CMake custom command always executes - cmake

In my CMakeLists.txt, I define a custom target and command:
COMMAND python3
add_executable(VectorTest tests/VectorTest.cpp)
add_dependencies(VectorTest TEST_VECTORS)
It always generates new CSV files even though the files exist. I only need to generate the vectors (with python file) if they do not exist. Is that something wrong with my configuration?

The OUTPUT option of add_custom_command does not guarantee that the generated files are placed here; it just tells CMake that the generated files are expected to be placed there. It is likely that your python script is generating files at a relative path, so they are just being placed somewhere in your CMake binary directory (your build folder). So while your files may be generated correctly, your custom target doesn't see them because it is looking in CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR. Thus, the custom target will always trigger the custom command to re-run.
CMake runs add_custom_command from the CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR by default, but you can change it to run from CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR by adding the WORKING_DIRECTORY option. This way, the generated files will be placed at the expected location, and achieve your desired behavior. Try something like this:
COMMAND python3
add_executable(VectorTest tests/VectorTest.cpp)
add_dependencies(VectorTest TEST_VECTORS)

You can try to generate your file at time of configuration(i.e. while calling cmake). By this way it will created only once.
You can remove add_custom_command and use execute_process to create your files.


How do I condition the build of one target on the execution of another target's binary product?

I have a test code for my c project, which is built as part of my cmake project.
In order to run properly, the SW needs an input binary file.
The binary file is created from a designated .json file (which is in the test's directory) using a separate executable which is also part of the same cmake project.
Before the test is run (i.e. when building it) I need the bin-building executable to be built (easy enough with target dependency), but I also need the resulting executable to run with my .json as input.
What cmake functions enable this?
I tried building a custom command with the binary as output, but the test target doesn't know it needs the binary in order to run, can't accept the binary as a source, and a simple "add_dependancy" resulted in errors.
function(create_binary input_json dst_bin)
set(exe_path ${OUTPUT_BIN_DIR}/BinaryGenerator.exe)
set(exe_path ${OUTPUT_BIN_DIR}/BinaryGenerator)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${dst_bin}
COMMAND ${exe_path} ${input_json} ${dst_bin}
DEPENDS ${exe_path} ${dst_bin}
COMMENT STATUS "Creating bin file ${dst_bin} from ${input_json}"
create_binary(InputParams.json ${OUTPUT_BIN_DIR}/InputParams.bin)
add_executable(MySwTest TestFile.cpp TestFile.h)
I expected cmake to place a target dependency between my test target and the bin creator target, and also on the existence of the test's bin file, thus running the custom command in order to create it.
The actual output from cmake is "The dependency target InputParams.bin doesn't exist". I assume this is because "add_dependency" is meant to work only with targets.
Would adding a custom target including my binary solve this?
This is indeed solvable by defining a custom target that depends on the resulting binary.
When adding a custom command, the actual command is only called if the command's OUTPUT file is needed for another target - so if it's a source file, it will be called.
My command's output is a generated binary, and therefore is not a source file for my target.
However, using add_custom_target() I can create a target dependent on said bin file, and create a dependency between the end target and my custom target.
The working code for the above looks like this:
set(PARAMS_NAME InputParams)
set(EXE_PATH ${OUTPUT_BIN_DIR}/BinaryGenerator.exe)
set(EXE_PATH ${OUTPUT_BIN_DIR}/BinaryGenerator)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${DST_BIN}
DEPENDS BinaryGenerator ${INPUT_JSON}
COMMENT STATUS "Creating bin file ${DST_BIN} from ${INPUT_JSON}"
add_custom_target(${PARAMS_NAME}BinGenerated DEPENDS ${DST_BIN})
add_executable(MySwTest TestFile.cpp TestFile.h)
add_dependencies(MySwTest ${PARAMS_NAME}BinGenerated)
By adding a dependency between MySwTest and my custom target, I ensure that the command generating my binary is called for each build.

In CMake how do I create a file needed at configure time?

Edit: my question targets the early configure stage where CMake input files are still being parsed and thus have to be present before include() is being called. So the answer found here: Force CMake to generate configure_file target every build does not solve my problem since it generates files after include() statements have been interpreted.
I have a CMakeLists.txt that includes a file which is generated in the configure stage:
execute_process(COMMAND "my-generator -o generated.cmake")
Apart from the fact that this approach doesn't feel right (not to say elegant) I now need to re-generate that file before every build (my-generator produces output that incorporates the current time).
My assumption is that I can't use add_custom_command() or add_custom_target() because the file would be generated at compile time but needed in the configure-step.
This very old post suggests to touch the input file so I did this:
COMMAND "my-generator -o generated.cmake"
.. which does not produce errors but calling make multiple times won't run the configure step more than once.
What do I do wrong? Is there a better approach?

