How to include information about iotEdge capability in device created event in IoT Hub? - azure-iot-hub

I am wondering if it is possible to include information if device is an edge device in Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated event data? I receive those events for both type of devices but I am not able to distinguish them and say oh yeah this one is an edge device.
I can see that device twin which I receive is a little bit different than the one I can see in portal. In portal twin contains information about capabilities which say iotEdge: true for edge and false for directly connected devices.

Basically, there are two ways to handle this issue:
The subscriber event handler (EventGridTrigger function) will pull up the full device twins info like you can see on the portal.
Using the Bulk Create or Update REST API call for creating devices with an additional information in the tags. I do recommend this way and based on my answer here, the following is an example of the payload POST:
As you can see, the capabilities property has been added in the tags. Basically, you can initialized any device twins properties included a reported property.
The Azure IoT Hub Notification to the AEG is almost immediately and the following screen snippet shows an example of the event message:
and the azure portal screen:


How to access SAP OData messages in Kapsel offline app?

We are developing an SAP Fiori App to be used on the Launchpad and as an offline-enabled hybrid app as well using the SAP SDK and its Kapsel Plug Ins. One issue we are facing at the moment is the ODATA message handling.
On the Gateway, we are using the Message Manager to add additional information to the response
" ABAP snippet, random Gateway entity method
DATA(lo_message_container) = me->mo_context->get_message_container( ).
iv_msg_type = /iwbep/cl_cos_logger=>warning
iv_msg_number = '123'
iv_msg_id = 'ZFOO'
" optional, only used for 'true' errors
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception
message_container = lo_message_container.
In the Fiori app, we can directly access those data from the message manager. The data can be applied to a MessageView control.
// Fiori part (Desktop, online)
var aMessageData = sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().getMessageModel().getData();
However, our offline app always has an empty message model. After a sync or flush, the message model is always empty - even after triggering message generating methods in the backend.
The only way to get some kind of messages is to raise a /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception and pass the message container. The messages can be found, in an unparsed state, in the /ErrorArchive entity and be read for further use.
// Hybrid App part, offline, after sync and flush
this.getModel().read("/ErrorArchive", { success: .... })
This approach limits us to negative, "exception worthy", messages only. We also have to code some parts of our app twice (Desktop vs. Offlne App).
So: Is there a "proper" to access those messages after an offline sync and flush?
For analyzing the issue, you might use the tool ILOData as seen in this blog:
Step by Step with the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android — Part 6c — Using ILOData
Note, ILOData is part of the Kapsel SDK, so while the blog above was part of a series on the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android, it also applies to Kapsel apps.
ILOData is a command line based tool that lets you execute OData requests and queries against an offline store.
It functions as an offline OData client, without the need for an application.
Therefore, it’s a good tool to use to test data from the backend system, as well as verify app behavior.
If a client has a problem with some entries on their device, the offline store from the device can be retrieved using the sendStore method and then ILOData can be used to query the database.
This blog about Kapsel Offline OData plugin might also be helpful.

IoT Hub route query does not match on message body

I'm facing some issues with filtering on message body in the Azure IoT Hub. Is this still not supported? The tests go through, but when I try real messages from the device everything is hitting the fallback and not the intended route.¨
In other words:
//this is working when adding property to message in the device code
temperature > 30
//this is not working when message contains json object without using any properties
$body.temperature > 30
Do we still need to use the message properties?
This feature (such as a filtering on the $body) requires setup the following message system properties:
message.ContentType = "application/json";
message.ContentEncoding = "utf-8";
See more details here.

DeviceClient.GetTwinAsync() returns null?

I've created an IotHub, added a device, created a UWP app which uses the DeviceClient to successfully connect to the hub.
I can send telemetry as expected, and see the results in the Device Explorer.
However, when I try to fetch the device twin, I'm returned a null.
var deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(deviceConnectionString, TransportType.Amqp);
var twin = await deviceClient.GetTwinAsync(); // <<<< returns null
Are there any common scenarios that might cause this? Such as creating the IoTHub & device before Twin's were released. Or, not having set any desired properties before hand? Or, using the wrong shared access key? (etc.)
SOLUTION: Twin capabilities requires the MQTT protocol, I was using AMQP.
I'm sure there is a mention of this buried somewhere, but after spinning on this for hours I can safely say it wasn't obvious.
On a more practical note: it would probably be helpful to throw an exception in the GetTwinAsync() method, if it is called on a connection that is not capable of supporting Twin.
Hopefully this post will help the next person.

Leave a conversation with Skype Web SDK on page reload

We're building a web application using the Skype Web SDK ( We use both the audio and the IM capability to get connected to other parties.
Currently we're facing the following problem: If our application is in a conversation with another party (e. g. with a Skype for Business desktop client) and the user leaves or reloads the page, the other party doesn't get notified about the left user.
For audio conversations the result is the following: The other party is still in the call and the only indication of the leaving is that the other party can't hear anything.
For IM conversations the result is the following: If the other party sends an IM in this conversation it gets the notification that the message couldn't be delivered.
We've tried to leave the conversation before the unload of the page using the onbeforeunload event. The callback is executed both in IE 11 and Chrome, but only in Chrome the user actually leaves the conversation (tested with IM conversation since audio/video is not supported in Chrome).
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
// conversation is the conversation we're currently in
conversation.leave().then(function () {
Since we rely on the audio capability we're not able to simply switch to Chrome only. Is there any way to ensure that the conversations are cleaned up on page reload/leave in Internet Explorer?
The problem with what you are trying to do is that the (on)beforeunload event does not wait around for asynchronous methods to complete so you are not guaranteed that leave() will execute nor the inner action to remove the conversation from the conversationsManager. I would suggest an approach similar to the following question - onbeforeunload confirmation screen customization or beforeunload
What you want to do is put the user into a state where the need to interact with a dialog which may (but also not guaranteed) give enough cycles to leave the conversation. In your case it might look something like the following:
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
// track if a conversation is live
if (_inActiveConversation) {
// conversation is the conversation we're currently in
conversation.leave().then(function () {
var msg = 'Cleaning up active conversations...';
e.returnValue = msg;
return msg;
What you should also understand is that eventually the server side will remove that user from the conversation because the application is no longer processing incoming events. So the above is a best effort to clean up resources that will eventually be reclaimed.
You could also try to issuing a signOut request on the signInManager as that should allow the server to clean up resources related to that application on the server side.
window.onbeforeunload = function() {

How to know if a windows 8 device(laptop/tablet/desktop) is GPS capable

I am developing a Windows 8 Store app in xaml and it uses user's GPS location.IS there any way I can know programmatically if the device user is using has GPS capability ?
Unlike Windows phone it only works when there is internet connection ?
You need to check the status of the location sensor
var location = new Geolocator();
if(location.LocationStatus == PositionStatus.NotAvailable)
//Do Something
//Do Something else
Following article covers Geolocation topic really nicely
You should be able to check the sensor state.
NotSupported The sensor hardware is unavailable.
Ready The sensor is available and resolving data.
Initializing The sensor is available and initializing.
NoData The sensor is unable to obtain data.
NoPermissions The caller does not have permission to access the
sensor’s data.
Disabled The sensor is disabled.