ITMS-90809 Deprecated API Usage (UIWebView) - react-native

I'm currently getting the error in the subject line. I'm currently using RN 0.61.2. I'm using a bare React Native project but I had to install some expo dependencies in order to implement the "Sign In with Apple" button via expo-apple-authentication and I think that's what might be causing the issue.
The "Sign In with Apple" button works as expected in my ios emulator but I get an email with this error when I upload the app to App Store Connect. The following github issue thread is a close match to my issue:
The following post recommends adding a post_install hook to remove UIWebView and has a lot of upvotes but the path mentioned in the post doesn't exist on my system so this post_install hook doesn't work for me:
The following post in the github issue thread also has a lot of upvotes:
However, App Store Connect still returns the same error for the uploaded app after I execute this command. Any recommendations on what I can try at this point in order to get my app successfully uploaded to App Store Connect?


Expo: Remove iPad support on non published app

I'm completely new to React Native, Expo and App development in general.
I'm building a React Native app solely for iOS using Expo. I've finally managed to finish a version I'm happy with, tested with users etc. I've now been spending time adding all the required screenshots, text, info etc to App Store Connect in order to submit the app. While doing that, I learned that iPad app screenshots was mandatory, which I found weird.
I later found that I had "supportsTablet: true" in my App.json file, so it makes sense that it's expecting iPad pictures. After changing this and making a new build and submitting that, it's still a requirement.
After Google a bit I can see that it has been impossible to change this:
Removing iPad support from app
iOS App Submission : remove iPad support
iOS App Submission want to remove iPad support
This led me down the road of trying to upload the app as a new submission. I can't get this to work though. According to this documentation:
I should change bundle identifier and upload again. Changing this in app.json under expo.ios.bundleIdentifier doesn't work though, as I just get an error that I've already uploaded this app previously.
What are the steps I should do to reupload the app as a new submission, so that I can not support iPad?
In order to upload a new version, you must increase the version and the build number. You can find this if you open the project in Xcode under the General tab and the Identity section. In the same tab, you will see the Deployment Info section where you can untick the iPad. Check the picture attached.

React Native iOS No Bundle URL present but only when using a real device

I am trying to build a project that we have previously built many times on a real device through xcode but not it throws a No Bundle URL present error the moment the app boots.
I have tried updating the app, rebooting and updating the info.plist file but nothing seems to change it.
Other apps are booting fine.
I have my info and the error below.
Error Screen
Check whether you are running correct Project. Clean you build folder and then Run .
Seems like this is a common issue for some. I'd suggest checking out this thread with others that had a similar issue - What is the meaning of 'No bundle URL present' in react-native?

Add push notifications to react native application

I have an issue when i try to add push notifications to my app.
when i see the documentation: documentation , it tells me to add some code to android/build.gradle, android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and others which i don't have in my application .
I am using Expo so i don't have a folder for android and another for Ios
You are currently using Expo managed workflow. You can read more about it here.
But that is why you cannot find those files you are looking for.
To help with your issue, I did find this,
I tested the snack and it works. So you will have to figure out your trigger for the notification.
However I am not sure if you will be able to send the notification when the app is closed, so you will have to figure that out if needed.

Fabric issue App not showing after following instruction

I have carefully followed the instruction from fabric ( to install crashlytics in my app. However I cannot select my app after the instruction since my app is not showing. I have tried most of the solution that has been given in this question here (Crashlytics in iOS won't proceed past "Build Your Project" in Fabric app)
But I still failed to get my app in fabric.
I am using react native to develop my app and using Xcode Version 10.2.1
Fabric/Firebaser here - If you've gone through all the necessary instructions, try cleaning your project first before building and running again to try to get your app up on your dashboard. And if you haven't seen it, here are some instructions specifically for setting up react native apps with Crashlytics: And make sure that if you haven't, set the Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM file for both debug and release as specified in that SO post you linked.
You can also see more debug information about Fabric if you set Fabric to debug mode in your initialization statement: Check to see if the settings requests are being made to Fabric or if there is anything unusual.
If you're still having trouble, reach out to support(at)fabric(dot)io with your app's bundle ID and support will be able to help you out more.

Publishing React Native application using expo

I am trying to publish my application on iphone using expo client. When I send the link from my mackbook to iphone. I got an error saying "There was a problem loading the requested app. It looks like you may be using the LAN URL. make sure your device is on the same network as the server or try using a tunnel." I am on the same network. I checked the network twice. These are the steps that I followed 1) I started the application by giving the command in terminal window saying "npm start". 2) I choose the option "s" and then I was prompted to enter my iphone #. I entered the phone number and as soon as I did that, I got the text message on my phone saying "exp://10.21... . I clicked on this link and started getting the error message "There was a problem loading the requested app. It looks like you may be using the LAN URL. make sure your device is on the same network as the server or try using a tunnel." When I choose the option i. Option"i" is to run the application on emulator. I can successfully run the application on emulator, but when I send the link to my iphone, it does not work.
any help will be greatly appreciated.
I downloaded expo xde and that compiled my project and send the permanent link to my iphone and android and it worked well. Directly doing npm start does not send the right link because of some tunneling issues.I downloaed expo XDE from this link:
Expo XDE