Is there a way to append incrementally-changing numbers to div class? - shopify

I have a shop on Shopify, and my theme allows a good amount of customization. However, it uses a "page blocks" structure, and each block has the same wrapping div.
<div class="index-section">
So on a page with 10 sections, they each have the class name. I can easily add a unique identifier to each section type (e.g., "image hero, custom HTML, rich text"), but if I have a page with 10 custom HTML sections, is there a way to dynamically add some kind of auto-generated string to a class so each one would have a different class? Example:
<div class="index-section s01"></div>
<div class="index-section s02"></div>
<div class="index-section s03"></div>

You might use the section id:
<div class="index-section {{ }}"></div>


Use GetElementsByClass to find all <div> elements by class name, nested inside a <p> element

I am creating a parser using Jsoup in Kotlin
I need to get a inner text of a tag with class "ptrack-content" inside the tag with class "titleCard-synopsis"
When I am trying to getElementsByClass in a element objects that created by a former getElementsByClass, I getting 0 elements
class NetlifxHtmlParser {
val html = """
<div class="titleCardList--metadataWrapper">
<div class="titleCardList-title"><span class="titleCard-title_text">Map Her</span><span><span class="duration ellipsized">50m</span></span></div>
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text">
<div class="ptrack-content">A hidden map rocks Hartley High as the students' sexcapades are publicly exposed. Caught as the culprit, Amerie becomes an instant social pariah.</div>
<div class="titleCardList--metadataWrapper">
<div class="titleCardList-title"><span class="titleCard-title_text">Renaissance Titties</span><span><span class="duration ellipsized">50m</span></span></div>
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text">
<div class="ptrack-content">Amerie, the new outcast, receives a party invitation that gives her butterflies. But when she manages to show up, a bitter surprise awaits.</div>
fun parseEpisode() {
val doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html)
val titleCards = doc.getElementsByClass("titleCard-synopsis")
println("Episode: count titleCard = > ${titleCards.count()}") // 2
titleCards.forEachIndexed { index, element ->
val ptrack = element.getElementsByClass("ptrack-content")
println("Episode: count ptrack = > ${ptrack.count()}") // 0 !!
println("inner html = > ${ptrack.html()}") // null string !!
In the above code,
First, I am extracting tags with class name titleCard-synopsis.
For that , I using doc.getElementsByClass("titleCard-synopsis") which returns 2 element items.
Then, In the List of titleCard elements, I am extracting the elements that have ptrack-content as Class, by using the same getElementsByClass in each element,
which returns empty list.
Why this is happening ?
My goal is, I need to extract the description text for each title, the stored in the interior tags of p tag with class titleCard-synopsis.
If I try to get directly from "ptrack-content", it's working fine, but this a general class used in many places in the main HTML source. (this is snippet)
I need to get a inner text of a tag with class "ptrack-content" inside the tag with class "titleCard-synopsis"
But in the above method in the code, I am only getting emtpy list.
Why ?
Also note that, if I invoke the HTML() method in a element object of titleCards(ptrack.html()),
I am not getting the inner DIV tag, an empty string!!!
Please guide my to resolve the issue !
I need to get a inner text of a tag with class "ptrack-content" inside the tag with class "titleCard-synopsis"
I'm not really familiar with Kotlin, but this should produce the desired output:
val doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html)
val result =".titleCard-synopsis + .ptrack-content")
result.forEachIndexed {index, element ->
Live example
This is an interesting problem!
You basically have an invalid HTML and jsoup is smart enough to auto-correct it for your. Your HTML structure gets altered and suddenly your query does not work.
This is the error:
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text">
<div class="ptrack-content">A hidden map rocks Hartley High as the students' sexcapades are publicly exposed. Caught as the culprit, Amerie becomes an instant social pariah.</div>
You can't nest a <div> element inside a <p> element like that.
Paragraphs are block-level elements, and notably will automatically close if another block-level element is parsed before the closing </p> tag. [Source: <p>: The Paragraph element]
Also, look at Nesting block level elements inside the <p> tag... right or wrong?
This is how jsoup parses your tree:
<div class="titleCardList--metadataWrapper">
<div class="titleCardList-title">
<span class="titleCard-title_text">Map Her</span><span><span class="duration ellipsized">50m</span></span>
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text"></p>
<div class="ptrack-content">
A hidden map rocks Hartley High as the students' sexcapades are publicly exposed. Caught as the culprit, Amerie becomes an instant social pariah.
<div class="titleCardList--metadataWrapper">
<div class="titleCardList-title">
<span class="titleCard-title_text">Renaissance Titties</span><span><span class="duration ellipsized">50m</span></span>
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text"></p>
<div class="ptrack-content">
Amerie, the new outcast, receives a party invitation that gives her butterflies. But when she manages to show up, a bitter surprise awaits.
As you can see, elements with class titleCard-synopsis have no children with class ptrack-content.

Is it possible to not omit some opts on the outermost element in a custom Riot tag?

