"java.lang.NullPointerException" error in JMeter Non-Gui mode - nullpointerexception

When I try to execute JMeter (Version 5.1.1 & 5.2.1) recorded script in Non-Gui mode using distributed testing, It is displaying below shown "java.lang.NullPointerException" error while generating HTML report. Also JTL report is creating an empty notepad file without any data.
Note:- This error occurrs only when I place CSV Data Set Config - Config Element in the test plan. When I remove/disable it, HTML and JTL reports get generated without any error. Also I can't skip this CSV Data Set Config plugin on test execution.
Please let me know, If there is any other solution to overcome this issue.
Thanks in advance.

You're highlightling not the cause but rather a consequence, you should be rather paying attention to the Summariser output which states summary = 0
which basically means that no Samplers were executed so your test script execution on slaves failed somewhere somehow. First of all I would recommend checking jmeter.log on the master and jmeter-server.log files on the remote machines, most probably you will be able to figure out the root cause from there.
Quick checklist:
Make sure to use the same Java version on the master and the slaves
Make sure to use the same JMeter version (better the latest one) on the master and the slaves
If your test relies on JMeter Plugins - you need to install all the plugins used in the test onto all the slaves
If you define some properties in user.properties file you need to do the same on all the remote machines (or alternatively pass them via -G command-line argument)
If you're using external 3rd-party files (CSV files, files to be uploaded, etc.) - you will need to manually copy them to the slave machines
Double check Remote hosts and RMI configuration to ensure that the slaves can communicate with the master in order to send Sample Results back to it. Also make sure that the relevant ports are open in Windows Firewall
More information: How to Perform Distributed Testing in JMeter

The issue seems like a with csv file path.Make sure you are providing the correct path in csv-file-config.Normally this happens when it is not able to read the data from the location.


Not able to start appserver due to the missing batch file

I have installed weblogic and when I tried to start the appserver its failing because not able to find common\bin\startpointbase.cmd batch file.
But it didn't come with installation. can any of you let me know where can I find that file
This script starts a PointBase database that you could use for your domain, it's inside weblogic_home/common/bin/.
It is shipped with weblogic, you need to run startpointbase.cmd before starting your weblogic instance if you are using it.
Before starting it make sure all path variable are set.

Apache Hama on Amazon Elastic MapReduce

I am trying to run Apache Hama on Amazon Elastic MapReduce using https://github.com/awslabs/emr-bootstrap-actions/tree/master/hama script. However, when trying out with one master node and two slave nodes, peer.getNumPeers() in the BSP code reports only 1 peer. I am suspecting whether Hama runs in local mode.
Moreover, looking at configurations at https://hama.apache.org/getting_started_with_hama.html, my understanding is that the list of all the servers should go in hama-site.xml file for property hama.zookeeper.quorum and also in groomservers file. However, I wonder whether these are being configured properly in the install script. Would really appreciate if anyone could point out whether it's a limitation in the script or whether I am doing something wrong.
Hama doesn't always need groomserver file to run fully distributed mode.
groomserver file is needed to run hama cluster using only start-bspd.sh. But emr-bootstrap-action of hama runs groomservers on each slave nodes using hama-daemon.sh file. Code executed in install script is as follow.
$ /bin/hama-daemon.sh --config ${HAMA_HOME}/conf start groom
I think you need to check the emr logs whether they have error or not.

Use ssh script return value in Jenkins

We're deploying our application using SSH scripts. For the production stage we need to figure out which out of two clusters is currently active. This can only be achieved reliably by running a command on a remote host and interpreting its output. Unfortunately there's no SSH plugin that does that AFAIK.
They only seem to be able to interpret if the SSH script return value was different from zero.
Currently I only see two undesirable solutions:
use SSH in a script like Python, Groovy, etc. (means, we would have to provide SSH authentication to it somehow)
Let the SSH-command write to a file, that is then copied to Jenkins and interpreted there (unelegant and cumbersome)
Ok based on what you mentioned in the comment, I think you can try something like given in here and then copy back that file to jenkins using ftp and then read the file contents.
Or you can have the whole process orchestrated in an Ant script by using SSHExec task and get the output in Ant