Run custom shell script with CMake

I am having the following directory structure:
The shell script creates a documentation file (doc.pdf). How can I use CMake to execute this shell script at build time and copy the file doc.pdf to the build directory?
I tried it by using add_custom_command in the CMakeLists.txt file inside the directory doc:
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT doc.pdf
Unfortunately the command is never run.
I also tried execute_process:
Now the script is executed during the configuration phase, but not at build time.
You got almost there with add_custom_command. This is indeed the correct way to tell CMake how to generate a file. However, CMake will only run that when something depends on that file.
When, as in your case, the file itself is the end product and is not used any further by subsequent build steps, the usual approach is to create a custom target to drive the relevant custom command(s):
BuildDocs ALL
DEPENDS doc.pdf
This (custom target driver for custom commands) is a very common idiom in CMake.
You can of course play around with arguments for add_custom_target (e.g. ALL, COMMENT) as it suits you.

Policy CMP0026 is not set: Disallow use of the LOCATION target property

I have a cmake project with a bunch of different targets in it. First it builds an executable that is used to process some data files (lets call this DataProcessor). Then it processes those data files with the executable. Then, a second executable (we'll call this MyApp) is built and it runs with the processed data files.
There is also a target that takes all the processed data files and MyApp and bundles them up in a tar file so we can distribute them.
In my CMakeLists.txt file there I have the following lines:
get_target_property(DATA_PROCESSOR_EXE DataProcessor LOCATION)
get_target_property(MY_APP_EXE MyApp LOCATION)
I need these to run various other commands in my CMakeLists file. For example, the DATA_PROCESSOR_EXE is used in the custom command to process the data files, like so:
DEPENDS DataProcessor)
And when I bundle everything up I use MyApp's location as well:
# Convert executable paths to relative paths.
# The set of files and folders to export
# Create a zipped tar of all the necessary files to run the game.
COMMAND cd ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} && tar -czvf myapp.tar.gz ${EXPORT_FILES}
The problem is that trying to get the target's location property now causes a warning saying:
CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:86 (get_target_property):
Policy CMP0026 is not set: Disallow use of the LOCATION target property.
Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0026" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy
command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
The LOCATION property should not be read from target "DataProcessor".
Use the target name directly with add_custom_command, or use the generator
expression $<TARGET_FILE>, as appropriate.
I don't understand how it wants me to use add_custome_command or what it means by use the generator expression $<TARGET_FILE>
add_custom_command knows about target names. You don't need to fetch the location yourself.
Replace code like
with code like
COMMAND DataProcessor
ie, use the name of the target.
The final location of the output executables is not known while CMake is running over your imperative code at 'configure time'. However, add_custom_target can be told to create build rules with content which is only known at generate-time (after configure-time). The way to do that is to use a generator expression.
Use $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:MyApp> instead of ${MY_APP_EXE_RELATIVE} in your add_custom_target call, for example.

add_custom_command on xml files

our system uses some xml files to generate some code. So I've created a custom command to scan and parse these files, and generate stuff as accorded. This is what I did:
file(GLOB BEAN_XML_FILES "../../*.xml")
add_custom_command(TARGET communication PRE_BUILD
COMMAND python
ARGS --input-directory ${SOURCE_DIR}/docs/beans --output-directory ${SOURCE_DIR}/beans
COMMENT "Running bean maker..."
The problem is that add_custom_command only runs when I run cmake, even when I modified some xml inside the folder.
How could I do this to run when changes are made to the files?
Use the add_custom_command signature for adding a custom command to produce output files.
COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...]
At build time, the command will execute if the generated files are older than the files they depend on.
The issue is that your custom command only runs when the target needs to be compiled. You need to make CMake thing that the target needs to be recompiled each time you modify one of those xml files.
Here are two options:
Set a decadency that always is changing ( system time, incrementing variable )
Create a second custom command that writes out the latest modified time of all the xml files to a file in your build directory. Depend on that file and you should only see your target recompile after an xml file is changed.