I'm using RiotJS v3.9
I've written a custom tag that accepts a few opts. The problem is that the markup it generates includes all of those opts on the outermost element, in addition to the interior tags where I explicitly deposit them. I do not want any opts to appear on the top element unless I make that happen.
In this case, my custom tag display a list of items. One of the opts it accepts is the value for a specific data- attribute on each list item. So, I want data-something={opts.itemSomething} to appear on each list item, but I do not want that to appear on the wrapper.
// my-list.tag
<ul data-something={ opts.something }>
each={ item in opts.items }
data-something={ parent.opts.itemSomething }
{ item }
Using it:
items={['one', 'two', 'three']}
What it emits into the page:
<my-list something="parent-value" item-something="child-value">
<ul data-something="parent-value">
<li data-something="child-value"> one </li>
<li data-something="child-value"> two </li>
<li data-something="child-value"> three </li>
I don't want the emitted <my-list> tag to have either the parent-value or the child-value on it. I only want those attributes to appear on the <ul> and <li>, like I coded it.
// bad output
<my-list something="parent-value" item-something="child-value">
// good output
Is this possible?
Also, I know from working with React that I'm likely to encounter future cases where I want some of the opts to appear on the wrapper while hiding others. So, ideally I'd like to know how to control this behavior on a per-opt basis.
you can remove the unwanted attributes in both the "updated" and "mount" event.
check this demo
However I strongly suggest you to switch to riot#5!!

flying saucer page number + page count

I'm trying to configure a nice footer on a pdf document I'm generating using Flying Saucer.
But I'm having problems getting the page number and page count in a nice position.
Consider this bit of css:
div#page-footer {
position : running(footer);
// .. more styling .. //
} {
content: counter(page);
Using this bit of html will not give me a page number:
<div id="page-footer">
<div class="page-number"></div>
The only way I manage to get a page number if I move the class a level up.
<div id="page-footer" class="page-number">
But this does not allow me to add additional content in the footer or makes it really difficult to apply styling. I could add a separate footer just for the page number, but it would be quite hard to get the position just right.
Is there a way to get page number + page count in a footer that also contains other elements and styling?
Extra notes:
I simplified the footer a bit, in the original there is more in there, but even this simple example it is giving problems.
using span or div for the element does not make a difference.
You should use the id instead of the class to identify the div containing the page number.
This will work:
div#page-number:before {
content: counter(page);
<div id="page-footer">
<div id="page-number"></div>

How to extend dijit.form.button

I am trying to extend dijit.form.Button with an extra attribute but this is not working.Code is given below
In file1.js
dojo.extend(dijit.form.Button,{xyz: ''});
In file2.jsp
<script type="text/javascript" src="file1.js"></script>
<div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" xyz="abc"></div>
However when I look at the HTML of the created button (In chrome seen by right click and then selecting 'inspect element' option), it doesn't show xyz attribute.
You need to keep in mind that there's a distinction between the widget object and its HTML representation. When you extend dijit.form.Button, the xyz attribute is added to the widget class, but not automatically to the HTML that the widget will render. So in your case, if you do
.. you'll see that the button object does have the xyz member, but the HTML (like you point out) does not.
If you also want it do be visible in the HTML, you have to manually add it to the HTML rendering of the button. One way to do that is to subclass dijit.form.Button and override the buildRendering method.
dojo.declare("my.Button", dijit.form.Button, {
xyz: '',
buildRendering: function() {
If you add an instance of your new Button class in the HTML, like so:
<div dojoType="my.Button" xyz="foobar" id="mybtn"></div>
.. then the HTML representation (after Dojo has parsed it and made it into a nice looking widget) will contain the xyz attribute. Probably something like this:
<span class="..." xyz="foobar" dir="ltr" widgetid="mybtn">
<span class="..." dojoattachevent="ondijitclick:_onButtonClick">
<input class="dijitOffScreen" type="button" dojoattachpoint="valueNode" ...>

Hot to find in dojo element when I know id of parent and I know type and style class of element which I looking fo

Hot to find in dojo element when I know id of parent and I know type and style class of element which I looking for ?
For example, I want find and change (span style=tabLabel) ALARMS into Mga alarma
<div dojoattachpoint="focusNode" role="tab" style="-moz-user-select: none;" id="tab_div_tablist_dijit_layout_ContentPane_1" tabindex="-1" title="" aria-selected="false">
<img dojoattachpoint="iconNode" class="dijitIcon dijitTabButtonIcon dijitNoIcon" alt="" src="dojoroot/dojo/resources/blank.gif">
<span class="tabLabel" dojoattachpoint="containerNode" style="-moz-user-select: none;">Alarms</span>
<span role="presentation" dojoattachevent="onclick: onClickCloseButton" dojoattachpoint="closeNode" class="dijitInline dijitTabCloseButton dijitTabCloseIcon" style="display: none;">
<span class="dijitTabCloseText" dojoattachpoint="closeText">[x]</span></span>
In this case it is pretty easy. If you look at the span element you refer to it has a dojoattachpoint attribute specified. That means that the node can be accessed from the widget directly with that name.
Now I assume that the widget is called "tab_div_tablist_dijit_layout_ContentPane_1" from the id in your code so to get the widget:
var widget = dijit.byId("tab_div_tablist_dijit_layout_ContentPane_1");
And the dojoattachpoint on the span has the value containerNode so:
widget.containerNode.innerHTML = "Mga alarma";
I think that should work.
If you're creating a custom widget template and wish to localize a string, there is a mechanism to do this. Simply use a substitution pattern like ${alarm} and define a javascript property on your widget with that name. That property can then be populated with a localization bundle using dojo.i18n. You can look at some of the dijits like dijit.Dialog.postMixInProperties to see how this is done.