oracle udump trc file size issue

My project uses oracle db hosted on unix machine. The issue is that the trace files generated at udump location have loggers from my custom code as well. (custom code loggers are from java callouts which are loadjava on the db).
Now every time i use that module the udump folder is flooded by 3 new trc files which have default oracle logs as well as my custom code logs.
I want to disable the logs that are generated from my code.
Till now i have tried to write a custom log4j.properties and loadjava it n use it for my code, in that prop file i have used file and console handlers pointed to custom location on unix machine other than udump location. But still the custom logs are coming only in udump location and there are no logs at the new location which i tried from the prop file.
I tried disabling the logging.trace=false in the logging.properties file of the oracle jvm.
I have checked a few sql queries which can disable session trace. It identifies around 70 sessions. I just want to disable java logs, i would like to know if its possible to find the session that my java logs use and disable the trace for it.
I am using oracle 9i version and java 1.4 version.
Need to disable the custom logs from coming to the udump location. Also the solution should be implementable generally as my application goes multiple environments like test env, stage env, prod env..
Any hint would be very helpful.

Joomla 1.5 Site Backup Strategy

I would like to make a complete backup of my whole joomla 1.5 based site from time to time. How would this ideally be done? Are there any common pitfalls? Not that I only have ftp access to the hosting server. Is there a step by step tutorial somewhere? I am using latest Joomgallery and Kunena 1.0.9 (Legacy mode).
Maybe there is a good way to automate this?
There's two parts of the backup you have to worry about, the database and the files.
The first part is the database. It can be backed up using something like phpMyAdmin. If you don't have this available on your server already, it's not too hard to upload and get it going yourself. From there, you can just Export the entire database to a gzip file.
The second part is the code and uploaded files. The code base shouldn't change too often, so you could probably just make one backup of this. There's a number of ways. The simplest is to just download the entire folder via FTP, though if you're Linux, I'm sure someone will know a single command line to get all the changed files (rsync?).
The database is the main thing you have to worry about though: everything else should be able to be rebuilt just by reinstalling.
I think this: http://www.joomlapack.net/ is what you need. I use it myself and it works like a charm. Both for backups and for moving my Joomla installations from developer sites and to the real site.
get an FTP synchronisation tool and keep an up-to-date copy of your site locally. Then you could run the batch script
mysqldump -hhost -uuser -p%1 schema > C:\backup.sql
to create a backup of your mysql tables at various points in time.
you would have to have MySQL Server installed on your local machine and path to its bin directory in you PATH, in order to run the mysqldump command without much hassle. -p%1 would take the command-line provided password, as you wouldn't want to store passwords in your batch script.
If you only have FTP access you are in a bit of a problem, as beside all files you'll also have to backup the database. Without accessing the database, a full-backup won't do you any good.
Whatever backup strategy you choose - be sure it can handle UTF-8 correctly. Joomla 1.5 stores all content with UTF-8, even when the database charset is set on 'iso-5589-1' - so when the backup solution is detecting the database charset, some characters like € or é will result in "strange" ¬ / é - not really what you'll want.
I absolutely endorse using Joomlapack - it works great. The optional remote tools allow you to initiate the backup from a Windows desktop machine - it performs the backup and downloads it. The remote has a scheduler, and you can also set it off to backup and download a list of sites.
Joomlapack also provides a file "kickstart.php" which you copy to your empty server account along with the backup, which automates the restore procedure. You do have to create an empty database with PHPMyAdmin or similar, and you are given the opportunity to supply the database parameters (host, database, username, password) during the process.
One pitfall I did run into with this though is that some common components can have absolute URLs in their configuration - e.g. SOBI2, Virtuemart. It's then just a matter of finding the appropriate configuration file, editing it and re-uploading it.
Another problem was one archive file (either ZIP or their JPA format) got a filename with a "?" character in it (from a Linux server) and this caused a bit of a problem trying to install it locally on a Windows WAMP stack - the extract process on the ZIP file failed, and it stopped the process completing cleanly.
I suggest using automatic backup service by http://www.everlive.net
Ok, here is some more information. EverLive.net is a website where you can create a free account. Enter your website details and you are ready to take your backups withe just one click. Restore is also possible in the same way.
Further you can use automatic backup option to take automatic backups at defined intervals. Other than that, you can use the website health check service to inform you if your website is not available.