How to compute svd gradient if we replace tf.svd() by np.linalg.svd() - tensorflow

tf.svd() function run slowly, i replace it with np.linalg.svd() by tf.py_func(). However, its gradient is None.
For example:
As to a matrix A, it is:
A = U*S*T
To compute U,S, T. We can use tf.svd() in tensowflow, which means:
S = f(A)
U = f(A)
T = f(A)
In tensorflow, we can compute S, U, T by:
S, U, T = tf.svd(A)
and get gradient.
gradient = tf.gradients(S,[A])
However, we replace tf.svd() with np.linalg.svd() by tf.py_func(). Because tf.svd() run very slowly. However, tf.gradients(S,[A]) return NoneType.
So how to compute tf.gradients(S,[A]) if we replace tf.svd() by np.linalg.svd().


How to compute batch-wise Jacobians using vmap in JAX?

I want to solve a 2D-differential equation using neural network and working with the JAX library. The neural network function I am using basically approximates the function u = f(x,y) and goes something like this:
def f(params, inputs_x, inputs_y):
inputs = jnp.concatenate((inputs_x, inputs_y), axis=1)
for w, b in params:
outputs =, w)
inputs = jnn.swish(outputs)
return outputs
params is a PyTree that contains the weights and biases matrices. For the 2D problem, let's take layer sizes as something like [2,5,1]. There are 10 batches of (x_inputs, y_inputs) passed onto the function, hence inputs_x, inputs_y both are of shapes (10,1). Therefore, the output I want should also have the shape (10,1). But, the real problem comes when I'm trying to find out du/dx, du/dy, d2u/dx2 or d2u/dy2. I am writing something like this:
u = lambda x,y: f(params, x, y)
u = lambda x,y: f(params, x)
u_x = lambda x,y: vmap(jacfwd(u,argnums=0), in_axes=(0,0))(x,y)
u_xx = lambda x,y: vmap(jacfwd(u_x,argnums=0), in_axes=(0,0))(x,y)
I am getting errors.
If I was solving a 1D differential equation, then everything was going fine. In that case, the neural network function is something like this:
def f(params, inputs):
for w, b in params:
outputs =, w)
inputs = jnn.swish(outputs)
return outputs
u = lambda x,: f(params, x)
u_x = lambda x: vmap(jacfwd(u,argnums=0))(x)
Layer Sizes are [1,5,1] and I pass 10 batches of inputs into the neural network function and compute the gradients using vmap. Everything works fine!
As soon as I have a 2D problem and two input neurons, the layer sizes become [2,5,1] and then I pass 10 batches of inputs for both x and y together, vmap doesn't work anymore. I wanted to find du/dx, du/dy, d2u/dx2 or d2u/dy2 using the neural network and four functions below, and I expect all the four functions to return me results of shape (10,1), but I am getting error.
It looks like your function is not compatible with vmap, because it expects explicit batch dimensions. You can fix this by concatenating along axis=-1 rather than axis=1. Then your function calls could look something like the following:
from functools import partial
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import nn as jnn
def f(params, inputs_x, inputs_y):
inputs = jnp.concatenate((inputs_x, inputs_y), axis=-1)
for w, b in params:
outputs =, w)
inputs = jnn.swish(outputs)
return outputs
# Some example inputs and parameters
inputs_x = jnp.ones((10, 1))
inputs_y = jnp.ones((10, 1))
params = [
(jnp.ones((2, 5)), 1),
(jnp.ones((5, 1)), 1)
u = partial(f, params)
# u: (10,1)->(10,1)
print(u(inputs_x, inputs_y).shape)
# (10, 1)
# u: (1)->(1) batched to (10,1)->(10,1)
print(jax.vmap(u)(inputs_x, inputs_y).shape)
# (10, 1)
# ∇u: (1) -> (1,1) batched to (10,1)->(10,1,1)
print(jax.vmap(jax.jacobian(u))(inputs_x, inputs_y).shape)
# (10, 1, 1)
# ∇²u: (1) -> (1,1,1) batched to (10,1)->(10,1,1,1)
print(jax.vmap(jax.hessian(u))(inputs_x, inputs_y).shape)
# (10, 1, 1, 1)

Why are gradients disconnected

Consider the following code
def get_derivatives(function_to_diff,X):
f = function_to_diff(X)
## Derivatives
W = X[:,0]
Z = X[:,1]
V = X[:,2]
df_dW = tf.gradients(f, X[:,0])
return df_dW
I wanted get_derivatives to return the partial derivative of function_to_diff with respect to the first element of X.
However, when I run
def test_function(X):
return tf.pow(X[:,0],2) * X[:,1] * X[:,2]
I get None.
If I use unconnected_gradients='zero' for tf.graidents, I'd get zeros. In other words, the gradients are disconnected.
Why are the gradients disconnected?
How can I get the derivative with respect to the first element of X, i.e. how can I restore the connection? I know that if I wrote
def test_function(x,y,z)
return tf.pow(x,2) * y * z
def get_derivatives(function_to_diff,x,y,z):
f = function_to_diff(x,y,z)
df_dW = tf.gradients(f, x)
return df_dW
This could fix the problem. What if my function can only take in one argument, i.e. what if my function looks like test_function(X)? For example, test_function could be a trained neural network that takes in only one argument.

