I ran into an interesting situation with a NUMBER field.
Here is a simplified example.
When I select a particular field have happens to be 29 characters long, it works just fine.
from table;
In the report where this query is being used, the query does not return headers (this is an eText type XML publisher report). But when I run the query with a UNION, selecting the header names, I get an invalid identifier error.
ORA-00904: "LINE_RECEIPT_AMNT_AT_COST_USD": invalid identifier
The max length of a field name in Oracle DB is 30 chars. Am I hitting this limitation? I think not as this, for example:
ORA-00972: identifier is too long
What is wrong with the UNION?
Single quotes do not work either. This is a NUMBER field.
ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression
The problem is with the double quotes
Oracle SQL allows us to ignore the case of database object names provided we either create them with names all in upper case, or without using double quotes. If we use mixed case or lower case in the script and wrapped the identifiers in double quotes we are condemned to using double quotes and the precise case whenever we refer to the object or its attributes:
Instead use single quotes which essentially works and will give you the result you want
#Standin answer lead me to solution.
Because the selected field is a number, just need to cast is as a char - along with the single quotes.
I know this is very bad naming practice, but I am not the owner of the table...
I need to run :
where COL_"NAME" is the name of the column, containing double quotes.
I tried :
But nothing works
Identifier Requirements:
To use the double quote character inside a quoted identifier, use two quotes.
To access column: COL_"NAME"
I am trying to display the username, last name, join date and country name for all the users who joined after the 13th January 2017 in ascending order. However each time I try to call any column, I get the error message "Column: Invalid Identifier".
SELECT Username, LastName, JoinDate, CountryName
WHERE JoinDate = '01-JAN-17' AND JoinDate IS NOT NULL
Here is an image of how the BR_USER table is created.
Simple codes like:
Gives the same invalid identifier error, help
As the documentation explains:
Every database object has a name. In a SQL statement, you represent the name of an object with a quoted identifier or a nonquoted identifier.
A quoted identifier begins and ends with double quotation marks ("). If you name a schema object using a quoted identifier, then you must use the double quotation marks whenever you refer to that object.
If you define a column name with double quotes, you are condemned to using the double quotes whenever your reference that column. Or table or anything else with a name.
Actually, I don't think the documentation is 100% correct. Oracle uppercases all identifiers for resolution. So, if you define a quoted identifier with all upper case, then it will work without quotes. So this works:
create table t (
"COL" int
select "COL", COL, col
from t;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
But who wants to remember such rules -- rules so arcane and complex that the documentation is even misleading.
Simple solution: Don't use double quotes.
I am having an issue that I haven't found an answer to. I wrote an SQL Query to generate a report that runs fine and outputs mostly numeric fields. The issue I'm running into is that we are putting it into a program that emails out files and it can only email out a .csv that does not include the header rows.
Is there a way to input the headers into the data? I've found a few solutions on here that didn't work for me. It seems like no matter what I do I get a data type error. This is all on an Oracle Database, the program we are using to send data out is called IQAlert, it's part of IQMS which is a manufacturing/erp system.
So far I've tried casting the headers as a number of numerical fields, a number of other solutions I found on here and other places on the internet such as changing to titles to varchar. The error I'm currently getting is
"ORA-01790: expression must have the same datatype as corresponding
Here is an extremely parsed down sample of the code. Adding the title "itemno' works fine because that field is text, when I try to add the header to onhand I get the data type error referenced above.
select 'itemno' as itemno, 'OnHand' as OnHand
from iqms.arinvt
select arinvt.itemno, arinvt.onhand
from iqms.arinvt
where itemno='10-00000000'
According to the documentation regarding The UNION [ALL], INTERSECT, MINUS Operators
You can combine multiple queries using the set operators UNION, UNION
ALL, INTERSECT, and MINUS. All set operators have equal precedence. If
a SQL statement contains multiple set operators, then Oracle Database
evaluates them from the left to right unless parentheses explicitly
specify another order.
The corresponding expressions in the select lists of the component
queries of a compound query must match in number and must be in the
same data type group (such as numeric or character).
If component queries select character data, then the data type of the
return values are determined as follows:
If both queries select values of data type CHAR of equal length, then
the returned values have data type CHAR of that length. If the queries
select values of CHAR with different lengths, then the returned value
is VARCHAR2 with the length of the larger CHAR value.
If either or both of the queries select values of data type VARCHAR2,
then the returned values have data type VARCHAR2.
