Issue when using v-bind to update star value in semantic ui using vue.js rendering - vue.js

I am using semantic-ui and vue.js and below is a simple code in which I am running a vue.js for-loop which is fetching merchant, clicked and rating values. The code is working fine except for {{item.rating}}. The thing is although I am getting the numeric value for my rating but somehow it is not updating my "ui star rating" (please see the screenshot. It looks like it is not updating the default value of "initialRating" which is 3 to the value which I want to push. Not sure how to resolve this.
<div id="vue-app" class="ui four doubling cards">
<div id="myList" class="ui small card" v-for="(item, index) in infox" v-show="item.Title">
<p class="small meta">{{ item.Merchant }}</p>
<p class="meta"><i class="mouse pointer icon"></i>{{item.Clicked}} clicked today</p>
<div class="ui star rating" v-bind:data-rating="{{item.Rating}}"></div>
initialRating: 3,
maxRating: 5});
Screenshot of my issue

This issue is now resolved. Apparently what I did was that i inserted the semantic ui's ".ui.rating" function in my vue method just after the axios api call. So it means that after my axios.get is executed then my ".ui.rating" calls gets initialized everytime when I call loadmore.
new Vue({
el: '#vue-app',
delimiters: ['[[', ']]'],
data: {
dino: d_var,
infox: [],
isHidden: false
methods: {
loadmore: function () {
.then(response => {
this.dino = "/api/search/" + this.infox[this.infox.length - 1].lid;
kk = this.infox[this.infox.length - 1].gr;
jj = ("true" == kk);
this.isHidden = jj;
.then(function () {
initialRating: 3,
maxRating: 5


Add new key for empty data object not working in Vuejs

I have question related to data of Vue.
I created data with an empty object.
return {
myObj: {}
and function like this:
methods: {
changeMyObj() {
this.myObj.newKey = 'aaaa';
Then I show it on template by click
<a #click="changeMyObj">Click change</a>
With this click, the nested key is not rendered on template. How can I resolve this issue?
Note: I do not meet this issue with Vuex or state of React.
This happens because of vue.js reactivity. In fact, here you are modifying a value that was not declared when the component mounted and Vue cannot track the changes.
You can update values by using the Vue.set method which allows Vue to track the data.
Vue.set(this.myObj, "myKey", "Hello world")
You can also make a deep copy of the object instead of just adding the key.
This can be done using the spread operator.
For example
this.myObj = {...this.myObj, myKey: "Hello world"}
Here is a small example using the two versions
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: () => ({
myObj: {}
methods: {
this.myObj = {...this.myObj, myKey: "Hello world foo"}
Vue.set(this.myObj, "myKey", "Hello world bar")
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
{{ myObj.myKey }}
<button #click="addKey">Add key</button>
<button #click="addKey2">Add key 2</button>
I found the solution for this.
this.myObj = {...this.myObj, newKey:'aaaa'}
I do not think it is solution while it has no difference with:
this.myObj['newKey'] = 'aaaa';
this.myObj.newKey = 'aaaa';
If someone can explain why please let me know. Thanks
Correct way to assign a new property in an existing object is Vue.set(this.myObj, 'newKey', 'aaaa') to make it reactive instead of this.myObj.newKey = 'aaaa'
Demo :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
myObj: {}
methods: {
changeMyObj() {
Vue.set(this.myObj, 'newKey', 'aaaa')
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="changeMyObj">Click change</button>
{{ myObj.newKey }}

