Sql out put which come into multiple row converted to single row - sql

This query give multiple row which needs to be shown in single row. Please help.
SELECT blng_serv_code, (COUNT (blng_serv_code)) AS total ,
DECODE (package_trx_yn, 'Y', 'PKG', 'N', 'NPKG') pkg_status FROM bl_patient_charges_folio
WHERE operating_facility_id = 'MC'
AND trx_date >= TO_DATE ('10/10/2019 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')AND blng_serv_code = 'LBSB000015'
GROUP BY blng_serv_code, package_trx_yn

If you want the value in a single row, leave out the package status:
SELECT blng_serv_code, COUNT(*) AS total
FROM bl_patient_charges_folio
WHERE operating_facility_id = 'MC' AND
trx_date >= DATE '2019-10-10' AND
blng_serv_code = 'LBSB000015'
GROUP BY blng_serv_code;
If you do want the package status, then you need to explain the logic for including it "on a single row".
It sounds like you want the values in separate columns:
SELECT blng_serv_code, COUNT(*) AS total,
SUM(CASE WHEN package_trx_yn = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as pkg_cnt,
SUM(CASE WHEN package_trx_yn = 'N' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as npkg_cnt
FROM bl_patient_charges_folio
WHERE operating_facility_id = 'MC' AND
trx_date >= DATE '2019-10-10' AND
blng_serv_code = 'LBSB000015'
GROUP BY blng_serv_code;


Combine 2 queries together

I am struggling to work out combining a query that should give me 3 columns of Month, total_sold_products and drinks_sold_products
Query 1:
Select month(date), count(id) as total_sold_products
from Products
where date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-12-31'
Query 2
Select month(date), count(id) as drinks_sold_products
from Products where type = 'drinks' and date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-12-31'
I tried the union function but it summed count(id) twice and gave me only 2 columns
Many thanks!
Union is for attaching sets of data on top of each other. You need conditional aggregation or a join. See below.
COUNT(*) AS total_sold_products,
COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'drinks' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS drinks_sold_products,
COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'drinks' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*)
'P') AS Percentage
FROM Products
WHERE date BETWEEN'2022-01-01' AND '2022-12-31'

compare two different date ranges sales in two columns

I want to compare two different date ranges sales in two columns.. I am using query below but its giving wrong sales.. please correct my query
select s1.Itm_cd,s1.Itm_Name,Sum(S1.amount),Sum(s2.amount)
from salestrans s1,salestrans s2
where s1.Itm_cd = S2.Itm_cd
and S1.Tran_dt between '20181101' and'20181130'
and S2.Tran_dt between '20171101' and '20171130'
group by s1.Itm_cd,s1.Itm_Name
Order by s1.Itm_cd
I suspect that you want conditional aggregation here:
WITH cte AS (
SUM(CASE WHEN s1.Tran_dt BETWEEN '20181101' AND '20181130'
THEN s1.amount ELSE 0 END) AS sum_2018,
SUM(CASE WHEN s1.Tran_dt BETWEEN '20171101' AND '20171130'
THEN s1.amount ELSE 0 END) AS sum_2017
FROM salestrans s1
CASE WHEN COALESCE(sum_2017, 0) <> 0
THEN FORMAT(100.0 * (sum_2018 - sum_2017) / sum_2017, 'N', 'en-us')
ELSE 'NA' END AS growth_pct
FROM cte
Please try the following
select s1.Itm_cd,s1.Itm_Name,Sum(S1.amount),Sum(s2.amount)
from salestrans s1,salestrans s2
where s1.Itm_cd = S2.Itm_cd
and Convert(Varchar(10),S1.Tran_dt,112) between '20181101' and'20181130'
and Convert(Varchar(10),S2.Tran_dt,112) between '20171101' and '20171130'
group by s1.Itm_cd,s1.Itm_Name
Order by s1.Itm_cd
Here the logic is that in right side while comparision you are providing only date and not any separator and time. The same way should be applied to the column in left side for comparision.
if(Convert(Varchar(10), getdate(),112) = '20181224')
print 'Matched'
print 'Not Matched'
if(getdate() = '20181224')
print 'Matched'
print 'Not Matched'
Here the output is Matched for first and Not Matched because in first case both side same format has been taken for comparison.