Tensorflow AssertionError "gradients list should have been aggregated by now"

I have a function f that is internally using some tf.while_loops and tf.gradients to compute the value y = f(x). Something like this
def f( x ):
def body( g, x ):
# Compute the gradient here
grad = tf.gradients( g, x )[0]
return ...
return tf.while_loop( cond, body, parallel_iterations=1 )
There are a few hundred lines of code. But I believe that those are the important points...
Now when I evaluate f(x), I get exactly the value I expect ..
y = known output of f(x)
with tf.Session() as sess:
fx = f(x)
print("Error = ", y -, feed_dict)) # Prints 0
However, when I try to evaluate the gradient of f(x) with respect to x, that is,
grads = tf.gradients( fx, x )[0]
I get the error
AssertionError: gradients list should have been aggregated by now.
Here is the full trace:
File "C:/Dropbox/bob/", line 174, in <module>
grads = tf.gradients(y, x)[0]
File "C:\Anaconda36\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 649, in gradients
return [_GetGrad(grads, x) for x in xs]
File "C:\Anaconda36\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 649, in <listcomp>
return [_GetGrad(grads, x) for x in xs]
File "C:\Anaconda36\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 727, in _GetGrad
"gradients list should have been aggregated by now.")
AssertionError: gradients list should have been aggregated by now.
Could somebody please outline likely causes for this error? I have no idea where to even start looking for the issue...
Some observations:
Note that I have set the parallel iterations for the while loop to 1. This
should mean that there is no errors due to reading and writing from multiple threads.
If I discard the while loop, and just have f return body(), then the code runs:
# The following does not crash, but we removed the while_loop, so the output is incorrect
def f( x ):
def body( g, x ):
# Compute the gradient here
grad = tf.gradients( g, x )[0]
return ...
return body(...)
Obviously, the output is incorrect, but at least the gradients are computed.
I came across a similar issue. Some patterns I noted:
If the x used in tf.gradients was used in a manner that required dimension broadcasting in body, I got this error. If I changed it to one that didn't require broadcasting, tf.gradients returned [None]. I didn't test this extensively, so this pattern may not be consistent across all examples.
Both cases (returning [None] and raising this assertion error) can be resolved by differentiating tf.identity(y) rather than just y: grads = tf.gradients(tf.identity(y), xs) I have absolutely no idea why this works.

