Custom Model for Odoo Authentication - authentication

Please help me with my current problem.
I want to build an application that involves 2 different users namely, student and teacher. Each user should be able to log into the application.
I wanted to use the student and teacher models where username and password are stored for the authentication.
Currently, I don't know how to configure Odoo to look for the mentioned models for the authentication. I can't find any tutorials that could help me accomplish this even in the Odoo documentation.
Please help how to do this or provide advice if there is a better way of doing this. Thank you in advance.


Authentication in Oracle Apex app using Active Directory

I am currently working on an Oracle Apex(v21.1) project. I would like the users to authenticate based on their login informations of the Windows Active Directory of my company. This could help me to filter some report based on the user's group.
I don't understand much about the way to link an active directory with oracle apex, so that's why I am looking for someone with much more knowledge than me that could lead me to the right path.
I've already made some research on the subject, I've came across some topics talking about the Authentication Schema using LDAP Directory, but I'm not sure if this is the thing i'm looking for.
If you guys could help me or lead me to a detailed tutorial, i would be very grateful
Thank you in advance,
Did you try test ldap login?
I'm assuming you know your a/d host ip, port, DN String
If you enter these correctly, Test should success and you can mark it as "Current". React Native single use invite link

I am using Branch with the React Native SDK. I am trying to create a single use invite link scenario, i.e. one user has a link that they can share with one other person to allow that person to sign up to the app (or some other special privilege - similar to the original Monzo Golden Ticket). I can't find any way to do this with Branch/RN SDK out of the box. I just wanted to check if someone else is also doing something similar and if anyone has a solution that is all handled by Branch? I think what I am looking for is some way to expire a Branch link based on some event but I might be thinking about it all wrong. Would greatly appreciate any help.
Many thanks!
I can see that our team is following up on you via the ticket that you created for the same question. Please ask us via your ticket #00030056 if you have any further questions. Thanks!

WSO2 Api Manager Application for several users

Here is my problem : I'm tring to create an application which could be seen from the store by different users. I create the application "app1" with "user1" and i want "user2" to "join" the application "app1".
So is it possible to relate some users to an existing application ? If it is, can anyone explain me please because i don't see how to do it.
From API Manager 1.9.0 onwards there is a feature called application sharing. Your expectation can be achieved by that. Please refer this documentation.

Adding two-step authentication to DotNetNuke 7.x Login

We have recently been compelled by our Auditing department to add a secondary step to one of our DNN installations. The version we are on right now is 7.2.1.
Initially I thought setting the 'requiresQuestionAndAnswer' attribute to true in the web.config would solve my problem. However, the question and answer is not required for the Login, but only for the password reset and the registration.
Audit is requiring that it be part of the Login process itself.
Does version 7 or 8 of DNN (Community or Professional) have this kind of customization for the Login process? It does not have to be only Question & Answer, it could be a PIN or some other piece of data.
If not is there a 3rd party module that does? I have looked around, but haven't seen something that fits my needs exactly.
Thanks for any help or information you can give.
The only two factor type of authentication I have ever seen in DNN is home grown/brewed. Afraid you are most likely going to have to work with a developer to modify the login control to handle this for you.

JSF 2.0 authentication

I know there are a lot of other question about this topic but I haven't found the right solution for my case.
The landscape is like that:
Backend runs on a tomcat and provides some services. Amongst others there is UserService.login().
The Frontend (JSF 2.0, Spring 3, OpenFaces or Primefaces) which i should implement runs on a different tomcat. I need to implement the security level in the frontend. For sure I'm searching for the best framework (seam, spring security, jaas). And if you know a good tutorial it would be great if you let me know. i can send username/password to the backend and receive a User with id, username and role.
I found lots of tutorials, but i didn't get it work properly. Can anyone help me?
I probably can't explain the whole thing. But you can follow these links and should get you want you need.
First setup basic JSF-Spring Security application like in this link . Here the author did hard code the user details in the applicationContext itself for simplicity. But for your requirement you need to implement a custom UserDetailsService and which is the authentication provider where it loads the user details from the backend. You can take a look at this link.