sqlite select: grouping in one line, 12 entries

I have a table with fields:
Client_ID, Date, Value
where there is an entry for each of the 12 months of a year (i.e., 12 entries for each client).
I would like to create a table with just one row per Client_ID that contains all the values from each months. Something like:
Client_ID, Date_January, Value_January, Date_February, Value_February, ........, Date_December, Value_December
Can anyone help me with the query?
This is what I'm trying to do (not working...):
case when ((strftime('%m', Date) = '01')) then
Date as Date_January,
Value as Value_January,
else null end
case when ((strftime('%m', Date) = '01')) then
Date as Date_February,
Value as Value_February,
else null end
from Test_Table
strftime('%Y', Date) = '2013'
First you need to untangle your case constructs as they generate a single value. Use:
when ((strftime('%m', Date) = '01')) then Date
else null
end as Date_January,
case when ((strftime('%m', Date) = '01')) then Value
else null
end as Value_January,
Then, if you want one row per client, use GROUP BY ClientID.
The third issue is how to aggregate all the Date_January columns into one row. If you really know that there is exactly one row per month per client, you can use MAX() knowing that the not null value will be higher than the NULL values:
when ((strftime('%m', Date) = '01')) then Date
else null
end) as Date_January,
MAX(case when ((strftime('%m', Date) = '01')) then Value
else null
end) as Value_January,
when ((strftime('%m', Date) = '02')) then Date
else null
end) as Date_February,
MAX(case when ((strftime('%m', Date) = '02')) then Value
else null
end) as Value_February,
from Test_Table
strftime('%Y', Date) = '2013'
group by Client_Id;

Having trouble with a query in SQL Server

Let's say I've got a SQL Server table that logs user activity. Let's say it has user ID, user name, activity date, and activity type columns. I want to print out a list of all user activity, with one row for each month of activity, and a column for each activity type summing up the number of times that activity occurred in that month. I'm trying to do this with the following query:
CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), activity_date, 120),
SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'Log In' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'Save Document' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'Create Document' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
FROM UserActivity
WHERE DATE BETWEEN '11-1-2010 00:00:00' AND '12-31-2010 23:59:59'
GROUP BY user_id, user_name, CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), activity_date, 120)
The problem is, this query is essentially giving me a separate row for each activity--lots and lots of rows, no counting. I think that the problem is with the way I'm doing the dates, because if I change the query to not select the date, I get a table that looks "mostly correct."
Any thoughts?
You can't have a SUM without a GROUP BY, at least not with other non-aggregates in the SELECT. Do your GROUP BY clause properly.
CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), activity_date, 120),
SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'Log In' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'Save Document' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'Create Document' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
FROM UserActivity
WHERE DATE BETWEEN '11-1-2010 00:00:00' AND '12-31-2010 23:59:59'
GROUP BY user_id,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), activity_date, 120)
For what it's worth, for date ranges, I prefer to use
WHERE DATE >= '20101101'
AND DATE < '20110101'
I'm sure losing a few records with a timestamp of '12-31-2010 23:59:59.997' won't matter, but it's just more logically correct to use a < next_date test. And to be pedantic, the format YYYYMMDD is the most robust regardless of regional/language/dateformat settings.

Mysql - Improving consultation query in 'group by'

I have a query with 'group by':
SELECT date_audience,
Sum( If( quality_apuration = '1', 1, 0 ) ) AS very_good,
Sum( If( quality_apuration = '2', 1, 0 ) ) AS good,
Sum( If( quality_apuration = '3', 1, 0 ) ) AS bad,
Sum( If( quality_apuration = '4', 1, 0 ) ) AS no_apuration,
Count(quality_apuration) AS total
FROM pp_base
WHERE date_audience >= '2011-01-01' AND date_audience <= '2011-02-28'
GROUP BY date_audience ORDER BY date_audience ASC
Where to return the following result (or see http://jsbin.com/imuru5/):
As the table X has foreign key to another table Y, eventually someone will ask to include one more item in the table Y, for example: 'exccelent', 'regular', etc. And I will also have to adjust the schedule as php $query[0]['very_good'], $query[0]['good'], $query[0]['bad'], etc, adding among other items, spending more time .
Does anyone have any idea how I can improve this query, in order to automate the results?
Thanks, Vinicius.
I can see two options.
1) Dealing with it in the application. The following query will perform neccesary aggregation in the database and return 4 rows for each date_audience (one for each value of quality_apuration).
select date_audience
from pp_base
where date_audience >= date '2011-01-01'
and date_audience <= date '2011-02-28'
by date_audience
by date_audience
This is preferred when you expect changes to the quality_apuration values.
2) Dealing with it in the database. You could define a view like the following:
create or replace view pp_view as
select date_audience
,sum(case when quality_apuration = '1' then 1 else 0 end) as very_good
,sum(case when quality_apuration = '2' then 1 else 0 end) as good
,sum(case when quality_apuration = '3' then 1 else 0 end) as bad
,sum(case when quality_apuration = '4' then 1 else 0 end) as no_apuration
,count(quality_apuration) as total
from pp_base
by date_audience;
...from the application you would then select as follows:
select ...
from pp_view
where date_audience >= date '2011-01-01'
and date_audience <= date '2011-02-28'
by date_audience;
Of course, whenever you add another value for quality_apuration, you would have to modify the view definition. Still, it's better than modifying all queries.