which is supposed to have information for "Lunar Orbiter State Estimation Using Neural Network-based Crater Detection" by Lena Marie Downs [don't ask, I used faker to call the API with random keywords and picked a random result])
So my question becomes, is it my responsibility to try to find workarounds for any of that, in order to be compliant? Or should I just go with what Google Books gives me and call it a day?
I changed my seeds file to only look for Google Books that have an ebook available with &filter=ebooks, and I haven't run into these issues with what it found this time. But I guess the question still stands whether it's up to developers using the API to provide for Google's issues, in case anyone else wants to answer.

The steam API 2020

I'm looking to make a hobbie website using the steam API, mostly focusing on the actual products and not really any user info. According to an article by the man behind Steamspy, Valve decided to change their API sometime in 2018, removing a lot of relevant data related to the store.
I went through the steamworks documentation and the closest thing to any specific information about the applications/games were in: -
I figured their API must offer more than just a list of all the apps and their ID's, but thus far I have only found some other API:s.
Seems to be popular in a lot of threads
Some kind of collection of APIs?
Not sure if this is still usable?
Question: If I want the name, ID, genre/tags and picture of a game (and potentially price), is really the only way to use these non-valve related API:s? Or have I missed something in Valves own API documentation?
I'm super new to API:s so please forgive my insolence, I did search a ton of threads but seeing as the API changed I'm not sure which answers still are up to date in 2020.
The storefront API is still up-to-date and should give you what you need, mostly.
There is no API for game tags. You have to get the directly from the store pages or from any of the third party API providers if they have them.
Question: If I want the name, ID, genre/tags and picture of a game (and potentially price), is really the only way to use these non-valve related API:s? Or have I missed something in Valves own API documentation?
No, you have not missed anything. Yes you need to use unoffical APIs. Compared to other gaming stores you still get more data on Steam than anywhere else.
I am afraid the last answer is not fully true.
You can get tags as categories or genres through api eg.

Wechat : does an SDK / API exists?

I'm online on wechat (an instant messenger, not to be confused with weechat, that is an IRC client) and following a lot of groups for work. I'm searching for an SDK, an API set, to be able to automitize info collecting from groups and or individuals.
But i'm not aware of any way to do it.
Please, this is NOT an 'opinion' question, I'm litterally asking you if you know a way to receive data from weechat, because I cannot find it.
I see the area on weechat website where a company can ask for accces to API, but, really I cannot find other tools.
Edit 1: Chinese DOC, I think:
Edit 2: Chinese DOC more similar to a JS api :
Obviously, use google translator !
As from my OP, there are some docs, official docs, but the real problem is that to create even a simply Mini Program, we need to subscribe (paid) and also paying at one point a chinese-only page asks by country and the list simply does not include Italy, so I simply cannot subscribe.

new Yodlee API or RESTful Wrapper API , Confusions galore for someone starting on Yodlee

I am trying to implement account aggregation solution and am confused right now as there are multiple API's available that do the same thing.
I came across new Yodlee API as well as RESTful Wrapper APIs'. Both of these API classifications do the same thing but provide different APIs sets.
Can someone please let me know which one should I use?
I am referring to this link
Please go with Yodlee APIs, which is our latest product.
This is purely REST and the API response is simple, informative and decluttered. Here Webhooks is also supported
Please refer-
API Flow-
Swagger tool( to test APIs)-!/providerAccounts
Hope this helps you in getting started.
Your documentation(API Reference) mentions some fields/endpoints deprecated but they still work in the old style. I find document inconsistent.
Also i could not even find a support email where i could even mail about this problem.
I would appreciate if you consider these points.

Google API: show online contacts for Google Talk/Chat and Google Hangout

I might have overlooked this, but I'd like to implement Google Talk and Google Hangout on my site and I'm looking for some kind of (official, preferably PHP) API call that retrieves the online/offline contacts of a Google+ user. (similar to the list of online contacts next to Gmail)
Is this API functionality available and is it possible to provide the user with the option to select contact(s) to start a Google Hangout with?
To start, you're likely going to need to leverage a few different APIs. Since I cannot add a comment to ask questions, here's a recommended reading list based on my recent work with the Plus & Hangouts APIs:
Google Plus - - Collect a list of people in your circles. This will not tell you who's online or offline. May be optional (see #2). Unfortunately, this call is not available yet in the PHP Client Library, so I created one for my personal project and am waiting on some vetting to submit it back to the Google project. If you're interested, I'd be happy to share.
Google Talk - - Use that query the Talk service to see who's online and/or offline.
Starting a Hangout - Seems this discussion # the developer group is similar to your question and can best point you in a good starting direction.!topic/google-plus-developers/r_f7iweZ7c8
Hope that helps & curious to hear how it goes!