If component queries select numeric data, then the data type of the
return values is determined by numeric precedence:
If any query selects values of type BINARY_DOUBLE, then the returned
values have data type BINARY_DOUBLE.
If no query selects values of type BINARY_DOUBLE but any query selects
values of type BINARY_FLOAT, then the returned values have data type
If all queries select values of type NUMBER, then the returned values
have data type NUMBER.
In queries using set operators, Oracle does not perform implicit
conversion across data type groups. Therefore, if the corresponding
expressions of component queries resolve to both character data and
numeric data, Oracle returns an error.
In short: in a query using one of the SET operators, for example like this:
where x is of numeric datatype, and yis of character datatype (or vice versa), then Oracle does not perform implicit conversion across data type groups and returns an error
Two simple examples:
SELECT 1 as X FROM dual
SELECT 'John' as Y FROM dual
ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression
SELECT 'John' as X FROM dual
SELECT 123 as Y FROM dual;
ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression
Because Oracle does not perform implicit conversion, you must do an explicit conversion of one datatype to another datatype, the easiest one is to convert numbers to strings using TO_CHAR conversion function, like in this example:
SELECT 'John' as X FROM dual
SELECT to_char(123) as Y FROM dual;
Maybe this will help. The first number is just sequence, the ROWNUM or ROW_NUMBER() can be used instead. The rest of numbers is simulated values:
SELECT itemno, onhand FROM
select 1 row_seq, NULL itemno, to_number(null) onhand from dual
union all
select 2, '5', 6 from dual
union all
select 3, '7', 8 from dual
WHERE row_seq > 1
5 6
7 8
What's wrong with my sql in oracle? There are some data in my table,I select all of them and I can get them.but I can not search them if I add a condition.When did I add single or double quotation marks in my sql?Now I find that when I write some search statement,I must add single quotation marks.And when I write some insert statement,I must add double quotation marks.Or my sql will run bad.How to judge when should I use the different quotation in my sql?
select * from T_STUDENT
and the result is:
sex(varchar2) phone(varchar2) birthtime(timestamp)
1 13553812147 2016-06-03 16:02:00.799 **
When I add a search condition,but the result is null.
select * from T_STUDENT where phone='13553812147'
select * from T_STUDENT where PHONE='13553812147'
//run well but result is null
select * from T_STUDENT where 'phone'='13553812147'
And the same question I meet in the insert statement.
insert into T_STUDENT (sex,phone,birthtime) values('1','12345645454','2016-06-04 16:02:00.799')
//error:ORA-000928 missing select keyword
insert into T_STUDENT ('sex','phone','birthtime') values('1','12345645454','2016-06-04 16:02:00.799')
//run well but must add double quotation marks
insert into T_STUDENT ("sex","phone","birthtime") values('1','12345645454','2016-06-04 16:02:00.799')
This is because your table was defined using double quotes around the column names:
create table t_student
( "sex" varchar2(1)
, "phone" varchar2(30)
, "birthtime" timestamp
Using double quotes makes the names case-sensitive and so for ever after they must be referenced in double quotes, since by default Oracle is nicely case-insensitive. For this reason you should never use double quotes when creating tables, views etc.
I've had the chance to look at this and Tony Andrews' answer is correct, you actually get invalid identifier as error message when you type an invalid column, which includes a case mismatch, though the error message will mention the exact identifier:
SQL> select * from T_STUDENT where phone='13553812147';
select * from T_STUDENT where phone='13553812147'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "PHONE": invalid identifier
SQL> select * from T_STUDENT where funny_bunny='13553812147';
select * from T_STUDENT where funny_bunny='13553812147'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "FUNNY_BUNNY": invalid identifier
The only thing missing from his answer is that Oracle will always make an internal cast to uppercase for any unquoted identifier, as the full error message illustrates. That's why phone='13553812147' won't match a column defined as "phone" (but "phone"='13553812147' will do).
Last but not least, single quotes define plain strings rather than object names so when you do this:
select * from T_STUDENT where 'phone'='13553812147'
... you aren't filtering by phone column at all. Instead, you have a constant condition that's always false (text "phone" equals text "13553812147").
I have a table called project-users and want to write a SQL query like SELECT * FROM project-users I get this error ERROR: syntax error at or near "-".
I cannot change the table name at this point.
According to http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html, you should use double quotes.
In your case, for PostgreSQL the query should be:
SELECT * FROM "project-users";
It is good practice to avoid the use of characters that need escaping or that contain spaces in identifiers.