VueJs: bind `v-on` on a custom component to replace an existing one

In order to ease the styling of my page, I'd like to create a bunch of mini components like, and exploit how attributes are merged in VueJs. So for example, here is a minimal js file also hosted on this JSFiddle:
Vue.component('my-button', {
template: '<button style="font-size:20pt;"><slot></slot></button>'
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
message: "world",
methods: {
sayHello: function () {
and then in my html I just want to use <my-button> instead of button:
<div id="app">
Hello {{message}} <my-button #click="sayHello" style="color:red;">Style works, but not click</my-button> <button v-on:click="sayHello" style="color:red;">Both works</button>
Unfortunately, it seems that attributes are merged, but not listeners, so it means that I can't do v-on:click on my new button... Any way to make it possible?
-- EDIT --
I saw the proposition of Boussadjra Brahim of using .native, and it works, but then I found this link that explains why it's not a great practice and how to use v-on="$listeners" to map all listeners to a specific sub-button. However, I tried, to just change my template with:
template: `<button style="font-size:20pt;" v-on="$listeners"><slot></slot></button>`,
but I get an error:
Vue warn: Property or method "$listeners" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive data properties in the data option."
Here is the JSFiddle.
Your fiddle didn't work because you were using an old version of Vue, $listeners was added in Vue 2.4.0.
Here's a demo:
Vue.component('my-button', {
template: '<button style="color: red" v-on="$listeners"><slot/></button>'
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
sayHello() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-button #click="sayHello">Custom Button</my-button>
<button #click="sayHello">Ordinary Button</button>

Vuejs conditional rendering v-if

I have this part of code wherein in my view theres a condition if I want to show it or not
<div v-if="toShow" ref="target"></div>
and in my javascript code I trigger toShow to true
this.toShow = true
this.$ // always null
but when I use setTimeout() the value is not null
I need a solution wherein I dont want to use setTimeout() because I'm toggling toShow everytime for my transition so what happens is a have a lot of nested setTimeout() in my code.
You can use $nextTick which waits until the next DOM update cycle. It should be much better than setTimeout because it gets called quickly after the DOM updates rather than a specific time later.
I've created a fiddle below showing it working.
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: () => {
return {
show: false
methods: {
toggleShow() { = !;
this.$nextTick(() => {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="toggleShow">Toggle Show</button>
<div v-if="show">
<div ref="target"></div>

Vue - Change in the state does not re render the template?

I'm trying to understand the basics of Vue and so far what I understand is every time any of the states in the data property changes, the template or the component should re render. Here is the code snippet I'm working with.
<div id="app">
<input #input="onInput"/>
new Vue({
data: {
textInput: ''
methods: {
this.textInput =
console.log("Test running")
What I expected to happen?
Since I'm updating the textInput data property with every keystroke, I thought that since the template would re render itself, I would see the Test running message in the console every time I hit a key and since the page would re render every time, I would see the input field as blank.
What currently happens
I see the test function run only once when I run the code.
I don't see a blank input field with every key stroke
The DOM does not depend on textInput, so changes to it do not cause a re-render. If the render function uses the variable, you will get a re-render when the variable changes.
new Vue({
data: {
textInput: ''
methods: {
this.textInput =;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input #input="onInput"/>

input box automatically changed to original value

When I change the input box, it will automatically change to original value by itself. It seems the reason is btnDisabled has been changed, because if I remove the line of this.btnDisabled = !this.btnDisabled; the input box will no more be automatically changed. I want to know why btnDisabled will affect the input box's value?
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
btnDisabled: false,
total: 25,
created() {
setInterval(() => {
this.btnDisabled = !this.btnDisabled;
}, 500);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input type="text" v-bind:value="total">
<button v-bind:disabled="btnDisabled">test</button>
This is because Vue is rerendering the "component" and the value is still technically 25. You can use v-model or #input to update the data or you can use v-once to prevent Vue from rerendering the input text box.
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
btnDisabled: false,
total: 25,
created() {
setInterval(() => {
this.btnDisabled = !this.btnDisabled;
}, 500);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input type="text" v-bind:value="total" v-once>
<button v-bind:disabled="btnDisabled">test</button>
There is an answer by Steven B which might solve your problem but I would like to add a little bit about the problem identifying the cause. The problem is in the one-way-binding, what I mean is that, when you are using the following:
<input type="text" v-bind:value="total">
You are introducing a new separate state in DOM by allowing the user typing in the input. So, when the user types into the input, the property is not being updating, it's still 25 but the DOM input has new value. In that case, when setInterval fires and data.btnDisabled is updated, the Application's state is changed and then VUE just force the component to be re-render to keep the data and the DOM in sync. I would prefer v-model instead of :value.