Traefik 2.0 redirect - traefik

I would like to create a traefik v2 config file which redirects http://localhost:80 traffic to
defaultEntryPoints = ["http"]
address = ":80"
scheme = "http"
port = "8080"
No dockers whatsoever.

That worked:
defaultEntryPoints = ["http"]
## Static configuration
address = ":80"
filename = "dynamic_conf.toml"
watch = true
And dynamic_conf.toml:
## Dynamic configuration
# By default, routers listen to every entry points
rule = "Host(`localhost`)"
service = "my-service"
passHostHeader = false
url = ""
It had to be called with full url, like: http://localhost/index.html


How to implement Traefik non-docker multiple domain forwarding

I'd like to be able to use Traefik to forward traffic for a domain with subfolders to a docker container on a diff hosts. Also, I'd like to be able to use multiple separate domains.
I'm unable to find instructions or a guide to do that exactly. Can anyone give me pointers please?
This is what I have so far.
### traefik.toml
defaultEntryPoints = ["https","http"]
entryPoint = "traefik"
dashboard = true
address = ":80"
entryPoint = "https"
address = ":443"
minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
cipherSuites = [
address = ":8080"
users = ["admin:{SHA}123="]
email = ""
storage = "/etc/traefik/acme/acme.json"
onHostRule = false
acmeLogging = true
caServer = ""
entryPoint = "https"
provider = "cloudflare"
delayBeforeCheck = 0
main = "*"
main = "*"
endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
domain = "{{ DOMAIN }}"
watch = true
exposedbydefault = false
url = ""
url = ""
backend = "backend1"
rule = ""
backend = "backend2"
rule = "; PathPrefix: /app"

Redirect Multiple Domains to external URLs in Traefik

After reading the github issues related to this with a bunch of loose snippets, It's still completely unclear how to write simple 301 redirects in Traefik as I used to do in nginx like this:
return 301
The plan is: redirect any request in http-scheme to https (same domain), regardless whether the domain exists or not like in nginx default host on port 80 with redirect 301 https://$host.
Then, matching the https-Host, return a redirect code with the new Location: - Header.
My base traefik.toml is:
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]
address = ":80"
entryPoint = "https"
address = ":443"
minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
email = ""
storage = "/etc/traefik/acme/acme.json"
entryPoint = "https"
onHostRule = true
entryPoint = "http"
directory = "/etc/traefik/conf/"
watch = true
Now, how does a file in conf/ must look like to adopt the above nginx redirect? It's about ~300 domains which are hosted at another place, so no backend needed, and it must not be 302/rewrites to be SEO-conform.
This pr seems to be near to what I want, but there's no documentation how to use it.

Traefik frontend redirects doesn't work

Hey i am trying catch all request to an Subdomain, with no matching rool and redirect them to https://localhost:8000 without subdomain and suburl. But there is no redirect, i just get the response from the backend.
entryPoints = ["https"]
priority = 1
backend = "homeRedirect"
rule = "PathPrefix:/"
SSLRedirect = true
regex = "(.*)"
replacement = "https://localhost:8000"
url = "http://frontend:80"
Is there something wrong with my file?
In this case, a redirect on the entry point is more appropriate:
address = ":80"
regex = "^http://subdomain.mydomain/(.*)"
replacement = "http://myotherdomain/$1"
localhost inside the Traefik container is the container not the real machine.

Is HTTP to HTTPS redirection configurable per frontend in the Træfik File backend?

According to, it should be possible to redirect selectively per frontend. Is this available in the File backend?
I tried adding the following, but it didn't work:
SSLRedirect = true
The option SSLRedirect = true always redirect on 443.
If you want to redirect to an entry point without using 443 port use entryPoint = "https"
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]
address = ":80"
entryPoint = "https"
address = ":443"
certFile = "examples/traefik.crt"
keyFile = "examples/traefik.key"
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]
address = ":80"
# ...
address = ":443"
# ...
backend = "backend1"
entryPoint = "https"
# ...

Traeffik does not map incoming 443 to port 80 internally

Our problem is that traffic from the https entrypoint is (probably) forwarded to the backend with the wrong port. Accessing the http entrypoint works as expected: the traffic is loadbalanced between server 1 2 3. when using the https entrypoint, we get a 404 page not found. The TLS is all good, the connection is secure, but it looks like traefik does not change the port for the backend server to :80.
We do let's encrypt via traefik and this looks good.
Here's how we start traffic:
docker run -d -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -v /home/pi/lbtest/traefik/traefik.toml:/traefik.toml -v /home/pi/lbtest/traefik/acme.json:/acme.json traefik
And this is our traefik.toml
debug = true
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]
address = ":80"
address = ":443"
backend = "lbtest"
rule = ""
url = ""
url = ""
url= ""
email = ""
storageFile = "acme.json"
acmeLogging = true
entryPoint = "https"
onHostRule = true
entryPoint = "http"
main = ""
Why does work - it loadbalances between server 1 2 3 - but not for Any ideas?
It's problem with the field defaultEntryPoints in your configuration:
debug = true
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"] # <-- move the field here
address = ":80"
address = ":443"
backend = "lbtest"
rule = ""
url = ""
url = ""
url= ""
email = ""
storageFile = "acme.json"
acmeLogging = true
entryPoint = "https"
onHostRule = true
entryPoint = "http"
main = ""
I recommend to write your configuration like that:
debug = true
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]
address = ":80"
address = ":443"
email = ""
storageFile = "acme.json"
acmeLogging = true
entryPoint = "https"
onHostRule = true
entryPoint = "http"
main = ""
backend = "lbtest"
rule = ""
url = ""
url = ""
url= ""