using sum with relation Laravel Eloquent ORM - sql

i have Model Material which has
protected $with = ['costPrices'];
public function costPrices(){
return $this->hasMany(CostPrice::class);
the table of cost_prices has multiple quantity
Schema::create('cost_prices', function (Blueprint $table) {
i want to get (insufficient materials ) in another way select all materials form materials table where sum of all quantities of cost_prices table < 3 and get me the resulted materials not the count

You have 2 options:
You could fix your option with whereHas() by adding select and groupBy:
$materials = Material
::whereHas('costPrices', function($q) {
->havingRaw('SUM(quantity) > 4');
Or use subquery:
For laravel 6.x:
$materials = Material
'cost_prices_sum' => CostPrice::selectRaw('sum(quantity)')->whereColumn('material_id', '')
->having('cost_prices_sum', '>', 4)
For laravel 5.x:
$materials = Material
::selectRaw('carts.*, (select sum(quantity) from cost_prices where cost_prices.matrerial_id = as cost_prices_sum')
->having('cost_prices_sum', '>', 4)
UPDATE: option with whereHas() is faster on a large number of rows.


Covert SQL to Laravel Query Builder

I'm a beginner regarding Laravel Query Builder, can you guys help me convert this SQL to Query Builder
public function check_available_room(Request $request, $checkin_date)
$available_rooms = DB::SELECT("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT room_id FROM bookings WHERE '$checkin_date' BETWEEN checkin_date AND checkout_date)");
Book model
function rooms() {
return $this->belongsTo(Room::class, 'room_id');
Room model
public function bookings() {
return $this->hasMany(Booking::class);
Thank you so much
Here is a solution if you have your models and relations in place
$availableRooms = Room::whereDoesntHave('bookings', function($bookingQuery) use ($checkin_date) {
$bookingQuery->where('checkin_date', '<', $checkin_date)
->where('checkout_date', '>=', $checkin_date);
$unavailable_room_ids = Booking::where('checkin_date', '<', $checkin_date)
->where('checkout_date', '>=', $checkin_date)
$available_rooms = Room::whereNotIn('id', $unavailable_room_ids)->get();

Laravel sum nested relationship column

I tried sum nested related column but get empty result.
$data = CropType::with(['categories' => function($cq) {
return $cq->with(['varieties' => function($vq) {
return $vq->with(['products' => function($pq) {
return $pq->sum('total');
As you can see, I have 4 tables that are interconnected with foreign keys
Table: crop_types
Table: categories
Table: varieties
Table: products
But when I run my query it's run as like this instead summing total products:
"select * from crop_types"
How I can correctly sum total products in each crop type?
Try this query to get total products in each crop type:
crop_types.title AS title,
sum( AS total
FROM `products`
INNER JOIN `varieties`
ON `varieties`.`id` = `products`.`variety_id`
INNER JOIN `categories`
ON `categories`.`id` = `varieties`.`category_id`
INNER JOIN `crop_types`
ON `crop_types`.`id` = `categories`.`crop_type_id`
GROUP BY `crop_types`.`id`
Laravel Eloquent
$result = Product::query()
->selectRaw(', crop_types.title as title, sum( as total')

multiple joins with the same table in eloquent

Is there some elegant way to write the following query in eloquent? I would like to avoid using the raw query:
results(id, data)
result_filters (id, result_id, filter_id, value)
SELECT * FROM results, result_filters as age, result_filters as followers
WHERE age.result_id =
AND followers.result_id =
AND age.filter_id = 2
AND age.value > 90
AND followers.filter_id = 6
AND followers.value < 10000
If you are using the laravel eloquent
your model relation could be like
model Result:
public function resultFilters()
return $this->hasMany('App\ResultFilter');
model ResultFilter:
public function result()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Result','result_id');
try the below code:
$result = Result::find(1);
$data = $result->resultFilter()
What do you think? It's uses DB::raw but it works
$data = DB::table(DB::raw("results, result_filters as age, result_filters as followers "))
->select(DB::raw("* "))
->where('age.result_id', '')
->where('followers.result_id', '')
->where('age.filter_id', 2)
->where('age.value', '<', 90)

Doctrine QueryBuilder multiple distinct

I would like to restrict results with DISTINCT on two columns using doctrine ORM
My function is like this :
public function findFdvLinkedToPdv($pointVenteCodes){
$queryBuilder =
->leftJoin('r.forceVente', 'forceVente')
->leftJoin('r.pointVente', 'pointVente')
->leftJoin('r.signature', 'signature')
->leftJoin('signature.affaire', 'affaire')
->andWhere('pointVente.code IN (:pointvente_codes)')
->orderBy('forceVente.matricule', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('pointVente.code', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('affaire.code', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('r.type', 'ASC')
->setParameters(array('pointvente_codes' => $pointVenteCodes,))
'forceVente.matricule AS forcevente_matricule',
'pointVente.code AS pointvente_code',
'affaire.code AS affaire_code',
' AS id',
'r.profil AS profil',
'r.type AS type',
'forceVente.nom AS nom',
'forceVente.prenom AS prenom',
' AS email',
'r.deletedAt AS deletedAt'));
return $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
For each forcevente.matricule and each pointVente.code , I have from 2 to 6 rows. I would like to get one row for each couple forcevente.matricule/pointVente.code I have to do a distinct on both columns, but when I try :
'DISTINCT forceVente.matricule AS forcevente_matricule',
'DISTINCT pointVente.code AS pointvente_code',
'affaire.code AS affaire_code', etc ...
I have a doctrine error ...
I do this in PHP after executing the request to filter the results...
$linkedForceVentes2 = array();
foreach ($linkedForceVentes as $item) {
if (!isset($linkedForceVentes2[$item['pointvente_code']][$item['forcevente_matricule']])){
$linkedForceVentes2[$item['pointvente_code']][$item['forcevente_matricule']] = $item;
I finaly resolved it with a groupBy :
->groupBy('forcevente_matricule', 'pointvente_code', 'type' , 'affaire_code');
Just after the select statement.

How to select items by providing where clause in pivot

This is my code looks like right now :
$result = Category::with(array(
"getProducts.getAttributes" => function($query) use($_temp){
if($_temp != null){
->where('id','=', $category_id)
Yet, It only filters the getProducts.getAttributes items not the 'getProducts' itself. Is there a way that I can get the Products by attributes?
Note: I am using Laravel 3