How do I setup the Agora API into - api

I've downloaded the plugin and set up the account on, then linked the account from project management to the interface into Bubble. Once I placed the Agora Connector into the design interface in Bubble and added a few groups and buttons, I have no idea how to set the workflows to get the video conferencing to work.
I've been using the Zeroquode documentation but I have no idea how to get past this point. I tried to copy and pasting the Demo version and editing that but there seem to be problems with my custom states. Any links or documentation would help. Thanks in advance.

I haven't seen people using Bubble with Agora yet. But Agora released the plugin for WordPress and released the code. Maybe you can check it out to get some ideas?


IBM Worklight - Can we create a custom dialog for Direct Update?

How can we use custom dialog box for direct update in worklight 6.0?
Is there any option in wlclient.js? I don't know where it should be customized in the application.
Worklight 6.0 does not provide developers the ability to create a "custom dialog box" for Direct Update.
You can submit a feature request:
So Idan already answered, but I did a lot of digging prior to his answer and I thought I'd share my findings just because I spent so much time on it.
Sifting through the code, through all the checks it does to see if a Direct Update is needed, it calls an update method for the app. It utilizes a Cordova plugin called 'WebResourcesDownloader'. In turn it calls the necessary native components and that's how you get a native handler for the downloader (it is in the worklight-android.jar for Android). So, long story short, you can't customize the box itself because its rendered via the plugin/native components and you can't modify the plugin directly (not that I know of at least).
However, you can at least update all the notification messages surrounding the update in the messages.js within the wlclient folders. =)

GCMRegistrar vs GoogleCloudMessaging which to use?

Another one of my stupid questions probably.
I am confused on which to use GCMRegistrar or GoogleCloudMessaging, i know that GCMRegistrar is deprecated and i want to use GoogleCloudMessaging API but the problem is i can't find the jar files for it. so if you could help me by giving me jar file for the new GoogleCloudMessaging API it would help me a lot.
Thanks in advance!!!
That's because GCM before was a library, now it's part of the Google Play Services. So to use it you will need to follow this tutorial and download and include the Google Play services on your project using this page
You are welcome :)
Yes gcm.jar is deprecated. But I didn't find good explanation "why"! GCMRegistrar was good helper class. When you look at its sources you'll find that it's almost the same as example code of (now preferred) GoogleCloudMessaging API. So Google wants everyone to write (or copy) again and again the same code into all projects using GCM? Or shall every developer create his/her own helper class, a GCMRegistrar alike?
On the other hand when I use Google Play Services library, I use a library with a lot of ballast I don't need, I need just GCM, I'm not interested in other services.
Why don't they create a library for each service? GCM, Maps, Ads, Wallet, ... so every developer can include only what he needs.
Google's approach is far from optimization. I want to create as small and fast apps as possible. Google obviously doesn't. :-(
gcm.jar is deprecated.
Use GoogleCloudMessaging. comes with GooglePlayServices Library.
SDK Manager > Extras > Google Play Services.
then import google play services library PROJECT : Right Click > Properties >Android > Add...
and the project is in C:...\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib
UNCHECK "Is Library"

How to set wallpaper for lock screen in iPhone or iPad

I have gone through many of similar post that I have asked here. I have understood that there is no public API for doing this in iOS devices and if we use the private API for this purpose, apple will not accept it too. But I have found an application in itunes which does the same feature.
Here is the link :
If apple do not support this, how this application is in Appstore. Then they may have did this in some other way. So I hope this feature can be implemented somehow.
Does anybody have any idea regarding this.
Thanks in advance
Thats impossible to do.
Have you bought the app you referenced to? Did you see it?
The app that you reference generates a picture that you -- by hand -- need to set as lockscreen/wallpaper.
One thing that goes in that direction is the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter; it allows you to set what's being shown in the "now playing" info on the lock screen, but that's about how far you will get.

Fetching information from a facebook WebCal in iOS5

I'm building my first app which should fetch some events from a Facebook CalDAV. But I can't seem to define the source with EventKit. Am I reading the documentation wrong and is it only possible to get information from the iPhones calendar?
The source I'm trying to reach is:
Does it provide a problem that it is a webcal and not an official CalDAV standard?
Thanks in advance
I've looked it through and as I see it, EventKit doesn't give the option of connecting to a calendar outside iOS' own.

Return Lync presence with

I am working on a solution to a problem at work where we can't tell if someone is on the phone or just sitting there. We use Microsoft Lync to place our calls and I was hoping to be able to add a bit of code to an existing .net application to show the presence of the person logged into the machine. That info will send that out via USB to an indicator light I previously built.
So basically I am trying to create a .net version of those 'ON AIR' lights you see at radio stations.
I have been searching for the last few days and haven't found a solution. I also downloaded the Microsoft Lync Controls SDK, but no luck with that either.
The following site provides a couple of ways of getting the user availability:
You may also be interested in the BusyLight if you still haven't implemented this solution. It's a USB light which shows your presence, as you describe.
There's a video demo of it in action here.