Implementing backpropagation gradient descent using scipy.optimize.minimize

I am trying to train an autoencoder NN (3 layers - 2 visible, 1 hidden) using numpy and scipy for the MNIST digits images dataset. The implementation is based on the notation given here Below is my code:
def autoencoder_cost_and_grad(theta, visible_size, hidden_size, lambda_, data):
The input theta is a 1-dimensional array because scipy.optimize.minimize expects
the parameters being optimized to be a 1d array.
First convert theta from a 1d array to the (W1, W2, b1, b2)
matrix/vector format, so that this follows the notation convention of the
lecture notes and tutorial.
You must compute the:
cost : scalar representing the overall cost J(theta)
grad : array representing the corresponding gradient of each element of theta
training_size = data.shape[1]
# unroll theta to get (W1,W2,b1,b2) #
W1 = theta[0:hidden_size*visible_size]
W1 = W1.reshape(hidden_size,visible_size)
W2 = theta[hidden_size*visible_size:2*hidden_size*visible_size]
W2 = W2.reshape(visible_size,hidden_size)
b1 = theta[2*hidden_size*visible_size:2*hidden_size*visible_size + hidden_size]
b2 = theta[2*hidden_size*visible_size + hidden_size: 2*hidden_size*visible_size + hidden_size + visible_size]
#feedforward pass
a_l1 = data
z_l2 = + numpy.tile(b1,(training_size,1)).T
a_l2 = sigmoid(z_l2)
z_l3 = + numpy.tile(b2,(training_size,1)).T
a_l3 = sigmoid(z_l3)
delta_l3 = numpy.multiply(-(data-a_l3),numpy.multiply(a_l3,1-a_l3))
delta_l2 = numpy.multiply(,
numpy.multiply(a_l2, 1 - a_l2))
b2_derivative = numpy.sum(delta_l3,axis=1)/training_size
b1_derivative = numpy.sum(delta_l2,axis=1)/training_size
W2_derivative =,a_l2.T)/training_size + lambda_*W2
W1_derivative =,a_l1.T)/training_size + lambda_*W1
W1_derivative = W1_derivative.reshape(hidden_size*visible_size)
W2_derivative = W2_derivative.reshape(visible_size*hidden_size)
b1_derivative = b1_derivative.reshape(hidden_size)
b2_derivative = b2_derivative.reshape(visible_size)
grad = numpy.concatenate((W1_derivative,W2_derivative,b1_derivative,b2_derivative))
cost = 0.5*numpy.sum((data-a_l3)**2)/training_size + 0.5*lambda_*(numpy.sum(W1**2) + numpy.sum(W2**2))
return cost,grad
I have also implemented a function to estimate the numerical gradient and verify the correctness of my implementation (below).
def compute_gradient_numerical_estimate(J, theta, epsilon=0.0001):
:param J: a loss (cost) function that computes the real-valued loss given parameters and data
:param theta: array of parameters
:param epsilon: amount to vary each parameter in order to estimate
the gradient by numerical difference
:return: array of numerical gradient estimate
gradient = numpy.zeros(theta.shape)
eps_vector = numpy.zeros(theta.shape)
for i in range(0,theta.size):
eps_vector[i] = epsilon
cost1,grad1 = J(theta+eps_vector)
cost2,grad2 = J(theta-eps_vector)
gradient[i] = (cost1 - cost2)/(2*epsilon)
eps_vector[i] = 0
return gradient
The norm of the difference between the numerical estimate and the one computed by the function is around 6.87165125021e-09 which seems to be acceptable. My main problem seems to be to get the gradient descent algorithm "L-BGFGS-B" working using the scipy.optimize.minimize function as below:
# theta is the 1-D array of(W1,W2,b1,b2)
J = lambda x: utils.autoencoder_cost_and_grad(theta, visible_size, hidden_size, lambda_, patches_train)
options_ = {'maxiter': 4000, 'disp': False}
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(J, theta, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True, options=options_)
I get the below output from this:
scipy.optimize.minimize() details:
fun: 90.802022224079778
hess_inv: <16474x16474 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64>
jac: array([ -6.83667742e-06, -2.74886002e-06, -3.23531941e-06, ...,
1.22425735e-01, 1.23425062e-01, 1.28091250e-01])
nfev: 21
nit: 0
status: 2
success: False
x: array([-0.06836677, -0.0274886 , -0.03235319, ..., 0. ,
0. , 0. ])
Now, this post seems to indicate that the error could mean that the gradient function implementation could be wrong? But my numerical gradient estimate seems to confirm that my implementation is correct. I have tried varying the initial weights by using a uniform distribution as specified here but the problem still persists. Is there anything wrong with my backprop implementation?
Turns out the issue was a syntax error (very silly) with this line:
J = lambda x: utils.autoencoder_cost_and_grad(theta, visible_size, hidden_size, lambda_, patches_train)
I don't even have the lambda parameter x in the function declaration. So the theta array wasn't even being passed whenever J was being invoked.
This fixed it:
J = lambda x: utils.autoencoder_cost_and_grad(x, visible_size, hidden_size, lambda_, patches_train)

Can I implement a gradient descent for arbitrary convex loss function?

I have a loss function I would like to try and minimize:
def lossfunction(X,b,lambs):
B = b.reshape(X.shape)
penalty = np.linalg.norm(B, axis = 1)**(0.5)
return np.linalg.norm(,B)-X) + lambs*penalty.sum()
Gradient descent, or similar methods, might be useful. I can't calculate the gradient of this function analytically, so I am wondering how I can numerically calculate the gradient for this loss function in order to implement a descent method.
Numpy has a gradient function, but it requires me to pass a scalar field at pre determined points.
You could try scipy.optimize.minimize
For your case a sample call would be:
import scipy.optimize.minimize
scipy.optimize.minimize(lossfunction, args=(b, lambs), method='Nelder-mead')
You could estimate the derivative numerically by a central difference:
def derivative(fun, X, b, lambs, h):
return (fun(X + 0.5*h,b,lambs) - fun(X - 0.5*h,b,lambs))/h
And use it like this:
# assign values to X, b, lambs
# set the value of h
h = 0.001
print derivative(lossfunction, X, b, lambs, h)
The code above is valid for dimX = 1, some modifications are needed to account for multidimensional vector X:
def gradient(fun, X, b, lambs, h):
res = []
for i in range (0,len(X)):
t1 = list(X)
t1[i] = t1[i] + 0.5*h
t2 = list(X)
t2[i] = t2[i] - 0.5*h
res = res + [(fun(t1,b,lambs) - fun(t2,b,lambs))/h]
return res
Forgive the naivity of the code, I barely know how to write some python :-)